Top 5 Apps Similar to 다함께 이벤트

럭키포유 - 경품, 이벤트 정보의 모든것 2.0
Valuable prizes, collected only full event information. Tryinvest10 minutes a day - Lucky mammals
이벤트데이즈 (커플, 디데이, 기념일, 위젯) 1.4.2
다가오는 설레는 기념일 우리 커플이 함께해온 시간들 소중한 사람들의 생일 등 이벤트데이즈는 여러분의 인생과함께하는어플리케이션입니다. 소중한 나날들을 디데이 카운터 이벤트데이즈로 아름답게 기억하세요! 기능설명 1. 세부설정-날짜보기종류 선택가능 (일 / 개월 / 년) -디데이 시작일을 0일부터 시작 / 1일부터 시작 하나로선택가능-이벤트반복설정가능 (매월 / 매년 / 매주 / 격주) -날짜보기형식 선택가능 (한글, 영문 등) 2. 알림 기능-각이벤트별 알림 설정이 가능 3. 위젯 설정 -스마트폰 바탕화면에 디데이 위젯을 등록가능 (4x1 사이즈) 4.각이벤트에 사진꾸미기 가능 -기본 제공되는 사진으로 이벤트를 아름답게 꾸밀 수 있어요! 5. 지속적인 업데이트-유저여러분의 피드백 검토 후 지속적으로 업데이트 예정 * 앱에서 문제점이 발견되거나 궁금하신 사항이 있으시면 아래개발자연락처로 문의 바랍니다.
Mobile Sweepstakes jaetekeu terminator
ComeUp - Festival Party Ticket 3.2.0
# Full of fun and unique events like festivals, parties,concerts,shows and social meetings! # Event open platform thatanyone canregister events for free and sell tickets! # Quick andeasy ticketcheck-in with mobile tickets! Joyful events and people,ComeUp!ComeUp is an even open platform. You can easily find andshare theinformation about various events like festivals, concerts,clubparties and social meetings. Also, anyone can sell and buyticketssimply. Start joyful leisure & culture life with ComeUp!▶Where to go and what to do for hanging out on Fridaynight,Saturday night and even holidays? Just turn on the 'ComeUp'whenyou consider what to do and with whom to hang out on weekend!Youcan easily find the information about festivals, parties,concerts,shows, meetups and etc. Also, you can get free guestinvitationsand ticket discount by following event hosts like aparty planner,DJ, VJ, club manager, concert producer and musicianwho makeawesome events even underground, indie culture andsubcultureevents. Festival, party and show become your daily life!▶Inconvenient paper tickets? No! Fast & easy check-inwithmobile tickets! No more boring waits at the ticket booth,orworries about losing the paper tickets! ComeUp provides youmobiletickets available on the app, and e-tickets via email.Check-inconveniently by scanning the QR code or by clicking on the'UseTicket' button on the tickets! ▶ Today, I'm the party &meetinghost! In ComeUp, anyone can register and promote theirevents forfree. Also, anyone can sell their event tickets. Itdoesn't matteryou are a person or a company. Simply register theevents youmanage or want to go with! [Main features of ComeUp] -Easy to findnearby events or events happening in the interestedregion vialocation-based event map. - Useful #tag search helps youto findthe events based on your interest. - Create networks andshareevent information with the event managers and the people whohavesimilar taste with you via follow function. - Press ♡ button toaddin your bookmark and see who are interested in the event. -Easyand fast ticket check-in with a mobile ticket. - Anyonecanregister events right away for free and sell tickets.Experiencevarious local events not only in Seoul major hot placeslikeHongdae, Itaewon, and Gangnam but also in Busan, Daejeon,Daegu,Gwangju and many other places. Fill your life with unique andfunevents like festivals, parties, shows, performances, concerts,clubparties, social meetings. Start joyful life with ComeUp! ComeUp!
문화알리미 2.1.18
Culture & Life Information Portal Culture Alert (Thelargestcultural event in Korea & the largest culturalinformation& life information in Korea)