Top 6 Apps Similar to HiF Clínica Médica

Clínica Patricia DavidsonHaiat
Esse é o app oficial daClínicaPatriciaDavidson Haiat! Aqui você vai poder acompanhar todasasnossasredes sociais em primeira mão, novidades da clínica,receitasedicas exclusivas!
Pedro Cruz Clinic 1.1.8
With the aim of presenting novel solutionsforthe challenges inherent to endodontic and implant treatment,PedroCruz Clinic would like to share, through this app, itsexperienceof more than 20 years with the dental community.Despite the fact that, over the past few years, dentistryhasundergone an unprecedented evolution one still witnessesthepremature and, oftentimes, unplanned extraction of teethwhichfrequently leads to marked reabsorptions of the alveolar bone.If,on one hand, the current guided bone regeneration techniquesallow,in most cases, for the rectification of those bone losses, ontheother hand, the introduction of novel techniques, concepts,andinstruments has revolutionised Endodontic treatments, openednewperspectives and possibilities and, raised its success ratetolevels that are currently comparable to those ofImplantology.Through the regular publication of clinical cases andvariousevents, this app intents to show the Endodontic andImplanttechniques used by the clinic’s specialists as well as thehands-oncourses in Endodontics and Implantology available. Thisway,dentists will have the opportunity to learn and use the latestandmost innovative techniques available.
Neste APP você poderá obter informaçõessobreas diversas especialidades da odontologia e entrar emcontatoconosco.Baixe nosso aplicativo e conheça nossa equipe de profissionais,asespecialidades atendidas, descubra nosso endereço,soliciteagendamento da sua consulta, marque horário no calendário,tire umafoto personalizada de seu sorriso para avaliação emuitomais.KREATIV CLINICA ODONTOLOGICA utilizando a tecnologia maismodernadisponível para melhor atender seus clientes.In this App you cangetinformation about the various dental specialties andcontactus.Download our application and meet our team of professionals,thespecialties attended, discover our address, ask for schedulingyourappointment, mark time on the calendar, take a custom photo ofyoursmile for evaluation and more.KREATIV CLINIC using the latest technology available to betterserveits customers.
Clinica Dental Valladolid 1.0.3
Aplicación Oficial y de Servicios deClinicaDental Valladolid, tu centro de servicios avanzados enodontologíay salud bucodental entre otros !Official andDentalServices Clinic Implementation Valladolid, your center ofadvancedservices in dentistry and oral health among others!
Clinica Enrile 1.1.1
Aplicación para pacientesdeClínicaEnrile.EnrilesendClinicpatients.
Clínica Girassol 1.1
2º Congresso da Clínica Girassol. Todaainformação disponível no seu dispositivo móvel.2nd Congress ofClinicalSunflower. All information available on your mobiledevice.