Top 6 Apps Similar to 432 Hz Healing Alchemy

432 Hz Solar Alchemy 0.0.2
Neven Sakotic
432 Hz Solar Alchemy appComposition "Ozone 432 Hz" used in this app is tuned to 432Hzand carries within it a specific frequencies that has abeneficialeffect on the entire body and the energy field onmultiple levels.We uses the "forgotten" frequencies that are notheard in theclassical 'western scale' mode of instrument tuning,and for thisreason they cannot be heard in the music we usuallylisten to.These A=432 Hz tuning frequencies are somewhere betweenthe usualgamut of tones that we use, where the tone A is tuned at440Hz.The effectiveness of the sound increases if, while listeningtoit, we focus our awareness to the region of the Solar plexus,belowthe diaphragm.Instruction while listening: relax and concentrate awarenesstothe region of the Solar plexus. Take a couple of deep breaths,thengently go into relaxed breathing and let the sound guide you.Youcan also repeat this affirmations:I can do whatever I will to do.I honor the power within me.I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.In a smooth and healthy way, I release allunresolvedemotions.I claim my personal power.This center is found at our stomach level, just located belowtheHeart.  It is connected to the element of Fire and allthat wemust do or not do. It is our “Right to Act”. Our mainissues forthis Chakra are Power and Energy.  The goals isthat ofvitality, strength of will, sense of purpose, andoureffectiveness.  If it is malfunctioning you maybeexperiencing, ulcers, timidity, domination, fatigue,digestiveproblems, authority issues, and fears of doing or notdoing. Whenthe solar plexus is open, you have found your uniquegift, the workthat gives you pleasure and makes you feel fulfilled.One way tofind your gift is to consider what you most enjoyed doingwhen youwere a child, this will give you clues about yournaturalinclinations.Consciousness: Parts of the consciousness associated withthischakra include perceptions concerned with power, control,freedom,the ease with which one is able to be themselves – ease ofbeing.Mental activity and the mental body is also associated withthischakra. The solar plexus chakra is also associated with thelevelof being we call the personality, or ego.The relationship a person has with fire, or the sun, can be seentohave its parallels in the person’s relationship with the partsoftheir consciousness that this chakra represents. Someonesensitive about the sun, then, can be seen to haveparticularsensitivities about power, or control, or freedom.HEALING STRATEGY: Risk taking, grounding, emotional contact,deeprelaxation, stress control, vigorous exercise,sit-ups,psychotherapy (release or contain anger, build egostrength, workon shame issues, strengthen will).Also try our free “432 Hz Healing Alchemy” app!Music Written & Composedby Branislav Micic & Tatjana KarajanovArranged & Producedby Branislav MicicVocalby Tatjana KarajanovMixing & Masteringby Branislav MicicRecorded at Supersonic StudioNovi Sad, Serbia 2013Contact: [email protected] Neven [email protected] Micic is master of drama and audiovisual arts.Hegraduaded at Academy of Arts in Novi Sad where he lecture“Musictechnology” and "Electronic music" on composition department.CEOat private recording studio SUPERSONIC. His area ofexpertiseinclude CD mastering, postproduction for film, cartoonsand moviedubbing and voiceovers, composing, arranging, musicproduction,location recordings... During last decade he studied howsound andparticular frequencies affects human body and mind. In2013. and2014. he released two CD-s named “Music of the Spheres”and “ForestWisdom” with special 432 Hz tuning sutable for soundhealing,relaxing, meditation and DNA repairing and awakening. Youcan findmore informations and hear his music
Playing and listening to music that hasbeentuned to 432Hz would make your body, and the organicworldwhichsurrounds it, resonate in a natural way. This would fill you withasense of peace and well-being.Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside your body,releasesemotional blockages, and expandsconsciousness. 432Hz music allows you to tune into the knowledgeofthe universe around us in a more intuitiveway.The application contains 3 original ambient tracks composedin432Hz tuning. The effects of this frequencycombined with the healthy and relaxing effects of ambient musicwillreduce anxiety and stress, improve yoursleep quality, promote a sense of well-being and happiness.Please use headphones in a quiet and silent place.
Binaural Beat Meditation LITE
Meditation Experience Binaural Beat BrainWaveMeditation Experience.Experience the Power of Binaural Beats with Brain Wavefocusedmeditation.Features:♦ Binaural Beats♦ Brain Wave Entrainment♦ Meditation Timer from 1 minute to 24 hours♦ Optional Meditation Ending Bell♦ Meditate Deeply with Powerful Binaural Beats♦ FREEMeditations Include:♦ Theta Meditation: A Deep Mediation Track with constant aThetaWave using Binaural Beats in the 5Hz- 7Hz range that entrainsyourbrain into a deep meditative state. Theta waves are associatedwithdeep meditation and can help alleviate anxiety.♦ The Theta Frequency is created by Binaural Beats. Example:Ifthe left ear is presented with a steady tone of 500Hz and therightear a steady tone of 505Hz, these two tones combine in thebrain.The difference, 5Hz, is perceived by the brain and is averyeffective stimulus for brainwave entrainment.When using stereo headphones, the left and right sounds donotmix together until in your brain. The Theta Frequency BinauralBeatis created entirely by your brain♦ Pink Noise: Softer than White Noise, Pink Noise is a greatwayto block outside noises and relax and meditate. A great soundtouse to help babies sleep.♦ Rain & Wind Chimes: Relaxing rain and wind chimes.♦ Relaxing Waves: Relaxing waves great forgeneralrelaxation.♦ Verdi 432Hz Meditation: 432Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ isanalternative tuning that is mathematically consistent withtheuniverse. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healingenergy,because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.♦ Self Hypnosis: Complex Binaural Track withmultiplefrequenciesEnjoy a relaxing Meditation Experience, Deep, and Blissful.✸✸ Get More Features ! - Ultimate Meditation Experience ✸✸Want a Deeper Meditation Session? Try Binaural BeatMeditationPROAll the LITE features plus:☛ Light and Sound Mind Machine☛ Solfeggio Frequencies Meditation☛ More Binuaral Beat Meditations☛ Positive Subliminal Messages☛ Classical Music Subliminal TracksVisit:
sound healing 3.0
Sound and music were used for the purposeofhealing and expansion of consciousness since ancient times bymanyspiritual and sacred traditions.The app is intended toencourageyou to reconnect you with various forgotten healingmethods fromearlier times. They should arise your desire toexperiment. Theapplications are not a substitute for medicaldiagnosis and therapyor treatment .It also guarantees no healthimprovements and doesnot promise healing. Make your own experiencesand then decide ifthe application is good for you.Use your smartphone if possible in "airplane mode" toavoiddisturbing frequencies.Try to use the sounds on different parts of your bocy andwithdifferent volume levels.The skin will also recognize for the ear inaudible vibrations,soyou don't have to tune up the volume to much. Put the phone withthespeaker side on the area to be treated. You can also experimentwithexternally connected small active speakers .Enjoy it!The PRO version (In-APP buy) contains a menu item "yoursoundmassage".Many different instruments (41 sounds) are "randomly" chipped andsocompose your sound massage. The time is "infinity", or untilyouquit the application.With the PRO version you can also play the completefrequenciesfrom the Solfeggio Matrix (Angelic - Natural)DetailsMost diseases have set a spiritual cause. The way we thinkandact leads to energy blockages in our human body,,solidifiedenergy. Diseases are seen as manifesting energies thatcan not flowwhen things are not brought back into balance.ChakraphoneThe sounds of Chakraphone resonate with the energycenters(chakras). It consists of 14 harmonically rich sound bars,with themain energy centers (chakras) of the people standing innaturalresonance. The vibration causes a gradual letting goofthoughts.The app does not replace a real Chakraphone becauseyoucan not reproduce the harmonics outside the audiblerange.Experiment whether an effect can already be achieved withthevibrations of the audible range.Healing frequenciesThe available frequencies are pure sine waves. In this form,somefrequencies are even used in research / science today,including forDNA repair.In particular, the Solfeggio frequenciesare from timeimmemorial have healing effects.The individualfrequencies areattributed to the following effects:396 hz - liberation from guilt and fear417 hz - resonance, change432 hz - healing, awareness. mental expansion528 Hz - DNA Repair, miracle, transformation639 hz - harmonious relations741 hz - awakening intuition852 Hz - Returning to Spiritual Order936 hz - Pineal Gland Activation963 hz - communication with the divine, higher dimensions
Meditation Trainer 5.0
Dieser deutschsprachige umfangreiche Meditationstrainer wirddeinePraxis bereichern. Er enthält Meditationen - auf bekannteMantren -auf den Atem -auf ICH BIN - aus dem Buddhismus DorjeSempa,Medizinbuddha, Weisse Tara, Beobachten der Gedanken - aufKlang (Klangschalen, Klangstäbe, Solfeggio- Frequenz 432 hz, OM-Ton136,1hz) und die stille Meditation mit Timer. Alles mitprofessionellenAudiodateien zur Meditationsbegleitung. Was zeichnetdiese APPgegenüber anderen Meditations- APPs aus ? - deutscheAPP,werbefrei, offline voll nutzbar - Inhalte von YOGA-undMeditationslehrern und einem Medium - aktuell 54 kostenloseInhaltemit Audiodateien der Sprecherin von "Für die Seele" - APPläuftauch im Hintergrund mit abgeschaltetem Bildschirm - DieZeitdauerzwischen den Ansagen wird mit fortschreitenderMeditationszeitlänger ... die Stille dehnt sich aus. - Diegeführten Audio-Ansagen halten den Geist bei der Sache, ansonstenschweift er beiden meisten Menschen viel zu schnell ab. - Ton istzwischendrinauch abschaltbar, das Ende wird angesagt. - DieZeitdauer kannjedes mal gewählt werden oder in den Einstellungenauf einen festenWert gesetzt werden. - 8 Levels (5 - 60 min) führendich mehr undmehr zu dir selbst nach innen. - EineErinnerungsfunktion kanneingeschaltet werden und dich an deinetägliche Praxis erinnern. -Alle Audiodateien werden extra geladen,die APP bleibtspeicherschonend klein. Einfachste Handhabung, mitwenigen Clickloslegen zu tiefer Entspannung für Körper und Geist.Die Früchtedeiner Arbeit (Innerer Frieden und Ausgeglichenheit)werden sichbei regelmässiger Anwendung im AUSSEN zeigen. Wenn deinEnergiefeldsich harmonisiert, wird deine erlebte Aussenweltsichdementsprechend verändern. Das sind universelle GesetzederResonanz. CHITAO - Apps für Gesundheit,Freude,Leichtigkeit
Binaural Chakra Therapy 3.1
Scappy Apps
Designed to put you into a state of relaxation and balance outyourchakras.