Top 20 Apps Similar to Weight Loss Tips - No Diets!

Dietista Personal 2.11
Calculate your BMI and ideal weight and access a set ofpersonalizeddiets.
Fitness Exercise Free App 3.0.1
Do you feel like doing fitness exercises? Want to lose weightwithdaily exercise and very little effort? This is your app!FitnessExercise Free App is a completely free application withwhich youcan check exercises to do at home, like tabata. You canwork yourlegs, butt, abs ... the best way to have a body 10! Loseweight bythe easy way. With a simple daily exercise and a goodworkoutroutine. Forget about expensive diets to lose weight! Starttheworkout today with this video selection to start losingweight,getting in shape and training. This free application allowsyou toview videos about training and exercise different body parts...Learn that workouts are best for shaping their buttocks, armsandlegs, or improve your cardio endurance, yoga or tabata. Youwillhave a free Daily Workouts. This application contains routinesfastand effective for men and women that guide you through thebestdialy tabata workout you can do in the comfort of your ownhomedaily exercise. These proven exercises, demonstrated by acertifiedpersonal trainer, are directed to the main muscles.Spending justminutes a day can strengthen and tone your body. Thisapp has avariety of exercises to do at home, fitness style, tabata,workingto lose weight legs, arms, buttocks, abs, cardio, etc. OnlyFitnessExercise Free App offers slimming exercises for doing athome, mostwatched and effective in recent times. Other categoriesinclude: *Exercises for Legs and Butt * Strengthen and make Abs(Abdominals)* Cardio * Yoga * Tabata Enough of expensive weightloss diets.Instead of making diets to lose weight, check out theseexercisesto do at home. With only seven 7 minutes a day will beenough! It'sfree and you can share videos legs, butt, abs, yoga,cardio,fitness and more. In addition, only with Fitness ExerciseFree Appyou can comfortably watch the latest videos ... Some of themostsignificant features of this application are: ✔ Youtubevideoplayer. View and enjoy the videos of exercises to do at homemoreeffective on Internet, with which you can lose weight andloseweight without dieting. ✔ Share videos! You can share thevideosthat you like for different media / social networks. ✔Navigationside menu. Enjoy the different categories offered by thesidenavigation menu. ✔ 100% Free app without in-app purchases ofanykind. No need to spend money to laugh. ✔ Create own lists.Adddaily exercise videos that you like to favorites list byclickingthe star. ✔ The best content from fitness for android.Having ahealthy life is possible with only seven 7 minutes a day!stopdiets and do your daily exercise routine to lose weight. Thedialyworkout are categorized to make it easier and more convenienttofind the most suitable to your needs (either legs tabatabuttocks,arms abs yoga cardio). Moreover, as we care for the user,we offerready to interact with you. Fitness Exercise Free Appoffers videosto share them. DISCLAIMER: All images of thisapplication andresources are owned or obtained from sources free ofCopyRightswhich allows use and distribute their images. All imagesarelicensed CC (CreativeComoons) All video content are public andarehosted on YouTube. Only is allowed the viewing and sharing ofthecontent, but the app does not allow to download.
Pierde 5 kilos en 5 días 12.0.0
Hippa Studio
Gracias por las 8,000 descargas denuestraaplicación, es todo un éxito la dieta de la avena, sin dudalamejor forma de perder peso. En tan solo 5 días, pierdes5kilos!No dejes de conocerla, descargala gratis!!!★★★★★ La dieta de la Avena ★★★★★Es una de las dietas más rápidas, con ella puedes perder entre 4 a5kilos en tan solo 5 días.Si tienes apuros en bajar de peso, está dieta es para ti. Solodebesseguirla al pie de la letra.Para la dieta de la avena necesitarás:EspinacasBrócoliCebollasEspárragosLechugaTomatesZanahoriasPuerros (ajos porros)Calabacín (zucchini)Champiñones (hongos, setas)Guisantes verdes (petit pois)Las frutas aceptadas:ManzanaPeraNaranjaFresaFrambuesaPlátano (banano)La dieta es muy sencilla de hacer, sufrirás por 5 días, peroluegode eso, verás un gran cambio en tu peso.*** Recuerda siempre consultar a tu médico antes derealizarcualquier dieta ***Para más información puedes visitar nuestrositiowww.paradietas.comThanks for the8,000downloads of our app is a success the diet of oats, definitelythebest way to lose weight. In just five days, you lose 5kilos!Do not let you know it, download it for free !!!★★★★★ The diet of the Avena ★★★★★It is one of the fastest diets, with it you can lose between4-5kilos in just five days.If you have trouble losing weight, it's diet is for you. Youjusthave to follow it to the letter.For diet of oats'll need:SpinachBroccoliOnionsAsparagusLettuceTomatoesCarrotsLeeks (garlic joints)Courgette (zucchini)Mushrooms (fungi, mushrooms)Green peas (petit pois)Fruits accepted:ApplePearOrangeStrawberryRaspberryPlantain (banana)The diet is very simple to do, suffer for five days, but afterthat,you'll see a big change in your weight.*** Remember to always consult your physician before makinganydietary ***For more information visit our website
Adelgazar rápido 1.11
Metta Apps
+130 Tips to lose weight and lose weight fast
Running Workouts by Verv 7.0.2
Verv Inc
Interval running plan. GPS run tracker, diet meal plans &coolrunning music.
Dietas para adelgazar rapido
Diets for quick weight loss includes 6 diets to lose weight in afewdays
Perder peso consejos 4.0.0
Mr Review
Consulta nuestros consejos para perderpeso,sin incidir en dietas para adelgazar, tan soloofreciendodiferentes cambios en tu alimentación que te ayudarán anunca másganar peso.Check out our tips toloseweight, without affecting weight loss diets, only offeringdifferentchanges in your diet that will help you never gainweight.
Aerobics dance workout for weight loss
The best free aerobics workout to weight loss with funnydancefitness exercise
Bajar de Peso en una Semana 1.02
Bajar de Peso en una Semana es unaaplicacionpara bajar de peso y hacer ejercicio diseñada paraentregarle tipslos 7 días de la semana.Si quiere perder peso rapidamente, tener un abdomenplano,obtener su cuerpo de ensueño, pruebe "Bajar de Peso en unaSemana",que le ayudará a fortalecer sus músculos abdominales ytambién ledará consejos para bajar de peso rapido.Buscando aplicaciones para bajar de peso y abdomen? O,dietaspara bajar de peso? ¡Ya ha llegado la app gratis Bajar dePeso enuna Semana! Los tips para adelgazar rápido más adecuadospara gentenormal como usted y como yo, ya no se pregunte: comobajar de pesorapidamente?, nuestra aplicación le ayudará.Con Bajar de Peso en una Semana puede calcular su indice demasacorporal. Puede ver si está bajo o sobre el nivel normal. Sólodebeingresar su peso corporal y se le mostrará su indice demasacorporal.Ideal para personas que son consientes de su salud y quebuscanuna app para bajar de peso gratis. Aplicación gratuitaperfecta sieres hombre o mujer.Es la opción ideal para personas que quieren adelgazar y nosabencomo perder peso rapidamente.Quiere perder peso efectivamente? Quiere saber como bajar depesoen 1 semana? Bajar de Peso en una Semana es la opción perfectaparausted, le ayudará a complementar su dieta. Todos los días lapuedesusar para alcanzar sus metas.Otras funciones de esta aplicación:* Puzzle (juego de Rompecabezas)* Compartir en Redes Sociales:- Facebook- Twitter- Google + 1* Radio con los siguientes ritmos:- Bachata- Baladas- Pop y Rock en Español- Reggae- Salsa- VallenatoSi usted está tratando de perder peso, es probable queestéinteresado en ver y sentir, una diferencia rápidamente aprendacomobajar de peso en 1 semana.Puede ser tentador para poner su confianza en una delasinnumerables esquemas que prometen la pérdida de peso fácilyrápido.Desafortunadamente, incluso si estas dietas para bajar de pesodemoda ayudan a perder peso, es poco probable que mantener unpesosaludable en los meses y años posteriores.En nuestra app encontrará tips para adelgazar que sonsencillosde seguir y le permitirán mantener un peso saludable y alargoplazo. No sólo se debe hacer ejercicios para bajar de peso,hayvarios factores que influyen para que alcence sus metas.No te olvides de compartir esta aplicación gratis enwhatsapp,facebook, twitter, sms, email.Si te gustó la aplicación califícanos con 5 estrellas ★★★★★paraque continuemos mejorando y manteniendo la aplicación para quecadadía recibas un mejor servicio! Gracias!Descarga esta apps para bajar de peso gratis ahora ydisfrutalacon tu familia y amigos!Lose Weight in a Weekisan application to lose weight and exercise tips designed todeliver7 days a week.If you want to lose weight quickly, have a flat stomach, getyourdream body, try "Lose Weight in a Week", which will helpstrengthenyour abdominal muscles and will also give tips to loseweightfast.Applications seeking to lose weight and belly? Or, diets toloseweight? It has arrived the free app Lose Weight in a Week!Thequick weight loss tips best suited for normal people like youandme, no longer ask: how to lose weight fast ?, our applicationwillhelp.With Losing weight in a week you can calculate your BMI. Youcansee if you are under or above the normal level. Just enteryourbody weight and will show your BMI.Ideal for people who are health conscious and looking for afreeapp to lose weight. perfect free app if you are male orfemale.It is ideal for people who want to lose weight and do notknowhow to lose weight fast option.You want to lose weight effectively? You want to know how toloseweight in one week? Lose Weight in a Week is the perfectchoice foryou, will help you supplement your diet. Every day youcan use toachieve your goals.Other features of this application:* Puzzle (Puzzle game)* Share on Social Networks:- Facebook- Twitter- Google + 1* Radio with the following rates:- Bachata- Balads- Pop and Rock in Spanish- Reggae- Sauce- VallenatoIf you are trying to lose weight, you are probably interestedtosee and feel a difference quickly learn how to lose weight inoneweek.It may be tempting to put your trust in one of the many schemesthatpromise quick and easy loss weight.Unfortunately, if these diets to lose weight fashion help youloseweight, it is even unlikely to maintain a healthy weight inthemonths and years later.In our app you will find diet tips that are simple to followandallow you to maintain a healthy weight long term. Not onlymustexercise to lose weight, there are several factors thatinfluencealcence your goals.Do not forget to share this app free whatsapp, facebook,twitter,sms, email.If you liked the application Review us with 5 stars ★★★★★tocontinue improving and maintaining the application so thateveryday you get better service! Thank you!Download this free apps to lose weight now and enjoy it withyourfamily and friends!
ProZoneEvolution BASIC 1.0.6
With the speed of a swipe, you willcreatemealsand add food. The Basic version comes with 50 basicmeals.This appis specially developed for those who want tocalculate andsave theirmeals and recipes.The 3 versions ofProZoneEvolution arethe BASIC,ADVANCED and the FULL for theNutritionist. Based onzone blocksconcept and taking advantage ofthe gesture actions,you can create aperfectly balanced meal inminutes. Share mealswith your friends andimport/export them onmultiple devices.BASIC version features• Easy and quick meal compilator• Meals manager• Food manager• Daily blocks and protein requirement tool• Chart tables progress• Meals import export and share functions• Whole plan database import export and share functionsADVANCED version features• Weekly plan with daily schedule• Supplements management• Grocery List generator• Recipe to Food converter tool• Meals and supplements intake notification service• Weekly plan PDF creation functionFULL version features only (for nutritionists)• P/C/F Ratio variation change• One click conversion tool of all the meals to thenewP/C/FratioWEEKLY PLAN (Advanced and Full version only)Daily scheme of the meals and supplements. Showstheindividualblocks and the family whole blocks. Varying thevaluesthe apprecalculates the weights without changing theoriginalmeal.Supplements and the water intake time is shownbetweenthemeals.SUPPLEMENT MANAGEMENT (Advanced and Full version only)Supplement intake for those with eating disordersorsportprofessionals, may be complicated. This app simplifiesandmanagethe time tables, stops and starts automaticallytheschedulebetween cycles.MEAL CALCULATIONThe meal compiler makes it easy and ultra fast to calculatethefoodquantity to get balanced recipes. Search the food, swiperighttoadd and slide to set the weight to the right value.GROCERY LIST GENERATOR (Advanced and Full version only)Select the meals or the days in the weekly plan to getthegrocerylist instantly.MEALS MANAGEMENTOpen and modify, swipe right to add to the weekly plan, mealscanbeshared thru different devices.MEAL OR RECIPE CONVERSION INTO FOOD (Advanced andFullversiononly)Get nutritional values of complicated recipes to load them asfoodinthe compilator.FOOD MANAGEMENTSerch the food, swipe right to add it to the compilator. Addnewfoodinto proper category, swipe left to delete it.DAILY REQUIREMENTS TOOLBMI section to get the daily requirements of protein andblocks.CHART PROGRESSInserting daily requirements will update front charts ofthedietprogress.MEALS AND SUPPLEMENTS NOTIFICATIONS (Advanced andFullversiononly)30 minutes before for the meals, 3 minutes for thesupplements,theapp sends out notification alerts.MEALS IMPORT EXPORTShare the meal on the social or send it to a friend,toyournutritionist or to another device has never been so easy.WHOLE PLAN DATABASE IMPORT EXPORTExport and save the whole database for scheduledbackup,synchronizemultiple devices, sent database to end user,receivedatabase fromend user to monitor his progress.P/C/F RATIO VARIATION (Full version only)Nutritionist can vary the ratio for example to create mealscloseto0.5 or 1.0 depending on the subject needs.ONE CLICK CONVERSION TOOL (Full version only)Recalculate all meals of a plan in one single click, basedonnewratio values. Saves hours of work.
The Fast Metabolism Diet 1.31
All the planning tools needed to lose weight on the 28-dayFastMetabolism Diet
7 Minute Workout Pro
7 Minute workout Pro with no ads.All workouts are free to use.The 7 Minute Workout now supports Google Fit, And comeswiththe new abs workoutOver 3,000,000 Users love 7 minutes workout,Scientificallyproven to lose weight & improvecardiovascularfunction.If you want to lose weight, get a flat tummy &strengthenabdominal muscles, get the dreamed abs withsixpack, 7minutes abs workout can strengthen your core andtone your abs,with videos on how to perform each exercise.Don't have an hour for daily workout and abs workout? you mightnotneed it, just try 7 minute quick fit workout, it hasVideoTutorial to help you do it right!The most appropriate exercises for usual people just like youandme, you can do it quick fit anytime anywhere, it only takes7minutes. This 7 minute workout is highlighted by the New YorkTimes"Maximum Results With Minimal Investment".This 7 minute workout application is base on HICT (highintensitycircuit training) that was proved the most “safe,effective, andefficient” way to improve your muscular and aerobicfitness, don'tneed go to gym. Try the 7 minute quick fit workoutand abs workout,and make you healthier.The 7 minute workout only take you about 7 minutes quickfit,consists 12 exercises to be done for 30 seconds, with 10secondsbreaks between each exercise. All you need just a chair anda wall,repeat 2-3 circuits according to your time. This must yourfirstchoice for office workout, or home quick fit abs workoutforwomen.Features:Support Google Fit;Voice guild you when you need to start 7 minute workoutorrest;Adjust the circuit time according to your situation;Adjust the rest time;Keep the screen on when you workout;Beautiful character and UI design;Workout log shows your complete workout time;Ability to pause the workout, and skip to previous ornextexercise;Notification for daily workout;Abs workout for women;The daily workout include 12 exercises, they are Jumping jacks,Wallsit, Push-up, Abdominal crunch, Step-up onto chair , Squat ,Tricepsdip on chair, Plank , High knees/running in place , Lunge,Push-upand rotation, Side plank, the exercise are full bodyworkouts, legworkout, arm workout, butt workout, cardio workout,abs workout forwomen.This 7 min gym daily quick fit workout will be yourpersonaltrainer, it is cardio workout, help you fitness, and loseweight,trained your arm workout, leg workout, full body muscles,absworkout for women, you can do it at office or home.This 7 min daily workout and abs workout really works, it istheeffective gym exercised for everyone, girl, abs workout forwomen,man, work person, you can make it as office workout, homeworkout,we sure 7 min workout gym will help you!Enjoy the 7 min gym! like sit ups, push ups, squats,plank,jumping jack.Permissions description:Storage:For save data to SD card or in the phone;Network communication:Support save data to Google fit;Phone call:You can get important phone call even at the exercises;System tools:This permission is for starting up notification even rebootthephone;Hardware controls:For notification vibration;
Nutritionist 4.0
Lose weight with Nutritionist, the only automated diet coachandcalorie counter
My personal nutritionist 2.0
Do you want to lose weight or gain weight?And also keep controloveryour body?
Ingredients & Nutrition Dictio 1.3.4
Relish on a balanced diet with healthy ingredients & alsoknowthe benefits!
Nutritionist 1.0
Nutritionists are experts in foodandnutrition.They can help patients choose the right things toeat,help them planmenus, and advise them on the health effectsofcertain foods.Nutritionists assess a patient’s currentdietaryhabits and needs,educate them on healthy eating habits,follow upto ensure the menusare working, and write reports thatdocument apatient’s progress.They might also speak to groups, suchasschools or businesses, aboutgood nutrition and preventinghealthproblems through proper foods.Nutritionists frequentlyworkclosely with individuals who havemedical issues, such asthosewith diabetes or those undergoingchemotherapy, to help themfindthe right foods to eat for their bestpossible health.Nutritionists help their clients stay focused on theirgoalsbyproviding regular encouragement and motivation. Theydiscussthepros and cons of specific diets and food trends, andwhatimpactthose have on health. Depending on education levelorlicensure, anutritionist may test for specific food allergiesorautoimmunedisorders such as celiac disease (glutenintolerance).Educatingpeople on health is an important job intoday’s society,especiallyin the United States, where obesity hasreached anall-time high.Nutritionists can work asself-employedentrepreneurs, as well asin hospital settings, schoolsand avariety of holistic andalternative medicine environments.Dependingon their level ofeducation, nutritionists can be in highdemand infood andhealth-related businesses.This app give you the most importantinformationaboutNutritionists
iEatBetter: Food Diary 8.7.2
The easiest way to track your food.
The Online Nutritionist 1.0
RATED THE BEST ONLINE DIET APP OF 2016!*Online Nutritionist is a comprehensive daily plannerthatprovidesa personal diet every day that is customized toyourgoals.This app replaces all of your other planning apps.FEATURES INCLUDE:- a diet sent to you each day that you can easilyadjustandsubmit to your nutrition tracker- custom charts and trackers that are linked to yournutritionandfitness planners- the ability to create charts to track whatever you want- a personalized daily checklist- daily expenses and net cash flow summaries- a daily notepad- ability to upload a list of your favoritefoodsandexercises- a fitness tracker with charts- profile and goal setting- progress images***THIS APP IS ABSOLUTELY FREE TO TRY WITH NO OBLIGATIONS!Receive a personalized diet each day that calculatesportionstothe exact calorie to meet your goal, or you can choosetocreateyour own. Adjust and submit your diets and set customchartstomonitor whatever you like.Online Nutritionist is the most simple and convenientwaytomanage your nutrition, wellness goals, and all ofyourdailyplanning needs. Get a personal nutritionist rightonyourphone.*In 2016, researchers were hired to conduct anindividualandunbiased review of the most popular web applicationsofferingdietprograms. They were told to research the followingfactors:Doesthe site offer a diet from a personal nutritionistthathasspecific foods and quantities to get the user totheircaloricgoal? Does the diet allow the flexibility to allowthemember toeat whatever food they want -- does the diet allowtheflexibilityto adjust the diet or work with a nutritionist toinputtheirpreferred foods while maintaining their goal? Most weightinthereview was put on those factors. Other criteria factoredintotheweighted rating are the additional features offered thatallowthemembers to have an intuitive way to plan andmonitortheirnutrition and tactical priorities to get them totheirdesiredresults. The features include a daily checklist ofimportanttasksto complete, automated charts, a daily notepad, ashoppinglist,and a community. The weighted ratings are relative totheprice themember has to pay to receive each offering ofthecriteria. Theratings are based on calculated "valued utils"perdollar spent permonth with a factor of subscription length.Theresults arepublished at bestonlinediets.com and Conditions:
FitWell Personal Fitness Coach
FitWell is your personal health andfitnesscoach. Join over 1 million people using FitWell to loseweight, getin shape and live a healthy lifestyle. Fitwell’s healthydietplans, personal exercise routines and professional workoutvideoswill help you get in shape faster - at home, outdoors or inthegym.Just like having a dedicated 24/7 personal trainer and dietchef,FitWell helps you achieve your goals with smart exerciseandnutrition advice tailored to you. Take the FitTest, thenletFitwell monitor your activity levels and keep you motivatedwithdaily coaching reminders.Created together with professional athletes andnutritionists,FitWell features over 300+ workout videos, unlimitedexerciseprogram combinations and diet plans for both men and women.It’sthe perfect fitness app for exercise beginners and gymjunkiesalike!A healthier you with FitWell* Get a personal fitness and nutrition plan tailored to yourbodytype and goals.* Get results faster: from healthy weight loss and body toningtobuilding muscle and cardio endurance.* Always know how many steps you’ve taken and caloriesyou’reburning by connecting your favourite wearables andfitnessapps.* Personal training (PT) sessions at the tap of a button,withhundreds of exercise videos and workout routines.* Stay motivated every day with meal, water andworkoutreminders.* It’s a calorie counter, activity monitor, personal trainerandnutritionist - all in one app!Get fit with a personal workout plan* Exercise plans for beginners and experts* 300+ HD exercise videos for body toning and building muscle* Take the FitWell FitTest and track your progress* Use the simple rep timer for perfect form every time* Workouts you can do quickly, anywhere - including HIIT(HighIntensity Interval Training), bodyweight exercises, cardioworkoutsand gym routines.* Workout plans to reach your goals: from beach body workoutsto6pack absHealthy meal plans that make eating clean easy* FitWell takes the hard work out of eating clean. Just followtheplan to get results!* Healthy recipes that keep your diet delicious* FitWell makes following low carb diets, paleo diets andeverydayhealthy eating simple and easy* Track calories and daily nutrition to get the right mixofprotein, carbs and fatFitWell Premium Fitness Coach* Unlimited access to Premium workouts, including zone specificandseasonal workouts
Glycemic Index. Diabetes diary 4.1.2
Control diabetes, weight & blood pressure. Recipes,mealtracking, glycemic load