Top 50 Apps Similar to Quran Afrilang

Islam: The Noble Quran
"Islam: The Qur'an" is an application thatmakeit possible to read the Holy Quran (القرآن الكريم) in Arabicand indifferent translations. A phonetic transcription is alsoavailablein order to help non-Arabic-speaking people to read andlearn theSurahs.Many reciters are also available with different stylesofrecitation. Moreover, You can define a selection of Ayats(verses)to be repeated, and thus facilitate the memorizationprocess.Other options are available to make your learning of the Koraneasy,as the ability to play automatically all the suras or even toaddfavorites and notes.Feel free to contact us to request changes, improvements or theaddof new features!
Quran Karim 1.6.3
Andro 2014
Quran Karim mp3 : listening online and without internet forsurahdownloaded
Islam: Al-Quran Al-Kareem
The best application to read, learn and listen to the Holy Quran!
Apprendre Le Coran phonétique 2.0.3
Nouhoun KANE
Learn The Holy Quran in phonetic verse by verse.
Coran Arabe | Français | Phon. 0.0.8
Study the Quran in Arabic, French and phonetic (offline).
Le Noble Coran (Tafsir par ver 1.13
Salam Edition
Quran with translation contemporary and new features.
The Fully power of Quran in your device. Translation, tfasirandAudio support.
Duaas (invocations) from Quran
The Quran contains many invocations andwiththis application you'll be able to learn up to 50.To facilitate learning, the audio (voice of Sheikh MisharyAlafasy)is included with the Arabic text, and the translation andphonetictext (transcription).Each Duaa is displayed with its references in the Koran and theAyat(verse) containing the supplication is also displayed.Do not hesitate to contact us to request improvementsorcorrections.May Allah accept our deeds.
Quran Kit (Muslim tools) 1.3.2
The Quran and other tools like duas and hadiths for the Muslim.
30 Duaas (Invocations)
In Islam, Dua (دعاء) which literallymeans"invocation" is an act of supplication.This application is a collection of 34 duaas with audio for eachDuawith translation and phonetic transcription.
Quran French 2.7.64
Andi Susilo
Quran / Coran with French translation, word by word, audioquran,salat times.
Coran en français 4.7.5b
Quran in French. Read the Quran in Arabic alongside itstranslationinto French.
Mon Guide Pulaar 1.0
Nous sommes ravis de partager avec vouscetteapplicationd'apprentissage de la langue Pulaar. C'est grâce àSyAbou l'auteurde ce livre que nous avons pu développercetteapplication. "Parléspar plus de quatre vingt dixmillionsd''autochtones à traversl'Afrique, le Pulaar estincontestablementune langue decommunication transfrontalière de larégion africaine.Parailleurs, le Pulaar dispose d'une productionlittéraireabondanteet variées résultant du militantisme ancien desesillustresfils..." Bassirou Mamadou Kébé. Merci de nous envoyervosremarques& suggestions à l'adresse suivante:[email protected] ou+22248682865
Quelques secrets du Coran 1.0
Some secrets from the Qur'an dealing areas Botany, Geology ...
40 Rabbanas (duaas of Quran)
This application is a collection of 40Duas(Duʿā' - invocations) of the Qur'an that begin with theword"rabbana - رَبَّنَا"(Our Lord).Each rabbana is displayed in Arabic with its translation (inseverallanguages) and transcription.The audio is available too!
Islam: 40 Hadiths Qudsi
The Hadith Qudsi, or sacred hadith, haveaparticularly important status because their meaning isentirelyfrom Allah while the wording is that of the ProphetMuhammadhimself.This application is presenting 40 hadiths qudsi with thetranslationand the original hadith into Arabic.There is also the possibility to listen to each hadith intoarabicversion.If you have any question, feel free to email me.
99 Hadiths du prophète saws FR 1.3
Ce livre est un recueil de paroles (Hadiths) du Prophète (quelapaixet le salut d’Allah soient sur lui). Définition d'unhadith:Tout cequi est rapporté du Prophète (saws) commeparoles,actions,acquiescements, ou caractéristiques (physiques,traitsdecaractères etc.) Les hadiths référencés ne sontqu’unequantitéinfime à l’égard de tous les hadiths rapportés duProphète.Ellestraitent de plusieurs sujets du quotidien. Cesparoleschoisiesdémontrent l’universalité de l’islam qui convient entoutepériode,en tout lieu et pour toute personne. C’est laseulereligion quiassouvit les besoins vitaux humains, qu’ilssoientpsychologiques,psychiques, matériels ou spirituels. Amislecteurs,vous serez sansdoute étonnés de savoir, que les hadithsque nousallons citer, nesont qu’une quantité infime à l’égard detous leshadiths rapportésdu Prophète (que la paix et le salutd’Allahsoient sur lui). Lesrapporteurs de confiance ont, eneffet,rassemblé des dizaines demilliers de hadiths authentiques quiontpour sujet la croyance,les adorations, les relations sociales,lecomportement, lapolitique, les pactes, les accords de paix,laguerre, lecommandement, l’administration, la médecine, lemondeinvisible,etc. Recueil de Hadiths du Prophète (que la paix etlesalutd’Allah soient sur lui) en français.
Sahih Al Boukhari, 2000 Hadith 1.0
Selection of more than 2000 Hadiths of the Sahih of Imam MuhammadAlBukhari
Holy Quran Arabic English 2.20
If you want to recite Arabic text of book Holy Quran,whichcomprises the entire first page with English transliterationinhigh quality and streaming MP3s of each chapter and verse. Readthemost beautiful book Holy Quran with Arablc & English textissynchronized with each reciting verse anywhere any time onyourandroid phone or tablet. This full Quran is divided into114Surahs. Islamic Radio (راديو الإسلامية) is a fantasticinternetradio receiving application for android devices. There aresomeIslamic radio sites in the list (Islam Radio Player Live).Thestations which broadcast Islamic programs likeReligiousConversation. Just click on the station and enjoylistening to thechannel. It entails following significant featuresincluding: • Itincorporates all the 114 Surahs of Quran withinorder and propersettings. • The designed and easy to use Quran apphelps you readand memorize Al-Quran. • Arabic & English text ofthe Quranmakes you able to read and recite the correctpronunciation ofQuran in no time. •Audio recitation of each chapterand verse tofacilitate the Muslims around the world. • All MP3Audio can belistening for the usefulness and abundance ofrecitation at anytime and any where. • Easy go to option for accessto any Surah ofQuran. • Font size for both Arabic script andtranslation can beadjusted. • The most popular Islam radio stationsall together forfaster. Please give your comments and ratings, itencourages us tomake more good and free apps in future. Wishes youAll a Very Happyand Blessed Ramadan.
Les 4 écoles sunnites 1.0
The four founders of Sunni imams schools.
Memorize Quran 1.40
Program for memorizing Holy Quran
Warsh Quran 2.5.2
Warsh Quran
Warsh Quran is a free Quran app for riwaya Warsh 'an Nafi'.
Le Paradis "Ibn Qayyim" 3.0
Heaven "El Hadi El Arwah ila biladi Af'rah"
Madrassah - Arabic vocabulary 1.5
Mehdi K.
Arabic Vocabulary of the Madrassah 2.1.2
Site Application with the conferences of thebrotherNader Abu Anas
Les plus Beaux Noms d'Allah 2.5
Yam IT
Reading, listening, learning and quiz the 99 Beautiful NamesofAllah
Supplication Verses in Quran 2
An Islamic app. contains all supplications verses withanexplanation-Ads free
Skeet Shooting 3D 1.2.5
Skeet Shooting is the #1 realistic 3D clay pigeon shooting gameonGoogle Play!
Mafatih Al Jinan en français 1.14
Mafatih Al Jinan French - Keys to Paradise
And Remind ! Quran, Hadeeth, Prayers 2.7.7
Mohamed Anis
"And Remind !" is an Islamic application that will allow youtoaccess to various services. From this services, we can citepillarsof Islam with definitions, the Holy Quran with translationsandrecitations, prayer times with Athan, calendar and compass,citadelof Muslim with selected hadeeths, questions / Answers Pleaserateit ! Thanks for all !
دِيوَان Diwan Baye NIASS 1.4.0
Cette application appelée « Diwan» estunensemble de poèmes dans toutes les dimensions du ProphèteMouhammadSAS) de Mawlana Cheikhoul Islam Elhadji Ibrahima Niass(BAYE NIASهذا البرنامج المسمّى ب " دِيوَان" يجمع مقتطفات شعريةبالنّسخةالعربية من دواوين شيخ الإسلام وإمام الفيضة التجانية الشيخالحاجإبراهيم انياس الكولخي.This applicationcalled"Diwan" is a collection of poems in all dimensions of theProphetMuhammad SAS) Mawlana Cheikhoul Islam Elhadji Ibrahima Nias(NIASBAYEهذا البرنامج المسمى ب "ديوان" يجمع مقتطفات شعرية بالنسخةالعربيةمن دواوين شيخ الإسلام وإمام الفيضة التجانية الشيخ الحاجإبراهيمانياس الكولخي.
Comprendre l'Islam 2.0
This application aims to promote the beautiful values ​​of Islam.
The Garden of the Righteous or the legendary Riyadh As-Salihin
Read Listen Quran قرآن كريم 5.7.1
Read Listen Holy Quran Mp3 Quran Recitation
Ayat al Kursi (Throne Verse)
The Throne Verse (آية الكرسي) or AyatulKursi,is the 255th verse of the second Surah Al-Baqara.It is the most famous verse of the Quran.This application contains the verse with translationandtranscription (you can disable in the preferences). Tofacilitatememorization, the verse is divided into several partsthat you canlisten several times.Also, the ayat can be recited by many reciters.
Daily Supplications
YoubO apps
Read and listen everyday to more than 300 supplications fromQuranand Sunna.
Baye Niasse
Collection of poems of Cheikh Ibrahim Inyass named entitledDiwanSitta
La Citadelle Du Musulman 3.0
C’est une application Android de Hisnuelmusulmane (La Citadelle Du Musulman), par Sheikh Sa'id IbnWahfAl-Qahtaani, en Français.Nous avons ajouté une liste d'index accompagnée de photos,pourrendre l'exploration plus facile pour l'utilisateur.Cetteapplication contient une collection de Douaa et Dikr de livreHisnuel musulman en Français et en Arabe avectranslittération.application simple, gratuite et facile à utiliserpar toutepersonne de différents âgesLa Citadelle Du Musulman, invocations tirées de Saint Coran etdela Sunna: est un très beau livret qui se compose denombreuxauthentiques (invocations) de Duaa, des invocationsquotidiennes etlors d'occasions.Nous allons continué à travailler sur cette application (QueDieunous accorde son soutient et facilité) pour améliorer etajouterplus de fonctionnalités et des informations.La Citadelle Du Musulman, Hisnul Muslim, Musulman, Hisnul,Hisn,La Citadelle, Doa, Zikr
Juz Amma (Suras of Quran)
This application contains Juz Amma(Lastchapter of the Quran from Surah 78 to Surah 114) andAl-Fatiha.Each sura is displayed with its original verse (inarabic) and alsowith its translation and transliteration.Reminder:A juz is one of 30 parts of roughly equal length into whichtheQur'an is sometimes divided.The juz that is the most commonly memorized is «juz Amma» whichisthe thirtieth part and which starts from Sura 78 (An-Naba) toSura114 (An-Nas), that are most of the short suras of theQuran.Juz Amma is named after the 1st word of the 1st sura (sura 78)inthat juz.
Le Voile dans l'Islam‭ 1
Dialogue between an Orientalist and scholar reasons based ontheveil.
Read Quran Warsh قرآن ورش 5.7.1
Read Listen Holy Koran Quran Warsh Mp3 Free Recitation قرآن ورش
Arabic - French 7.5
French Arabic dictionary, translator, learn words with games,testsand more.
Dioula facile Tome I 2.0
Dioula Easy is a dioula self learning app with audio files.
Questions Islam
Question Islam est une application destiné àunlarge public, elle permet d'accroitre et de confirmersesconnaissances sur la culture islamique.Elle est dans un format ludique sous forme de questions /réponsesavec un contenu explicatif.Elle a pour but d'informer sur la culture musulmane et derapprocherles gens des principes de l'islam.C'est une première initiative qui a besoin de votre soutien.Pour toute proposition ou suggestion, n'hésitez pas à m'envoyerunemail au [email protected] Islam isanapplication designed for a wide audience, it allows to increaseandconfirm their knowledge of Islamic culture.She is in a playful format as questions / answers withexplanatorycontent.It aims to inform about the Muslim culture and bring people totheprinciples of Islam.This is the first initiative that needs your support.For any proposal or suggestion, do not hesitate to send me [email protected]
40 Rabbanas (Quranic duas) 2.3
Abdullah apps
40 Rabbanas (Quranic supplication) contains 40 supplications(Duas)of Quran
40 rabbana en arabe et francais 1.0.2
Cette application contient : Les 99 noms d'Allah(swt)avecleurssignifications et attributs. Les Douas en françaisaveclatraduction phonétique : - Invocation pour la demande depardon-Invocation pour persévérer dans l'obéissance à Allah-Invocationdu Prophète - Invocation pour ses parents -Invocationpourrepousser l'injustice - Invocation lorsqu'on sort dechez soi-Invocation lorsqu'on rompt le jeûne - Invocation pourceluiquivient de se marier - Invocation pour calmer la colère-Invocationspour remercier son frère en Islam - Invocationlorsqu'onentend letonnerre - Invocations avant d'entrer auxtoilettes -Invocationaprès les ablutions - Invocation lors del'insomnie -Invocationpour conserver quelque chose Les invocationsdu soir etdu matinavec leurs traduction française et phonétiqueainsi queleurs sonsau format mp3 Les 40 Rabbanas traduites enfrançais aveclatraductions phonétique et les 40 Rabbanas en mp3.(sanspublicités)nb : il y a certain bug pour les sons sur lesandroidkitkat 4.4.2
Douas Baye NIASS 1.7
Douas Baye NIASS est une applicationquiregroupe quelques invocations de son excellence Cheikh AlIslamIbrahima NIASS, détenteur de la Fayda Tijania, connu encoresous lenom de Baye NIASS.Douas Baye Niasse isanapplication that brings together some invocations of HisExcellencySheikh Al Islam Ibrahim Niasse, holder fayda Tijania,still knownas Baye Niasse.
Dictionnaire Dioula / Jula 6.0
Learn the names of animals, plants in Dioula, French,English,German
Les quatre Califes 2.0
The story of the four Righteous Caliphs-guided