Top 21 Apps Similar to Móvil SAAS

Locatel VE 1.0.72
En esta aplicación de Locatel, automercadodesalud de Venezuela, podrás fácilmente:Consultar la disponibilidad de productos en los establecimientosdetodo el país.Ubicar nuestros establecimientos y llamar a cada uno deellos.Conocer los servicios que ofrecemos para cuidar tu salud.Enterarte de la programación de jornadas de salud que serealizangratuitamente en los establecimientos.Conocer las novedades en productos y promociones vigentes enlacadena de farmacias.Disfrutar de los episodios más divertidos de la serie animadapropiaDosis de Familia.Acceder a las redes sociales de Locatel.Descarga esta aplicación para acceder a todos los beneficiosquetiene Locatel para tu salud y bienestar.In this applicationofLocatel Venezuela automercado health, you can easily:Check the availability of products in stores acrossthecountry.Locate our shops and call each.Learn about the services we offer for your health care.Find out the schedule of health campaigns carried out onthepremises for free.To know the latest products and current promotionschainpharmacies.Enjoy funniest episodes of the animated series Familyproperdose.Access social networks Locatel.Download this application to access all the benefits it hasLocatelfor your health and wellbeing.
Locatel ViveBien CO 1.3.38
Con ViveBien-CO nunca es tarde para comenzaracuidarte. Ingresa en el app y encuentra un plan de salud atumedida:• Sabrosos planes de nutrición, aptos para diversaspatologíascrónicas y condiciones de salud. Ideales para cuidartesinrenunciar a todo el sabor de Colombia• Programas de ejercicios y actividad física para mantener uncuerpofuerte y ágil• Monitoreo de indicadores de salud y su evolución¿POR QUÉ CUIDARTE?• Cada año más de 14 millones de personas mueren porproblemasdel corazón en el mundo.• Con solo controlar unos pocos parámetros (tensión, peso oglucosa)puedes reducir el riesgo de padecer enfermedades delcorazón.• Nuestros estilos de vida y nuestra alimentación afectan deformadirecta al desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas como laDiabetes, laHipertensión o la Obesidad.POR TU BIENESTAR, COMIENZA A CUIDARTE.With ViveBien-CO itisnever too late to start looking after yourself. Enter the appandfind a health plan for your needs:• Tasty nutrition plans, suitable for various chronicdiseasesand health conditions. Ideal to take care withoutsacrificing theflavor of Colombia• exercise programs and physical activity to maintain a strongbodyand nimble• Monitoring health indicators and their evolutionWHY TAKE CARE?• Every year more than 14 million people die from heartproblemsin the world.• With only a few control parameters (pressure, weight, glucose)canreduce the risk of heart disease.• Our lifestyles and our food directly affect the developmentofchronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension orobesityform.FOR YOUR WELL, TAKE CARE STARTS.
Farmácias de Serviço .net
1000 Empresas
Get the on duty Pharmacies closest to you in a fast and easy way
Farmácias Portuguesas 3.5.10
Aplicação das Farmácias Portuguesas! A melhor forma delocalizarafarmácia aberta mais próxima de si, a qualquer hora!Compreoureserve diretamente na aplicação das FarmáciasPortuguesaselevante na farmácia ou receba no conforto da sua casa.Tenhaacessoa todos os produtos e medicamentos disponíveis nasuafarmácia desempre, à distância de um clique. Receba alertas nahoracerta paratomar os seus medicamentos ou registe a evolução dosseusdados desaúde e saiba se está nos valores recomendados. Acedaaconteúdosinformativos de Saúde relevantes e melhore o seubem-estarnodia-a-dia. Veja as excelentes novidades que preparámosparasi!FUNCIONALIDADES: *NOVO* Promoções: * Tenha acesso atodasaspromoções exclusivas online, vales e descontos do seucartãosaúda,agora na aplicação. * Exclusivas Promoções Online(acedidasatravésda aplicação das Farmácias Portuguesas Localizar Farmácias: *NOVO*Encontreasfarmácias abertas mais perto de si * Localize todasasFarmáciasperto de si, saiba se estão de serviço, a quedistânciaseencontram e obtenha as direções * Pesquise asFarmáciasporlocalidade (Distrito, Concelho e Freguesia) * EncontreasFarmáciascom o serviço que precisa * Guarde as farmácias quemaisfrequentacomo favoritas Loja: * Explore os produtos queestãodisponíveis nasua farmácia e encontre facilmente o que precisa*Aceda aoCatálogo de Pontos e use os seus pontos como formadepagamento *Reserve os medicamentos da sua receita médicasemprecisar de sairde casa * Compre e pague diretamente naaplicação *Escolha ondequer que os medicamentos sejam entregues *Aceda apromoçõesexclusivas e obtenha vales de desconto * Acumulepontoscom cadacompra Alerta de Medicamentos: * Partilhe o historialdemedicaçãocom o seu médico * Receba alertas no momento detomarosmedicamentos * Configure os seus planos de tomas oudosseusfamiliares a partir da aplicação * Receba também nasuaaplicação oplano de tomas dos medicamentos que comprou nafarmácia(peça aoseu farmacêutico) * Faça a gestão da sua medicaçãonumasóaplicação de forma simples Saúde A-Z: * ConsulteconteúdossobreSaúde * Disponha de informações úteis sobrediferentestemas(Bem-estar, Doenças Crónicas e muito mais) CartãoSaúda: *Adira ouassocie o seu Cartão Saúda * Consulte os seuspontos atuaise osque tem a expirar este mês * Tenha acesso ao seuhistóricodepontos * Troque pontos por produtos do catálogo * Troquepontosporvales para adquirir produtos * Associe toda a sua famílianumasóconta, cada elemento com o seu cartão mas todos acumulamparaamesma conta Os meus dados de Saúde: *O seu farmacêuticopodeenviaros valores das suas medições diretamente para asuaaplicação. Façaum acompanhamento regular dos seus dadosbiométricose garanta quese mantém dentro dos valores consideradosnormais. *IMC * PressãoArterial * Colesterol Total * Glicémia *PerímetroAbdominal *Triglicerídeos * Peso A aplicação FarmáciasPortuguesasédisponibilizada pela Associação Nacional de Farmácias.
Dietas 3.4
CMR Paradise
Recopilación de las mejores dietas. Ahora con más de 80 dietas!Además incorporamos 3 calculadoras para que puedas ircontrolandotu peso.Calculadoras:- Índice de Masa Corporal- Índice Cintura-Cadera- Consumo de Calorías DiariasTodas las mejores dietas que puedes encontrar las tienes enunasola aplicación. También permite compartir cualquier dieta.Lista de dietas:- Dieta Anti Celulitis- Dieta del Astronauta- Dieta para Bajar 8 Kilos- Dieta de las Pastas- Dieta de Frutas- Dieta de la Manzana Estricta- Dieta de la Manzana Moderada- Dieta de La Pizza- Dieta Relámpago.- Dieta de 900 calorías- Dieta de 1000 calorías- Dieta de 1200 calorías- Dieta de 1500 calorías- Dieta del Té- Dieta del Bocadillo- Dieta para Mujer embarazada- Dieta Japonesa- Dieta Atkins- Dieta Colette Lefort- Dieta Miami- Dieta de los 7 kilos- Dieta del Pan y la mantequilla- Dieta Cronodieta- Dieta de Sopa de tomates- Dieta Quemagrasas- Dieta Verde- Dieta Verde II- Dieta Macrobiótica- Dieta de la Fuerza Aérea- Dieta Anti Estrés- Dieta de las Proteínas- Dieta para Ansiosos- Dieta Budista- Dieta de la Col- Dieta Carrera- Dieta Stillman- Dieta del Atún- Dieta Sin Tiempo- Dieta Tarnower- Dieta de 3 días- Dieta Adele- Dieta de Verduras- Dieta Natural- Dieta de la Zona- Dieta Vegetariana- Dieta de la Clínica Mayo- Dieta Anti-Resaca- Dieta del Melocotón- Dieta Special K- Dieta de la Sopa Mágica- Dieta de arroz, pollo y manzana- Dieta de la Avena- Dieta del Atún- Dieta del Tomate- Dieta del Bikini- Dieta Taoísta- Dieta Okinawa- Dieta de la Fibra- Dieta de las Hierbas- Dieta Cuidado del Cabello- Dieta de la Gelatina- Dieta Aumentar Kilos- Dieta para Engordar- Dieta rica en Fibras (Laxante)- Dieta para las Adictas a las Dietas- Dieta Feliz- Dieta Antifracaso- Dieta Estricta en Carbohidratos- Dieta Gaylord-Hauser- Dieta sin Hambre- Dieta Balanceada- Dieta Beverly Hills- Dieta de Emergencia- Dieta del Doctor Graschinsky- Dieta Exprés del Verano- Dieta Rajástica- Dieta del Dr. Terry Shintani- Dieta Diurética- Dieta de la Descomposición- Dieta para bajar 10 kilos- Dieta para dolores menstruales- Dieta NaturistaLas dietas que aquí se detallan son con finesinformativos.consultar con su médicoantes de realizar cualquier cambio significativo a sudieta,especialmente si ustedtiene problemas de salud crónicos. No deje de consultar sumédicopara tener unaopinión más acertada acerca de su situación.La empresa CMR Paradise no se responsabiliza de la aplicaciónquelos usuarios hagan de su contenido.Compilation of the best diets. Now with over 80 diets!Also incorporate three calculators so you can be controllingyourweight.Calculators:- Body Mass Index- Waist-Hip Index- Daily Calorie ConsumptionAll the best diets that you can find in one application. Italsoallows sharing any diet.List of diets:- Anti Cellulite Diet- Diet Astronaut- Diet to Lose 8 Kilos- Diet Pasta- Diet Fruit- Strict Diet Apple- Apple Diet Moderate- Diet Pizza- Diet Lightning.- 900 calories diet- 1000 Calorie Diet- Diet of 1200 calories- Diet of 1500 calories- Diet Tea- Diet Sandwich- Diet for Pregnant Women- Japanese Diet- Atkins Diet- Diet Colette Lefort- Diet Miami- Diet 7 kilos- Diet Bread and butter- Diet cronodieta- Tomato Soup Diet- Diet Fat Burner- Diet Green- Diet Green II- Macrobiotic Diet- Air Force Diet- Anti Stress Diet- Protein Diet- Eager Diet- Diet Buddhist- Diet Col- Diet Carrera- Stillman Diet- Tuna Diet- Diet Timeless- Diet Tarnower- Diet 3 days- Diet Adele- Vegetable Diet- Natural Diet- Zone Diet- Vegetarian Diet- Mayo Clinic Diet- Diet Anti-Hangover- Diet Peach- Special K Diet- Magic Soup Diet- Diet rice, chicken and apple- Diet Oatmeal- Tuna Diet- Diet Tomato- Diet Bikini- Diet Taoist- Okinawa Diet- Fiber Diet- Diet Herbs- Diet Hair Care- Diet Gelatin- Diet Increase Kilos- Diet for Gaining weight- Diet rich in fibers (laxative)- Addicted to Diet for Diets- Happy Diet- Diet Antifracaso- Strict Carb Diet- Gaylord Hauser Diet- Diet Without Hunger- Balanced Diet- Beverly Hills Diet- Emergency Diet- Diet Doctor Graschinsky- Diet Express Summer- Diet Rajástica- Diet Dr. Terry Shintani- Diuretic Diet- Diet Decomposition- Diet to lose 10 kilos- Diet for Menstrual Cramps- Diet NaturistDiets detailed herein are for informational purposes.consultwith your doctorbefore making any significant changes to your diet, especiallyifyouhave chronic health problems. Be sure to consult your doctorforamore accurate opinion about your situation.The company CMR Paradise is not responsible for application userstomake their content.
My Diet Coach - Pro
It's not only one of a kind, easy to usedietdiary and calorie calculator. It's also your virtual palwhichmotivates and encourages you at the right momentsMy Diet Coach - Win the mental game of dieting !!My Diet Coach will help you to:> Stay on track - With the user-friendly diet planner, mealandexercise journal, calorie counter, custom reminders for everydiaryevent, challenges tracker, BMI calculator and BMRcalculator.> Get motivated - With the motivational photos aid, yourgoalreminder, virtual rewards and tips.> Overcome weight loss difficulties - With tips and remindersforevery type of challenge and by logging repetitive difficultiesinyour diet journal.> Record and view your weight loss progress - With the Proweightchart!> Curb your next food craving with the "Food cravingspanicbutton".Press Reviews:"My Diet Coach Pro is one of the better dieting apps I’vecheckedout...""Packed with tons of helpful features, this app was wellthought-outby the developers and is truly your very own personaldiet coach"-AppadviceUser Reviews:"LOVE IT!!! I used to (try to) use Weight Watchers mobile buttheirfood database was horrible and their app NEVER worked properly...This is so much better and for such a low price it's ano-brainer.Buy this app and start losing weight!"New! - Notifications with voice replies for AndroidWear(Watch):1. Voice notifications for tracking water consumption2. Voice notifications for calorie counting3. Actionable notifications for Android WearDetailed Description:Diet Planner and Calendar:> Personalize your diet plan - define your own meals,exercises,and other events once and reuse them without having tore-enter allthe details.> One diary for exercises, meals and other events...> Set reminders that will remind you to plan and journal.> Calories calculator for hundreds of types of exerciseandthousands of foods.> Barcode scanner for US foods> Track carbs, fats and protein for US foods> Planning makes it easy to journal – just check offrecurringmeals and exercises in the journal diary.> Expect the unexpected - if you know you suffer fromemotionaleating, hunger, or mindless eating at certain times - addit toyour diary and be prepared.> Add other weight-loss-related tasks like cooking,findinghealthy recipes, drink water, preparing healthy grocerylists,measuring your weight and more...*** Diet Journal and Logging> Account for everything you eat and do during the day –journalyour meals and exercises.> Calorie calculator for hundreds of types of exerciseandthousands of foods (including major fast food chains). New:Searchonline over 1,000,000 of foods (powered by FatSecret)> Calorie counter - View calories consumed and burnedagainstyour daily calorie goals.> Integrated reminders to journal your meals and exercises.Thetiming of the reminders is flexible and can be set up howeveryoulike.> Flexible and easy-to-use.> Drink water button - track your water consumption> Take photos of food eatenWeight and body measurements Tracker> Record your weight loss progress and body measurements(Neck,waist, hips, upper arm, bust)> View your weight loss chart and graphs.> Use your weight chart as a motivational aid – set areminderthat shows your weight chart.> Weigh in reminderOther Features:> Easy to use challenges tracker> Get virtual rewards for "doing the right thing"> Tips for every type of challenge – tips forweight-loss,health, and fitness.> Increase your motivation and become more active withextensivediet reminders: Set reminders for your goal, motivationalphotos,make a healthy grocery list, cook healthy meals, create adiet planand more...> Motivational aids - photos and virtual rewards- will maketheapp your best diet assistant.> Create and adjust your weight loss profile.
See and save thousands of drugs and prospects. And all for free!
Tienda Móvil - CO 1.6
Locatel te trae, Locatel Tienda MóvilColombia.Un nuevo servicio para que compres todos nuestrosproductos desdecualquier parte de Colombia y en cualquier lugar,en nuestro apppodrás:- Buscar productos entre mas de 90 categorías.- Hacer pedidos a la dirección de tu preferencia.- Pagar contra entrega.- Conocer el estado de tus pedidos.- Comunicarte con nuestro call center.- Recibir notificaciones de promociones.Locatel bringsyou,Locatel Shop Mobile Colombia. A new service for you to buyourproducts from anywhere in Colombia and anywhere in our app youcan:- Find products from over 90 categories.- Make orders to the address of your choice.- Pay on delivery.- Know the status of your orders.- Contact our call center.- Receive notification of promotions.
Cerca Farmacia 1.0
Cerca Farmacia è un'applicazione che ti permette ditrovarelefarmacie di turno e di zona di un comuneitaliano!L'applicazionefunziona tramite la connessione internet perricavareleinformazioni richieste.Principalicaratteristichedell'applicazione: - Ricerca tramite nomedel comuneoppure tramitecoordinate gps - Ricerca delle farmacie diturno o dizona -Visualizzazione dei risultati in lista ordinati inbasealladistanza (dal più vicino al più lontano) -Visualizzazionedelpercorso su mappa e navigatore Ogni risultatoricercato dàlapossibilità di poter: a) telefonare alla farmacia b)visualizzareidettagli relativi alla farmacia selezionata (telefono,via,oraridi apertura, ecc.) c) visualizzare tramite google mapslaposizionedella farmacia e il percorso dalla posizioneattualePerinformazioni, suggerimenti, problemi e consigli inviateunaemailallo sviluppatore.
Guia da Farmácia
The Pharmacy Guide is a medication consultation application.
Farmacias+ 1.4
All pharmacies in the province of Alicante in the palm of your hand
Couch to 5K®
Get off the couch and get running withtheOFFICIAL Couch to 5K® training app! This oft-imitated programhashelped thousands of new runners move from the couch to thefinishline. Spend just 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week, fornineweeks, and you’ll be ready to finish your first 5K(3.1-mile)race!WINNER of the 2012 Appy Award for best Healthcare &FitnessApp!Features✓Training plan designed by trainers✓Choose from 4 different motivating virtual coaches—JohnnyDead,Constance, Billie or Sergeant Block✓Hear human audio cues to guide you through each workout✓Listen to your favorite playlists with in-app music player✓Calculate your distance & pace and map your routes withFREEGPS support✓Log your workouts and share your progress on Facebook✓Get support from the largest running community onActive.comTrainer✓Repeat workouts and track your best performance✓Treadmill support allows manual entry of workouts✓Track your progress with total distance and average pace✓Graphs for workouts to compare distance and paceFinished the Couch to 5K program and ready to take yourrunningprogram to the next level? Check out our 5K to 10K app toprep foryour first 10K racehere!Praise"The popular Couch to 5K app helps new runners avoid injuryfromdoing too much, too soon."—Runners World, June 2012"It's ridiculously easy to use (it's hard not to, as you justdowhat you're told) and it's fantastic that you have anencouragingvoice talking you through things."—Engadget, June 2012"’s Couch to 5K is one of my favorite… apps. Withitscustomizable features, interactivity, and well-roundedinterface, Imay actually stay off the couch this time."—148Apps, October 2011"I knew as soon as I decided to start the Couch to 5K program thatIwould need something to keep me accountable—not just to showingupfor my training, but to actually doing it properly. Ofcoursethere’s an app for that."—CalorieLab, April 2012"If you have been struggling to get your buns off the couchandsomewhat in shape before the summer hits, training for a 5K isnota bad way to start. If you are looking for a program to helpgetyou there, then the “Couch to 5K” running plan by CoolRunningisprobably your best bet if you haven’t done an ounce ofathleticactivity for a number of years."—Droid Life, April 2012Get more information about the Couch to 5K apphere:• Once you purchase the app, it is yours to keep. It does notexpireafter 9 weeks.For additional support please contact usat:[email protected]. We would love to hearfromyou.THIS APP AND ANY INFORMATION GIVEN BY IT OR THE ACTIVE NETWORK,LLC,ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THEY ARE NOT INTENDEDNORIMPLIED TO BE A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE.YOUSHOULD ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER BEFORE BEGINNINGANYFITNESS PROGRAM. IN PARTICULAR, THE ACTIVITIES ANDEXERCISESDESCRIBED IN TRAINING PROGRAMS AND ARTICLES ON ACTIVE CANBEDANGEROUS AND MAY RESULT IN INJURY OR DEATH. YOU MUST CONSULTWITHA LICENSED PHYSICIAN BEFORE PARTICIPATING IN ANY OF THEACTIVITIESDESCRIBED IN THE APPLICATION.
SPS Móvil 2.0.6
Mobile Application of SPS!
Prontuario Farmaceutico 1.0
L'applicazione Prontuario Farmaceutico consente dieffettuarelaricerca dei farmaci e parafarmaci in commercio inItalia.Laricerca può essere effettuata filtrando per: - Nome -A.T.C.-Principio Attivo E' possibile visualizzare ildettagliodelfarmaco/parafarmaco, in particolare: - Nome - PrincipioAttivo-Confezione - Classe - Nota AIFA - Ricetta - Tipo - Info Agg.-ATC- AIC - Prezzo - Ditta - Posologia e Indicazioni(attraversounaconnessione internet) L'applicazione non habisognodell'utilizzodi una connessione internet per visualizzare idatidelfarmaco/parafarmaco ricercato, tranne per le posologieeleindicazioni. Per informazioni, suggerimenti, problemieconsigliinviate una email allo sviluppatore.
Farmacia Maraplus 1.23
Búsqueda de Artículos - UbicacióndelFarmaciapor GPS - Publicidad & PromosPróximamente nuevos Módulos.facil-soft.comSearch index -LocationofPharmacy GPS - Advertising & PromosComing new
Farmacias Similares 1.3
Encuentra el medicamento que necesitashastacon un 75% de ahorro.Find the medicationyouneed up to 75% savings.
Ni Una Dieta Mas 122.0
I'm going to help you lose weight. Count on me. I love mypatients.Dr Salomon
Farmacias Ahora! Zaragoza 1.3.2
Farmacias Ahora! Zgz lets you know which chemist's around youareOPEN NOW!.
All-night Chemist's Canary
Quickly find the all-night chemist's anywhere in the Canaries.
Medisafe Pill & Med Reminder 9.35.13389
Stay on track with your medicine & pills! Never forgetanothermed or pill!
Farmacias de Turno Chile 1.10
Apps Path
Application to locate pharmacies open at night and on holidaysinChile.