Top 18 Apps Similar to Most Effective Pranayamas

Health Through Breath 3.0
**Recommended by Leading Doctors** A simple structuredcoursetoimprove breathing, health and reduce stress.PranayamaHealthThrough Breath has over one million satisfied userson theiOSplatform. Health Through Breath uses musical audio cuestoguideyour breathing. Once you have become comfortable with theappyoumay simply switch off the screen and focus on yourbreathingusingour effective audio cues which will naturally guideyou.Switchingthe screen off is also ideal when you are using theapp tohelp yousleep, conserving the battery life in your device asyouslowlydrift off. There are several styles of music to chosefrom.Werecommend that you use the same style of music foraparticularactivity, so with practice the app will becomemoreeffective. Forexample, before going to bed you may usetheClassical style eachtime, or before going for a run try theNaturestyle. We suggestthe Vedic style when using the app fordeepmeditation and toimprove creativity. Most importantly, usewhateverstyle of musicthat feels most comfortable to you. Afterworkingthrough ourguided course from beginner to advanced, you willhave abetterunderstanding of which breathing patterns work best foryou.Youwill then be able to create your own breathing patternsusingourcustomization feature. Like with all our apps we lovefeedbackfromour users. Feel free to email us at [email protected] or concerns regarding any of our apps. Thank-you!
Universal Breathing: Pranayama 2.9
Yogic breath training for meditation, health improvement andstressreduction
Pranayama Breathing Pro 1.0
Improve your health and go deeper inrelaxingand meditation with the help of this useful application.Set the number of pranayamas you want to do, how many unitsyouwant for every cycle of breathing (inhaling, holding, exhalingandholding again) and how long has to be every unit, andstartbreathing in a deep and relaxed way.Breathing is one of the most important things for an healtyandrelaxed existance and with this app you will be able to improvethequality of your life just one breath after another!This is the Pro version, without ads and soon with lots ofnewfeatures more!Happy breathing, happy pranayama!
Breathing Yoga Pranayama 22.0
Pranayama Yoga Breathing exercises , self training and meditation.
Pranayama Yoga With Timer 1.0
This application will trains you how to control the motionofinhalation and exhalation of breath while doing the PranayamaYoga.Timer feature of this application will let you set timer fortheapplication also give alert tone when set timer is just tofinish,What is pranayama (yogic breathing)? ‘Prana’ refers totheuniversal life force and \‘ayama\’ means to regulate orlengthen.Prana is the vital energy needed by our physical andsubtle layers,without which the body would perish. It is what keepsus alive.Pranayama is the control of prana through the breath.Thesetechniques rely on breathing through the nostrils. Thevariousyoga, pranayama, breathing exercise ,a help in improvingyouroverall internal fitness, blood circulation, mental power,andheart rate, improve prana, glow face, and reduceweightnaturally.During the practice of pranayam we are using atleast 80%of our lungs. As utilisation of lungs more the pure oxygenenteringto blood immediately increases, so the each blood cellincreasestheir efficiency, so the whole body get benefited.Benefits ofPranayama Yoga: 1). All the three Doshas (Humors) - Vata, pittaand Kapha get adjusted in proper proportion andabnormalities inthem are removed. 2) Digestive system improves anddiseasespertaining to digestive organs are cured. 3) Diseasespertaining tolungs, heart and brain are also cured. 4) Obesity,Diabetes,Cholesterol, Constipation, Flatulence, Acidity,Respiratorytroubles, Allergy, Migraine, High blood pressure,diseasespertaining to kidneys, sexual disorders of males andfemales etc.are also cured. 5) Resistance against diseases isstepped up.Immunity develops. 6) Hereditary diseases like diabetesand heartdisease are can be avoided. 7) Falling of hair or itsprematuregraying, appearance of wrinkles on face or other parts ofthe bodyat young age, diminution of eye sight, forgetfulness, etc.arerelieved and process of aging is retarded. 8) Face becomesbright,luminous and calm. 9) Energy Chakra are cleansed and enablesthepractitioner to awaken the Kundalini. 10) Mind becomes stableandtranquil. A sense of contentment and enthusiasm or zealdevelops.Conditions like depression are relieved. 11) Performanceof yogicexercises like meditation will be easy. 12) All thediseases of thephysical and etheric bodies will be cured. Freedomfrom negativeand harmful mental conditions like anger,lasciviousness, greed formoney, arrogance etc. will be achieved.13) All the physical andmental disorders and abnormalities arecured and toxins eradicatedfrom the body. 14) Freedom from negativethinking is achieved andthe mind develops the habit of positive andconstructive thinking.Different types of Pranayama Yoga: BhastrikaPranayama: It issometimes treated as a kriya or 'cleansingaction'along withkapalabhati to clear the airways in preparationfor other pranayamatechniques. Kapalbhati Pranayam Yoga: Kapalbhatiis very powerfulbreathing exercise that not just helps you loseweight but alsobrings your entire system into a perfect balanceAnulom VilomPranayama Yoga: Anu roughly translates as with and Lomameans hairimplying "with the grain" or "natural". It is theopposite ofViloma Prāṇāyāma which means against the grain. BahayaPranayamaYoga: Bahya Pranayama is miraculous breathing exercise forallstomach organs. Hernia, diabetes, uterus and prostate problemsareaffected. Bharamari Pramayama Yoga: Bhramari pranayama isveryeffective in instantly calming your mind down. It is one ofthebest breathing exercises to release the mind ofagitation,frustration or anxiety and get rid of anger. UdgeetPranayama Yoga:Udgeeth Pranayama entails primal soundreverberations to resonateand awaken mind to its inherent, immensepotential. Mind, woke upand attentive to its potential, is capableof realising no matterit focuses on.
Health Through Breath Free 1.0
Health Through Breath improves your health and reduces stressjustby breathing.
Pranayama 0.0.1
"Pranayama is control of Breath"."Prana"isBreath or vital energy in the body. On subtlelevelspranarepresents the pranic energy responsible for life orlifeforce,and "ayama" means control. So Pranayama is"ControlofBreath".
Meditation Breath - Pranayama 1.6.2
Yoda Labs
One of the easiest ways to start focusingthemind, and building power and control in the lungs, isthroughcounting the length of time spent on each breath. Thissimpleexercise is easy to pick up, can be applied in a numberofsituations (either at work, commuting, at the park or in thehome).Welcome to the meditation breath cycle application. This appisdesigned to help support a person learning the art ofmeditationthrough structured breathing. Through increasingawareness of ourbreathing through simple but powerful timingexercises we are ableto more quickly realize some of the manybenefits ofmeditation.This app comes with several customizable settings –includingbreath cycle, sounds played during each cycle, and thetiming ofeach breathing exercise (i.e. how many cycles to includein thecycle). More free functionality is planned in the next fewmonths -so be sure to check for updates.With each breathing cycle there for four parts (length fortakingin breath, holding the in breath, taking the outbreath, andholdingthe outbreath). These fours parts are represented in thecycleperiod (5,3,5,3) and several cycle options are provided.This is the first release of this app, which will begoingthrough improvements and revisions over the coming months.Plannedrevisions / improvements on the horizons include:Recently added functionality:1. Ability to save session length and track progressovertime2. More UI customization options, including ability to swipetoincrease background appearance3. Animation to support the breath cycle - visual indicator4. Ability to change sound playback optionsPlanned functionality in future releases:1. Addition of 'free form' meditation timer - i.e. noregulatedbreath cycles2. Summary data on recorded sessions - total timemeditating,longest session, average session etc3. Ability to export data on recorded sessions4. Reference page to more information on Pranayama andtimedbreathing exercises for meditation5. Other functionality as suggested by users - please emailfeedbackor review with suggestions!This app will remain 100% free and add free. Thanks againforusing this app and we hope you are nourished by yourmeditationexperiences!!Key words: meditation, meditation breathing, meditationbreath,pranayama, pranayama meditation, breathing meditation,timedmeditation, meditation timer.
Pranayama Breathing 1.3
Pranayama breathing guide with sounds and animations for yogaandmeditation
Yoga Breathing Exercise Guide 2.0
Yoga is complete health and fitnessroutine;itsync perfectly mind, body & soul. Your dailyphysicalfitnessroutine can only give you fitness for physique butnot foryourmind.We usually ignore but our mind also needs relaxationanditshealth is equally important. For this yogabringsbreathingexercise; yoga practices for a health brain&soul.You just need to grab this app and startpracticingthesebreathing exercises for a healthy lifestyle. This iseasy touseand always gives you benefits related with yourhealth.Here is the sneak-peak of the content you will receiveinsidetheapp:Pranayama Yoga additionally runs as one with the Asanas.Theunionof these two Yogic Principles is considered as thehighestform ofpurification and self-discipline, covering both mindandbody. Learnmore about pranayama techniques andbreathingexercises.Download now!! It’s free!!Note - This is content-only app that providesyouinformationabout yoga breathing exercise.
Yoga Pranayama 1.1
Yogi Anant
Learn about Pranayama and start breathing to improve your lifeandhealth!
Pranayam 2.1
Pranayam in Gujarati writing with Rit, Time, Advantages, Rit instepby step,…. • Pranayam Pranayam information BhastrikaPranayamKapalbhati Pranayam Anulom Vilom Pranayam Bhramari PranayamBahyaPranayam Udgeeth Pranayam Pranav Pranayam Benefits ofPranayama: 1.Pranayama improves the autonomic functions. 2. Ithelps relievingthe symptoms of asthma. 3. It reduces the signs ofoxidative stressin the body. 4. Practicing pranayama everyday canassist in steadymind, strong will power and sound judgement. 5.Regular pranayamacan extend life and enhance ones perception oflife. 6. Number ofstudies show that pranayama causes change in thecardio respiratorysystem including lowering of blood pressure 7.Certain pranayama’sare excellent for weight loss.
Pranayama spirituelle (PLUG) 1.0
La respiration Bhramari (pranayama) vouspermetde prendre conscience de votre respiration et de votre corpsàtravers une vibration interne. Cette vibration vous permet devousfaire un auto-massage interne grâce à la puissance du son.Lapuissance de la vibration peut ainsi aller très profondémentenvous.Vous libererez ainsi le stress et amenerez un peu plusdebien-être afin d’être mieux connecté(e) à vous-même et àvotrespiritualité.L’idéal est de pratiquer régulièrement (tous les jours).La pratique se réalise assis jambes croisées dans un endroitoùvous ne serez pas dérangé. Ecouter pleinement les instrumentsengardant PLEINE CONSCIENCE et sans JAMAIS FORCER!Bonne pratique à vous!/!\ Attention /!\ cette application nécessite l’installationdel’application générale de relaxation: Yoga Nipat.PS: Cette application peut s’utiliser dans le cadred’uncomplément à la pratique de Yoga ou de la relaxation avecunprofesseur certifié. En effet, il pourra vous dire si lapratiquede tel ou tel exercice est idéale ou non pour vous.Bhramaribreathing(pranayama), you can become aware of your breathing andyour bodythrough an internal vibration. This vibration allows youto get aninternal self-massage with the power of sound. The powerofvibration and can go very deep within you.This will release the stress and amenerez a little morewelfareto be better connected (e) to yourself and yourspirituality.The ideal is to practice regularly (every day).The practice is done sitting cross-legged in a place whereyouwill not be disturbed. Listen instruments fullyretainingMINDFULNESS without NEVER FORCE!Good practice to you!! / \ Attention / \ this application requires the installationofthe general application of relaxation: Yoga Nipat.PS: This application can be used as part of an addition tothepractice of yoga or relaxation with a certified teacher. Indeed,itcan tell you whether the practice of a particular exercise isidealfor you or not.
Follow the guide to help controlyourbreathing.A simple peaceful focal point to assist you to steadyyourbreathing.Feedback, suggestion, translations or other comments welcome intheG+ community at the website link below or via [email protected] version (version 1) also available on Google Play.Searchfor Breathe1.
Square Breathing 1.3
This is a PRO plugin of Daily Yogaandrequiressubscription fee to unlock.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Storelink: is the bridge between your body and your mind,andalsobetween the conscious and the unconscious. By learning toworkwithyour breathing, you can change your mental andphysicalstates.It is also much easier to work with your breath thantoworkdirectly with the mind, which is very subtle. Insanskrit,thepractice of breath-work is called pranayama. In thisprogramyouwill learn 5 different pranayamas, in a simplifiedmanner, sothatit is easy for you to get started and reap someofthebenefits.We highly recommend that at the end of the program, youcanchooseone or two that you like the most, and keeppracticingthem.
Chakras Complete Guide 1.0
Complete Chakras Guide on ChakrasActivationandClearing. It includes,1) Chakra Location2) Chakra Senses3) Chakra Sensory Action4) Chakra Function5) Chakra other Functions6) Chakra Dimension7) Chakra Chanting Word8) Chakra Nerves9) Chakra Glands10) Chakra System11) Chakra Yoga Path12) Chakra Mudra13) Chakra Bandha14) Chakra Pranayama15) Chakra Asanas
Breath Holding Challenge 1.1
In work (business or personal leadership)itisimportant to stay calm and focused even in stressfulsituationsandto be able to make laser-focused and unbiaseddecisions.Personalissues can become entangled in the decisionmaking processandinterfere with your personal and professionaldevelopment.Weexperience that performing breath holds can help youbecomeawareof personal issues you may have to confront.What are the Benefits?- When holding your breath, you can learn to changeyourbrainactivity.- It reveals the degree to which you arepsychologicallyinbalance– Conquer your mental stability.- Remove Stress and Calm you down.– Find how finely you are tuned in on your body.- The simplicity of breath holds makes it an excellentbarometerofyour stress level, and makes progress easy tomeasure.- On the long run meditation and breath holds seem todevelopyournervous system and brain.- Scientific studies have revealed that peoplewhopracticemeditation and/or free diving show marked changes intheirbrainand nervous system.- One area in the nervous system that undergo changes liesinthebrain stem and is connected to the vague nerve. This is partofthecalming parasympathetic pathway which counteracts stress.- At a first glance holding your breath seems verysimple:Youinhale, hold your breath as long as you can andthenstartbreathing again. It is also quite a simple measure.Howmanyminutes/seconds? But it is at the same time amultifacetedandcomplex parameter.Performing breath holds might seem a bit odd, but infactbreathholding make up an important part of the specific partofyogacalled pranayama – breathing and breath holdingexercisestooptimize the life force (prana) and gain full mentalcontrol.And you go into a state of flow. In flow the notionoftimedisappears and you become what you do. You don’t fightitbutrather let go – and win! This is what the best athletesintheworld are masters at – and one explanation to theirincrediblepeakperformances.
Yoga & Chakra 1.6
Learn about Yoga and Chakra. Know the benefits of Yoga andChakraMeditation.