meantray Apps

알쏭달쏭 식재료 1.00
알쏭달쏭 식재료는 스마트폰을 통해 국내산,수입산, 좋은재료고르기, 궁합음식, 효능등 식재료에 대한 다양한 정보를 제공하는 어플리케이션입니다~장보실 때마다 어떤 재료가 좋은 재료인지~ 어떤 과일이 신선한지~ 이 채소는 어디에 좋은지~ 궁금하셨죠~ 이제장보러가실 때는 알쏭달쏭 식재료와 함께 하세요~: 채소,과일,곡물,장보기,버섯,생선,해산물
Super Jelly 1.2.9
Time to show how fast you can move!!Exciting and spectacular adventure with SUPER JELLY!!Jump to avoid penguins and snowman, Rush to Rush!!Get items to Power-up!!Play against friends in the world! Who’s the top of leaderboards.*Simple control!! Easy to learn!!*Two different worlds!! Snow world and Sky world
Nonogram - multiplayer 1.2.3
Play Nonogram with global users!Nonograms are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a gridmustbe colored or left blank according to numbers at the side ofthegrid to reveal a hidden picture.Yon can also play on the website(Http://
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