Top 16 Apps Similar to Moji recepti

Kuharski recepti - Slovenski 1.3
Culinary app with recipes, always at hand.
Healthy Food 1.0
Pro Applicate
Healthy food list, recipes and healthy eatingIf you are looking to a way to take care of your healthandyourfamilies healthyou should start by caring about everything you put onyourtable.Yes food can be yourbest friend or ... This application is here to help yououtmakingthe good choices.Healthy recipes, healthy snacks and healthy breakfast forthekidsyou will find everything herehealthy eating equals healthy life with a bit of sport it canbejustperfect.Faitures:- How does healthy eating affect mental and emotional health- Set yourself up for success- Fill up on fruits & veggies- Enjoy healthy fats- Top Healthy Recipes Categories- Healthy Foods to Stock Your Fridge- Healthy Vegetarian Protein Sources- the Farmers' Market- Healthier Cocktails, Mixers and Low-Calorie- Bulk up on fiber
Почитувани!Чест ни е да Ви ја претставиме првата бесплатна МакедонскаАндроидбазирана апликација за здрава исхрана со рецепти кои седеталноизбрани и проверени со цел да ви овозможат здрав начин наисхрана иглобално здравје. Апликацијата изобилува со рецепти одсекојакатегорија, при што секој од мноштвото на рецепти ќе може даси гоизбере рецептот кој најмногу одговара на неговиот вкус издравје.Како дел од опциите кои апликацијата ги нуди е пребарувањепозборови кои се наслов или дел од состојките во рецептот(сокористење на кирилична тастатура), пребарување по категорииназдрави рецепти: Нискокалорични, безглутенски, нискомаслени,посни,вегански, вегетаријански... Апликацијата овозможува било којодрецептите да го додадете во своја листа на омилени рецепти, исекојод рецептите можете да го испратите на свој пријател прекубилокоја од социјалните мрежи и други комуникацискипрограми.Секојдневно апликацијата во полето за известување навашиот мобиленуред ќе ви испраќа предлог за рецепт на денот алистата со рецептисекојдневно ќе се надополнува со новрецепт.Ви посакуваме пријатна подготовка на прекрасните здрави јадењаидобар апетит!© 2015 ChilloSoft
Živi zdravo 1.5
Vlogr LLC
Ishrana, trening, saveti. Sve najednommestu.Živi zdravo. Dipl. prof. Igor Kovačević
Healthy Nutrition Guide 1.0
Healthy Nutrition GuideLearn to love how it makes you feel, how delicious it isandremember that a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise arethekeys to a healthy lifestyle.Ready to get strong and slim? With this motivating dailyadvice,you'll wow yourself in the next 30 days.This app, healthysmoothierecipes.Healthy eating is about eating smart. Transformyour eatinghabits with these easy tips.If you don't track the restaurant foods properly, dietwatcherslike you could RISK all of your hard work and unknowinglygain allthose pounds and weight back!! This is the last thing youwant ifyou are trying to lose weight!!!Don’t miss out on key nutrients in your diet any more!
Bebac 1.4
Application of the most popular site in the area of​​
Barbecue Grill Recipes 46.0.0
Barbecue Grill Recipes free app brings youthecollection of variety of healthy and delicious bbq recipes.Thisapp is completely free for all time. These are loved by allpeople.Party nights will not be complete without this. During partyallnight in front of fireplace its fun doing grilling. All recipesinthis free app is completely healthy and much moredelicious.Variety of bbq and grilled recipes are there. Restaurantsandhotels have special menu for this. These chicken consistsofchicken parts or entire chickens that are barbecued, grilledorsmoked. Mainly fire technique is used for grilled. Takeribs,wings, and pork to the next level with these easy anddelicioushomemade barbecue sauce recipes.App includes categories like :chickenvegetariansaucebeefribsporkshrimprubsalmonand lots more. This is an easy to make Bar-B-Que sauceusingingredients most people have at home. Even kids can preparemanydishes without anyone's help. Very sleek interface andadvancedfeatures are used in this app. Healthy grill recipes willimproveyour health habits by replacing the oily junk foods. You canaccessthe recipes without internet by adding it into offlinecollection.You can also bookmark your favorite recipes. Healthyrecipes alwaysmaintain our health. App features includes:Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentThe best BBQ chicken, pork and BBQ sauces. Hundreds of barbecueandgrilling recipes, with tips and tricks from home grillers.Delightfamily and friends at your next cookout by serving up ourbestbarbecue recipes, including ribs, brisket, smoked salmon andmorefrom this free app.Download this perfect free barbecue cookbook and enjoycooking!!Happy cooking !!
Smoothie recipes 2.22
Smoothie recipesCan you be a real fruit ninja? With this app you can!This application gives you 25 of the most popularsmoothierecipes.Some of them are very delicious, and some of them arejustincredibly healthy.All you need is fruit, a blender and this app!Try them all!
Стрижки и прически 2015 1.0
MicroLabs App
В нашем приложении "Стрижки и прически 2015"вынайдете множество различных причесок и стрижек.У нас вы найдете:Свадебные прическиГреческие прическиВечерние прическиМодные прическиПрически на длинные, коротки и средние волосы.А так же множество разных стрижек, на любой вкус.Приложение работает в режиме онлайн.In ourapplication,"haircuts and hairstyles 2015" you will find manydifferenthairstyles and haircuts.Here you will find:Wedding HairstylesGreek hairstylesEvening hairstylesHairstylesHairstyles for long, short and medium hair.And as many different hairstyles to suit every taste.The application works online.
Best Foods To Lose Weight 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Fat Burning vegetables to boost your energy and lose weightWhetheryou want to lose weight or improve your health, integratingfatburning foods into your diet can give you a jump start onachievingyour goals. Sometimes only little chances are necessary toboostyour metabolism, if you choose foods to gain energy like somekindof vegetables. You don´t even have to count calories, Ihatecalorie-counting too! If you are really serious to get anamazingbody now you have to check out this tips. Everybody knowsthatvegetables are healthy food to lose weight. But even withveggiesyou have to choose the right ones. Improve your long-termweightloss, health, and lifestyle with these food to lose weight.No needto eat raw veggies, just steam, grill, or bake fatfree.Incorporate this nutrition tips in a fat free diet and you’llbeamazed with the results.
Food Journal
My Daily Bits
ABOUT THE APP:Keeping track of what you eat has been shown to help preventandstop over-eating.This app helps you control your diet and eat healthier, by makingiteasy to track what you eat. The design is optimized to makeentry asquick as possible, with 1 click entry, and recent foodsuggestions.The built in database already has thousands of fooditems and ifyours are not known, adding them is easy.FEATURES:1. A simple and powerful design: The app opens directly on theentryscreen, on the most recent meal, because that is what you'llusemost. The design makes adding entries as simple and intuitiveaspossible.2. One tap entry with personalized suggestions: The most commonfooditems can immediately be selected. Starting on the second day,yourrecent items are suggested because you may eat the samefoodfrequently.3. Logging in is not needed: No personal data or contactinformationis required.4. Thousands of items already in the database: Most food itemshaveaccurate information about common serving sizes,calories,carbohydrates, protein and fat.5. Full off-line support: No need to be connected totheinternet.6. Precise entry is also easy: You can accurately enter thepreciseamount using a slider.7. Daily reports: Using the menu, you can directly open thediary,which shows a summary of your day. Here you can switchbetweencalories, protein and carbohydrates by pressing onlittletriangle.8. Personal reminders help you stay on target: They are aconvenientway to make sure you fill out your diary, after eachmeal, or at theend of the day.It is a good idea to verify the information in the database isthesame as the information on your food packaging; foodnutritionfluctuates with brands and over time.Make sure to discuss your goals with your doctor ornutritionspecialist.Download now because you will love using it.
Diets 2.0
Diets is a simple app with allthevariousweight loss diets that have been proven to be effectiveforweightloss. All the Diet Plans in this app can make you loseweightevenif you're not exercising or working out, though itisadvisablethat you engage yourself in more and morephysicalactivities.Following Diet Charts are included in the app-1. 7-Day 1200 Calories Diet2. 7-Day 1400 Calories Diet3. 7-Day 1600 Calories Diet4. 7-Day 1800 Calories Diet5. 7-Day 2000 Calories Diet6. 3-Day Military Diet7. 3 Weeks Weight Loss Diet8. 2 Weeks Healthy Weight Loss9. 4 Weeks Fat Burning Meal Planslim down**Diet Plan for fast fat burndiet plan weight loss 7 days3 Day Military Diet
Weight Loss Recipes
Weight loss recipes free app isperfectlydesigned cookbook which contains variety of healthy dishesforfree. Weight loss recipes are always healthy. Healthy recipeswillhelp to maintain our health. This app is a perfectlydesignedcookbook. Even kids can easily cook dishes using this app.Weightloss recipes are always loved by all people. Obesitypatientsalways likely to use vegetarian dishes and recipes. Thisapp hasstep by step guide for cooking recipes. So you can save yourtimevery much. From turkey burgers to banana smoothies, thesesimplecalorie-burning recipes will help you lose weight fast.Weight loss recipes includes categories like vegan recipes,lowcalorie recipes, healthy dinners, low carb recipes, healthychickenrecipes, low fat recipes, healthy juice recipes, sugarfreerecipes, healthy main dishes, healthy side dishes and more inasingle free app. This will be the best free app for you.NAtivelanguage is supported in this free app. You can view recipesinyour own native languages. So cooking will be more easy forall.Even kids can easily prepare any dishes.You can get your loved or favorite recipe by justsearching.Advanced searching option is also provided. You can getyourfavorite weight loss recipe by searching the souprecipename,ingredients etc. You can access recipes without the aidofinternet by adding them into offline. You can bookmarkyourfavorite recipes too. You can add ingredients to shopping listsothat you can buy it from the market very easily.App features:Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentThis app contains largest collection of recipes. You cancontrolmany diseases by maintaining your weight properly.Gastronomicaldiseases may happen mainly due to over weight andobesity.Vegetable soups also helps in maintaining our health.Vegetablesoups are always healthy. Recipes we provide are proven tobehealthy and will start off a whirlwind of water inside yourmouth.Authentic collection of many weight loss dishes with step bystepguide. Calorie and nutritional information of each dishisprovided. Diet plays a major role in weight loss. We havespecialcategories for diet planning.These weight loss recipes will be the ultimate cookbook thatwillhelp you to control your almost all diseases.Happy Cooking !!
Уход за волосами дома 0.6
Красивые волосы – это, наверное, мечтамногихженщин, и именно поэтому рынок косметической продукцииполонизобилия всевозможных средств для ухода за волосами.Уход за волосами может включать в себя множество процедур, нонашеприложение будет посвящену в основном народным средствам дляволос,многими из которых пользовались еще наши бабушкиипрабабушки.Так, в домашних условиях можно приготовить всеразличныешампуни,бальзамы, ополаскиватели, и маски для волос, которые посвоимсвойствам и действиям ничем не будут уступатькосметическимсредствам из магазинов.К тому же, делая народные средства для волос, вы будете уверены вихабсолютной натуральности, а ингредиенты для приготовления вбольшейсвоей части не потребуют особых финансовых затрат.Beautiful hair - thisisprobably the dream of many women, and that's why the market isfullof plenty of cosmetic products of all possible means forhaircare.Hair care may include a plurality of procedures, but ourapplicationwill be mainly devoted to folk remedies for hair, manyof which haveenjoyed our grandmothers andgreat-grandmothers.For instance, at home you can prepare vserazlichnyeshampoos,conditioners, rinses, and hair masks, which in itsproperties andactions will yield nothing of cosmetics stores.Besides, doing folk remedies for hair, you'll be sure oftheirabsolute naturalness, and ingredients for cooking for the mostpartdo not require special financial expenses.
Bodybuilding Nutrition Program 2.3
Bodybuilding Nutrition Program They say wearewhat we eat. Never a truer word has been spoken, A key componentofthe formula for bodybuilding success is nutrition. Workoutsareprovided with a description of the muscles involved, diagramsofexercises and practical advices.You can save your results both more articles in app and intextfile stored on your device! Statistics contains your resultsandmeasurments of your body. Nutrition Program is what gives ustheraw materials for recuperation, energy, and growth. Without agooddiet, your dreams of achieving your ideal body will neverbereached.Feature Articles :- Bodybuilders Nutrition Program for Optimum Bodybuilding- Bodybuilding Nutrition Simplified - 5 Ready to Go Tips- Chocolate Splendor: Food For The Gods;BodybuildingNutrition- Body Building Nutrition - Making A Plan- Bodybuilding Nutrition - Its EssenceAnd More ...Eating like a body builder will help you build muscle,loseexcess weight, and maintain a healthy weight if you followitstrictly. The basic idea is to eat a diet high in proteinandfiber, and low in carbohydrates and fat.
Chinese Recipes Free 11.13.5
Chinese cookbook is a favourite cuisine forallregions. The variety of rices is one of the specialty ofChinesecuisine. Fried rice and noodles are the common dish whichis famousall over the world. There are special food recipes calledIndianChinese food recipes. There are special Chinese soup recipeswhichcomes under the category of Healthy recipes. Different stylesofcooking influence Chinese food. Szechuan food recipes is sortofstyle which come under this category. The style cookingvariesaccording to resources, history, climate etc. The flavor oftherecipes varies on the use of garlics, shallots, lots ofchilliesand spices. Chinese rice is the staple food of regionshaving ricecultivation. Rice is also used for the preparation ofbeer, wineand vinegar. The quick cooking method involves retainingnutrientsin the dishes. Tofus are made of soybeans. Chinese noodlesin areavailable in dry form and fresh form with different shapeandtextures. For the authentic cooking use soy milk, soy paste,soyoil etc. There are Chinese recipes which are made of someauthenticvegetables in china like cabbage eg. cabbage clear watersoup.Vegetables that are used in Chinese recipe are leaves,bittermelon, Chinese broccoli. There are wide variety ofpickledvegetables. There are many Chinese chicken recipe which canbeeasily prepared. It will be a special to tell your friends thatican cook Chinese recipes very quickly with this cook book.App Features-- recipe search with directions of preparationandingredients-- Search recipes from ingredients or dish name-- calculated Preparation time-- add ingredients to the shopping list-- pictures to illustrate how dish looks-- Browse and share complete menus for special occasionsandeveryday meals.This cookbook app will provide you a wide variety of tastydishes.There are massive health benefits to using the tasty trio -garlicis good for the heart, ginger aids digestion and chillies arefullof vitamins. Prawn crackers are often consumed as snacks. Todeepenflavours and enrich stews and stocks, Chinese traditionchampionsdried ingredients, such as mushrooms, shrimps, clams,herbs andspices. There are italian and spanish restaurants inChina. Chinesechicken have great varieties. Chinese recipes andIndian recipeshave great bond. There are very tasty side dishes,pasta dishes andchicken dishes in food network of china. The mainsimilarity inIndian dishes and Chinese dish is in the case of ricedishes.Italian dish and Chinese food love pasta dishes. There arespecialcooking for babies called baby cook which very little amountofspices and which are really tasty and healthy. Now days in thelistof Fast food Chinese food comes in first place with it specialeasyrecipes. Good food should be done with best food delivery.Slowcooker recipes and casserole recipes are meant for fast andeasycooking. Chinese people usually have very lite for dinnerrecipeslike salad recipes and soup recipes. There are widevarieties ofsalad recipes and soup recipes which vary according tothe climaticconditions and region. There are beef recipes inChinese food andthe main item is Chili beef. Pork recipes arecomparatively lesswhen compared to beef recipes.Enjoy cooking with our app...Happy Cooking!!!