Top 42 Apps Similar to MFM 2020 SEVENTY DAYS PRAYER & FASTING

OnePlace Christian Teaching 6.2.18
OnePlace streams free Christian Teaching from your favoritePastorsand teachers
AudioVerse is dedicated to spreading God's word through freesermonaudio.
Dr. Myles Munroe 1.40
Download this free app “Dr. Myles Munroe – SermonsandPodcast”brings the wisdom of Dr. Myles Munroe to you in a formofMobileApp, wake up every day and starting today. This appcontain:1.Sermons 2. Daily Devotionals 3. Play the speech 4.PodcastsMylesMunroe, OBE (20 April 1954 – 9 November 2014) wasaBahamianevangelist and ordained minister avid professor oftheKingdom ofGod, author, speaker and leadership consultantwhofounded and ledthe Bahamas Faith Ministries International(BFMI)and Myles MunroeInternational (MMI). He was chief executiveofficerand chairman ofthe board of the International Third WorldLeadersAssociation andpresident of the International LeadershipTrainingInstitute aswell as the author of numerous books.Additionally, hisanalysis ofprominent past leaders who madepositive impacts onhumanity,despite having to overcome all odds, isrevealing. Dr.Munroe waswidely known for his leadership trainingseminars thatbecame aname brand internationally. Many Fortune 500companieshired him asa Business Consultant. Dr. Munroe was of theview thatwe were allborn as leaders and the difference between aleader anda followeris attitude – and that people do not changeuntil theirbeliefsystem changes. “Your job is your skill that theycan fireyou fromat any time. But your work is your gift. No one cantakethat fromyou. – Myles Munroe “The greatest tragedy in life isnotdeath, buta life without a purpose.” – Myles Munroe “Whenpurposeis notknown, abuse is inevitable.” – Myles Munroe “Seeds offaitharealways within us; sometimes it takes a crisis tonourishandencourage their growth.” – Myles Munroe“Healthyrelationshipsshould always begin at the spiritual andintellectuallevels: thelevels of purpose, motivation, interests,dreams,andpersonality.”– Myles Munroe “Your purpose can befulfilled onlyduring the timeyou are given on earth to accomplishit.” – MylesMunroe “Solidcharacter will reflect itself inconsistent behavior,while poorcharacter will seek to hide behinddeceptive words andactions.” –Myles Munroe “You must decide if youare going to robthe world orbless it with the rich, valuable,potent, untappedresources lockedaway within you.” – Myles Munroe“Being open tocorrection meansmaking ourselves vulnerable, and manypeople arenot willing to dothat.” – Myles Munroe “Friendship is nota gift,but is the resultof hard work.” – Myles Munroe NOTE:Internet orWiFi connection isrequired in order for the app toaccess the audiomessages,sermons, audio and podcasts. This app isfresh every day:New dailydevotional, new messages and new sermons.DISCLAIMER: Thedeveloperof this app (MTSOFT) is not arepresentative, affiliateorsubsidiary of the Dr. Myles Munroe, butbelieves in what Godisdoing through his ministry. Therefore anyenquiry or requestasregards the Bible teachings accessible throughthis app shouldbesent to the Dr. Myles Munroe.
Prophecy Watchers TV 6.3.1
Subsplash Inc
Welcome to the Prophecy Watcher App.
RefNet Christian Radio 2.3.0
24-hour Christian internet radio featuring biblical preachingandteaching.
The Bible - Dramatized Audio 3.02
Listen to the Bible Dramatized directly on your Phone! Without Ads!
Joel Osteen's Podcasts & Devotional 1.0.7
This app features the weekly audio and video podcasts byPastorJoelOsteen, daily devotional, over 600 audio sermons, over400videos,inspiring quotes, Blog posts by Joel and VictoriaOsteen,and lotsmore. NOTE: Internet or WiFi Connection is requiredtoplay allaudio and video files, as well as to access allotheronlinecontents.
JOApp 1.7.5
Know Jesus deeply and enjoy him more as you become all Godcreatedyou to be.
Yasir Qadhi - Audio Lectures
Yasir Qadhi, Islamic Audio Lectures Download, stream or queue episodes andenjoythem the way you like with adjustable playback speeds and asleeptimer. Save effort, battery power and mobile data usagewithpowerful automation controls for downloadingepisodes(specifytimes, intervals and WiFi networks) and deletingepisodes (basedyour favourites and delay settings). All features:ORGANIZE ANDPLAY • Manage playback from anywhere: homescreenwidget, systemnotification and earplug and bluetooth controls •Enjoy listeningyour way with adjustable playback speed, rememberedplaybackposition and an advanced sleep timer (shake to reset, lowervolumeand slow down playback) • No Ads or in-app Purchase Offerings•Background playback support • Offline playing episodes KEEPTRACK,SHARE & APPRECIATE • Keep track of the best of the bestbymarking episodes as favourites • Find that one episode throughtheplayback history or by searching (titles and shownotes) •Shareepisodes and feeds through advanced social media and emailoptions,and via OPML export CONTROL THE SYSTEM • Take controloverautomated downloading: exclude mobile networks, selectspecificWiFi networks, require the phone to be charging and settimes orintervals • Manage storage by setting the amount ofcachedepisodes, smart deletion (based on your favourites and playstatus)and selecting your preferred location • Use App in yourlanguage(EN, DE, CS, NL, NB, JA, PT, ES, SV, CA, UK, FR, KO, TR,ZH) •Adapt to your environment using the light and dark theme •Back-upyour subscriptions with the OPML export FOLLOW US:**** DONATE: Like our Apps?Helpus keep them 100% FREE with noAds BIOGRAPHY Yasir Qadhiwasborn in Houston, Texas and completed his primary andsecondaryeducation in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Yasir Qadhi graduatedwith aB.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Houston,afterwhich he was accepted as a student at the Islamic UniversityofMadinah. After completing a diploma in Arabic, he graduated withaB.A. from the College of Hadith and Islamic Sciences.Thereafter,he completed an M.A. in Islamic Theology from theCollege of Dawah,after which he returned to America and completedhis doctorate, inReligious Studies, from Yale University.Currently,Yasir Qadhi heis teaching at Rhodes College, in Memphis,T
Moody Radio 2.2.1
Get Moody Radio’s all-in-one app—listen anywhere, anytime!
Faith Point Holy Spirit 1.5
Faith Point - Holy Spirit helps you understand Bible info ontheHoly Spirit.
Reasonable Faith 6.1.7
The official app of Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig
Handbook For Believers (v2) 2
A helpful tool for biblical study, counselling &personalevangelism.
Bishop TD Jakes Sermon 1.70
This app brings you the works of one of God's most inspiredservant"Bishop TD Jakes" that you’ve come to know and his preciousSpiritilluminates the Word as you listening. Bishop TD Jakes, oneof theworld’s most revered masterminds, leverages his pioneeringvisionand instinct to serve others in areas extending beyond thechurch.In order to help lead people to their destiny, you have tomeetpeople where they are in life. In order to help lead peopletotheir destiny, you have to meet people where they are in life.Itis with this earnest approach that TD Jakes has been able toreachmillions of people from all socioeconomic backgrounds,races,nationalities, and creeds. Digital media, film, andtelevision,among others, have been instrumental in helping TD Jakesmeet thedisparate needs of countless individuals that he has givenyou topersevere the struggles that you have overcome and continuetoovercome. Features: - Forward/Back - Play back and forward by2minutes while listening.. - Set option to auto play episodesoneafter the other, avoiding hassle to change episodes and helpsinseamless listening experience. - Share podcast with your friends-Automatic file management - Easy to understand and simple -Clearaudio and easy to use - Free WARNING: We recommend you useonlywhen WiFi connection in order for the app to access theaudiomessages and sermons. DISCLAIMER: The developer of this app isnota representative, affiliate or subsidiary of the TDJakesministries. Therefore any enquiry or request as regards theBibleteachings accessible through this app should be sent to theBishopTD Jakes.
English Bible Dictionary and C 1.2
Bible Dictionary and Concordance in English
Welcome to the all-new app,whereyou can watch live and recorded services from thousandsofChristian Ministries that use the Sermon Network.This app is ads-free, and is a non-profit withthemission of spreading God’s Word online.To add your ministry or to listen online, both free, please visitusat http://sermon.netFeatures:- Search for sermons by Topic or Keyword- Search the worldwide directory of ChristianMinistries,Missionaries, and Teachers- View each Ministries’ Playlists of Episodes and Sermons- Stream audio and video, live or on-demand - Live Schedule shows you all the broadcasts that are on-airnow,and scheduled in the future- Subscribe to your favorite Ministry or multiple Ministries- Notification when your subscribed Ministry adds newon-demandcontent (or turn off update notifications inSettings)- Push Notification lets you know when your favorite Ministrystartsa live broadcast (or turn off Push Notifications inSettings)- Share Episodes with your friends and family via Facebook,Twitter,email, text, and more- A Ministry can attach a study guide, bulletin, notes orotherdocument in PDF format to view or print- Read Scriptures in the integrated YouVersion Bible,, Life.Church and theirBible Publishing Partners - Visit in your web browser to search bylocation,denomination, and other advanced optionsIt is the mission and central focus of to sharetheGospel of Jesus Christ worldwide, to equip Christian Ministriesofany size with cutting edge media delivery technology, andtoempower God’s people with the resources and training to helpthemgrow!We are a 501(c)(3) that have built and our SermonStudiospecifically to spread Christian Preaching and Teaching.SermonNetwork serves thousands of Ministries, and we would be happytohelp get your Christian Church online too!In addition to this app we provide podcasts, players, andmediacenters for your own website where your audience can accessandshare your media. Use the Playlists feature to separatecontentsuch as Sunday Sermons from Classes, Bible Studies,DailyDevotionals, Church Podcast and Church Broadcast. Chat livewithviewers or call them to action at a certain point in theliveservice. Schedule recorded services to play like atelevisionchannel. There are too many features to list, pleasevisit usonline or drop us a note and let us know how we can beofservice.Reachusat or [email protected] hope and pray the app will be a blessing toyou.Please share your feedback with us as we continue to worktoimprove your experience. Blessings!
Joel Osteen - Sermons and Podcast 3.30
Download this free app “Joel Osteen – Sermons and Podcast”bringsthewisdom of Joel to you in a form of Mobile App, wake upeveryday andstarting today. Osteen is a preacher and televangelistwholeadsLakewood Church, the largest Protestant church in theUnitedStates.Joel Osteen is a native Texan and the Pastor ofLakewoodChurch,which according to Church Growth Today is America'slargestandfastest growing church. Each week Joel delivers God'smessageof hopeand encouragement to more than 38,000 attendees.This appcontain: 1.Sermons 2. Daily Devotionals 3. Play the speech4.Podcasts NOTE:Internet or WiFi connection is required in orderforthe app toaccess the audio messages, sermons, audio andpodcasts.This app isfresh every day: New daily devotional, newmessages andnew sermons.“You weren’t created to be average. Youwere createdto excel. Youhave a destiny to fulfil, an assignmenttoaccomplish.” Joel Osteen“People of excellence go the extra miletodo what’s right.” JoelOsteen “Choosing to be positive and havingagrateful attitude isgoing to determine how you’re going toliveyour life.” Joel Osteen“Life’s too short to spend it tryingtokeep others happy. You can’tplease everyone, to fulfilyourdestiny stay true to your heart.”Joel Osteen “Get your mindgoingin the right direction and you’llget your life going in therightdirection.” Joel Osteen “Don’t letthe fear of what otherpeopleare going to think keep you from yourmiracle.” Joel Osteen“We mayget knocked down on the outside, butthe key to living invictoryis to learn how to get up on theinside.” Joel Osteen “Inlife youwill realise that there is apurpose for everyone you meet.Somewill test you, some will use you,and some will teach you. Butmostimportant are the ones that bringout the best in you. Thosearethe ones worth keeping around.” JoelOsteen “No one can offendyouwithout your permission. They can saywhatever they want, butyouhave the right to ignore it.” Joel Osteen“The real battleistaking place in your mind. If you’re defeated inyourthoughts,then you’ve already lost.” Joel Osteen DISCLAIMER:Thedeveloper ofthis app (MTSOFT) is not a representative, affiliateorsubsidiaryof the Joel Osteen Ministries, but believes in whatGodis doingthrough his ministry. Therefore any enquiry or requestasregardsthe Bible teachings accessible through this app shouldbesent tothe Joel Osteen Ministries.
KJV Bible Offline with audio Kjv Bible download Free 13.0
Biblias audio
Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible availableofflinewith audio
Rhapsody Of Realities OFFLINE 1.0.32
Rhapsody of Realities Devotional By Pastor Chris (2018-2021)OFFLINEand ONLINE
Dramatized Audio Bible - KJV 1.101
The dramatized audio bible of King James Bible- KJV orKJVDramatized.
Abiding Radio 2.1.6
Abiding Radio
Abiding Radio airs classic hymns of the faith andtraditionalChristian music.
Audio Bible 1.9.6
BunOc Games
Free listening MP3 audio bibles. 28 versions. Available todownload.
Wordproject Plus Audio Bible 1.4.1
Audio Bible in many languages with synchronized scrolling text
Growing Up Spiritually 3.0
This book Growing Up Spiritually is lovely. I've just readaportionof it and frankly, I know that by the time I completeit,I'll bepositively transformed Waoh! this is a very good bookandit isreally what d name is. It has helped me built the r/shipIhavealways longed for with God. The Body of Christ is in needofmemberswho are spiritually mature .. book, closer, great,grow,love,powerful, spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, Hagincomparesstagesof spiritual growth to those of physical growth. Itwillhelp youlocate where you are spiritually and then show you howtogrow intothe next stage of spiritual development... book,closer,great,grow, love, powerful, spiritual, thanks, very,wonderful,All of usbegin as spiritual babes in Christ when we arebornagain. But Goddoesn't intend for us to stay that way. Goddesiresfor us to growinto Christian maturity. In his book GrowingUp,Spiritually,Kenneth E. Hagin .. book, closer, great, grow,love,powerful,spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, compares thestagesof spiritualgrowth to those of physical growth. AmazingBook!Helpful forspiritual growth, and I love it. book closer greatgrowlovepowerful spiritual thanks very wonderful 👌 I give it afivestar.thanks to late Daddy Keneth Hagin To experiencegrowthspirituallyis prime, but just wanting to grow would nottranslateto reality.NOW, HOW DO WE GROW SPIRITUALLY? ''As newbornbabes,desire thesincere milk of the Word, that ye may growthereby'' (1Peter 2:2).God starts us in the spiritual, just like wegetstarted in thenatural. When babies are born they start offonmilk. They certainlycould not eat meat. And God's Word saysthatthis sincere milk ofthe Word will aid our growth. WHAT ISTHESINCERE MILK OF THE WORD?It is the first principle of thedoctrineof Jesus Christ. When youstill have to be taught thefirstprinciple, you are still on themilk (See Hebrew 5:13-14,6:1-2).BUT HOW ARE WE GOING TO GROW UP?''... the knowledge of theSon ofGod, unto a perfect man ...''(Ephesian 4:13). Receivingtheknowledge, feeding upon God's Wordwill get us out beyond milkandcause us to become full grown. TheAuthor categorizedspiritualgrowth into 3 stages: 1) Babyhood 2)Childhood 3) ManhoodorAdulthood . Characteristics of Babyhood a)Innocence EventhoughINNOCENCE falls into this stage, it is onefeature we shouldneveroutgrow. The reason is that if we don'tmaintain this state,wewill fall under the condemnation of thedevil and sufferdefeatspiritually. b) Irritability Babies areeasily spoiled. Andwhenthey become spoiled they become irritable.Babies areeasilyfrustrated, distracted, hurt. Abba Father wants tobring us totheplace where we are not so easily frustrated,distracted, hurt..Characteristics of Childhood a) UnsteadinessSpiritual childrenareunsteady, spasmodic. b) TalkativenessChildren have neverlearnedthe value of silence. Folks who aretalking all the timeareusually guilty of these shortcomings: 1]Evil SpeakingTalkingabout and discussing the faults and failuresof people notpresent.2] Vain Speaking Always talking aboutthemselves: What Ihave done;What I'm going to do; Where I havebeen. . CharacteristicsofManhood a) Esteeming earthly thingslightly b) Deadness toCensureBaby Christians are self-conscious.And ever-conscious ofwhatothers are thinking about them.Therefore, they are easily''tossedto and fro'' childishly tryingto be popular. The maturebelieveris God-conscious. Andever-conscious of what God's Word saysabouthim and to him. c)Ability to Recognise God at work When youcansee God at work inthings, you can rejoice in whatever is goingon.. Besides theabove, you will find other captivating topicsdealtwith extensivelyby the author such as The Natural Man, CarnalMan,Spiritual Man andalso the amazing transformation that tookeffectin his own lifeafter he prayed Ephesians
My Utmost for His Highest 3.0.4
Oswald Chambers’ most popular work, My Utmost for His Highest.
Holy Bible the Living Word 32
Zavarise Apps
Complete Bible with MP3, Dictionary, Prayer Request,DailyDevotional and more.
Billy Graham – Sermons and Podcast 2.55
Download this free app “Billy Graham – Sermons andPodcast”dailydevotion and enjoy daily bliss! Billy Graham isaChristianevangelist who heads the Billy GrahamEvangelisticAssociation.Graham preaches across the world onChristian values.He haspreached in person to more people around theworld thananyone whohas ever lived. More than 2.5 million peoplehad steppedforward athis crusades to accept Jesus Christ as theirpersonalsavior. BillyGraham has been a spiritual adviser tomultiple U.S.presidents andwas number seven on Gallup's list ofadmired peoplefor the 20thcentury. His one purpose in life is tohelp people finda personalrelationship with God, which comes onlythrough knowingChrist asSavior and Lord. Features: - Set option toauto playepisodes oneafter the other, avoiding hassle to changeepisodes andhelps inseamless listening experience. - Share podcastwith yourfriends -Easy to understand and simple - Automatic filemanagement- Clearaudio and easy to use - Free Enhance each day withversesfrom theBible, reflections from Billy Graham, and prayer. Youwillfind thestrength, peace and comfort you need to strengthenyourwalk withChrist. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whomshallI fear?The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall Ibeafraid?”—Psalm 27:1 “It is the Lord who goes before you. He willbewithyou; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fearorbedismayed.” —Deuteronomy 31:8 “Even though I walk throughthevalleyof the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you arewithme;your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” —Psalm 23:4 “Hesetsonhigh those who are lowly, and those who mourn areliftedtosafety.” —Job 5:11 WARNING: We recommend you use onlywhenWiFiconnection in order for the app to access the audiomessagesandsermons. DISCLAIMER: The developer of this app isnotarepresentative, affiliate or subsidiary of theBillyGrahamEvangelistic Association. Therefore any enquiry orrequestasregards the Bible teachings accessible through this app
ViDE-Vision Digital Experience 3.5.1
Biggest Source for News, Entertainment and Engagement
Common English Bible (CEB) Offline Free 1.16.0
BIBLE Offline
The HOLY BIBLE Common English Bible (CEB) Online AndOfflineFreeFree Holy Bible App, Common English Bible (CEB) isthebestApplication to carry God’s Word Have the Holy Bibleatyourfingertips anytime and anywhere you go. This dailyBibleAppcontains the 66 books of the Old Testament andNewTestament,providing an easier way to feel God’s word in yourheartand tofeel heaven closer to you and your loved ones. Carryyour CEBBiblewherever and whenever you want to help enlighten yourmindwith themost complete, fast and easy to use daily Bible ApponGoogle Play.Multiple Versions Bible - Multi Version BibleOnlineAnd OfflineFree ★ Works Offline: All the Books, chapters andversesin CommonEnglish Bible are stored on your mobile device, soyouwill neverneed internet connection to study, read and enjoytheHoly Bible. ★Verse of the day - Off to a good start withaninspiring verse fromCEB each day. ★ Quick Access: By just afewtaps you can quicklynavigate to any book, chapter and verse.★Share verses viamultiple platforms with ease, likeFacebook,Twitter, SMS, Weibo,WhatsApp, Skype, etc.. Holy Bible ReadCommonEnglish Bible (CEB),Online And Offline free Common EnglishBible -CEB Bible, Free HolyBible App, the best Common English Bible- CEBBible studying tool,is the standard bible translationhighlypopular among Christians.the translation is true to theoriginalGreek meaning. CommonEnglish Bible - CEB Bible, Free HolyBible Appis the one that getsyou closest to God. Common EnglishBible - CEBBible, Free HolyBible App with easy navigation betweenverses: Youare attending aworship service at a church and thepastor is reallyfast in histeaching. He is talking about someverses from differentbooks anddifferent chapters. You want to bewith him but there isno Wi-Fi.Common English Bible - CEB Bible,Free Holy Bible App isthe topchoice for studying bible, it allowsyou to quickly jump totheexact verse in the CEB translation with asimple design evenifthere is no internet access. In a word, CommonEnglish Bible -CEBBible, Free Holy Bible App prevents you fromgetting lost inthepastor's teaching at a church service. CEB Bible- CommonEnglishBible have many great features, please enjoy it!Reading CEBBible- Common English Bible everyday, get closer to GOD.★DownloadCommon English Bible (CEB) for FREE Download the freeBibleCEB andstart your day fresh with a daily verse and carryyoursoft-copy ofthe CEB Bible with you anytime and anyplace you areorwish to go,and share God's Word to spread light and love toyourclose ones.The CEB Bible App offers immaculate friendlyfeaturesthat willmake your daily Bible reading a wonderfulexperience.
Creflo Dollar Ministries 2.0.6
Interact with Creflo Dollar Ministries anytime, anywhere!
PTL Television Network 6.2.2
Subsplash Inc
Discovering Biblical insights, prophetic revelation, strongerfaith,and more!
Leading The Way 6.3.1
Subsplash Inc
Broadcast ministry of Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef|
Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 4.1
Watch Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Network (ISN) in HD, live 24/7!
Telugu English Audio Bible Pro 2.3
Telugu English Bilingual Audio Holy Bible
Brian Tracy Daily (Unofficial) 1.7
Set alarm & wake in daily bliss with a Powerful Self-Motivator-Brian Tracy!
Edlio Engage
Edlio Engage is a safe platform that build partnerships andpromoteengagement
NKJV Bible free offline 1.0.1
Added functionality: - audio feature - reading plans - dailyverses-improved performance. Free Bible App, the best New KingJamesBible -NKJV Bible studying tool, is the standard bibletranslationhighlypopular among Christians.
Dramatized Audio Bible - Pro 1.123
Get the pro version of King James Bible- KJV or KJV DramatizedBibleVersion
SermonAudio Android Edition 2.9.14
Elegantly browse and search through the world's largest libraryoffree audio + video sermons from thousands of different speakersandstream or download immediately on your Android device! Inadditionto finding good sermons, you can find faithful churches inyourarea or while away from home using our handy “Local ChurchFinder”by typing in your ZIP code or partial city name. Summaryoffeatures include: - Browse, search, and stream audio sermons!-Browse, search, and stream video sermons! - Browse, search,andread PDF transcripts! - Bookmark your favorite churchesandsermons! - Browse through the daily featured sermon. -Browsethrough all newest sermon additions. - Churches by name,location,denomination. - Local Church Finder. Find the nearestchurch! -Browse or search by the speaker name. - Browse throughourrecommended staff picks. - Browse member-recommended sermonpicks.- By topic: Family, Marriage, Contentment.. - By category:AudioBooks, Weddings, Funerals.. - Browse sermons by foreignlanguage. -Online Hymnal. Browse or search for a hymn! - ReadSpurgeon’sMorning & Evening devotional. - Download sermons forofflineenjoyment. - MyChurch 1-click access to home church. - Mapsoffersinteractive view of churches. - Native multi-tasking +backgroundplayback! - Video streaming and downloading support! -Live videowebcasting w/ multi-bitrate! - Native phone + tabletformatssupported! Got questions about our app's permissions? SeethisFAQ:
Modern English Version Bible New Modern English Version Bible Free 14.0
Study Bible
Download the Modern English Version Bible with audio tolistenoffline
Filament: Gospel of John 1.0.8
The Filament App is designed to work with the FilamentprintBible.With your Filament Bible (or Gospel of John) open, usetheFilamentApp to simply scan the page you are reading withyourdevice’scamera. Your phone or tablet recognizes the pageandinstantlyconnects you to content centered around thatpassage.You'll getaccess to in-depth study notes, profiles of everypersonmentionedon the page, articles about key topics,devotionals,videos, andinteractive maps that will help you reallyget a feelfor the worldof the Bible. Filament combines the simpleelegance ofa premiumBible with the powerful capabilities of yourphone ortablet. Youget the best reading experience a print Biblecan offerand instantaccess to more meaningful content than you’llfind inany one studyBible or devotional Bible. Our prayer is thatthisprint+digitalBible reading experience will give you freshinsightandunderstanding as you draw near to God through his word.