Top 46 Apps Similar to SleepBot - Sleep Cycle Alarm

Sleep Better with Runtastic
Track your sleep cycle, monitor dreams,improvebedtime habits & wake up better with the free SleepBetter sleeptracker app with smart alarm clock from Runtastic!Sleep Betteroffers you a simple and engaging way to get bettersleep using asleep tracker and sleep timer.Time to take your sleep seriously! Instead of fiddling withotherapps before bedtime, get to bed early with Sleep Better.Whetheryou struggle to fall asleep, want to learn how yourdaytimeactivities influence your sleep, or simply want some new&refreshing smart alarm clock sounds – this is your ideal freesleeptracker!Track moon phases, keep a dream diary and more using thispreferredsleep app on your Android device! Better sleep is inyourfuture.APP FEATURES & BENEFITS* Sleep monitor: This sleep tracker monitors your sleepcycle,duration (both light and deep sleep) and efficiency with thesimpletap of a button and placing your device by your pillow.* Works in airplane mode: Simply set your device on your bed(nextto your pillow). Your sleep app will do the work!* Sleep timer: Track your light sleep & deep sleep phases&time spent awake in bed.* Track caffeine & alcohol consumption, exercise info,andstress level to determine the effects of these variables onyoursleep quality.* Monitor moon phases and find out if it impacts your sleepcycle,internal alarm clock, deep sleep, sleep duration orsnoozepatterns.* Keep a dream diary to track your dreams (good, badorneutral).* Note your mood when you wake up.* Sleep track with your tablet: This sleep app and alarm clockworkson tablets, too! Same as your smartphone, place it right nexttoyour pillow.* Share sleep tracking sessions via Google+, Facebook,Twitter,WhatsApp & email.FEATURES & BENEFITS OF FULL VERSION* Use the Smart Alarm to wake up at the ideal time withinyourpersonalized Wake-Up Window. The smart alarm clock wakes youupfeeling refreshed!* Enjoy a variety of smart alarm sounds &snoozefunctionality.* View sleep history including daily stats and overviews forlongertime periods (i.e. a selected week or month).* Filter history taking daily variables into account todeterminewhen you’re sleeping best.* Some functions & benefits are limited in the free versionofSleep Better app. To access all benefits, users are encouragedtotake advantage of the Sleep Better in-app purchase.Download today and start tracking your sleep duration andmoretonight! If you’d like even more information about why sleepissuch an important component of your overall health, wellnessandfitness efforts, please visit the Runtastic Blog today.We’repleased to share a sleep series with interested users &readersto help YOU truly make the most of your shut eye.Sleep-relatedinsights and further information on 24-hour trackingwith Runtasticare also covered on our Fitness Channel on YouTubeand throughoutour social media channels.Runtastic is all about health & fitness apps! Check out moreofour apps, in addition to this sleep timer app, to help youreachyour fitness goals at
Sleep Cycle: Sleep Tracker
Sleep Cycle: Sleep better with smart alarm, snore tracking&relaxing sounds
Sleep Calculator 1.6.5
Sleep Cycle Calculator helps you figureoutwhen to go to sleep, and when to wake up, in order to feelrested,energized and refreshed and avoid the morning groggyfeeling.This is a free sleep app that can set an alarm for you to wakeupin-between sleep cycles in order to start the day relaxed andwitha clear mind.Every time you go to sleep, you experience a series of sleepcyclesthat last on average 90 minutes, and waking up during one ofthesleep cycles makes you feel groggy and exhausted even withplentyof hours of sleep - sleep cycle calculator tries to determinethebest wake up times, or go to bed time in order to workaroundthissituation.Perfect at figuring out sleep cycles and recommended for peoplewhohave trouble sleeping and don't have a fixedsleepingschedule.There are four sleep calculation scenarios tochoosefrom:Scenario 1: you want to know when to go to sleep in ordertowake up at a specified time. Sets a go to bed alarm.Scenario 2: you want to know when to wake up if you go tobedat a specific time. Sets a wake up alarm.Scenario 3: you want to know the best times to wake up ifyougo to sleep right now.Scenario 4: you plan to take a power nap and you want toknowwhen you should wake up.What this app does• This Sleep Calculator app is the Android companion of thewebsite• Calculates when you should wake up and when you should go tosleepin order to wake up in-between sleep cycles.• Calculates when you should wake up if you were to go to sleepnowor take a power-nap.• Calculates a list of possible "go to bed" or "wake up"timesdepending on your needs.• The app is able to add alarms to the default Android Alarm appbyselecting a time entry available in the sleep cycles list.• Sleep Calculator provides a settings option to take intoaccountthe time it takes for you to fall asleep (default:14minutes).• Sleep Calculator provides a settings option to take intoaccountthe length of a sleep cycle (default: 90 minutes).• The clock hour format used by sleep calculator is thedevicescurrent system setting (24 hours format or the AM/PMformat).• Option to choose from 7 different themes / skins.• Option to choose from the available application translationsincase you don't want to app in your native locale or have alanguagepreference..What this app does notIt's not an alarm clock app replacement, it only allows you toaddan alarm to your Android stock alarm clock app.Translators: help translate Sleep Calculator in yourlanguageso others can enjoy it too! Join the translation projecthere: in touchFacebook: version support: 4.1+Intelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyouidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list.Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID atanytime in the settings menu.
Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson
Put on your headphones and drift to sleepwiththis relaxing guided meditation intended to clear your mindandenable you to get deep restful sleep. Thousands of people haveusedAndrew Johnson's apps on the iPhone and Android to improveandenhance their lives. Try this app to beat insomnia and get agoodnight's rest.
Sleep Sounds 7.2.4(135)
Maple Media
Soothing sounds for refreshing sleep!
Sleepa: Relaxing sounds, Sleep 3.8.1(85)
Maple Media
Sleep, relax and meditate with relaxing sounds of nature, rainorwhite noise.
Relax Melodies: Sleep Sounds 11.4
Sleep problems? Insomnia? Personalizedwhitenoise, sleep sounds and meditation can help you fallasleep!Take back control of your sleep with Relax Melodies, themostpopular sleep app featured in People magazine, Mashable andmanymore. Download the app, mix sounds, add a meditation and enjoyfullnights of sleep like you haven’t in a long time!All the tools needed for falling asleep:* 52 sleep sounds, white noise & melodies you can mix tocreateunlimited ambiences* Five-day meditation programs to reach specific sleep goals:- Light Sleep- Stress & Anxiety- Dream- Deep Sleep (coming soon!)- Nap (coming soon!)- 15 SOS insomnia sessions for immediate help- New content added monthly, including sounds* 6 different brainwaves frequencies to enable you reachspecificrelaxation state. Binaural beat & isochronicssoundsavailable.Sleep easily, wake-up refreshed and improve your life ineveryaspect. Even your baby will have a better night!Need help with the app or [email protected]:
SnoreLab : Record Your Snoring 2.18.0
Told you snore? Know you snore? Deny you snore? Let SnoreLabshowyou the truth!
Atmosphere: Relaxing Sounds - 5.05
Atmosphere is perfect to relax, sleep, meditate or just enjoynaturerain sounds
Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax
Tackle everyday stress and anxiety. Self-care and soundsleepthrough meditation
PrimeNap: Free Sleep Tracker 1.1.4
Sleep Tracker & Smart Alarm – Free Sleep Tracker App
Twilight 12.3
Are you having trouble falling asleep? Areyourkids hyperactive when playing with the tablet before bedtime?Are you using your smart phone or tablet in the lateevening?Twilight may be a solution for you!Recent research suggests that exposure to blue light beforesleepmay distort your natural (circadian) rhythm and causeinability tofall asleep.The cause is the photoreceptor in your eyes, called Melanopsin.Thisreceptor is sensitive to a narrow band of blue light inthe460-480nm range which may suppress Melatonin production - ahormoneresponsible for your healthy sleep-wake cycles.In experimental scientific studies it has been shown anaverageperson reading on a tablet or smart phone for a couple ofhoursbefore bed time may find their sleep delayed by aboutanhour.The Twilight app makes your device screen adapt to the time oftheday. It filters the flux of blue light emitted by your phoneortablet after sunset and protects your eyes with a soft andpleasantred filter. The filter intensity is smoothly adjusted tothe suncycle based on your local sunset and sunrise times.Get more from Twilight1) Bed reading: Twilight is more pleasant on the eyes fornightreading. Especially as it is able to lower the screenbacklight farbelow the ability of the backligt controls on yourscreen2) AMOLED screens: We have tested Twilight on an AMOLED screenfor2.5 years without any sign of depletion or over-burning.Ifproperly configured Twilight causes less light emission(byenabling dimming) with more equal light distribution (dark areasofthe screen such as the status bar get tinted). This may infactincrease your AMOLED screen life time.Basics on circadian rhythm and the role of melatonin location - to find out your current sunset/surise times- running apps - to stop Twilight in selected apps- write settings - to set back-light- network - access smartlight (Philips HUE) to shield youhouseholdlight from blueAutomation (Tasker or other) scientific researchAmplitude Reduction and Phase Shifts of Melatonin, CortisolandOther Circadian Rhythms after a Gradual Advance of Sleep andLightExposure in Humans Derk-Jan Dijk, & Co 2012Exposure to Room Light before Bedtime Suppresses Melatonin OnsetandShortens Melatonin Duration in Humans Joshua J. Gooley,KyleChamberlain, Kurt A. Smith & Co, 2011Effect of Light on Human Circadian Physiology Jeanne F.Duffy,Charles A. Czeisler 2009Efficacy of a single sequence of intermittent bright lightpulsesfor delaying circadian phase in humans Claude Gronfier,Kenneth P.Wright, & Co 2009Intrinsic period and light intensity determine thephaserelationship between melatonin and sleep in humans KennethP.Wright, Claude Gronfier & Co 2009The Impact of Sleep Timing and Bright Light Exposure onAttentionalImpairment during Night Work Nayantara Santhi, DanielAeschbach& Co 2008Short-Wavelength Light Sensitivity of Circadian, Pupillary,andVisual Awareness in Humans Lacking an Outer Retina Farhan H.Zaidi& Co, 2007High sensitivity of the human circadian melatonin rhythmtoresetting by short wavelength light. Lockley SW, BrainardGC,Czeisler CA. 2003Sensitivity of the human circadian pacemaker to nocturnallight:melatonin phase resetting and suppression Jamie M Zeitzer,Derk-JanDijk & Co 2000For a desktop alternative, try RedShift (Linux) or on Windowstheapp which has no relation to this project whatsoever, whosenamecannot be said aloud or whispered as it is a Trademark, letscallit Lord Voldemort of the blue light flux filtering apps.Guessedit?Let us know in the comments.
Sleep Orbit: Relaxing 3D Sound
SMB Studio
A unique 3D sound concept helps you sleep that you can'tfindanywhere else
Shhh...Sleep in Seconds 2.7
Want to Sleep? Plug in your headphones and choose your Sleep Mode.
SleepCycle - Sleep Calculator 1.6.7
Tired of waking up exhausted? Can't get yourself out of bed atareasonable hour in the morning? You don't have to set upmultiplealarms anymore! Each and every night, your braintransitionsthrough different stages of sleep. Each stage hasdifferent effectson your body - from physical restoration duringdeep sleep, tomemory consolidation during dreams. All together,these stages addup to about 90 minutes, making up one completesleep cycle.SleepCycle calculates the best hours and helps you wakeup betweenyour sleep cycles. SleepCycle can calculate when to wakeup, whento go to sleep and when to wake up if you sleep now. Youcan alsoset up an alarm with SleepCycle. Set a sleep cycle alarmthat willhelp you Wake Up at the best possible time in your sleepcycle sothat you wake up refreshed.
Relax & Sleep Well Hypnosis 10.11
Hypnotherapy & Meditation for Stress, Anxiety, Esteem,SpiritualHealing & More
Sleep Easy 1.4.0
Sleep Easy is a simple calculator to help manage your sleep cycles!
Sweet Sleep: for Better Sleep 1.6.2
For relax and sleep Listen calm music and natural sounds Fallasleepin 10mins!
Sleep Tracker 1.5
Zombie Soup
Track your sleep, wake-up refreshed and improve your overallhealthand focus with Sleep Tracker from Uevo. Sleep Tracker uses acustomalgorithm to track the sleeping cycle of a user, throughwhich itenables the alarm to start just at the right time. You canalsobenefit from soundscapes that improve your sleep quality andgetyou faster to fall asleep. Some additional features fromSleepTracker include: - Track your sleep duration, cycle andefficiencyin a simple way. - Use it offline or online, just byplacing yourphone close to the bed (next to your pillow). -Understand yoursleep in different phases with data from lightsleep, deep sleepand time spent awake. All in one place, on thehistory tab. -Customizable Smart Alarm to wake up at the idealtime, with theproper snooze, volume and wake-up window. - The sleeplab offers acollection of average sleeping habits, including bedtime, wake-uptime, sleeping duration and efficiency. This way youknow how muchyou sleep and how efficient your are. - Choose from aset ofsoundscapes to fall asleep much faster and more relaxed.Pleaseensure your register to benefit from the rich features thattheapplication offers. Including unlimited measurements,history,configuration options and more. Download this simple andadvancedsleep tracking application, to record your sleeping habitsand wakeup with smart alarms and enjoy a healthier day.
Sleeptracker® 6.5.15
For Beautyrest® and Tomorrow® Sleeptracker® Monitors.DEVICEREQUIRED TO USE APP
Brain Waves - Binaural Beats 8.0.1
Binaural Beats for Deep Sleep, Focus, Meditation & More!PureSound No loops
Sleep Well Hypnosis 2.57
Guided meditation to fall asleep fast and sleep deeply allnightlong
Lifelog 4.0.A.0.39
Lifelog is the clever activity tracker app for Android thatkeepstrack of what matters to you – like how many steps you takeand howmuch you sleep – with or without a Smartband. You can setpersonalhealth goals, follow your progress and get insights intoyourbehavior. Lifelog lets you look back on any day to see howactiveyou were, where you went and how you got there. Log your dayeveryday, in detail. This application uses analytics software tocollectand aggregate statistics to help us improve this app andourservices. None of this data can be used to identify you.
Relax Melodies P: Sleep Sounds
Ipnos Software
Sleep problems? Insomnia? Personalizedwhitenoise, sleep sounds and meditation can help you fallasleep!Take back control of your sleep with Relax Melodies, themostpopular sleep app featured in People magazine, Mashable andmanymore. Download the app, mix sounds, add a meditation and enjoyfullnights of sleep like you haven’t in a long time!All the tools needed for falling asleep:* 108 sleep sounds, white noise & melodies you can mix tocreateunlimited ambiences* Five-day meditation programs to reach specific sleep goals:- Light Sleep- Stress & Anxiety- Dream- Deep Sleep (coming soon!)- Nap (coming soon!)- 15 SOS insomnia sessions for immediate help- New content added monthly, including sounds* 6 different brainwaves frequencies to enable you reachspecificrelaxation state. Binaural beat & isochronicssoundsavailable.Sleep easily, wake-up refreshed and improve your life ineveryaspect. Even your baby will have a better night!Need help with the app or [email protected]:
30 Day Fitness Challenge 2.0.21
Take 30 day challenge at Home to improve health withscientificworkouts.
JUKUSUI:Sleep log, Alarm clock
Easy Steps for Getting Better Sleep Just tap "Bedtime" buttonandget to sleep
Headspace: Guided Meditation & Mindfulness 4.139.0
Picture yourself after a year ofmeditation.Now make it a reality. Get 40% off an annualsubscription toHeadspace for a limited time. It’s our best dealever.Get the most out of your day with the Headspace app. We’ll helpyouperform at your best through the life-changing skills ofmeditationand mindfulness.With the free Basics pack, Headspace teaches you the essentialsofliving a healthier, happier life. If you enjoy the Basics,thenit’s time to subscribe. Once you do, you’ll have access tohundredsof meditations on everything from stress and anxiety tosleep andfocus.There are packs to help you build healthier relationships withthepeople you love, SOS sessions to help you find a place of calmandrelaxation during meltdown moments and even Headspace forSportpacks to keep your mind fit whether you’re shootinghoops,powerlifting or racing for the finish line.All you need to do is download the app and sign up. Then justsitback, relax and breathe.Promotional offer is for Annual Plan, billed in one annualpaymentof $56.28 USD, or 40% regular annual rate if pricing is notUSD.Renews automatically at promotional rate. Cancel anytime inGooglePlay Store. Offer available for new subscribers only, endsJuly 24,2017.
Relaxation Music & Sounds 3.0.5
Sleep faster and find calm with sounds, music, nature &binauralbeats
Pzizz - Sleep, Nap, Focus 5.0.19
Sleep at the push of a button! Fall asleep fast, stay asleep&wake up refreshed
Google Fit - Fitness Tracking
Google Inc.
• Effortlessly track any activity. As youwalk,run, or cycle throughout the day, your phone or Android Wearwatchautomatically logs them with Google Fit.• Get instant insights. See real-time stats for your runs,walks,and rides. Google Fit will record your speed, pace,route,elevation, and more so you can stay motivated and ontrack.• Reach your fitness goals. Set goals based on steps,time,distance, calories burned. Receive personalizedrecommendations andcoaching for activity goals.• Measure your wellness. Aggregates info from other apps totrackfitness, nutrition, sleep, and weight: Android Wear,Nike+,Runkeeper, Strava, MyFitnessPal, Lifesum, Basis, Sleep asAndroid,Withings, and Xiaomi Mi bands.• Check in from anywhere. Track your progress from yourphone,tablet, the web ( and even your AndroidWearwatch.
SnoreClock - Do you snore? 5.3.0
Do you snore? With SnoreClock you can easily check if you snore.
Relaxing music for sleep Meditation relaxing music 3.0
Relaxing sounds to sleep, music to meditate and deep sleep
Fabulous Daily Routine Planner 3.79
Self-care routine for lifestyle change, setting life goals&personal growth
Do I Snore or Grind 1.0.9
Find out today how much you snore or grind your teeth!
White Noise Baby Sleep Sounds 1.131
A sleep aid that really works and helps babies and adultsfallasleep quickly!
Sleepmeter Free 3.0.2
This application tracks your sleep habits and presentsstatisticaland graphical analysis thereof for your amusementandenlightenment. Features: * over twenty five graphs *morestatistics than you probably care to look at * cumulativesleepdeficit/surplus * sleep credit/debit calculation suitable forpilotuse * create screenshots of graphs and statistics for sharingwithmedical professionals, pals, and random strangers outside oftheapp * debt notification * 1x1, 2x1, and 3x1 widget to assistwithdata entry * widget allows automated sleep period logging basedondevice charging * handles nightly sleep periods with holes *tracksleep aid use and analysis * track sleep hindrances andanalysis *define your own sleep aids * track dreams and analysis *tracksleep quality * import SleepBot data * can get sleep periodsfromGentle Alarm app * more configuration options than youprobablycare to configure * supports installation on SD card oncapabledevices This free version will never expire is not crippledin anyway. It does contain ads at the bottom of the screen tohelpsupport development. A version called "Sleepmeter" is availableonthe market that will cost you a few coins but doesn't have ads.Goahead and post whatever nonsense you want in the AndroidMarketcomments, but I've given up on reading them. If you want toget myattention, send me an e-mail. I usually answer thempromptly.Explanation of required permissions:WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Thispermission is used to export history,graph screenshots, andstatistics screenshots to the SD cardRECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Thispermission is necessary for the debtnotification to work properly.Without this the debt notificationwould not work after a devicerestart. VIBRATE: This permission isused to optionally make thedebt notification vibrate your device.INTERNET: This permission issolely used to fetch ads. The paidversion of this app does notrequire this permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: This permission isalso required to fetch ads.The paid version of this app does notrequire this permission.
Schlafen & Entspannen 1.8
To calm down, relax and just sleep better (German Sleep App)
Fitbit, Inc.
The free Fitbit app is designed to workwithFitbit activity trackers and smart scales.GET ACTIVE. EAT BETTER. MANAGE WEIGHT. SLEEP BETTER.- Wirelessly SYNC your Blaze, Alta, Alta HR, Charge 2, Flex2,Surge, Charge HR, Charge, Flex, Aria, One or Zip tracker withyourAndroid device.- Track your DAILY GOALS and progress over time for STEPS,DISTANCE,CALORIES BURNED and more- Use GPS to track your RUNS, WALKS & HIKES- LOG ACTIVITIES like YOGA and WORKOUTS to keep you on track- LOG FOOD to see how many CALORIES you consume each day, andmanageyour WEIGHT over time- COMPETE with FRIENDS with daily or weekly CHALLENGES andcomparestats- ALL DAY HEART RATE TRACKING with Fitbit Surge and Charge HRLearn more about Fitbit activity trackers and smart scalesatwww.fitbit.comSee list of supported devices at
Sleep - Ambient Sound Machine 1.81
Blake Haas
Sleep is a soothing custom ambient sound machine for a goodnight'ssleep.
Relax and Sleep for everyone 5.0.6
The application "Relax and Sleep for everyone" is an effectivetoolfor rapid stress relief in a few minutes, relax and sleepreally.Used to manage anxiety and personal balance, thisapplication is anessential tool for modern life. For all those whoare subjectstress and sleepless because of the many daily tasks,this appprovides relaxation therapy that really works.Our application can be easily integrated into your dailylife.The app will help you to have a focused mind, less stressandbetter Sleep. The more you use, the better your results will beandthe more effective.Allows you to relieve your mental and physical stress. Thankstothe colors of chromotherapy can benefit from theirtherapeuticproperties. In addition to the colors you can selectmore than 40Melodies and sounds to listen to while very relaxingtherapies,transforming your room, your office or the environment inwhich youspend your holidays in a pleasant Living Colours. All thiswithjust one click.Sit back and enjoy the pleasure of relaxing! This applicationispractical and functional because you can take it with you anduseit in any situation with a simple click.Use it also in many other situation such as whileexercising,during your yoga meditation sessions, while massaging,during aquick nap or even to help your baby fall asleep faster!WHAT IS THE APPLICATION?- CHROMOTHERAPY - a full-service spa with colors and soundsthataccompany your moments of relaxation. Sit back in a dark roomandstarts chromotherapy, you'll turn your room into arelaxationcenter. Be accompanied by more than 30 songs chosen foryourphysical and mental well-being.- SOUNDS - a faithful reproduction of the sounds thatnatureoffers us every day. The sounds are accompanied by animatedimagesthat stimulate your well-being and activate the innateprimordialmemory of nature.- REST AND MEDITATION - Binaural tones application hasseveralfunctions that stimulate mental activity, concentration,deepmeditation, Relax, dream and Sleep. For a correct use isessentialto use headphones connected to your device.- BREATH RELAXATION - Have you ever paid attention toyourbreath? Very likely it is shallow, fairly rapid and irregular,mostof us, in fact, is used to "shallow breathing" and only 20% ofhislung capacity.With this application you'll get used to breathe properlycomingquickly to a state of physical and mental well-being.- HERBAL TEA - Everything you need to know about theworld'soldest drink Relax. Property, explanations, mistakes toavoid andtips on the use of herbs and preparation of herbal tea.All thisand more in this comprehensive guide dedicated to herbalteas. Forbest Sleep.- ALARM CLOCK - For a relaxing awakening with the 7primarycolors of light therapy, an alarm is fully configurable.102 HIGH QUALITY WHITE NOISE AMBIENT SOUNDS & MELODIESRelax Melodies, Celtic music, Gregorian chanting,Sleep,Carillon, River, Ocean, Wind, Flute, Rain, Birds, MusicBox,Lounge, Waterfall, Thunder, Zen, Campfire, Melody, Nightmelody,White Noise, Urban Rain, Cavern, Medieval, Toskana, SlowWaves,Heavy Rain, Rainy Day, Afternoon, Rainstorm,Underwater,Underwater, Seaside, Rain on Roof, Humming, GrandfatherClock,Frogs, Thunder Storm, Monk Chant Melodies.New! We've added lullabies for your babyAds Free, No Ads!!!Features:-install to SD card-different nature sounds-count Down Timer for music relaxation therapy-beautiful wallpaper for each sound of nature-meditation music run in background-relaxation for human brains-only good quality nature sleep sounds-best relaxing sounds of nature Free App-sounds of the season-sounds of the city-ambient soundsFollow us on:-Blog:
Music Therapy for Sound Sleep
Music Therapy for Sound Sleep is anandroidmusic application based on the famous EEG to optimize humanbrains.For a necessary sound sleep, Low Speed Alpha Wave set inthis appwill comfort your mind, assisting you to fallasleepsmoothly.★ Music Therapy for Sound Sleep (Full Version) with 8 musicpiecesand 12 ambient sounds is now available on Google Play! Your Imagination with a Sound Mixer in thelatestversion!The latest version of Music Therapy for Sound Sleep provides agroupof relaxing natural sounds for you to choose and mix,creating yourown fantastic ocean scenes. These sounds help enrichyourimagination thus to further relax in a pleasant surroundingswithocean waves and soothing rains. It is totally up to you tocustomizeeach track with one or several ambient sounds, withvolume barsseparated from the main piano melodies.Totally different from the so-called leisure music, subliminalmusicembeds Alpha Wave to various musical pieces by delicatelysettingthe rhythm to a certain frequency, while stimulatingimaginationwith certain sound effects. Listening to the music,oursub-consciousness is awakened. It is guiding us to a brandnewdiscovery of our potentials, to relaxation, andtocreativity.Low Speed Alpha Wave has a frequency from 8Hz to 9Hz,whichstimulates a state at which one is nearly asleep and cannotthinkclearly. To generate such a frequency in one's mind, binauralbeatsare applied. For example, if the left ear is presented withasteady tone of 500Hz and the right ear a steady tone of508Hz,these two tones combine in the brain. The difference, 8Hz,isperceived by the brain and is a very effective stimulusforbrainwave entrainment.Features:- Tunes with Low Speed Alpha Wave- Ambient Sound Mixer with a group of natural sounds- Elegant interfaces and varied music themes- Elaborate descriptions- Increase sleep quality and relaxed state
SleepyTime: Bedtime Calculator
Yu Chen Hou
Nothing is more important than getting agoodnight's sleep, and waking up in a good shape lets you make themostof your day!SleepyTime is an app designed to help you wake up in-betweensleepcycles and allows you to start the day with a clear mind.🌙Every time you sleep, you enter into a series of sleep cyclesthatlast for around 90 minutes, but even if you seem to get plentyofhours of sleep, waking up during one of the cycles can makeyoufeel groggy and exhausted. SleepyTime for Android allows you totryand work around this issue.The app supports calculating when to wake up, when to go tosleep,and when to wake up if you sleep now, and you can set up analarmwith the app. Perfect for those with a tight schedule,andstudents!Read more about how it works here: to Plus version with widgets and no ads: the app? Find us on Facebook and get future updates! on the New York Times this app does===✅Calculates when to wake up and when to sleep to feel great✅Calculate when to wake up if you sleep now✅Add an alarm by clicking on a time✅Widgets on homescreen and lockscreen (Jellybean 4.2 +)✅Light and Dark theme✅(Plus Only) Enhanced widget.✅(Plus Only) No Ads===What this app does not do ===❎ It's not an alarm app by itself, it only adds it to yourandroidalarm clock app❎ Cook for you❎ Do your homework 🐶Inspired by (by David Shaw).Spanish translation thanks to Carlos VázquezUkrainian/Russian translation thanks to VladCatalan translation by AriadnaItalian translation by ZokruGerman translation by IlianPortugese translation by Antonio PereiraJapanese translations by Yudai Kai (甲斐 雄大)French Translation thanks to Vincent AiriauArabic Translation thanks to i7mmodiHungarian translation thanks to Bihari KristófCzech translation thanks to Vilém DanzigDutch translation thanks to Perry K.Indonesian translation by Nurahmat AgustiantoTurkish translation by Can KaratepeContact me if you wish to translate this app!Permissions:-SET ALARMAllows you to quickly set alarms based on when you want towakeup.-INTERNETAdMob Ads and statistics.
Nature Sounds 3.14.0(87)
Maple Media
Sleep, relax and meditate with relaxing sounds of nature
Deep Sleep & Relaxation 😴 🛌 3.1.0
Do you suffer from sleep problems, insomnia, worries, stressetc?This can help!
Sleep Talk Recorder 3.2.3
Do you talk in your sleep? Download today and find out tomorrow.
Rain Sounds - Sleep Ambience 2.4.4
Thunderstorm sounds and rain sound for sleep, rainstorm soundsforrainy mood