Top 5 Apps Similar to Surah Yaseen - Quran Pak Heart

Surah Yasin | Arabic 1.0
iQra Apps
Surah Ya-seen, an easy to use application is being provided toyouto get the blessings of Allah Almighty by reciting the heartofQuran on your devices. This is a beautifully designedapplication.What are some of the benefits of reading Surah Yaseen?1. ReadingSurah Yaseen at the beginning of the day causes Allah tofulfil allyour needs for that day. 2. it is equivalent to readingthe wholeQuran 10 times 3. Reading Surah Yaseen and memorizingSurah Yaseeninvokes the blessings of Allah. 5. Reading Surah Yaseenbenefitsthe reader in this life as well as in the Hereafter. AndMore AboutSurah Yasin: Yā Sīn (Arabic: سورة يس‎) is the 36thchapter of theQur'an with 83 ayat, and is one of the Meccan suras,although somescholars maintain that verse 12 is from the Madinanperiod. Thename of the chapter comes from the two letters of thefirst verseof the chapter. It has been proposed that Sura Yā Sīn isthe "heartof the Qur'an." This comes from the idea that everythinghas aheart, and that sura Yā Sīn is the “heart of the Qur’an. Appby
Surah Yasin Tahlil & Doa 1.0
Surah Yasin Tahlil &Doamerupakan aplikasi ringan yang berisi rangkaian bacaansurat Yasin,serta dzikir dan doa yang biasa diamalkan oleh kaummuslimin,khususnya di tanah air. Yasin dan Tahlil lengkap ini dapatAndagunakan baik sebagai amalan harian maupun pada peristiwakhususseperti adanya keluarga, sahabat, ataupun handai taulanyangmeninggal dunia ataupun peringatan-peringatan setelahnya,sepertitujuh harian, empat puluh harian, seribu harian atauhaul(tahunan).Berikut adalah daftar isi yang terdapat padaaplikasiYasin & Doa Tahlil ini:- Surat Al-Fatihah- Surat Al-Ikhlas- Surat Al-Falaq- Surat An-Naas- Ayat Kursi- Surat Yasin beserta terjemahan- Tahlil lengkap dengan dzikir dan doanya- Doa khusus bagi mayit- Doa selamat- Doa setelah adzan- dll.Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk kemaslahatan umat muslimin.dukung kami agar aplikasi ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua.Amin ...
Yaseen Shareef Hindi / English Ysn1.7
Yā Sīn (Arabic: سورة يس‎) is the 36th chapter of the Qur'anwith83ayat, and is one of the Meccan suras, althoughsomescholarsmaintain that verse 12 is from the Madinan period.[1]Thename ofthe chapter comes from the two letters of the first verseofthechapter,[2] which has caused much scholarly debate,andwhichTafsir al-Jalalayn, a Sunni Tafsir, interprets bysaying"Allahknows best what He means by these."[3] Yā Sīn is alsoone ofthenames of the Prophet Muhammad, as reported in a saying ofʿAlīibnAbī Ṭālib: “I heard the Messenger of God say, ‘Verily Godhasnamedme by seven names in the Quran: Muhammad [3:144;33:40;47:2;48:29], Aḥmad [61:6], Ṭā Hā [20:1], Yā Sīn [36:1],thouenwrapped[al-Muzammil; 73:1], thou who art covered[al-Mudaththir;74:1],and servant of God [ʿAbd Allāh; 72:19]’”[4]The sura focusesonestablishing the Qur'an as a divine source, andit warns ofthefate of those that mock Allah's revelations and arestubborn.Thesura tells of the punishments that plagued pastgenerationsofnonbelievers as a warning to present andfuturegenerations.Additionally, the sura reiterates Allah'ssovereigntyasexemplified by His creations through signs fromnature.SurahYaseen Shareef in MP3 Surah Yaseen Shareef TranslationinEnglishand Hindi Surah Yaseen Shareef is one of the surah from26surah
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