Top 21 Apps Similar to Step to Health - Beauty, diet

Salud Mental 2.0
** Aplicación en español **Mental health is an application that can find adviceandanswers to all your questions and problems about your emotionsandreactions to difficult and adverse situations that may notknowface in a simple way.Taking care of your mental health you will become happier everyday,dealing with things in a calmer way, mature and improve as aperson,thanks to advice focused on personal growth, how to facereality anddifferent ways of coping every problem.'In the ordinary lives extraordinary things happen', 'True loveisbuilt every day,' or 'seeks to be happy without stories, not atalewith a happy ending' are just some of the items you can findinMental Health ,. In each of those chips you can read anentireprocess, step by step, how to overcome a particular problem.On theadvice you will make sure to find some peace and motivationenoughto face anything you have to overcome.Each update of this tool will bring new content, so you alwayshaverenewed advice on all sorts of topics. DownloadMentalHealth and learns to be happy and face life with adifferentand improved vision.** If you like this app, review with 5 stars. Thanks
iCare Health Monitor (BP & HR) 3.6.0
iCare Health Monitor could measurebloodpressure,heart rate,vision,hearing,SpO2,breath rate bythephone.MAIN FEATURES:► Blood pressure measurement► Heart rate measurement► Blood oxygen measurement► Respiratory rate measurement► Vision measurement / Eye Test► Hearing measurement / Hearing Test► Lung capacity measurement► Real-time photoplethysmogram (PPG) graph► Autism-spectrum Test► Pedometer► Vision Care► HIIT Workout► ABS workout► Leg workout► Butt workout► Unlimited data storage and tags► Export data for registered usersEASY TO USE:1. Pressing the screen with your finger.2. Lightly place your index finger on the rear camera. Make surethecamera is fully covered.3. Hold until the measurement is complete.NOTE:1. Do not press too hard, otherwise blood circulation willbealtered and the results could beaffected2. When using a smartphone or tablet without a LED flashlight,besure to take the measurement in a well-lit area (brightdaylightworks best)3. Remain calm and try not to move too much during themeasurement,as this can compromise measurement accuracy4. Since the camera and flash are not professionalacquisitionequipment, We recommend that you measure more thanonce.No extra devices needed, iCare Health Monitor is designed forpeopleto measure the following physiological parameters: bloodpressure,respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen, vision, hearing,lungcapacity, emotion, Autism-spectrum, color blindness, pulsewave,Psychology and other physical data.✓ The world's 1st blood pressure measurement APP✓ The world's 1st continuous heart rate measurement APP✓ The world's 1st blood lipid measurements APP✓ The world's 1st pulse wave acquisition and analysissoftware✓ The world's most functional examination APPCollected by a photoelectric pulse wave signal stability,iCareHealth Monitor could get heart rate, blood pressure, bloodlipids,blood oxygen and other physical parameters of the pulsewaveanalysis.Reliable data:A large number of user authentication;1. Heart rate error : Within plus or minus 3, Validrange:50~1502. For more than 95% of users, blood pressure error:Within plusorminus 123. For more than 92% of users, blood Oxygen error:Within plusorminus 24. Identification and accuracy of high blood cholesterol morethan80%The pulse wave can reflect the dynamic changes of bloodpressurewell, but there is certain deviation while indicatingprecise valueof blood pressure. Input calibration value caneffectively reducethe errors.The more you test, the more precise the result will be.Features:1.Measure the user's blood pressure, heart rate, blood lipids,bloodoxygen, vision, color blindness, hearing, Lung capacity,breathrate, psychological index and other physical data throughthephone.2.Measure Physical data by Bluetooth Sphygmomanometer,Bluetoothwristband, Bluetooth body fat scales, Bluetooth ECGinstrument.3.Statistics daily health data and make statistics andtrendanalysis.4.Based on the user's health data and trends, to providehealthalert service.5.Without wearable device, super-convenient pedometer.6.Games and interactive training programs, statistics andmanagedaily physical activity and sport type.7.HIIT Workout:Scientifically proven to assist weight lossandimprove cardiovascular function.8.ABS workout:Get sexy, flat and firm abdominal musclesusingeffective abs training methods.9.Butt workout:In only 7 minutes, these 12 typical exerciseswillgive you the tight butt you've always dreamed of.10.Leg workout:Want slim and sexy legs? Strengthen and tightenyourlower body now!
Health tracker & Pill Reminder 2.1
This app will help you take care of your health with medtracker,BMI check
Health Report Daily 2.2.6
Manage your daily health data (weight, blood sugar, bloodpressure,heart pulse)
Salud Responde 5.0.0
Application to access the catalog of available servicesHealthResponds
Health Calculator 3.2
Worried about your fitness? Visit now to manage your health andstayhealthy!
Water Time Tracker & Reminder 15.2.0
Have you drunk enough water today? App sends reminders todrinkwater in time!
Health Calculator Pro 1.25
Calculate BMI, BMR and Ideal Body Fat Percentage.
Consejos Saludables 1.1.45
Consejos Saludables es unaaplicaciónquecontiene miles de consejos para tu salud.Tantoconsejosalimenticios como remedios naturales que podes hacerconlas cosasque tienes en tu hogar. Si la medicina natural y lavidasana es lotuyo, deberias darle una oportunidad a esta app.Notearrepentirás.Healthy Tipsisanapplication that contains thousands of tips for yourhealth.Botheating tips and natural remedies that you prune to dowiththethings you have in your home. If natural medicineandhealthyliving is your thing, you should give it a try this app.Youwillnot regret.
Health Calc 3.2.1
Calculate your: * BMI (your Body Mass Index) * WHtR (WaisttoHeighTRatio) * Metabolic rate * Maximum dailycarbohydrate,protein andfats intake according to the requirementsof severaldiets:low-carb, ketogenic, Atkins, zone, and others. *Targetheart rate(THR) training zones * Ideal weight, based on wristsize* Burnedcalories * Caffeine intake recommendation * Vitaminsandmineralsdaily intake recommendation * Shows the history ofBMI,WHtR andweight entries Health calc helps you manage yourweight.Itcalculates (BMI), your waist-to-height ratio andyourmetabolicrate. Health calc also tells you your idealwaistcircumference andshows the daily caloric intake you needtomaintain your weight (orlose weight). Your gender, age andactivitylevel are taken intoaccount in the calculation as well.
Home Workouts 7.12.2
MoviliXa SAS
Efficient training routines to perform in the comfort of your home
Flo Period & Pregnancy Tracker
Ovulation, period & pregnancy tracker. Birth control pill&menstrual reminder.
Health & Fitness Tracker 2.0.90
Weight Tracker, Calorie Counter, Sleep Tracker, Step Counter,HeartRate & more!
Tecnonutri: Encontre sua dieta 4.14.5
More than 50 programs: Low Carb, Intermittent Fasting,Exercises,Weight loss, Detox
Salud con Jugoterapia 🍎🍊🍇 10.0.0
🍎🍊🍇 Salud con Jugoterapia 🍎🍊🍇 Lo más importante en nuestras vidasnoes el dinero, sino la SALUD ya que sin esto no hay nada de lodemás.La salud esta totalmente relacionada con todos los aspectosdenuestras vidas, con el estado de ánimo, nuestro rendimiento eneltrabajo, con nuestra belleza, entre muchos más aspectos. Por locualestar bien enterado de los que los Beneficios de laJugoterapia ennuestro SALUD es fundamental, en esta aplicaciónpuedes encontrargran variedad de información y como poder teneruna vida mássaludable, con la Jugoterapia. La salud y la bellezavan íntimamenterelacionados, para estar bien por fuera hay queestar sano pordentro, es lo que muchos especialistas llaman labelleza interior.Podrás encontrar gran variedad de jugos, zumos ylicuados de frutasy verduras, como: 🍎 Jugo de manzana, zanahoria yapio que te ayudaraa desintoxicar tu cuerpo. 🍌 Licuado de plátano(banana), guayabapara combatir la anemia. 🍅 Jugo de tomate 🍍 Jugode piña 🍊 Jugo denaranja y muchos más.
Monitor Your Weight 5.2.09
Award Winning Weight Tracker App with option to trackmultipleprofiles
Cita Sanitaria Madrid 4.1.0
Application to apply for appointment at Madrid Health Service.
FITAPP Track My Run & Running 7.0.0
Start today, not tomorrow! YOUR personal fitness and health diary💪FITAPP FEATURES YOU'LL LOVE ✅ Easy weight loss (tracks weightandcounts calories) ✅ Records duration, distance and pace viaGPSTracker ✅ Voice feedback (total duration, calories,distance,current speed, average pace) ✅ FITAPP Feed (take snaps ofyoursporting prowess and share it with your friends) ✅ Weeklyandmonthly statistics give you a perfect overview ✅ HIITWorkoutsTrack your distance, time, speed and calories burned withFITAPP.The running app uses GPS tracking to support you during allyoursporting activities, be it running, jogging, cycling,inlineskating, mountain biking, nordic walking, cross-countryskiing,hiking, golfing, riding, walking the dog, long boarding,orwhichever winter sport takes your fancy. FITAPP will also helpyouto lose weight, count your calories, maintain your target weightorsimply to stay fit. Take a SNAP of your favorite route,yourpersonal best or your favorite hike in the great outdoors. Youcanthen post your sporting prowess on social media networks andembarkon a journey with your friends into your fit futurestogether! AIMHIGH ⭐️ Do you want to use GPS to track and registeryour sportingactivities? ⭐️ Do you want to compare a wide varietyof sports? ⭐️Do you want support while you run, cycle, mountainbike or carryout your favorite activity? ⭐️ Do you want to loseweight fast anddo you need to know how many calories you haveburnt? ⭐️ Do youwant to improve your health or maintain your targetweight? ⭐️ Doyou want to combine sport with fun and share youractivities withyour friends? Yes to any of these? Then FITAPP isthe right app foryou! Via GPS you can easily track what you haveachieved, calculatecalories burnt and save everything to yourhealth diary. FITAPPprovides you with your exact location via GPS.Unlike other apps,it requires only minimal battery and nominalstorage space. 🔋 Withthis fitness app you can also track andcompare different types ofactivities using GPS. All entries aresaved to your health diary,giving you an overview of all yourachievements. You can instantlysee how many calories you couldstill burn and how much you need tolose to reach your targetweight. FITAPP is your personal fitnesstrainer, whether you want torun a marathon, or simply improve yourhealth and fitness. FITAPPcan help you to increase your stamina,lose weight, or maintain yourweight. FITAPP also has a built-inBMI (body mass index) calculatorto help you keep your targetweight in your sights. Just type inyour height and weight to seeif you are under or overweight. FITAPPhelps you to reach yourideal body shape and to stay healthy and fitwithout you needing toworry – you will achieve your goals! GET FITAND TAKE A SNAP! 📸
Runtastic Pedometer Step Count
Are you reaching your daily 10,000 stepsperday by taking the opportunity to walk more? In the mood for anewstep counter & walking app? Step to it and download thefreeRuntastic Pedometer & Step Counter app for Androidnow.Walking, step & calorie tracking with a pedometer app istheperfect starting point for a fitness beginner and a greatadditionto the training of the more advanced. You do the walking,we’llkeep count and be the best step counter & walking trackerappyou’ve ever downloaded :)PEDOMETER APP FEATURES & BENEFITS: (limited infreeversion)* Automatic steps counter detection (no matter where your phoneisstored – pockets, purse, arm, hand)* Calculation of calories burned (c’mon put in that walkingdistanceand burn those cals!)* Steps counter app calculates speed & distance whileyou’rewalking (the perfect mile or kilometer counter)* Step frequency calculation (based on the steps andwalkingdistance tracker)* Training and activity log included in this steps tracker app--including analysis* Overall stats of all your activities* Share your walking and other pedometer activities on SocialMedialike Google+, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and many more.Inspireyour friends to go the distance!* Pedometer app syncs with Manage all steptrackerdata online* Users can save bodymetrics like weight and height for amoreaccurate calorie count* Use the pedometer app in the background to conserve batterylife.Usually a steps tracker will drain your battery...not here!Thisstep tracker will be the counter of each mile, kilometer andstepwithout leaving you phoneless -- we know, it’sterrifying!The free Runtastic Pedometer and Step Counter app is theidealtracker of your daily steps and movement. Let’s be honest,it’s thebest step tracker app on the planet! This steps counter appalsomotivates you to walk more and collect more steps. Positivesideeffect: More steps and longer walking distance equals morecaloriesburned, too! So, start increasing your walking distance andletthis app track your steps and be the counter of each mileorkilometer you walk.Our free Pedometer app is your perfect step tracker, helps youreachthe recommended 10,000 steps per day and acts as yourpersonalkilometer or mile counter. Take your first step today,download thefree Pedometer & Step Counter app on your phoneand pushyourself to a fitter, healthier lifestyle with yourpersonalpedometer, step counter and kilometer/mile counter in yourpocket!And, don’t forget to tell you friends about this stepscounter app,too.Runtastic is all about health & fitness apps! Check out moreofour apps (in additon to our free Pedometer step tracker app)tohelp you reach your fitness goalsat
Remedios Caseros Y Salud 1.0
Nos dedicamos a ofrecerdiversosremedioscaseros y consejos de salud con los quesimplementetratamos detenerte al tanto de las diversasposibilidades demejorar tu saludante distintos malestares.Todos estos remedios caseros los puedes realizardesdelacomodidad de tu hogar y con la seguridad de que noafectarantusalud sino todo lo contrario.En nuestra app encontraras:- Contenidos relevantes e importantes del sector de salud- Remedios caseros efectivos que han sido utilizados pormillonesdepersonas en todo el mundo.- Tips para mantener una vida completamente saludable yfeliz.- Podrás elegir los remedios caseros que mas te gustenycompartirloscon tus amistades en redes sociales.- Actualizaciones de contenidos a diario.- Contenido 100% gratuitoDisfruten y manténganse saludables!We are dedicatedtoprovidevarious home remedies and health tips with those whosimplytry tokeep you abreast of the various possibilities toimproveyour healthto various ailments.All these home remedies you can from the comfort of yourhomeandwith the assurance that not affect your health, butquitetheopposite.In our app you will find:- Relevant and important health sector Contents- Effective home remedies that have been used by millionsofpeopleworldwide.- Tips to maintain a completely healthy and happy life.- You can choose home remedies that you like and share themwithyourfriends on social networks.- Daily content updates.- 100% Free ContentEnjoy and stay healthy!
O App+Saúde é um sistema na forma de um aplicativo para celularquemonitora de forma georreferenciada a gestão da atençãosanitáriapublica, levando em consideração a acessibilidade emobilidade dosusuários pelos espaços públicos. A informação defamíliasgeorreferenciadas facilita a gestão sanitária pública epermita oatendimento à saúde de pessoas que por exemplo estão vivememcomunidades remotas com as rurais. Para entrar no appUsuario:[email protected] contraseña: 12345678