Top 15 Apps Similar to Smoke Free 28 (SF28)

Quit Smoking fast NicoStopper 1.0.1
NicoStopper is the best applicationtoquitor smoke less. Say Stop smoking now. The lastcigaretteyouhave smoked may be the last one. Do not smoke anymore.Ourmethodis not based on hypnosis, you can quit it gradually .Oursystem tostop smoking lets you do it at your own pace and fromaguaranteedtested in thousands of people who have already quit.Youwill savemoney and be healthier. You will not have to go totobaccostore tobuy it anymore. Forget nicotine forever with Nico,your newand funpersonal trainer. Let him to help you to quitsmoking. Hewillmotivate you. You will see how you begin to seetheresultsquickly. Much faster and easier than you think. Smokingwillbe athing of the past. You will be an ex-smoker.This innovative method fights against thesmokingaddiction,reducing the nicotine in a progressive andnon-traumaticway, alsoeliminating withdrawal symptoms.OUR METHOD TO QUIT SMOKINGThese are the steps you have to follow so that you do notneedacigarette again:Create your profile and select the most appropriatetherapyforyou to quit smoking by filling a simple form. It is acustommethodso not all therapies are equal. Choose the best oneforyou.Follow the Nicostopper instructions step by step toachieveyourgoals and your body will need less nicotine within afewdays.Use the self-help section to kick your smoking habit.Youwillfind answers to situations of your daily life.Use the calendar to know the dates of beginning andendoftherapy. You'll see how much can you improve at the endofthecycle!NicoStopper helps you in a fully personalizedway,strengtheningyour willpower and motivation to quitsmokinggradually.CHARACTERISTICS OF THERAPYRelieves intense desire to smokeHelps to move away from risky situationsHelps to kick the cigarIt is also aimed at ex- smokersADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS OF STOP SMOKINGWith NicoStopper you will notice the benefits very fast,fromthefirst day :You'll save money. Have you ever thought about how muchmoneyyouare spending on smoking? You can save thousandsofdollars.Your clothes will smell better, no one will know youareasmoker.Your breath will not smell anymore.Improve your health. By quit smoking you'll feelbetterforpractising sports. You'll be more agile and eager to leadanactiveand healthy life.NicoStopper is the scientific method basedoncognitive-behavioralpsychology and different types oftherapiesthat trains you tocontrol your anxiety level and thusstopsmoking. It is not one moreapplication, NicoStopper hasthesupport of professionalpsychologists making it the idealpartnerto quit smoking.This is a guaranteed medical system based oncognitivebehavioraltherapy developed by renowned psychologistsManuelaBlanco andAlvaro Aguirre in collaboration with Dr. EduardoLópezArregui .If you have any questions about using the app, the methodoranysuggestions do not hesitate to contact us via developercontact.Weanswer all requests received!*** Note: If your addiction is strong or you want toquitsmokingjoints, please consult your specialist.Our application has no relation with champix,othercommercialmethods for quit smoking or nicotine replacementtherapy.This isan app based on a medical therapy focused onmotivation.***
Quit smoking with Quitify 1.1.43
Quitify is your app to quit smoking and brings you helpandmotivation
Smoking Log - Stop Smoking 6.0.8
Cory Charlton
Quit smoking with Smoking Log. Set goals and track yoursmokinghabits easily.
Smoke Free, stop smoking help 5.5.5-core
Dr Crane
We want to help you stop smoking★ See how long you’ve been smoke free★ The money you’ve saved from not smoking★ The number of cigarettes you’ve not smoked★ How your health is improving★ Earn badges for your progress★ Share your successes with your friends★ Record your cravings in a diary★ And moreHelps you through the difficult first month of your quit -andbeyondThis is the app that science built. Proven techniques to helpyoustop smoking are delivered in a beautifully clear and veryhumanway. The calculator tells you how much money you've saved andhowmany cigarettes you've not smoked, the calendar tells you howlongyou’ve been smoke free and how much life you've regained, barsshowyou how giving up smoking is improving your health, and adiaryshows how your cravings for cigarettes are decreasing overtime.Plus filling it out seems to help, even if you only use ittovent.Filling it out also helps us, because this is the app thatscienceis building. If you give us permission, we’ll use theinformationyou give us to learn how to help even more people stopsmoking. Asyou know, quitting smoking is hard. But tens ofthousands of peopledo it successfully each month. We want to knowmore about whatworks and what doesn’t and your data can help futurequittersquit.The quit processHere’s what we know so far. The science is pretty clearthatnicotine replacement therapy helps people stop smoking. Butitneeds to be taken as directed (many people don’t completethecourse) and that means it’s best if you get it from yourdoctorrather than the pharmacist. But don’t worry if you don’t wanttouse NRT, this is your quit, you do what works for you. Theothergolden rule about giving up smoking is to make your mantra‘not onemore puff’. Because one puff almost always leads to moreand you’resoon back smoking again. It doesn’t seem to matter howmuchconfidence you’ve got about quitting and nor does it matter ifyouplan your quit ahead or quit or the spur of the moment. Thesocialsupport you get from programs such as Stoptober are helpfulbutwhat really seems important is getting a real understanding ofhowmuch progress you’ve made, all the benefits you gain from givingupsmoking and all that you’d have to lose by starting smokingagain.Giving you that is the core way this app hopes to keep yousmokefree.Electronic cigarettesE-cigs seem to help lots of people stop smoking. The ones thatlooklike cigarettes seem less effective than ones you getfromspecialist vape shops. They also seem pretty safe, much saferthansmoking cigarettes. However, we don’t have much long-termevidenceso it’s probably best to use them as a way to stop smoking,ratherthan a replacement for cigs.The experimentWe’re running an on-going experiment that tests different thingstohelp people give up smoking. Everyone gets all thefeaturesmentioned above, the calculator that shows how manycigarettesyou've not smoked, the calendar that tells you how longyou’ve beensmoke free, the bars that show how your health hasimproved fromgiving up smoking.Some people will get additional features. We can’t tell youwhatthey are, partly because it might invalidate the experiment,partlybecause they change frequently. Don’t feel you’re missingoutthough. We don’t know if these things will help peoplestopsmoking, we just want to learn whether they do. Don’t worrythatthey’ll want to make you smoke more either. We would nevertryanything we thought might make people more likely tosmoke.This is all entirely voluntary and you can use the app fullywithouttaking part in the experiment. But everyone who does takepart willhelp the quitters who follow. So do yourself a favor bystoppingsmoking. And do your fellow smokers a favor by helpingthemunderstand how it’s done.
Stop Smoking - EasyQuit 2.1
App to stop smoking slowly or now with a motivational badgesandhelpful tips
Quit Tracker: Stop Smoking 2.16
The app that will help you quit smoking and motivate you to stayoffnicotine
SmokeFree: Quit smoking slowly 5.2.0
Simple methods to help you quit
Smoke FREE Finally Non Smoking 1.9
Smoke FREE can help you finally quit smoking. Since I'vebeensmoking for many years myself, I looked for an app that helpsme,finally get rid of the addiction. During my smokingcessationphase, I developed this app and I hope it will help youalso. Thisapp shows you, among other things, how high your currentaddictionis, how regenerates your heart blood circulation and yourlungs andhow high the carbon monoxide levels in your blood. Thisinformationis updated every second. In addition, you can see howmuch moneyyou have saved in the time of quitting smoking and howyour lifeexpectancy has increased. Your successes you can alwayspost onFacebook and on Twitter or send to your friends via email.Get thisuseful app and change your life!
Quit Now: My QuitBuddy 2.6
My QuitBuddy helps you get, and stay, smoke free.
Breathe Now -Stop Smoking Free
Breathe Now - Stop Smoking is an app to quit smoking and savemoney!
Quit Smoking 2.0.5
For health, Start quit smoking now!
Stop Smoking - quit smoking, b 4.0
Breathe will help you to stop smoking now and quit for good
Get Rich or Die Smoking 2.6.7
Tobias Gruber
Helps you to stop smoking by showing what you can afford withthemoney saved!
See Me Smoke-Free 1.0.23
This app will help you besmoke-free,healthy,and confident. You’ll use mental imagery orvisualizationto helpyou accomplish these goals. You can use thisapp no matterwhereyou are in the quitting process. This app isspecificallydesignedto help women quit smoking.
SmokeAware - Quit Smoking 1.0.39
Callum Hyland
SmokeAware is an intelligent monitor. Itlearnshow you smoke & teaches you how to resist your cravings.MONITOR YOUR RECOVERY...automatically, just by having your phone in your pocket.INTUITIVELY DESIGNED...for simplistic, powerful control over your lifestyle.SHARE YOUR SUCCESS...across all major social networks. Let them be proud of you! get excited about. Visualize the benefits ofyourcommitment!BEAT YOUR RECORD• Power through your cravings to achieve milestone awards!FULFILL YOUR GOAL• Log cigarettes and view your progress throughout the day.• SmokeAware provides support to help you resist cravings.COMPREHENSIVE MONITORING• Smoking risk.• Daily cigarettes remaining.• Duration smoke free.• Duration of extended life.• Number of cigarettes you have rejected.• Money saved.HIGH FIDELITY ANALYSIS• Financial savings.• Temporal patterns.• Spatial patterns.ALREADY QUIT?• SmokeAware can help you track your achievement!