Top 16 Apps Similar to Kartu Menuju Sehat

Baby Major Steps 1.43
Baby Major Steps is a smart helper for parents. This is ausefulappin helping parents keep track of their baby,toddler,kid'sdevelopment stages (up to 6 years). Baby Major Stepscontainsfourbasic parts: - the development stages list helping youknowwhen toexpect, on average, your child to reach a certain stage(andgentlyhelp them towards it); - a diary (timeline) allowing youtoaddpictures and notes to every stage your child reached; -awarningsigns list, telling you which developments stages,ifunreached,should prompt you to check with your child's doctor; -aforumwhere you can find tips on raising children, or sharewithotherparents your knowledge and experience. Growth stagesaregrouped byage and by development area (social andemotional,language andcommunication, cognitive development andphysicaldevelopment).Download Baby Major Steps now and happilyraise yourchildren!
Sports Tracker Running Cycling 4.31.0
Sports Tracker is not only one of thebestfitness apps around, it’s the original sports app. For overadecade, Sports Tracker has helped millions of fitness fansaroundthe world get inspired through exercise, and it can help youtoo --whether it’s running, cycling, walking, hiking, mountainbiking,skiing, or other sports activities that power yourpassion.Track your training using powerful GPS and maps, analyzeeverythingfrom calories burned to average speed and altitude, andmonitoryour progress as you work towards your fitness goals. Bestof all,you don’t have to go it alone! Sports Tracker is the socialsportstracking application and service that started it all.Powerfulsocial features let you share your workout progress andphotos withfriends and followers, motivating you to stay on trackwith yourtraining.FANTASTIC FEATURES TO GET YOU FITSports Tracker for Android comes with powerful social featuresinaddition to award-winning GPS tracking capabilities, making itthemost feature-packed, easy to use fitness app available:- Track and analyze your workout performances- Monitor your fitness progress- Record data in your Workout Diary for progress analysis andbackit up on Sports Tracker’s online service- Track calories burned, average training and cycling speed,runningpace, altitude and more- Use GPS maps, time and distance calculators- Get voice feedback during training- Follow friends who inspire and motivate you and see theirprogresson your social feed- Encourage friends by commenting and liking their updates,rightfrom your home screen- Share your progress, photos, workouts, favorite runningandcycling maps and more with friends on Sports Tracker, Facebook,andTwitter- Prefer a private workout? No problem! There’s no pressuretoshare.HEART RATE MONITORINGTake your training to the next level with the SportsTrackerBluetooth Heart Rate Monitor – available separatelyat ONLINE SERVICE AT WWW.SPORTS-TRACKER.COMSports Tracker is the most powerful social sports trackingsolutionavailable for Android when used with the full-featuredonlineservice at free online service offers automatic workout backup,detailedmaps and analysis views, friends' workouts and lotsmore.Ready to have fun getting fit so that you can be your personalbest?Download Sports Tracker today and join the world’s first andthebest social sports app community.
Dokter Gizi 1.0
Perkembangan teknologisemakinpesatdancepat,khususnya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.Halinimembuat manusia bagaikan tah terpisah oleh jarak ruangdanwaktu.Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju,manusiadapatmembuat berbagai macam peralatan sebagai alatbantudalammenjalankan berbagai aktivitas untukmendukungproduktivitas.Dengan segala aktifitas yang kian padatmenjadikansebagai orgmemiliki tingkat mobilitas yg tinggi, seiringdenganberkembangnyateknologi manusia lupa akan asupan kesehatangizinya.Salah satunyaseperti makanan 4 sehat 5 sempurna.. Salahsatu faktorpenyebabnyaadalah terbatasnya informasi, dan kurangnyapelajarandari ahligizi yang ada di wilayah tersebut, untuk itudiperlukansebuahaplikasi edukasi informasi masalah gizi yg berbasisandroid.Iniakan memudahkan para pengguna smartphone androiduntukmengetahuiasupan gizinya dari bayi hingga lansia. Aplikasidoktergiziberbasis android ini merupakan aplikasi berbasisMobiledimanaaplikasi tersebut bertindak sebagai client.Aplikasitersebutmembutuhkan koneksi internet untuk mengaksesnyanyasebagaiaplikasi android di smartphone yang berisi listgizidanperhitungan berat badan ideal.Dancepatincreasinglyrapiddevelopment of technology, particularlyinformation andcommunicationtechnology. This makes men like tahseparated bydistance of spaceand time. With the development ofincreasinglyadvanced technology,people can make a variety ofinstruments asaids in performing avariety of activities to supportproductivity.With all theactivities that make the increasinglydense as the orghas a highdegree of mobility which, along with thedevelopment ofhumantechnology will forget the intake ofnutritional health. Oneof them,such as food 4 healthy 5 perfect ..One contributingfactor is thelack of information, and lack ofnutrition lessonsfrom experts inthe region, it is necessary for anapplication ofeducationalinformation that android basednutritional problems. Itwillfacilitate the android smartphoneusers to know thenutritionalintake of infants to the elderly.Applicationsphysician nutrition isan android based Mobile-basedapplicationwhere the application actsas a client. The applicationrequires aninternet connection toaccess it as a smartphoneapplication inandroid which contains alist of nutrients and idealweightcalculation.
Dokter Gizi 1.0
Dokter Gizi is an application that informhowto count the mass body, lifecycle of the nutrition and thelatestnews of nutrition
Pola Hidup Sehat 1.0
ridwan media
Setiap manusia sudah barang tentu menginginkan sehatdanbugarsepanjang waktu, agar mampu melaksanakan segalaaktivitasdenganbaik dan lancar. Jika kita ingin sehat tentunyakitaharusmelakukan kebiasaan dan pola hidup sehatdalamkehidupansehari-hari. Kita semua tahu bahwa kebiasaansehat,misalnya tidakmerokok, menjaga berat badan ideal, olahraga,makanmakanan yangsehat dan banyak lagi kebiasaan sehatlainnya.Kedengarannya sangatsederhana, tetapi banyak yang telahmencobamerasakan betapasulitnya merubah kebiasaan, beberapa orangberusahamembuatperubahan drastis, akan tetapi ketika merekamenghadapikesulitanmereka langsung menyerah. Sebenarnya rahasiauntuk hidupsehat ituhanya perlu melakukan perubahan-perubahan kecilyangharusdilakukan secara terus menerus seperti, segelas airputihdipagihari, aktivitas fisik yang cukup, berpikir positif(Positifthinking ). Nah dengan perubahan-perubahan kecildansederhanainilah yang akan menciptakan hasil yang luar biasadalamkehidupanAnda ( sehat, bugar, serta hidup yang lebihberkualitas).Aplikasiini akan mencoba mengungkap sedikit tentangtipsdankebiasaan-kebiasaan sederhana yang perlu dilakukanagarselalusehat dan bugar setiap hari sehingga kita dapatmelakukanaktivitasdengan baik dan lancar.
Simple Ways to Detox Your Body 3.0.0
Your full body detox guide - step by step.
Kalkulator Sehat 1.2.1
Applications to calculate the consumption of drinking water,idealweight, and height is ideal.
Dokter Sehat 1.0.1
Indra Adam
DokterSehat adalah aplikasi mobile dariportalkesehatan online terbesar di Indonesia: Utama Aplikasi:1. Artikel & Informasi Kesehatan:Aplikasi ini memberikan akses ke ribuan artikel kesehatanyangdiupdate setiap harinya oleh Team Dokter Sehat. Membaca,memberikankomentar, dan membagikan artikel kesehatan menjadi sangatmudahdengan aplikasi ini.2. Tips P3KPertolongan pertama pada kesehatan (P3K) merupakan sesuatuyangpenting dan terkadang bisa menentukan hidup matinyaseseorang.Dengan aplikasi ini anda bisa mendapatkan tips P3K dimanasaja,kapan saja dari smartphone anda.3. Kalkulator KesehatanAplikasi DokterSehat juga dilengkapi dengan bermacamfiturkalkulator kesehatan, diantaranya: Perhitungan BMI, Kalori,UsiaKehamilan, dan Prediksi perkiraan kondisi janin.4. Direktori Rumah Sakit & DokterDapatkan akses ke ratusan rumah sakit dan dokter diIndonesiamelalui aplikasi ini. Mendapatkan informasi dan mengkontakdokter& rumah sakit menjadi lebih cepat dan efisien denganfiturDirektori Rumah Sakit & Dokter. Anda dapat mengaksesinformasipenting seperti: jam operasional, jadwal praktek,spesialisasidokter, dan detail kontak dengan mudah.Aplikasi ini akan terus dikembangkan dan diperbaharuidenganfitur-fitur kesehatan terkini. Jika anda mempunyai kritikatausaran, silahkan email kami di [email protected] application currently only support Indonesian language.
My Baby Today | Daily Tracker 1.8.1
My Baby Today is an informative mother'sguideand community for parents with newborn babies. Get resourcesforbaby essentials, sleep training, breastfeeding, babydevelopment,and more. You'll also find tools like checklists andreminders, aphoto album, and our feeding guide.My Baby Today is packed with tools and reminders to help youtobe the best parent in your baby's first year. It's brought toyouby BabyCenter, the world's most trusted parenting resourceandguide for moms, helping more than 300 million mothers aroundtheworld.CalendarOur calendar provides information about infants with daily tipsandweek-by-week guidance. Get advice about newborndevelopment,including childcare, feeding, breastfeeding, health andsafety forkids, daily care, and baby growth milestones. Watchvideos to learnhow to use baby products like car seats, babystrollers, potties,and more. Track your baby's activity, add yourbaby's moments,create a baby photo book, and organize all of yourfavorite photosin a baby album. Get advice from our experts abouthealth, fitness,and exercise for parents, weekly checklists, foodand nutritionideas, and more.Community and ForumJoin our birth club to connect with other moms. Ask questionsofother women and share how you feel about motherhood. Socializewithother moms, talking about breastfeeding or formula tips,diapering,bathing, coping with sickness, and lullabies. Ask othermoms aboutbreast milk problems, sleep, scheduling naps, and babyshopping.Listen to how new parents benefit from their experiencesof raisinga baby boy, a baby girl, or twins.FeaturesChecklist: Customizable list with reminders to keep youontrackSleep Guide: From how to settle a newborn to sleep training+lullabiesFeeding Guide: Breastfeeding, nursing or formula tips + a solidfoodtrackerDaily Calendar: A personalized guide to your baby's firstyearPhoto Diaries: Document your baby's growth and milestones inaphotobookBaby Health & Safety: Articles and videos + track yourbaby'sheight and weightWeekly Activities: Top suggestions for you and your babyBaby Care: Timely advice on diapering, bathing, and moreFor Moms: Ideas for taking care of yourself, tooFun: Reasons to laugh and celebrate along the waySearch BabyCenter: Parenting info, questions and answers fromourentire siteRated one of the top three Children's Health apps by thedoctorsat HealthTap. The BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board reviewsandapproves all medical information featured in our My BabyTodayapp.
Angry Birds 2 2.20.1
Play the Angry Birds game enjoyed by millions of players every day!
Pregnancy Tracker 7.12
From the world's most trusted pregnancybrand,"What to Expect When You're Expecting", this app guides youthroughpregnancy day-by-day and week-by-week. Based on your duedate,you'll receive personalized information and the latestparentingnews, and join a tight-knit community of other parentsandmoms-to-be like you. You’ll be empowered with the best toolsandsupport to help you prepare and feel in control every step oftheway – helping you achieve a happy, healthy pregnancy.- Personalized daily tracker shows your week and day ofpregnancy,baby's development measured in fruit sizes, and acountdown to yourdue date- A daily feed of pregnancy tips, reasons to smile every day,healthnews, and passionate stories from real parents, created justforyou- Week-by-week development info, helping you understandyourchanging body and the latest on baby's development througheachstage- Pregnancy videos showing just what to expect this week- Meet moms-to-be in the same week of pregnancy andshareexperiences, tips, photos and encouragement in yourbirthgroup- Special groups devoted to birth locations, interests,medicalconditions, parenting style, and more!
Resep Makanan Balita Sehat 1.0.0
Resep Makanan Balita Sehat Apps adalahaplikasiandroid dengan kumpulan berbagai resep olahan masakanuntuk makananbalita dari olahan buah, ubi, ikan, daging, sayur,susu dan masihbanyak lagi, karena aplikasi ini menyediakan banyaksekali refrensiberbagai resep olahan resep masakan untuk bayianda.fitur aplikasi:-Berbagai resep olahan masakan untuk bayi/balita-Resep dengan di lengkapi dengan bahan dan caramemasaklengkap-Menu pemilihan categori sesuai usia balita-Menu pencarian resep cepat-Share aplikasi keteman andaRecipes HealthyBabiesApps is the android app with a collection of recipesprocessed foodfor the food toddler from processed fruit, potatoes,fish, meat,vegetables, milk and much more, because this applicationprovides alot of reference of the various recipes refined recipesfor yourbaby ,app features:Various recipes processed food for infants / toddlers-recipes With equipped with materials and how tocompletecooking-Menu Selecting the category of the appropriate age ofthechildren-Menu Quick recipe searchApplication -Share your keteman
BMI Calculator 2.18
Splend Apps
Track your BMI and stay healthy!
Health Tips (Urdu) 1.1
This app "Health Tips (Urdu)" contains a lotofamazing tips related to your health in urdu language. Morehealth(Sehat) tips are being added frequently and you can viewlatest tipswithout updating the app everytime.This app requires an active internet connection to runthisapp.
Aplikasi Gizi Buruk Anak 1.1
aplikasi di buat untuk mengetahui beratbadaideal untuk bayi, dikarenakan banyak orang tua yang merasakurangmengetahui berat badan yang ideal untuk bayi nyaapplications madetodetermine the ideal weight for a baby bada, because a lotofparents who are not informed about the ideal weight forherbaby
Resep Sehat Balita 2.1
Kumpulan resep sehat untuk balita yangdikemasberdasarkan usia bayi mulai dari 6 - 7 bulan, 8 - 9 bulandan 10 -12 bulan sehingga memudahkan orang tua dalam pencarianresepmakanan sehat bagi balita.-------Aplikasi ini tidak membutuhkan internet.Collection ofhealthyrecipes for toddlers are packed by babies aged from 6-7months, 8-9months and 10-12 months making it easier for parents insearch ofhealthy food recipes for toddlers.-------This application does not require internet.