Top 22 Apps Similar to Burn Calories (20 Minutes )

YAZIO - Calorie Counter & Nutrition Tracker 8.3.6
With the free Calorie Counter app byYAZIO,you can manage your daily food diary, track your activitiesandlose weight successfully. Counting calories and losing weighthasnever been so easy!More than 3 million people have already achieved their NewYear’sresolutions with YAZIO. Be a part of it.YAZIO is the best diet and weight loss app for Android– Free download and registration– Personal plan to lose weight or build muscles– Calorie table with over 2 million foods– Nutrition tracker and food diary for all meals– Tracks your calories, carbs, proteins and fats– Create meals, add favorites or input new foods– Copy diary entries to other days easily– Built–in barcode scanner for quick searching– Tracks your sports, exercises and activities– Calorie calculator to track your burned calories– Tracks your daily steps walked and be more active– Documents your weight with weight tracker– Assesses your diet and achievementsThe advantages of YAZIO PRO are undeniable– PRO is a useful extension of the free app– With PRO, you will reach your goal twice as fast– Nutritional plans for low carb, high protein, etc.– Over 100 healthy and delicious recipes– Smart and intelligent food rating– More analysis including diet and body statistics– Tracks other nutrients like sugar, fiber and salt– Recognize foods with the most carbs or fat– Shows progress over the previous 2.5 years– Tracks body fat, blood pressure and blood sugar– Measure your breast, waist and hip circumference– Plan your diet and sports for the next days– No more advertisements – who doesn’t love that?– Supports our continuous improvement of YAZIOYou can buy PRO via in–app purchases within the app. YAZIO PROissignificantly cheaper than comparable Calorie Counter apps fordietand weight loss.If you go PRO, the payment will be charged through your GooglePlayaccount during purchase confirmation. The subscription willbeauto–renewed shortly before the subscription periodends,maintaining the same price and subscription type youpreviouslypurchased, unless you unsubscribe no later than 24 hoursbefore thesubscription ends. Subscriptions can be managed throughyour GooglePlay account after purchase. It is not possible torefund asubscription or cancel a subscription during thecurrentperiod.The storage of your data is extremely safeThe YAZIO Calorie Counter is operated by YAZIO, a Germancompany.Since the app has been developed in Germany, it is subjectto thestrict German Data Protection Act. All information receivedor sentthrough the app is encrypted at all times. All data isstoredanonymously on German servers and is not stored bythirdparties.– For further assistance go to– Get to know us better at http://about.yazio.comDo you want to help make the YAZIO Calorie Counter an evenbetternutritional & diet app? We always welcome yoursuggestions andfeedback.
Calories in food 2.0
The app shows the energy content of more than 8700 food items.
Calorie Counter - EasyFit 5.8
calorie counter, fitness tracker & weight loss app. Fast,simple& beautiful.
Calories burned calculator 2.6
Burned calorie calculator, calculate accurate bmr for weightloss,bmi calc
Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter 4.0.8
Lose weight with Virtuagym Food, the best calorie, carb &fatcounter.
Calorie counter Calories! 10.1.4
OFFLINE calorie counter, barcode scanner + more than 100,000foods(purchase)
iEatBetter: Food Diary 8.7.2
The easiest way to track your food.
Burn Calories 1.2
Find out how many calories you burn doing routine activities
Low Calorie Recipes
Low calorie recipes is a completely freeappthat brings you the collection of variety of healthy dishesfromdifferent parts of the world. People always searches forhealthyfoods that can maintain our health and mind in a proper way.Highamount of calorie can lead to many diseases. We must give anextracare while choosing a food. Diseases like highobesity,gastronomical diseases, high pressure, diabetic diseasesetc canhappen. All recipes from this app have their respectivecalorievalue and nutritional value. Step by step instructions forcookingis provided. If you are a cooking beginner then this appwill bethe best companion for you. All recipes from this app aretoprated. This app will be your first choice for low calorierecipes.Take this best free recipe app to the kitchen and startcookingdelicious cuisines. Even kids can prepare their dishes veryeasily.We provide you the best healthy recipes to. Whether you'recountingcalories for a special diet or you just like to make everycaloriecount, dive into our most delicious low-calorierecipes.Appetizer, breakfast and brunch, desserts, main dishes, Lowcaloriesalads, side dishes, cakes,Low calorie meals, snacks, etc all integrated in a single app.GetWeight Watchers recipes and tips on cooking healthy food&smart choices when eating out. You can get your favoritesouprecipe by searching the soup recipe name,ingredients etc. Youcanaccess recipes without the aid of internet by adding themintooffline. You can bookmark your favorite recipes too. You canaddingredients to shopping list so that you can buy it from themarketvery easily. Our extensive library of low calorierecipeshighlights the many diverse low calorie recipes.App features:Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentWe have well planned low calorie recipes of Salads,Soups,Subzis/Vegetables, Dals, Starters, Desserts etc. Plan yourbalancedmeals from these recipes. Low calorie food usually equalsfastweight loss, which is what most folks normally want. Find quickandsimple nutritious recipes that are low in calorie and low infatthat taste delicious and boost your metabolism to help youloseweight fast. Find quick and simple nutritious recipes that arelowin calorie and low in fat that taste delicious and boostyourmetabolism to help you lose weight fast.Download the best free low calorie recipe app andstartcooking.Happy cooking !!
Fat Burning Workout - Fat Loss 7 Minute Exercises 2.5
Burn fat and lose weight fast. Get results andattractivebodyquickly. While other exercise plans call for up totwo hoursofyour day, this HIIT workout app only ask for 7 minutesto melttheextra fat right off. High-intensity intervalandintermittenttraining (HIIT) is the workout of the future.Researchhas shownthat short bursts of exercise are more effectivein weightlossthan other aerobic activities. In addition,theseanaerobicexercises improve your glucose metabolism (forbetterdigestion)and increase athletic condition (for both yourhealth andlookingbetter). Essentially, by pushing yourself forshort periodsoftimes, instead of pacing over several hours, yourbodypreparesitself for more intense exercise and gets you inshapefaster. Youmay not have enough time to train for a marathon,orbench press350, but you surely have 7 minutes to stay in shapeorburn somefat. This simple HIIT workout app guides youwithinstructions andkeeps track of your workout so you can doitanywhere. Burn fatbefore your morning shower, at your lunchbreakat work, or whiledinner in the evening. No longer will youhave toschedule a fatburning workout, for this app can be usedflexiblywith yourschedule. From now on, whenever you find yourselfsaying“I have afew minutes” or “I’m bored” you can use that time tolosefat andget in shape! Sure, you can join a costly gym and payfor atrainerto consult and make a workout plan for you. But ifyou’relike us,you are trying to burn fat, not your money!Exerciseshouldn’tbreak the bank, and you shouldn’t have to driveout ofyour way togo and do it. This HIIT workout app is your ownpersonaltrainerwho is always with you. All you need to cut thatannoyingfat offyour body is the app, a little space, and themotivation tobecomethe athlete you’ve been trying to be! Yourambition isyourgreatest strength and you can harness it easily withthis HIITtoolwe provide you. Happy fat burning everyone!!!
Fddb - Calorie Counter & Diet v5.3.3 (Build 1)-gms-release
Calorie Counter & Food Diary. Weight Loss, Diet andNutritionTracker
Simple Calorie Count
Martin Stone
NOTE: This app has been superseded by mynewSimple Diet Diaryapp: calories or any kind of "points". You must enter yourownfoods and calories, but this means there is no clutter fromfoodsyou don't eat.Features:- Builds a personal food database from the informationyouenter.- Enables easy selection of previously entered foods.- Displays each day's total calories or remaining allowance.- Analyses your performance over the last week and month.- Provides a home-screen widget for quick viewing of yourcalorietotal.- Allows calories burnt by exercise to be counted.- Can export the diary to an HTML file.- Can back up and restore the diary via SQLite format.Permissions:- The "Photos / Media / Files" permission is used for readingandwriting files to the SD card for the backup andexportfunctions.- The network permissions are used for automatic crash reportingandads.- The in-app purchase is used for a single purchase thatdeactivatesadsPlease report bugs using the email link below.
Calory Calculator free 3.1
You want to reduce your weight or stay slim, but youarealwayslosing track of the calories you are ingesting and howmanyyou areburning up again? Then the Calory Calculator is perfectforyou!With the Calory Calculator you can easily find outhowmanycalories actually are in the different foods youareingestingdaily. From fast food to roasted beef up toyourfavouritechocolate bar. With over 1900 listed foods youcanspeedily findwhat you are looking for thanks to variouscategories.Instantlythe calories will be displayed. For example,did you knowjust 1cup of roasted peanuts have 755 kcal...twice asmuch asaCheeseburger. Additionally the calories countercancalculateimmediately how many calories are in a 12 oz beer, in a3oz frozenpizza or 18 oz of rice. But there is more:Anothercapacity of theCalory Calculator is that it displays to youhowmany calories areburnt up by various activities. At a glanceyoucan look up andcompare the caloric loss through 77 differentsports(e.g. icehockey, handball or even bowling) or every dayactivities(e.g.driving, ironing, shoveling snow).
Daily Cardio Fitness Workouts 1.1.11
Full body cardio workouts to lose weight, daily exercises toburnfat at home
Kalorienzähler FoodScanner 1.4.9
Die neueste und verständlichste Android-Appfürdas Portal FDDB.Mit Kalorien! FoodScanner hast Du Dein ErnährungstagebuchvonFDDB im Griff! Egal ob Du Gewicht verlieren oder einigeMuskelnaufbauen möchtest, lass Kalorien! FoodScannerDeinpersönlicher Gesundheitscoach bei der Erreichung DeinerZielesein.Kalorien! FoodScanner bietet diesegroßartigenFunktionen:Ernährung:★ Online-Datenbank mit mehr als 270.000 Lebensmitteln★ Integrierter Barcode-Scanner★ Ernährungstagebuch mit Tageszeiten / Mahlzeiten★ Grafische Auswertungen, frei wählbare Zeiträume★ Diät-Assistent zum Ab-/Zunehmen (nur Pro-Version)★ Express-Eingabe für Kalorien, Fett, KH, Eiweiß★ Lebensmittelampel nach Energiedichte★ Skaldeman-Index (nur Pro-Version)Fitness und Training:★ Sporttagebuch mit mehr als 240 Sportarten,automatischeVerrechnung von verbrannten Kalorien★ Gewichtstagebuch mit BMI-Rechner und grafischer Auswertung★ Fit: Lesen von Trainings und Energieverbrauch, LesendesGewichtstagebuchsSynchronisation auf verschiedene Geräte und mit dem Web:★ Tagebuch★ Favoriten★ Diätbericht★ ListenBenutzeroberfläche:★ Schnelle Übersicht auf der Startseite, konfigurierbar★ Detaillierte Auswertung für beliebige Zeiträume★ 3 Widgets (1 frei, 2 Pro-Version)★ Suche nach Text, Favoriten, Listen★ Bequemes Kopieren von Verzehren und Trainings...und viel, viel mehr!Was macht Kalorien! FoodScanner besser als all dieanderenFDDB-Apps:★ Geradlinige und einfach zu bedienende Oberfläche★ Leicht verständliche Umsetzung des FDDB-Konzepts★ Sehr leichte Erweiterbarkeit für neue LebensmittelundBarcodes★ Werbung kann entfernt werden (In-App-Kauf)★ Persönlicher und schneller Support – Oft gelobt und immereinoffenes Ohr!★ *Alle Käufe im Shop sind einmalig (kein Abo!)* und nicht aneineinzelnes Gerät gebunden★ Austausch in unserer Google+Community: Du also auf leichte, schnelle Art und mit FreudeGewichtloswerden, Muskeln aufbauen oder einfach nur DeineGesundheitverbessern möchtest, dann lade Kalorien!FoodScannerherunter und finde heraus, warum unsere Benutzerdiese App solieben!Hinweis: Um diese App nutzen zu können, benötigst Du einkostenlosesFDDB-Konto. Bei Problemen mit dem Login oder derRegistrierung meldeDich bitte direkt beim FDDB-Team derWebseite.Kalorien! FoodScanner nutzt die FDDB-Datenbank, stehtabersonst in keiner Beziehung zum Betreiber des FDDB-Servers, derFddbInternetportale GmbH. Diese App kann nur eingesetzt werden,solangeFDDB sein API freundlicherweise zur Verfügung stellt. FürdieRichtigkeit der durch FDDB bereitgestellten Informationenwirdkeine Haftung oder Gewährleistung übernommen.Wichtig: Die von der App ermittelten und angezeigtenInformationensind nicht zur Ermittlung von Medikamenten-Dosierungenvorgesehenund es wird keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit derberechneten Werteübernommen.Facebook: @digitalcureDatenschutzerklärung:• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Sicherung(Backup)Deiner Daten, Werbung ("Cache", Zwischenspeicher fürDaten),• INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: ZugangzumFDDB-Server, Werbung, Absturzberichte, Verkäufe,anonymisierteStatistiken,• CAMERA, FLASHLIGHT: Barcode-Scanner,• BILLING: Verkäufe innerhalb der App,• GET_ACCOUNTS: Google Drive, Verkäufe innerhalb der App,• READ_LOGS: Absturzberichte,• ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION:Werbung.Original der Feature-Grafik: © Ars Ulrikusch – Fotolia.comThe latest andmostcomprehensible Android app for the portal FDDB.With calories! Food Scanner you have your food diary ofFDDBunder control! Whether you lose weight or want to buildsomemuscle, let calories! Food Scanner be your personal healthcoach inachieving your goals.calories! Food Scanner has these great features:diet:★ online database of over 270,000 foods★ Integrated barcode scanner★ food diary with times of day / meals★ Graphical analysis, freely selectable periods★ Diet Assistant for disconnecting / Increasing (Proversiononly)★ Express input for calories, fat, KH, protein★ food traffic light energy density★ Skaldeman index (Pro version only)Fitness and Training:★ sports diary with more than 240 sports, automatic clearingofcalories burned★ weight diary with BMI calculator and graphical analysis★ Fit: reading training and energy consumption, reading theweightdiarySynchronization on different devices and the web:★ diary★ favorites★ diet report★ listsUser interface:★ Quick overview on the home page, configurable★ Detailed analysis for any period★ 3 widgets (1 free, 2 Pro version)★ Search for text, favorites, lists★ Convenient copying digestion and training... And much, much more!What is calories! Food Scanner better than all the otherFDDBapps:★ Straightforward and easy to use interface★ Easy to understand implementation of FDDB concept★ Very easy expandability for new foods and barcodes★ advertising can be removed (in-app purchase)★ Personal and fast support - Often praised and always open!★ * All purchases in the shop are unique (no subscription!) *Andnot tied to a single device★ exchange in our Google+community: if you get rid of easy, fast way and with joy weight,buildmuscle or just want to improve your health, then loadcalories!Food Scanner down and find out why our users love thisappso!Note: To use this app, you need a free FDDB account. If youhaveproblems with the login or registration you please reportdirectlyto the FDDB team of the website.calories! Food Scanner uses the FDDB database, but isotherwiseunrelated to the operator of the FDDB server that FddbInternetportals GmbH. This app can only be used as long as FDDBkindlyopens its API. no liability or guarantee for the accuracy oftheinformation provided by FDDB.Important: The calculated and displayed by the app are notintendedfor the determination of drug doses and there will be noliabilityfor the accuracy of the calculated values.Facebook: @digitalcurePrivacyPolicy:• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Backup (backup)ofyour data, advertising ( "cache" buffer for data)• INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: access toFDDBserver, advertising, crash reports, sales,anonymousstatistics,• CAMERA, FLASHLIGHT: barcode scanner,• BILLING: sales within the app,• GET_ACCOUNTS: Google Drive, sales within the app,• READ_LOGS: crash reports,• ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION: Advertising.Original feature of the graphics: © Ars
DSN Inc.
Pilates fitness exercises Coach workout lose weight healthbodysport workout
Pilates - Lumowell 1.0.8
Pilates workouts at home to tone your body and lose weight.
Fitness Community – Magra 3.4.21
Lose weight now by joining other Magrauserswho have lost over 150,000 kg together with the help of eachotherand our robust calorie counter. With a database of over2,000,000foods and growing, Magra allows you to have more precisecontrolover your intake.Weight loss is difficult, so why go at it alone? Helpingeachother is what makes Magra the most supportive weightlosscommunity. Get the app to lose weight by tracking how hydratedyouare, how many calories you are consuming and your weightlossprogress. Stay motivated with a stream of weight loss tips fromourprofessional nutritionists, healthy food photos, andmotivationalquotes from real people. Join the fun by supportingothers, andposting yourself.KEY FEATURES● Calorie counter● Exercise tracker● Pedometer to track your steps● Hydration tracker● Weight tracking● Custom meal plans● One on one with nutritionistPHOTO SHARINGSnap a pic after zumba or before a healthy meal and share itwiththe community. You’ll love how incredibly positive everyone isandhow inspiring you can be to others!Reached a weight loss goal? Post it!Cooked some interesting and healthy meal? Share it!Have a question? Ask away!Feeling unmotivated? Open the app!Magra app is built on real support, motivation, andinspirationfrom real people. We are all here to help, support andmotivateeach other! Join now and lose weight with us!
Stretching & Pilates Sworkit 1.3.1
Increase Flexibility with this Stretching&Pilates workout trainer with free workouts to improveflexibilityand avoid injury.This highly focused app aims to deliver quick andeffectiveworkouts that fit YOUR life.Stretching & Pilates Sworkit provides 3 unique workouts:Full Body StretchHead to Toe StretchPilates Essentials- Choose your workout.- Select any time from 5 to 60 minutes.- Follow the video trainer to know exactly what to do!Sworkit provides personalized workouts that fit your scheduleandyour goals vs. rearranging your schedule to work out.Swork-outanywhere, anytime because no equipment is needed. No Gym.NoExcuse.Join the 17 million users who have downloaded Sworkit appstohelp achieve your own fitness goals. Sworkit has been featuredbyLifehacker, Women's Running, Gizmodo, Mashable, ArmyTimes,Brit+Co, Elle Magazine, TechCrunch and many others.DON'T limit yourself to the 7 Minute Workout's same 12BORINGexercises...DON'T feel guilty...DO Sworkit and see results in as little as 5 minutes a day!If you want even more from your workouts, check out orpremierproduct, SWORKIT.
Calories is a nutrition database showing main nutrition values.
Calorie Counter Tip 2.24
Calorie Counter TipLose weight with Calorie Counter Tip, the world’s mostpopularhealthand fitness app!With the largest food database by far (over 5,000,000 foods),Our amazingly fast and easy to use calorie counter helpyoutakethose extra pounds off! And it’s FREENo strings attached. There is no better diet app – period.Thereisno better diet app – period.
Calories Carb Prot Fat Counter 3.1.5
You know what they say: “If you want toloseweight, you have to burn more calories than you consume,” and“Yourfoods influence your health.” As it turns out, those sayingsaretrue. Whether you want to lose fat or put on somemuscle,Calories! Basic acts as your personal health coach tohelpyou reach your goals.Calories! Basic offers these great features:Food:★ Offline database with more than 6,600 foods (Europe) /10,100foods (outside Europe)★ Plus the option to upgrade with over 10,300 (Europe) /6,800(outside Europe) additional foods (in-app purchases)★ Serving sizes for almost all foods and dishes withuser-definedserving sizes for all foods to make things fast andsimple★ Traffic lights for foods according to their energy density★ Calculation of recipes (Pro version only)Nutrition:★ Nutrition Diary with optional use for meals★ Express input for when you only want to enter calories,fat,carbs, or protein★ Diet assistant for losing or gaining weightFitness and Exercise:★ Exercise Diary with more than 400 sports thatautomaticallycompensates for calories burned★ Weight Diary that calculates your BMI and presents diagrams★ Fit: read exercises and energy consumptions, readweightdiaryUser Interface:★ Instant overview using the dashboard★ Detailed analysis for any time span★ 3 widgets (1 free, 2 Pro version)★ Search by text, favorites, and recently-used foods★ Convenient copy of consumptions, exercises, foods, sports★ Straightforward adding for new foods and sports…And much, much more!What Makes Calories! Basic better than all the Other AppsOutThere:★ Everything is accessible offline, so you don’t have toworryduring your vacation!★ Straightforward and simple user interface★ No forced registration with Facebook or any other website★ Recipe calculation (Pro version): Availableonlyhere!★ Easily add new foods: Simply enter the numbers fromthepackaging★ Option to remove advertisements (in-app purchase)★ Personal and fast support: We have great customer reviews andarealways interested in hearing your feedback!★ All purchases are one-time only (no subscription!) andaren'tbound to a single device★ Exchange experiences in our Google+community: if you’re looking for a fun, fast, and easy way to burnfat,build muscle, or just improve your overall health,downloadCalories! Basic now and see why our users love itsomuch!Facebook: @digitalcurePrivacyPolicy:• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: backup ofyourdata, advertising (for caching data),• INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: accesstoCommunity Server, advertising, crash reports, in-appbilling,anonymized statistics,• CAMERA, FLASHLIGHT: barcode scanner,• BILLING: in-app billing,• GET_ACCOUNTS: Google Drive, in-app billing,• READ_LOGS: crash reports,• ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION: advertising,• READ_PHONE_STATE: advertising (identification of thecurrentcountry using the SIM card).Original feature graphic: © FomaA –