Top 13 Apps Similar to Yoga The Art of Living

Abhyaasa: Meditation - Sleep Meditation - SriSri 3.3.5
Abhyaasa app will be more useful If you’ve taken the ArtofLivingprogram, this is your app for daily guidedsadhana.InstallAbhyaasa app today to- ● Practice Daily Sadhanaanytimeandanywhere. ● Get Sudarshan Kriya, Chantings,SuryaNamaskar,Meditation, Asanaseverything at one place. ●Personalizeyour dailySadhana by customizing teacher, pace andalmosteverything. ●Create tailor-made playlists with yourfavoriteasanas, meditation,chanting and kriya. ● Play anymeditation orchants or asanawithout creating a playlist throughall-new Playone-offs feature.● Track your progress and staymotivated for thenext Daily Sadhanasession. Avail more features nowwith the latestupdate. ● MorePersonalization- Sometimes prefer6-6-4 countsinstead of 8-8-6 inPranayama? Done. Want to play DeviKavachamafter Kriya? Easy.Padma Sadhana to be rushed sometimes?Sure.Creating yourpersonalised playlist is now just a tap away. ●Anentirely newlook: To make things more intuitive, seamlessanduser-friendly,we've revamped the entire app experience. Installitnow and webet, you’d find it refreshingly simpler andinstantlyfamiliar. ●Tap and slide to play: We’ve streamlined theday-to-dayexperienceand brought the most frequently requiredplaylists on theslidingscreens: front and top. Easy come, easy go.
Sattva - Meditation App 9.0.9
Sattva helps you relax and rejuvenate your body, mind and soulviameditation!
Yoga For Beginners 1.20
Yoga for beginners. Learn thebasicbeginneryoga meditation techniques and poses withthisapplication.Practice yoga for beginners with the best yogalessons,teachersand easy meditation exercises. If you are pregnant,you arejustnervous or you want to lose weight, our yogaforbeginnersexercises are for you. We also photos and lessons tolearnall theyoga positions and moves. It is free.
10 Daily Yoga Poses 1.0
Using this app will help you to relievestress,get flexible and calm your mind. The daily yoga routinecontains 10poses or exercises. Do it daily to create a toned,flexible andstrong body. Yoga helps you to look and feel youngerthan your age.Improve your athletic performance. Doing yoga dailyis good for yourbody.Doing the yoga workout will make you feel stronger,healthier,improve energy and control weight. Working out benefitsevery partof the body. Total body fitness workout. Full completeyoga bodytraining with log.***FEATURES***- Free and Simple- 10 Yoga Poses- Workout Log- Set Reminder- Total FitnessThe yoga workout routine contains boat pose, bridge pose,chairpose, child's pose, cobra pose, cow pose, downward facingdog,standing forward bend, plank and upward extended feet.
Yoga - Poses & Classes 1.97
A true yoga app for beginners to advanced. Join today!
Yoga Lessons 1.20
Yoga lessons for free. Learn with us thebasicyoga meditation techniques. The most effectivemeditationtechniques are in thi app. We have all yoga types such asbikram,hatha and kundalini. Learn from our expert yoga masters,with ourvideo lessons. Includes meditation and weight lossexercises. Findyoga photos and videos and start learningtoday.
Yoga sessions 2.5
This is a coaching app for learning theyogaforbeginner and once the practitioner gets good hold ofthebeginner'slevels, start practicing daily yoga practice.Bypracticing Dailyyoga practice every day, the yoga practitionercanachieve mostcommon objectives of fitness like weight lose,fatburning,increasing body mobility and flexibility. Apart fromthesecommonobjectives the practitioner can get the benefits ofyogalike calmmind, glowing skin and keep energized andrejuvenatedevery day.The practitioner can use this app by playing a session anduseitas reference during the yoga practice. Before beginningaparticularsession, user can now view the list of yoga asanasthatare going tobe practiced in that session. Every yogaposeavailable in thesessions of this app has vocal instructionsforhelping the yogapractitioner to follow the voice guidanceandperform the pose.Before beginning the yoga session, user cantakea look at theduration in minutes of that session.Food and diet section has been introduced in this versionofthisapp to explain the user about how to balance the dietbyknowing thedifferent types food that we consume on adailybasis.The sessions are not streaming videos, rather theyareinteractivewhere user can go to next pose or previous poseandalso user canpause and play the sessions.In short, this app has yoga classes which is thebeststartingpoint for practicing yoga.
Yoga 2.0.0
If you are looking for a Free Yoga Android app to practice yogaforweight loss at home and start your yoga daily workout trainingthisapp is perfect for you. Practise your sessions with freerelaxmelodies sleep and yoga to help you improve body awareness,preventsports injuries, and soothe sore muscles. Or complement yourdailyyoga free sessions with other training workouts such as zumbaorfat burn aerobics. Combine yoga with aerobics dance workoutandLatin Aerobic Dance Workout to have fun and relax afterwards.Weput together the best Yoga video tutorials to make your bodyfeelgood with exercises that will improve your fat burning workoutsathome and gym. Begin to learn the basics in the comfort of yourownhome. Perfect for all levels beginner to advanced. Thebeginnerworkouts and advanced training sessions are chosen byexperts soyou can find the perfect yoga daily workout exerciseroutineaccording to your needs. Improve fundamental postures andhelpproper alignment. Yoga daily workouts have many advantagescomparedto other methods such as cycling, elliptical, stepaerobics, zumba,martial arts, running, HIIT. The holistic weightloss weries yogasessions help you build a perfect body so you willemerge from thisclasses feeling grounded and calm Find the bestpostures andclasses with holistic weight loss series for the lowerbody andupper body and more; yoga for mamas, rammed yoga, cat / cowpose,forward bends, restorative postures, seated, vinyasa,standing,seated, refine, restorative, twists, detox, extended puppypose andthe best yoga for moms. We can assure this is one of thebest yogaapps for weight losing for girls. The restorativesequences aredesigned to relieve muscle tension and sharpen mentalfocus foroptimal performance off the mat. If you want to weigh lossfastnourish yourself on a body and soul level in Yoga sessions.This isan exercise app for women with plenty of Yoga sessionsessentialfor daily routines and help your stretching exercises.Download andallow yourself the space to let go, relax, and releaseresidualtension.
Stretching Flexibility Stretch 1.2
Fitness Apps
Top 10 Stretching and Flexibility Exercisesforthe BodyMany people do not realize the value of stretching to thebodyand the entire health condition in general. Some individualshavethe wrong notion that stretching does not improve muscles butarejust preparatory activities prior to performing rigid strengthandphysical exercises. This is not the case. Several studieshaveshown that stretching can improve athletic activities,improveflexibility and range of movements to body joints, increasebloodflow to the muscle, relieves stress and pressure from thebody, andminimize the risk of injuries. All it takes to gain thesebenefitsis to have a regular stretching and flexibilityexercisesprogramWhat is it All About?A stretching and flexibility exercises application providesthemost convenient way to perform different stretchingexerciseswithout going to the gym or buying expensive stretchingequipmentsand machines. This kind of app has exercises which weredesigned byprofessionals and is based on simplified various Yogastances sothat it can be performed by everyone regardless if theyareexperienced with Yoga or not or whether they need it forrelaxationor as part of their daily routine to stay physicallyactive everyday. The app involves different parts of the body suchas thefollowing:Neck and Waist – to relieve body pressure, stiff neck, andbodyjoints pain. The exercises include neck massage, half-moonposeroutine, body twist pose, and triangle pose.Shoulder and Back – to relieve back ache and pain, alleviatebodyjoint movement, and prevent arching of the back. Exampleofstretching exercise in this aspect is hand pullingbendsideways.Body and Limbs – to burn extra fat, add energy to themuscles,and boost immunity.Features That Provide ResultsA good stretching and flexibility exercises application embedsaprofessional yoga teacher tool to help correct poses and offeradetailed instruction on how to perform stretching properly.Thestretching exercises should only need a simple support systemsuchas a chair so that it is easier for the individual to performthestretching activities and achieve better results. The programisnot rigid as one can choose which among the yoga stances canformpart of your daily routine. The application should have aslideshowpresentation and an instruction window to make it moreconvenientfor the individual to study and imitate themovements.Install a stretching and flexibility exercises applicationforfree now and make stretching a daily habit. Rememberthatstretching offers head to toe benefits and even intrinsic oneslikerelaxation and a stable mind. Why enroll in a Yoga class whenyoucan have simplified Yoga lessons for free through thisstretchingapplication for mobile devices? Join the multitudes ofpeople nowwho discovered this amazing mobile application and how itmadewonders to their life from top to bottom.So why go for more difficult stances when you can havemodifiedYoga stances in this stretching and flexibilityexercisesapplication? Since it is compatible with all Androidoperateddevices, you can have these at your fingertips rightaway.
Meditation sound 2.0
Sajan Josan
Meditation and Learning Sounds iscreatedforthose who work hard to Achieve something his LifeAdditionally, though, many of us live in veryurbanenvironmentswhere hearing natural sounds is rare. I believethatcontact withthe sounds of nature fulfills a deep need for asenseofconnectedness to the natural world, and that recordingsofthosesounds can help fill that need.and Learning sound istoIncreaseyour focus in study.○ How it works ○• Create your environment by selecting meditation sounds.• Sit or sleep naturally into a meditative state.• Learn with best sounds by selecting Learning sounds.• Sit in chair and start learning with best sounds.• Set timer to stop sounds automatically.• Repeat steps over whenever you needed.♦ FEATURES ♦√ Meditation and Learning sounds.√ Timer system to set a duration.√ Beautiful interface with with high quality images.√ Play your sounds in background.↓ TIPS FOR MEDITATION ↓→ "Meditation should not be a torture. It must befun!Startsmall. Five to ten minutes a day is a great start!"→ While meditation is beneficial at any time, mostpeoplewhomeditate agree that early morning is the best timetomeditate.Part of the reason is that it is said that inearlymorning thehustle-and-bustle of the world has not yet begunand soit iseasier to establish a meditative atmosphere. Havinganearlymorning meditation also lets us carry some of the energyandpeaceof the meditation into our daily activities.→ There is absolutely no need to control yourthoughts.Wheneveryour mind wanders off, simply bring your attentionback tohearing.You will find that once you start to hear yourinnersounds,gradually the mind will cease its activities.↓ WHAT IS INNER SOUND ↓→ Sound, in general, is the most apparent medium to calmthemind.Therefore, at times the inner bliss is experienceduponlistening tomusic. This type of music is generated throughsomeexternal sourcelike a stringed instrument or an electronicdeviceor through thevocal cords of a living being. Sounds createdbyexternal sources canbe perceived by the mind via physicalears.For example, the momentwe hear a bark, we can easily identifythesource of sound i.e. it’sfrom a dog. Similarly, whenever welistento a music track, we wouldcome to know which singerperforms.However, there is an ‘Inner’sound; in fact, as if, notexactly asound, which is said to becoming from nowhere; i.e.,without asource, the one which has noorigin or source and has nolimit tobe ceased as well.Since the evolution of human world, many great SaintsandSagesnarrated of listening to this mysterious sound duringtheirampleSilence of meditation. Several Holy Scriptures, havespoken ofitby various names like Aum, Hu, Word, Shabd, Tao’sHum,Amrit,Anahad, Nada and the list goes on and on. Many ofthespiritualtexts have described it too by using analogous storiesandmusicalpoetry. In recent time, a large volume of scientificstudyis alsobeing carried out about this and in the years tocome,scienceperhaps would also arrive at thisall-pervadingSoundCurrent.Inner Sound here simply implies a sound that is comingfromwithin.To listen this, the practitioner withdraws his/herattentionfromall of the external sounds in the sensory plane andfocusesdeeplyon the sound coming from within. In order to contacttheInnerSound, the practitioners usually plug their ears withtheirthumbor some kind of stop-cocking instrument likerubberearplugs,earphones, cotton buds etc.↓ Here are the Top 10 Benefits of the InnerSoundMeditation:↓1. Increase in concentration/focus2. Increase in observation power3. Living in the present moment4. Getting lesser thoughts5. More control over anger6. Better understanding in relationships7. Decrease in attachments8. Increase in compassion and love9. Quitting of addictions like smoking and drinking10. Increase in energy.
Yoga Six Pack Abs: Slim Waist 1.0
Daily Yoga Abs For Slim WaistDaily Yoga Six Pack Abs: Slim Waist is a seriesof"Yogaworkouts" to train different parts of your body,easyYogaposes: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation),Marjariasana(Cat andCow Pose), Chakravakasana (Sunbird Pose),Naukasana (BoatPose),Chakrasana (Wheel Pose) a very strong sequencewithcardioelements a lot of planks and plankvariationsfor beginnerstraining for both men and women aims tooffer aphysical boost upthrough regular "Yoga exercises"."Yoga poses" for toned abs flow features a seriesofexercisesthat will help improve your "core strength", toneyour"abs", andflatten your tummy. These moves will alsohelp torelieveback pain and improve posture. Relax yourbody andmind tocreate a healthier, fitter you."Daily Yoga for beginners" not only helps improveflexibilityandrelieve stress (which studies show helps reducebellyfat),but your practice can also target your "abdominalmuscles"in amuch more functional and efficient way than anyamountofcrunches.A toned abdomen is often considered as a sign of a healthybody.Forthose who are still struggling to tuck in their tummyandgetwell-toned abs, yoga can be of great help.While working out in the gym has its effects, On theotherhand,Yoga poses for beginners refreshes your bodyandmind;improves your metabolism and also helps you reach closertothegoal of a terrific-looking tummy. A couple of hours spentonceinan Art of Living Yoga program will equip youwithsimpleweight-cutting "yoga postures" which can bepracticeddaily.Download Daily Yoga Abs For Slim Waist right nowand"losebelly fat", tone your boby, shape your sixpacksandwaist.
Daily Yoga Abs Advanced (PRO) 2.0
This is a PRO plugin of Daily Yoga andrequiressubscription fee to unlock.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Store link:★ Introduction ★The Advanced Version of Daily Yoga for Abs provides a brandnewyoga routine designed on 23 postures combining dynamicvariationwith traditional yoga asanas, aiming to tone abs musclesandenhance core abdominal strength. Three training durations aresetto enrich your abs toning exercises with our yogainstructor.How does Daily Yoga practice actually tone your abs?When building your abdominal muscles, Daily Yoga has manyextrabenefits to help better your figure.- As you are all the way engaging abs muscles to controlyourmotion especially the move of your legs, both your abs andlimbswill be toned.- Abs yoga can nourish internal organs at the abdominalregionincluding intestines, stomach, kidneys and so on. This willprovidebetter digestion and excretion.- Remember to coordinate deep breathing with every move for abettercontrol of your body. In this case you will attainintenseconcentration to achieve better effect.- Just like all yoga training, it helps you calm down and get ridofphysical and mental stress.