Top 17 Apps Similar to Secret Of Happiness

Fabulous Daily Routine Planner 3.79
Self-care routine for lifestyle change, setting life goals&personal growth
Happify 1.77.1-bb7400af3345
Happify, Inc.
Science-based activities & games to help overcomenegativethoughts and stress
Stop Breathe & Think: Meditate
The Stop, Breathe & Think app is afreemindfulness, meditation and compassion-building lifestyle toolthatis simple, fun and easy to use.Take a break from the stress and anxiety of daily life to relaxwithmeditations for the body and mind. Self healing begins with aquickcheck-in. Tune in to how you are thinking and feeling, andselectemotions that guide you to recommended meditations. Emotionslikehappiness, stress and anxiety can be tracked pre andpostmeditation, and you can even share your favorite calmingexerciseswith friends!At Stop, Breathe & Think, we believe that taking a fewminuteseach day to feel the calm is as important as regularexercise. Ifwe can help more of you regularly find peace of mind,we’re doingour part to help make the world a better place.Stop Breathe & Think is a favorite mindfulness andmeditationapp** Winner of the 2015 Webby People’s Voice Award for Health&Fitness **** Over 2,000,000 downloads and counting! **+++++++++++Stop Breathe & Think Meditation Features:Meditation made easy with:+ Meditation guide including check-in and tailoredmeditations+ Self-meditation timer+ Meditations to start and end your day+ Tracker for your emotions pre and post meditation+ Sharing for friendsGuided meditation exercises designed to help with:+ Self healing+ Self motivation+ Anxiety & stress+ Depression+ Compassion+ Falling asleep+ And much more!Tracker for mood & meditation progress:+ Check-in to record today’s meditation progress+ Track daily streaks, top emotions, top meditations, totaltimemeditated and more+ Mood tracker plots out your mood on an intuitive chart+++++++++++Scientific evidence shows that you can develop kindnessandcompassion by focusing on self healing through the practiceofmindfulness and meditation. By using the app, you will learn howtomeditate regularly and develop skills that help you relax,supportacademic and professional achievement, in addition to morepositiveinteractions and relationships, by learning to:- Deepen your awareness of your thoughts and emotions andrecognizethose feelings in others- Manage emotions like stress and anxiety, settle yourself downmoreproactively- Feel compassion and kindness when approaching people andeverydaysituations+++++++++++Download Stop, Breathe & Think to relax, manage emotionsanddeepen your awareness through guided meditation.Praise for Stop, Breathe & Think:“You can change your whole frame of mind with just a few minutesofmeditation.” -Fast Company"Here, the killer feature is the app asking you to checkyourselfbefore you start. It asks you how you're feelingmentally,physically and emotionally before you begin. It thenoffers...meditations customized for your current state ofmind."-Lifehacker“When people think of monitoring health, they often focusoncalorie-counting, step-tracking, and other physical fitnessgoals,but often forget about their mental well-being. Usemeditation appStop, Breathe & Think for the daily zen tune upyou might noteven realize you needed.“There are many meditation services out there, but Breathestandsout with its customization tools: it analyzes your currentmoodthrough a short survey, then leads you through guidedmeditationsbased on the results." -CosmopolitanThe Stop, Breathe & Think app requires an online connection.Ifyou have any comments, or spot a bug, please tap FEEDBACK inthemenu, or email us at [email protected].**If you are running into issues loading meditations**Some users have reported an issue starting 1/7/17 that preventsthemfrom loading meditations. If you are experiencing this issue,weadvise that you update to the latest Android System Webviewhere:, which should fix it. You can email [email protected] if you have anyadditionalquestions.
Positive Thinking Hypnosis 1.1
Most positive thinking programs focus onthe"how-to" aspect but really misses on building a strongmentalfoundation to ensure a tough and mature mentality towithstand allthe onslaught of negative forces.That is where this app is different from the rest. It helpstostrengthen your mental mind set with positive thinking to ensureastrong and lasting positive mentality. It uses hypnotherapy,amodern proven methodology even used by competitive sports mentoensure they have a strong and tough mental strength to movethemforward by leaps and bounce.What you are getting with the app:-a) builds a positive thinking mindset with ahypnotherapyaudio;b) journal your positive experience worth remembering;c) capture picture of beautiful moments;d) a positive thinking mindset from a different perspective;e) "Positive Thinking - the key to success".Hypnotherapy is a traditional art used by professionalhypnotistto help its client cure from various type of psychologyproblem. Itis a perfect positive mindset conditioning technique andthis isexactly what you are getting with this application. It is apopularchoice used by many people to improve many aspect of theirlifefrom overcoming phobia to breaking out of limiting beliefs andisalso the perfect choice to manage your mindset forpositivethinking. This app will be your choice to choosehypnotherapy tocondition your mental faculties for positivethoughts.This is a self-improvement hypnotherapy program that you canuseon yourself to induce 'self-hypnosis' and bring you to a stateofpeace, tranquility and calmness. 'Self-hypnosis' hypnotherapy, isasafe and convenient method you use to bring yourself to thedesiredstate. While in this 'self-hypnosis' state, you are stillincontrol of yourself and have the choice to follow thesuggestedscenario or to reject. You never loose this choice evenwhile underhypnosis.Go ahead and use this program to manage your mindset forpositivethinking.If you find this app useful, please rate in Google Play Storesoother people with the same need can find this app easily.
SuperBetter 1.1.5
Live Gamefully. Be Stronger. Proven resultsinjust 10 minutes a day.SuperBetter increases resilience - the ability to staystrong,motivated and optimistic even in the face of difficultobstacles.Playing SuperBetter makes you more capable of gettingthrough anytough situation—and more likely to achieve the goalsthat mattermost to you.SuperBetter was created by Jane McGonigal, a world-renowneddesignerof games to improve real lives & solve realproblems.►► Why play SuperBetter?SuperBetter has helped nearly half a million people so farachievepersonal growth and tackle real-life challenges. Here arereasonspeople around the world are using SuperBetter:- To adopt a new habit, develop a talent, learn or improve askill,strengthen a relationship, make a physical orathleticbreakthrough, complete a meaningful project, or pursue alifelongdream.- To beat depression, overcome anxiety, cope with chronic illnessorchronic pain, heal from physical injury, or recoverfrompost-traumatic stress.- To overcome a life challenge like finding a new job,survivingdivorce, dealing with a career or school setback, orgrieving theloss of a loved one.- To help others: therapists recommend SuperBetter totheirpatients; university professors incorporate SuperBetter intotheirstudent’s coursework; and HR professionals design SuperBetterintotheir employee wellness incentive programs.►► SuperBetter is Living Gamefully“At the heart of SUPERBETTER is a simple andpotentiallytransformative idea: We can use the same psychologicalstrengths wedisplay when we play games to confront real-lifechallenges,whether it’s illness, injury, or just changing ourhabits for thebetter.”– Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and A WholeNewMindLiving gamefully means bringing the same psychological strengthsyounaturally display when you play games – such asoptimism,creativity, courage, and determination – to your reallife. Itmeans having the courage and openness to try outdifferentstrategies to discover what works best. It meanscollaborating withallies, and building up the resilience to tackletougher andtougher challenges with greater and greatersuccess.►► The Science Behind SuperBetterPowered by the science of games, positive psychology andbehaviorchange.SuperBetter is validated in two clinical studies:• A randomized controlled study conducted by the UniversityofPennsylvania found that playing SuperBetter for 30dayssignificantly reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety,andincreases optimism, social support, and player’s belief intheirown ability to succeed and achieve their goals. They alsofoundthat SuperBetter users were significantly happier andmoresatisfied with their lives.• A clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Healthandconducted at Ohio State University Wexner Medical CenterandCincinnati Children’s Hospital found that usingSuperBetterimproves mood, decreases anxiety and suffering, andstrengthensfamily relationships during rehabilitation andrecovery.►► Features• The SuperBetter app is an everyday coach for gameful living• Identify your Epic Win and create your Secret Identity• Recruit Allies to support your journey• Choose pre-loaded experiences (PowerPacks) or design yourownadventures• Complete Quests, activate PowerUps and battle Bad Guyseachday• Track your resilience scores – mental, emotional, social&physicalLive Gamefully. Be Stronger. Get SuperBetter.
Simple Positive Psychology 1.3
Articles on positive psychology.Positive psychology is a new approach within psychologythattakes into account the positive aspects of human emotionsandbehavior. Twentieth-century classical psychology hasfocusedprimarily on the treatment of mental illness. In contrast,positivepsychology aims to focus on improving quality of lifeandwell-being; studying the qualities, attitudes and positiveemotionsof human beings; and applying this knowledge in ascientificmanner.The most important positive states are optimism,hope,perseverance, humor, flow, resilience, creativity,happiness,courage, love, caring, self-esteem, assertiveness,empathy, etc.Experiencing positive emotions leads to mental states,cognitiveprocesses and behaviors that prepare us to successfullyface thechallenges that life brings as well as augment ourwell-being andhappiness.
7 Cups: Anxiety & Stress Chat 5.54.1
7 Cups of Tea
Feeling worried, sad, stressed or lonely?Needto talk to someone? Download 7 Cups now for FREEanonymousemotional support & counseling from trained activelisteners.Easy to use text chat. Real listeners available for you24/7 &that’s not all:- Chat 1-1 with a listener any time- Calm yourself with 300 free mindfulness exercises- Get personalized care with our free wellness test- Boost your mood with simple activities- Learn & grow from short videos- Feel supported in chat rooms & community forums- Access online message therapy with licensed therapistsWe start you on a “growth path” that will encourage and supportyouas you take daily steps to become stronger.Thousands of people use 7 Cups every week.EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ON DEMAND:Feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed? Havingrelationshipproblems? Sometimes you need to vent. Finding andscheduling atherapist can be time-consuming and expensive, and youcan’t alwaysopen up to friends, family, or coworkers.Now you can get emotional support anytime, anywhere with 7Cups.This app gives you the help you need, fast and free, in a waythatfits your life.• Connect anytime, anywhere with listeners who care• Speak your mind without any fear of being judged• All listeners trained in active listeningIN THE MEDIA:Founded by a licensed psychologist, 7 Cups has been featuredinLifeHacker (“Technology can help you find someone to chatwithabout your problems to, or even connect you with aprofessionalthat can offer lasting, long-term help”), Medical Daily(“Talkingtherapy for people on-the-go”), and TechCrunch (“One ofthe top 8startups from Y Combinator’s Summer ’13 Demo Day”).100% CONFIDENTIAL:Remain 100% anonymous. No one will ever know who you are—notevenyour listeners or therapists.LISTENERS WHO CARE:Our listeners are volunteers. They aren’t getting paid; they’reherebecause they want to help.They care.We have over 160,000 trained listeners and licensed therapiststochoose from. Listeners provide support across 189 countries andin140 languages. Each listener has a profile with reviews and alistof categories that they specialize in, ranging from panicattacksand bullying to eating disorders, surviving a breakup,andmore.When you find the listener you want, connect instantly via chat.Trya new listener each time, or pick one listener and develop adeeperongoing relationship.FAST & FREE:The app is free to download, and all listeners are 100% free.Afteryou download the app, you can start a conversation in lessthan 60seconds.UPGRADE PRICING & TERMS7 Cups offers two auto-renewing subscription options:$12.99/month$94.99/yearYour 7 Cups upgrade will automatically renew at the end of eachtermand your credit card will be charged through your iTunesaccount.You can turn off auto-renew at any time from your iTunesaccountsettings but refunds will not be provided for any unusedportion ofthe term.7 Cups also offers a Forever subscription paid for in asinglenon-renewing upfront payment of $399.99 granting unlimitedaccessto 7 Cups Upgrade forever.Read more about our terms and conditions here:Read more about our terms of service and privacy policy here: 7 Cups and start feeling better today!If you love 7 Cups, please take 20 seconds to give us a nicereview.It really helps! For other feedback, [email protected]. Thankyou.For users aged 13+.
Depression Test 1.24
Japps Medical
Quickly self-test whether you might have major depression.
What's Up? - Mental Health App 2.60
For when you need a little extra help getting through thosetoughdays
Self-Confidence Hypnosis 2.2
Build self-confidence and boostyourself-esteem with this powerful application byShoongerProduct.What you are getting with the app:-a) build self-confidence with a hypnotherapy audio;b) journal your beautiful experience worth remembering;c) capture picture of memorable moments;d) cultivate the mindset to improve self-confidence;e) building self-confidence guide.In this modern era, low self-esteem and self-confidence canbecaused by all kinds of unhappy past happenings. The negativeeventsthat we encounter over the years would be slowly ingrained inourbelief system and this would gradually erode ourself-confidenceand self-esteem over the years.Hypnotherapy is a traditional art used by professional hypnotisttohelp its client cure from various types of psychology problem.Itis a perfect self-confidence and self-esteem buildingtechnologyand this is exactly what you are getting withthisapplication.This is a self-improvement hypnotherapy program that you can useonyourself to induce 'self-hypnosis' and bring you to a stateofpeace, tranquility and calmness. Hypnotherapy had become apopularchoice for many people to improve many aspect of their lifefromovercoming phobia to breaking out of limiting beliefs and isalsothe perfect choice for building self-confidence and henceimproveself-esteem.'Self-hypnosis' hypnotherapy, is a safe and convenient methodyouwill get from this app to bring yourself to the desiredstate.While in this 'self-hypnosis' state, you are still in controlofyourself and have the choice to follow the suggested scenario ortoreject. You never loose this choice even whileunderhypnosis.Go ahead and use this program to improve your self-confidence.Andthe best part of all its FREE.
MoodDiary BETA 0.2.9 beta
Your personal Mood Diary.
Fight Depression Naturally 12.4.2
Easy ways to beat Depression through Food and simpleScientificTechniques
Pacifica - Stress & Anxiety
Stress, anxiety, and depression can get intheway of you living your life. Pacifica givesyoupsychologist-designed tools to address them based onCognitiveBehavioral Therapy, mindfulness meditation, relaxation,andmood/health tracking.Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused by an ongoing cycleofnegative thoughts. Thoughts cause physical feelings andemotionswhich cause actions. Pacifica helps break this cycle usingtoolsthat target each of its components. Day-by-day, you'll learntomanage stress, anxiety and depression at your own pace. We’renotabout quick-fixes or false promises. We are about real progress,aday at a time.#1 - BuzzFeed's Amazing Apps For Anyone Living With Anxiety#1 - Forbes' 4 Technologies Innovating in Mental HealthRELAXATION & MINDFULNESS MEDITATION AUDIO TOOLSCalm down in moments of stress or anxiety using one ofPacifica’s25+ audio exercises, including deep breathing, musclerelaxation,positive visualization, mindfulness meditations, andmore. Theseactivities are set to relaxing soundscapes like oceanwaves orthunderstorms.GUIDED SELF-HELP PATHSOur psychologist-designed Paths include audio lessons andhelpfulactivities to help you with stress, anxiety, or depression.Theseinclude an introductory Path, two Paths focused on CBT, andamindfulness Path.MOOD TRACKERRate your mood and feelings throughout the day, and addspecificnotes (the situation, the trigger, etc.) so you can noticepatternsand see improvement over time.THOUGHT RECORDING, JOURNALING & ANALYSISUse Pacifica’s psychologist-designed thought analysis tools tolearnhow distorted thinking patterns contribute to your anxiety.Pacificauses CBT techniques to help you to think in a morebalanced way,which helps break the negative thought cycle.DAILY CHALLENGES & GOAL TRACKINGPacifica uses CBT techniques to help you to face your anxiety,oneday at a time, and gradually work toward your long term goalsviadaily challenges.HEALTH TRACKERSet and track daily health goals for habits that affectanxiety(exercise, sleep, caffeine, alcohol, etc.). Learn which ofthesetrigger your anxiety based on patterns in your mood.Exercise,sleep and caffeine can also be populated using the AppleHealthapp.COMMUNITIES & GROUPSYou aren’t alone in this. Share stories, advice and morewithPacifica’s peer-support community.PACIFICA FULL ACCESS PRICING & TERMSPacifica is free to download and use. Pacifica Full Accessallowsfor unlimited use of the suite of tools and is availablethrough anauto-renewing subscription. There are two options:1 month: $5.991 year: $35.99These prices are for United States customers. Pricing inothercountries may vary and actual charges may be converted toyourlocal currency depending on your country's residence. Paymentwillbe charged to your Google Play Account at confirmationofpurchase.Your Pacifica Full Access subscription will automatically renewatthe end of each term and your credit card will be chargedthroughyour Google Play account. You can turn off auto-renew at anytimefrom your Google Play account settings but refunds will notbeprovided for the unused portion of the term.Need help with the app? Please email [email protected] OF SERVICE: POLICY:
Mood Log 1.6
A quick, easy and flexible way to track your Mood
Life Reboot - Fight Depression 1.6
Edit - Our anonymous forum is down. We'll let you know when weareable to fix it. We apologize for the inconvenience. Rest of theappis working fine. Latest addition - Anonymous forum added. Wehaveadded a forum in the latest update in which user canaskquestion,answer,upvote and downvote. Our forum iscompletelyanonymous. We advice users to have a anonymous username.Pleasereview and follow our rules given in the app settings.Pleasebepolite.We are here to help each other. In this fast movingworldsometimes we forget ourselves and loose track. At this time weneedsomething to rejuvenate our life or in computing terms rebootourlives. Life reboot has been developed to initiate this new partofyou which will make you feel good about yourself and helpinrebuilding your life. This app is also useful for those whoarefighting with depression.Sometimes we just need a good joke oramotivational quote to lift us up. Life reboot has been designedbytaking guidance from various therapists andpsychologicalcounselors. This app is designed not as a substituteto therapy buta support to the treatment for a person who is notactuallystruggling but trying to find a way out. Life Reboot has 6modules– **Anonymous forum - No email or phone number asked. Asafe,supportive space for anyone struggling with depression. Ourforumis completely anonymous. We advice users to have aanonymoususername. Please be polite, review and follow our ruleswhich arewritten in the top post of the forum . Our forum is peerto peersupport network. Let's support each other and rise like aPhoenix.**Diary- A daily diary entry is the most effective way intreatingdepression or sadness. Keeping a journal is a good way tostartcoping with stress and anxiety. **Medicine Reminders- SetRemindersfor medications. Choose date /time/day to set reminders,choosesong and vibration. Edit your reminder. Write medicine name,dosageand with food or after food. **Daily Motivational quotes-Powerfulmotivational quotes can help a person feel motivated intoughtimes. You can share the quotes you like with yourfriends.**Jokes- Good humor is a tonic for the mind and the body.You canalso share the jokes with your friends **Games- Tic-Tac-ToeandPainting . Art Therapy is often used to help maintainstress.Through creative expression, painting, and many other formsof Artis used to treat those experiencing sadness. It offersatherapeutic effect, building self esteem and empoweringselfhealing.Save your paintings and share with friends. **Dailymotivation quote of the day at 8 am local time of theuser'scountry.You can easily enable and disable this notificationLifeReboot does not guarantee that it will cure anypsychologicalcondition but it will surely give a direction to theperson who istrying to rebuild a new life. Behind the darkest cloudthere is aray of sunlight - make the choice today to look for thatray oflight! Please give your valuable feedback [email protected] us -
Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax
Tackle everyday stress and anxiety. Self-care and soundsleepthrough meditation
Affirmations 2.3.2
Affirmations that you can use to break the negativeautomaticthoughts.