Top 14 Apps Similar to 30 Day Burpee Challenge

Burpee workout 1.3.7
Burpee is a full body exercise used in strength training andasaerobic exercise
Burpee Challenge (30 days) 1.0.6
If you love sports and healthy way of lifeissomething you want to try, this application will be perfectforyou. The aim of this app is to teach you to do more than100burpees in a single try. Moreover, you will improve yourphysiqueand make your muscles stronger. There's no need to visitthe gym,all the tasks can be done at home. Every day the number ofburpeeswill be increased. Some days will be given as the recoverytime sothat you can relax a little bit. The app contains thechallengetracker that keeps track of the progress you make and yourresults.Additionally video instructions are provided for all theworkoutsso that you will know what to do and how step by step. Thevideosare available everywhere, no internet is required. Afteryou'vedownloaded the app, you can stay connected with your friendsviasocial networks and share results with them.
30 Day Fitness Challenges
* 20% VAT is added to all purchases atcheckout- All non UK prices are shown without VAT *The Official 30 Day Fitness Challenge App** NUMBER ONE SELLING APP ACROSS THE GLOBE **Get Fit & Healthy In Only 30 Days With A 30 DayFitnessChallenge.Updated, Improved & Offering More Than Ever!FEATURES* Over 25 fitness challenges* Over 40 exercise tutorials with video demonstrations* Simple user login* Progress saved and synced to the cloud* Easy to follow and complete fitness challenges* Share your progress on social media* Daily challenge reminder optionIMPROVEMENTSWe have listened to all the feedback and have improved theappgreatly!* Improved server loading times* Added vocal prompts and sounds to all timed exercises* Improved daily notifications* Improved speed of the app* And much much more!30 DAY FITNESS CHALLENGES IN THE APPWe have the largest collection of 30 day fitness challengesofany mobile app! We have over 25 challenges to chose from withnewchallenges added each month to the EXTRA+ pack.* Abs & Squat Challenge* Abs Challenge* Alternative Plank Challenge* Arm Challenge* Beach Body Challenge* Body Overhaul Challenge* Burpee Challenge* Butt Challenge* Cardio Challenge* Crunch Challenge* Easy Push Up Challenge* Easy Squat Challenge* Extreme Squat Challenge* Hips Challenge* Jumping Jack Challenge* Little Black Dress Challenge* Lunge Challenge* Plank Challenge* Push Up Challenge* Sit Up Challenge* Skinny Jeans Challenge* Splits Challenge* Squat Challenge* Tricep Dip Challenge* Upper Body Challenge* Wall Sit Challenge* Some challenges only available via the EXTRA+ pack.By using this app you can get fit and healthy in only 30days!Joinover 300,000 app users and over 1,200,000 monthly and take up a challenge today!
30 Day Burpee Challenge 1.0
Trush Apps
The burpee is a full body exercise usedinstrength training and as an aerobic exercise. The basic movementisperformed in four steps and known as a "four-count burpee":► Begin in a standing position.► Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground.(count1)► Kick your feet back, while keeping your arms extended.(count2)► Immediately return your feet to the squat position.(count3)► Jump up from the squat position (count 4)Feature of the App :► Daily basis workout.► Rest between workout sets.► History of workout can be seen.
FitChallenge 1.01
FitChallenge is Free for a limited time!Make fitness a game with FitChallenge!  Challenge yourgymmembers, friends and family to fitness activities such as PushUps,Sit Ups, Air Squats or Burpees with FitChallenge. The fun of FitChallenge is that the recipient has tostopeverything and do the challenge at the location they are whenthechallenge is received! Challenge your friends and family atwork,in a restaurant or at a shopping mall. Once the challengeiscompleted, you can upload a photo as proof!Each team can calculate the number of reps with a maximumofdaily reps configurable per team. Don’t worry, you can limithowmany challenges you receive a day such as 10 Push Ups perchallengewith a maximum of 100 Push Ups per day. Get fit and have fun with FitChallenge!
HIIT Me 1.0.0
Alex Gilleran
A simple, easy and effective way to time your intervaltrainingworkouts.
Burpees 1010
Burpees, la app para seguir los WOD de tu Box y registrartusresultados. A través de Burpees puedes subscribirte a WODspúblicos(de Boxes o Competiciones) o los que ponga el Box dondeentrenes.Burpees te permite registrar tus resultados obtenidos alrealizarel WOD y subirlos a la web. Tu opinión es importante:Indica ladificultad y almacena comentarios sobre cada WODrealizado.
5 Minute Morning Workout 1.4.1
The "5 Minute Morning Workout" isaresearch-backed workout program that has become aninternationalhit!Exercises - 50 seconds each- Burpees- Punches- Push ups- Mountain Climbers- Bicycle Crunches- PlankResearchers have selected the most effective 6 exercises.Thishigh-intensity training with little rest results in higherdailymetabolism and is the equivalent of working out for over anhour -for only slightly longer than 5 minutes.Mornings are, to put it bluntly, hell for some of us. Thesoundof the alarm clock violently ringing in our ears rips us outofrest and puts us instantly in a bad mood. Worst of all,we'recompletely aware of being in a bad mood, but believewe'repowerless to stop it. We have to wait until the mood burns offandhope we don't do anything we'll regret later.It probably shouldn't be this way. After all, the way you wakeupin the morning affects the rest of your day—diet andtrainingincluded. If you start out on the wrong side of the bed,you'remore likely to hit up the fridge and dominate thatcheesecakeyou've been saving up for your re-feed, or postill-advised rantson Facebook, maybe half-ass your grooming, and endup having to cutyour gym time because you're running late. A badmorning becomes abad day.Although it might feel like a curse, you're not doomed tobeeither a "morning person" or a morning troll. There is a wayyoucan wake up better, improve your mood, boost your metabolism,primeyour body to build muscle and shred fat, and walk out thedoorfeeling energized. Best of all, it only takes a fewminutes.6 REASONS to start training:1. Build yourself a smashing fit body - because there isnogreater feeling than looking in the mirror and simply justlovewhat you see.2. Brag around about your toned muscles - low body fatlevel,noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significantmusclesize3. Keep your heart strong and healthy - because your heart isamuscle also and it gets stronger and healthier if you liveanactive life.4. A clear and beautiful glowing skin - you don't have toworryanymore about cellulite when you're half naked on the beach.Nomore dimply skin coming out of your swimsuit.5. Reduce stress, anxiety and fight depression - regular trainingisthe key for your head just as it is for your heart and willrelaxyou, making you calmer, fighting depression anddissipatestress.6. A happier soul and a bigger smile - you will feel that youarefinally doing something for yourself.BONUS: Improve your live life! you know exercise is good foryou,but do you know how goof? It boots your energy and improvesyourmood and exercising regularly puts the spark back into yourlovelife.keywords:plank,abdominal,time,chest,abs,exercise,muscle,weight,health,body,heart,wake,up,short,quick,body,fat
30 Day Fitness Challenges - Ab 2.6
Try 30 Day fitness Workout challenges, lose weight &LiveHealthy and Fit.
Fit Girls Guide 1.3.0
Fit Girls
Are you already a Fit Girl? Are you thinking about becomingaFitGirl? Check out our new companion app to the FitGirlsprogram!Inside you'll find an interactive "28 DayJumpstart"check-incalendar that lets you chart your daily marchtowardfitmazingness.You'll also find a Beginner, Intermediate,andAdvanced workoutthat you can do at home in under 30 minutes aswellas Fit Girlmakeovers of Every Girl favorites -- Frenchtoast,pizza, chickenparm, mac & cheese, and more! Tightenyourponytails, FitGirls, it's gonna be an exciting ride!
30 Day Workout Challenges 1.1.61
With this app you can get fit and looseweightat home by Just following this simple workout plan.
30 Day Arm Challenge FREE
Teer Studios
**Do you want toned up and stronger arms? Ordoyou want your arms and biceps to looked muscular? Take up the 30DayArm Challenge with our app for FREE!**• Challenge tracker to keep track of your progress.• Video instructions for all the workouts with step bystepguide.• Daily reminder alarm so that you never miss a single day ofthechallenge.• Share your progress with friends on Facebook, Twitter,Whatsapp,Email and more!• Stay motivated and connected with others on our FacebookandTwitter pages.• All the videos are included in the application. NoInternetconnection required.30 Day Arm Challenge is a simple 30 day workout plan. You doanumber of arm muscle exercises each day. There are rest daystomake sure you get proper recovery time. The intensity oftheexercises increase slowly and by the end of this 30 day armworkoutplan, you will definitely have stronger, more muscular armswithless fat. This routine is suitable for both men andwomen.Just install this app and follow the routine daily. Ourreminderwill automatically remind you to workout daily. Rest dayswill helpyour muscles recover. Tick off the days you have completedto keeptrack of your challenge progress. Don't cheat! It's assimple asthat.You can also track your progress and share it with your friendsviaFacebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Email and more!Follow us on Twitter: @workoutc9 and onFacebook: for regular updates on theupcomingchallenges.Check out our other apps:• 30 Day Ab Challenge FREE: feel free to give us feedback through the review system.30Day Arm Challenge can only get better with your help. Beforeyougive us a bad review, please email us at [email protected] andletus know what we can be doing better.
30 Day Weightloss Challenge 2.3
30 Day Weightloss Challenge is a appthatincludes some very helpful information for WeightlossHave a look at some of the contents you get inthisapplication:- Weight Loss Challenge - "Are You Ready To Eat Well OverTheHolidays And Feel Good About It?"- Weightloss Exercise - A Natural Way to Lose Weight- Weightloss Products - Fatloss 4 Idiots Exposed- How to Play the Weightloss Game- LA Weightloss Program - Is it Right For You?This application is perfect for all genders and ages. You canuseit any time you wish even if you only have a couple ofminutesfree.So What Are you Waiting For !?!Download the "30 Day Weightloss Challenge" App Now!And Learn Secrets of Weightloss Today !!
30 Day Legs Challenge 1.1
The legs challenge is a great app forthosewhowant to get their legs lean in short time.The app helps you know your current fitness level of yourlegsandtell you exactly how to start your workout.It tracks your training progress throughout themonthautomaticallyand accurately.You can set alarm for the training everyday whenever you want,anditwill remind you to get up and do your exercise.Features:- Challenge tracker to keep track of your workoutandfitnessprogress.- Daily alarm so you can never miss a workout.- 3d animated instructions for all the workouts with stepbystepguide.- Clean material design and easy to read fontsandwidebuttons.- Daily reminder alarm so that you never miss a singledaywithoutdoing your workout.- Share your workout progress with friends onFacebook,Twitter,Whatsapp, Email.etc- All the videos are included in the application.NoInternetconnection required.