Top 37 Apps Similar to Birth

vaginal odor 6.0
Are you tired of "vaginal odor"strongfishysmell ?This App explains "vaginal odor", the common problem forwomen,Ifthey are looking to get rid of vaginal odor this App canhelpthem.There is best home remedies to get rid of vaginalodornaturally athome, when it is normal and when it is abnormal.Learnabout thecauses, the treatment options and tips forpreventingabnormalvaginal fishy smell discharge.We will teach you "how to get rid of vaginal odor"anddiagnosissymptoms in order to effectively andquicklytreatment.Vaginal odor is a sign of infection, but in fact, someodorisnormal. During your period, you may notice ablood-likescent,which makes sense. A mild, musk-like scent at anytime duringyourcycle can be normal.A "vaginal discharge" relating to a vaginal yeast infectionwillhavethe appearance of cottage cheese and may have an odorthatisslightly like bread or beer because the underlying causeoftheinfection is essentially a fungus.A pungent scent or strong fishy smell is not normal andmayindicatean infection. Speak to your doctor, especially ifyou’reexperienceitching, fever, or other symptoms.A lot of people feel shame about their "Vaginal odor" smells,sotrynot to feel bad about it or make your partner feel badaboutit.Your main concern should be pleasing your partner andhavingfundoing it. Of course, if you really can’t stand the tasteyoucan usea dental dams or condoms! Dental dams and condoms notonlyprotectthe users from STDs/STIs but also keep you fromtastingwhatever youare orally pleasing. Most products thatadvertisegetting rid of"vaginal odor" smells/tastes are actuallyreally badfor the vaginaand vulva area and all the cleaning a vulvaneeds iswashing withwater.Natural remedies for vaginal yeast infections attempttouseprobiotics to facilitate healing. Probiotics arefriendlymicrobialorganisms naturally occurring in the vagina anddigestivetract andin the case of candidiasis, will suppress theexcessivegrowth ofCandida Albicans. These natural remedies seek towork withthe bodyand not against it using various ingredients thatarereadilyavailable in a home or at a local health store.Highly Effective Solutions For Yeast Infections.40 Effective Remedies to Get Rid of vaginal odor Fast.Why does my vagina smell?Home Cure for Vaginal Yeast Infection VaginalThrushtreatment.Eliminate Vaginal Odor Naturally.Tips To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor At HomeHome remedies for "bacterial vaginosis".Vaginal Discharge What is Normal and What is Abnormal?What Do Vaginas Smell Like?Magical home remedies to remove the foul vaginal odor.How to Get Rid of Body Odor Down There Genital Odor.Home made Vaginal Wash to Eliminate Feminine OdorandVaginalItching.What You Need to Know About Vaginal Discharge, Wetness,andVaginalOdor.How to Eliminate Vaginal Odor Safely and Naturally.How To Make Your Vagina Smell and Taste Awesome?
Yeast Infection Home Remedies 1.0
Download this app to say goodbyetoyeastinfections using natural home remedies.A yeast infection, also known as Candida, is basically causedbyagroup of microscopic fungi or yeast called Candidaalbicans.Itgenerally affects the vaginal area but can alsodeveloparounddentures, under the breasts, lower abdomen, nail beds,andbeneathskin folds.Factors that can increase the risk of getting ayeastinfectionare pregnancy, stress, chronic healthconditions,diabetes, use oforal contraceptives, steroids andantibiotics.Women can also get yeast infections after menopauseduetodeclining estrogen levels, which thin the vaginal walls.Mostmenand women suffer from a yeast infection at least once.Some of the signs of a yeast infection are itching,burningorswelling in and around the affected area. If it is avaginalyeastinfection, there will be pain or discomfort in thevaginaduringsex, a burning feeling when urinating, andodorlessvaginaldischarge. There are many simple home remedies thatcaneliminatethe infection in a relatively short time. Downloadthisapp anddiscover the most effective home remedies to cureyeastinfectionfrom the comfort of your home.Note: Pregnant women are strongly advised to consulttheirdoctorsbefore trying any home remedy themselves. This is forthesafety ofthe mother and the baby.An overgrowth of Candida albicans, a type of yeast, cancauseavariety of chronic health problems in men and women, nottheleastof which are yeast infections.It's estimated that up to 75 percent of women have hadatleastone yeast infection in their lifetime, whichtypicallyisaccompanied by intense itching, burning withurinationandsometimes a thick, white discharge.Up to 80 million Americans -- 70 percent of them women--sufferfrom yeast-related problems, and if you sufferfromyeastinfections (especially if they're recurrent) you shouldalsobe onthe watch for other symptoms of Candida overgrowthlikechronicfatigue, weight gain, food allergies, irritablebowelsyndrome,migraines, PMS, cancer and more.While the home remedies discussed in this app will helptocureyeast naturally, you will still need to addresstheunderlyingcauses of yeast overgrowth to stop the problemfromrecurring.Download this app to know the Underlying Cause ofYeastInfectionsand how to stop them.--------------------------------App featuresWith this app you can:Learn the different home remedies for yeast infectionsShare app with others via your favorite social media-------------------------------------If you like this app please consider sharing it withothers.Alsoconsider leaving a positive review and/or rating forthis appin thestore. Positive ratings will boost the app's rankingin thestoreand hence other people looking for similar app will finditeasilywith less or no hassles.Thank you very much for checking out my app. Good luck toallandi hope these remedies will help you all.
Como Controlar Olor Vaginal 1.0
techt one
Consejos útiles para mantener tuparteintimalibre de olores, hongos e irritaciones consejosprácticos queteayudaran a mantener siempre fresca tu parteintimaCCUseful tips tokeepyourintimate part free of odors, fungi and irritationspracticaltipsto help you keep your party always freshintimaCC
Rid Of Vaginal Discharge Odor 1.1
How to Get Rid of Discharge Fast How to Stop Discharge SmellingHomeRemedies
Vaginal Discharges 6.0
This App explains "vaginaldischarge",thecommon problem for women, If they are looking to getrid ofvaginaldischarge this App can help them. There is besthomeremedies to get rid of vaginal discharge naturally at home,whenitis normal and when it is abnormal. Learn about thecauses,thetreatment options and tips forpreventing abnormal vaginal fishy smell discharge.We will teach you "how to get rid of vaginal discharge"anddiagnosissymptoms in order to effectively andquicklytreatment.vaginal discharge is a sign of infection, but in fact,someDischargeis normal. During your period, you may noticeablood-like scent,which makes sense. A mild,musk-like scent at any time during your cycle can be normal.A "vaginal discharge" relating to a vaginal yeast infectionwillhavethe appearance of cottage cheese and may have andischargethat isslightly like bread or beerbecause the underlying cause of the infection isessentiallyafungus.A pungent scent or strong fishy smell is not normal andmayindicatean infection. Speak to your doctor, especially ifyou’reexperienceitching, fever, or othersymptoms.A lot of people feel shame about their "vaginal discharge"smells,sotry not to feel bad about it or make your partner feelbad aboutit.Your main concern should bepleasing your partner and having fun doing it. Of course,ifyoureally can’t stand the taste you can use a dental damsorcondoms!Dental dams and condoms not onlyprotect the users from STDs/STIs but also keep youfromtastingwhatever you are orally pleasing. Most productsthatadvertisegetting rid of "vaginal discharge"smells/tastes are actually really bad for the vagina andvulvaareaand all the cleaning a vulva needs is washing withwater.Natural remedies for vaginal yeast infections attempttouseprobiotics to facilitate healing. Probiotics arefriendlymicrobialorganisms naturally occurring in thevagina and digestive tract and in the case ofcandidiasis,willsuppress the excessive growth of Candida Albicans.Thesenaturalremedies seek to work with the bodyand not against it using various ingredients thatarereadilyavailable in a home or at a local health store.white dischargebrown dischargeyellow dischargeclear dischargesmelly dischargeyeast infection dischargethick white dischargethick dischargegreen dischargemilky white dischargewhite discharge in womenfemale dischargevaginal odorwomen dischargeviginal dischargemilky dischargewhite thick dischargewhite discharge with odorwhat causes dischargeveginal dischargecauses of white discharge
Whitish Overcome Natural Tips 1.0
Natural tips to overcomevaginaldischarge,vaginal discharge with odor may be caused bycancer.Vaginaldischarge due to Candida albicans fungus, vaginaldischargethistype has the characteristics of a milky whitecolor,viscousliquid, odor and very itchy, sometimes cancauseinflammation ofthe miss v thus appear reddish. How to overcomethenaturalwhiteness can be done by women to cure this disease. Awomanwouldnever experience vaginal discharge. The reactiondischarge isveryreasonable and usually appear well ahead ofmenstrual periodsorafter menstruation is completed. The last thingto note isthecondition of whiteness itself. Whitish can consistofmultiplecharacters such as white, full of water, sticky,yellowishgreen ora bad odor. Each whitish different signs giveclues aboutthe stateof women's reproductive health. To cure vaginaldischargedoes notactually exist, but we can do a whitish handlingsteps inorder notto turn into a dangerous disease. How to copewithnaturalwhiteness that? Herbal medicine vaginitis orvaginaldischargemedicationwhat it is whitish, treatment vulvovaginitis, how to getridofvaginal discharge and odor in miss v, how to treatabnormalgenitaldischarge, vaginal discharge fishy odor, how toeliminatevaginalodor, how to get rid of vaginal discharge and odor,whatvaginaldischarge in women, itching miss medication v,abnormalvaginaldischarge, what causes vaginal discharge,abnormalvaginaldischarge, itching and discharge miss v, miss vpliers, afungalinfection of miss v.all the problems of vaginal discharge would be veryeasytoovercome,Well for those of you intending to know more about thenaturaltipsto overcome whiteness does not hurt to download theappnaturaltips to overcome whiteness is free, and the applicationofnaturaltips to overcome whiteness is offline even though thequotahasbeen used up no matter the application of natural tipstoovercomewhitish will continue to run normally.
Anillo Vaginal - Recordatorio 1.01
Esta aplicación tiene el fin de mejorar el uso delanillovaginalhaciendo de aplicación de recordatorio de cuando poneryquitar elanillo vaginal. Se ha utilizado como base lautilizacióndel anillovaginal más usado del mundo NUVARING. Teniendoen cuentael ciclode 21 dias dentro y 7 fuera.
The menstrual cycle is complex andiscontrolled by many different glands and the hormones thattheseglands produce. The four phases of the menstrual cyclearemenstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation and the lutealphase.Common problems include heavy or painful periods andpremenstrualsyndrome (PMS).A brain structure called the hypothalamus causes thenearbypituitary gland to produce certain chemicals, which prompttheovaries to produce the sex hormones oestrogen andprogesterone.Menstruation is the elimination of the thickened lining oftheuterus (endometrium) from the body through the vagina.Menstrualfluid contains blood, cells from the lining of theuterus(endometrial cells) and mucus. The average length of a periodisbetween three days and one week.The menstrual cycleiscomplex and is controlled by many different glands and thehormonesthat Reviews These glands produce. The four phases of themenstrualcycle are menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulationand theluteal phase. Common problems include heavy or painfulperiods andpremenstrual syndrome (PMS).A brain structure called the hypothalamus causes thenearbypituitary gland to produce Certain chemicals, the whichprompt theovaries to produce the sex hormones estrogen andprogesterone.Menstruation is the elimination of the thickened lining oftheuterus (endometrium) from the body through the vagina.Menstrualfluid contains blood, cells from the lining of theuterus(endometrial cells) and mucus. The average length of a periodisbetween three days and one week.
Pregnancy fitness & tips 1.0
As a mom-to-be, you're focused ondoingeverything you can to have a healthy baby. Exercise is goodforboth you and your little one. In fact, the right moves caneasecommon discomforts like back pain and sleep troubles.The app contains:SwimmingYogaIndoor CyclingWeight TrainingBrisk WalkingLow-Impact AerobicsHigh-Intensity SportsAbdominalsStretchingKegelsTake It EasyShould You Slow the Pace?Know Your Target WeightMove SmoothlyCaution: High TemperatureCaution: Air PressureCaution: Risky SportsBenefit: Boost Your MoodBenefit: Increase Your EnergyBenefit: Control Gestational Dia...Benefit: Get Ready for LaboBenefit: Healthy BabyEssential Workout GearDrink UpKnow When to StopStay MotivatedFit for Two: After-Baby ExerciseFit for Two: AbsFit for Two: Weight LossWarning for Pregnant Women***********************************Stop exercising and consult your Doctor immediately, if you:Feel chest painHave abdominal pain, pelvic pain, or persistent contractionsHave a headacheNotice an absence or decrease in fetal movementFeel faint, dizzy, nauseous, or light-headedFeel cold or clammyHave vaginal bleedingHave a sudden gush of fluid from the vagina or a trickle offluidthat leaks steadilyNotice an irregular or rapid heartbeatHave sudden swelling in your ankles, hands, face, orcalfpain.Are short of breathHave difficulty walkingHave muscle weaknessIt is very important that you take special care of yourself andyourunborn child during your pregnancy as it impacts the overallhealthand well-being of your child also.
توسع المهبل بعد الولادة 1.0
بعد الحمل والولادة يطرأ على المرأةالكثيرمنالتغيرات التي قد تكون سبباً في تراجع رغبة الزوج، ولكنأخطرالتغيراتالتي تطرأ على المرأة بعد الولادة على الإطلاق هياتساعالمهبلوارتخاء عضلاته. إذ إن عدد السيدات اللاتي تعانين من هذاالأمرليسبهين فهناك نسبة كبيرة من النساء السعوديات وأكثر من 30مليونامرأةفي أمريكا، ولا يخفى على أحد ما لتلك التغيرات منأبعاداجتماعية، هذاوقد أظهرت عددا من الدراسات الطبية زيادة نسبترهلاتالمهبل عندالمرأة الخليجية نتيجة لعوامل بيئية.Afterpregnancyandchildbirth occur to women a lot of changes that may bethe causeofthe decline in the desire of the husband, but themostdangerouschanges in women after childbirth at all is thebreadth ofthevagina and relaxes muscles. As the number of women whosufferfromthis is not Baheen there is a large percentage of Saudiwomenandmore than 30 million women in America, is not a secretwhatthosechanges of the social dimensions, this has shown anumberofmedical studies to increase Atralat vagina when Gulfwomenratiosas a result of environmental factors.
Uterine Prolapse 1.0
Uterine prolapse occurs when pelvic floor muscles andligamentsstretch and weaken, providing inadequate support for theuterus.The uterus then slips down into or protrudes out of thevagina.Uterine prolapse can happen to women of any age, but itoftenaffects postmenopausal women who've had one or morevaginaldeliveries. Weakening of the pelvic muscles that leads touterineprolapse can be caused by: Damage to supportive tissuesduringpregnancy and childbirth Effects of gravity Loss ofestrogenRepeated straining over the years If you have milduterineprolapse, treatment usually isn't needed. But if uterineprolapsemakes you uncomfortable or disrupts your normal life, youmightbenefit from treatment.
New Kegel Exercise - Prostate Exercise 2.3.3
• New Kegel Exercise • PC Muscle Exercise • Prostate Exercise•Prostate Orgasm Exercise We'll introduce you New KegelExerciseapp. In this app, you can learn not only New Kegel Exercisebutalso PC Muscle Exercise, Prostate Exercise and ProstateOrgasmExercise. New Kegel Exercise consists of repeatedlycontracting andrelaxing the pelvic diaphragm. In contrast, PCMuscle Exercise,Prostate Exercise, and Prostate Orgasm Exerciseconsist ofrepeatedly stretching and relaxing the target muscleamong themuscles constituting the pelvic diaphragm. Men generallyonly needto do stretching exercises. At first do PC Muscle ExerciseandProstate Exercise, and after about three months, do PCMuscleExercise and Prostate Orgasm Exercise. ※ In case having aweakenedpelvic diaphragm due to surgery for prostate cancer, atfirst doNew Kegel Exercise, and after about six months, do PCMuscleExercise. Women do New Kegel Exercise or PC muscle exercise.Incase having a weakened pelvic diaphragm due tochildbirth,gynecologic surgery, or menopause, at first do New KegelExercise,and after about six months, do PC Muscle Exercise. But inmostcases, except when having a weak pelvic diaphragm, do PCMuscleExercise from the beginning. ◆ New Kegel Exercise : PelvicFloorMuscle Exercise New Kegel Exercise consists ofrepeatedlycontracting and relaxing the pelvic diaphragm. Manypeople knowKegel Exercise as an exercise to tighten the urethra oranal canal.However, in fact, repeated contraction of the urethralor analsphincter does not help to strengthen the pelvic diaphragm.NewKegel Exercise is a new way of Kegel Exercise, and anyonewhounderstands the principles of New Kegel Exercise can doKegelExercise correctly. ◆ PC Muscle Exercise PC MuscleExerciseconsists of repeatedly stretching and relaxing thepubococcygeusmuscles. It helps to prevent and treat urinaryincontinence, fecalincontinence, constipation and levator anisyndrome. Especiallywhen you have constipation, you can easilyexpel feces bystretching both pubococcygeus muscles duringdefecation. ◆ ProstateExercise Prostate Exercise consists ofrepeatedly stretching andrelaxing the levator prostatae muscleswhich attach to both sidesof the prostate. It also repeatedlystretches and relaxes bothischiocavernosus muscles which areinvolved in penile erection.Prostate Exercise improves thecirculation of the prostate, so theprostate becomes healthy andhelps to prevent and treat benignprostatic hypertrophy(BPH) andpremature ejaculation. And it willmake your erectionharder and longer. ◆ Prostate OrgasmExercise Prostate OrgasmExercise consists of repeatedly stretchingand relaxing the levatorprostatae muscles which attach to bothsides of the prostate. If yourepeat Prostate Orgasm Exercise, itincreases the blood flow to theprostate, causing the prostate tobecome swollen, and you willexperience dry orgasm. Prostate OrgasmExercise is not just forsexual pleasure. Prostate Orgasm Exerciseimproves the circulationof the prostate, so the prostate becomeshealthy and it isparticularly effective in preventing and treatingbenign prostatichypertrophy(BPH) and premature ejaculation. It canalso be expectedto help prevent prostate cancer. ◈ DeveloperProfiles -Kiwon ChoM.D. -Ph.D. in Anatomy -BoardCertified General Surgeon-Director of the KEGELISE ※ This appis provided by streaming mediaservices. Therefore, the video maybe loaded slowly or can not beplayed when the network is in poorcondition. In these cases, pleaseconvert the network settings fromWi-Fi to LTE / 4G. If the videostill does not play properly, moveto a place where the network isin good condition and try again.
Natural Childbirth Hypnosis 1.0
Natural Childbirth is aneasy-to-useselfhypnosis and relaxation program to help youprepareforchildbirth.Through this recording, you'll learn how to relaxduringchildbirthand elevate your body's own naturalpainreliever,endorphins.Preparing for childbirth with the aid of this recording willhelpyouto:Produce faster and easier childbirth deliveryDramatically minimize pain during the birthEnhance comfort and sleep during your pregnancyCreate deeper levels of bonding with your babyHow does Natural Childbirth help?Listening to the Natural Childbirth recording daily willhelpyoucreate the level of relaxation needed to reduce thestresshormonesthat are released during labour.The goal of Natural Childbirth is to fill your bodywithendorphins,a natural pain reliever. When endorphins arereleased,your musclesare relaxed and there is a feeling ofwell-being andsafety.Don't just trust us, read what some of our recent customershadtosay:-"Hi Mark,In September my mum ordered me your naturalchildbirthrecordingas I was expecting my first baby on 7th Oct inthe letteryou sentyou asked if we'd let you know how it went- sorryit'staken solong but I've just found your letter and thought i'ddropyou aquick email.I listened to the recording more or less every night asIwasgoing to bed- sometimes I'd fall asleep through it but itwasveryrelaxing and what I needed when sleep wasn't always easytofind at38 weeks + pregnant. If I struggled to get back tosleepafterwaking in the night I'd put it on again so I was'doingsomething'rather than tossing and turning. I wasn't sure how/if itwouldwork but thought it worth a go as hypnosis hadbeenrecommended butother programs were too costly and because Iwassceptic i wasn'tprepared to waste the money.I had to be induced -as my baby was too comfy and at 13dayslatestill had no intention of moving- that meant that I hadnobuild upto the contractions - it was suddenly every coupleofminutes and Ididn't feel too well. After I'd been sick andgotused to it alittle bit I was very calm and the tens machineandthe techniquesfrom the recording helped me get through it. Ididhave somepethadine because I couldn't use gas and air. After5hours I wasready to push and just under an hour later mygorgeousbaby boyarrived happy and healthy.I didn't consciously use the techniques at all - butmypartnerwas amazed at how calm and quiet I was throughout. Itwasn'tuntilmy mum asked if the cd had been worth it that isuddenlyrealisedthat during my labour I'd blown up hundredsofballoons!Well worth the money and I would definately recommend it."Nicola Birch, Birmingham, UK
Birth Control Guide
How yo Control Birth.Pregnancy with Help of Pills,Injection,Condoms IUD, ECP.
Pregnancy Exercises 1.1
Do you want to learn those special andsafepregnancy exercises now?Pregnancy exercises is so beneficial that recommends thathealthywomen with uncomplicated pregnancies exercise at moderateintensityfor at least 30 minutes a day on most or all days of theweek. Theideal workout gets your heart pumping, keeps you limber,controlsweight gain, and strengthens your muscles without causingunduephysical stress for you or the baby. Exercise during pregnancyisimportant, because it's the perfect path to fasterpostpartumweight loss and recovery. Here you'll find easy pregnancyexercisesand fitness plans to get you moving (even when it's thelast thingyour swollen feet want to do). The more active and fityou areduring pregnancy, the easier it will be for you to adapt toyourchanging shape and weight gain. It will also help you to copewithlabour and get back into shape after the birth. Exercisedoeswonders during pregnancy. It boosts mood, improves sleep,andrelieves aches and pains. It also prepares you for childbirthbystrengthening muscles and building endurance. And stayingactivenow makes it that much easier to get back in shape after yourbabyis born. Research suggests that prenatal exercise may evenloweryour risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. If youalreadyhave gestational diabetes, exercise can help you managethecondition and prevent additional complications. Keep up yournormaldaily physical activity or exercise (sport, running, yoga,dancing,or even walking to the shops and back) for as long as youfeelcomfortable. Exercise is not dangerous for your baby – thereissome evidence that active women are less likely toexperienceproblems in later pregnancy and labour. To get the fullbenefits,you'll need to exercise at least three times a week,ideally more.Try to find something that you enjoy, as you'll bemore likely tostick to it in the longer term. Build activity intoyour dailylife, too. For example, taking the stairs instead of thelift, anddoing housework or gardening, counts as exercise. Avoiddoingsports where there's a risk of hitting your bump, or ofslippingand falling, such as squash, gymnastics, rollerblading,horseriding and skiing. Having a fit pregnancy doesn’t have to meanabig time commitment or fancy equipment. The followingpregnancyworkouts are simple, can be done at home, and are safe todo ineach trimester. Now is the most crucial time to get yourhealth inorder so you can have the healthiest and happiest babyandpregnancy possible. Prevent pains, aches, nausea, cramping,morningsickness and excess weight gain with the ONLY system provento helpwomen enjoy their pregnancy and create a healthy baby.DownloadNow!!Features:Exercise Help in PregnancyThe Best Kinds of Exercise for PregnancyExercise isn't RecommendedSigns Should Stop ExercisingStep UpsSide PlanksWall PushupsV Sits with Balance TrainerOne Leg V SitsSupported V SitsSeated Rowing with Resistance TubingPregnant Yoga PosesSeated Dead Lifts with Resistance TubingSquats with Fitness BallLeg LiftsOne Arm RowPlankPlieCurl and LiftSide Lying Inner and Outer ThighRelieve Pregnancy Back PainCore TwistDeadlift To CurlTriangle PoseThe pregnancy exercises provided by this application areusuallysafe for expectant moms, although some may not work for youduringthe last few months or weeks of your pregnancy. Alwaysconsult yourhealthcare provider before beginning any new exerciseregimen. Ifyou get the go-ahead to workout, listen to your body andbe carefulnot to overdo it – stop if anything hurts or feelsuncomfortable.If you have any of the following symptoms, stopexercising and callyour doctor right away:- Contractions- Chest pain- Dizziness- Calf pain or swelling- Less movement by the baby- Headache- Muscle weakness- Fluid leaking from the vagina- Vaginal bleeding- Notice an irregular or rapid heartbeat
Bệnh Phụ Khoa 1.2.0
Bệnh phụ khoa là một cách nói chung về cácbệnhliên quan tới các cơ quan sinh dục nữ, bao gồm các bệnh viêmnhiễmcơ quan sinh dục dưới (âm hộ, âm đạo, cổ tử cung) và cơ quansinhdục trên (tử cung, tai vòi và buồng trứng)...Các bệnh phụ khoa phổ biến gồm:Rối loạn kinh nguyệtViêm âm hộViêm âm đạoViêm cổ tử cungViêm tử cungViêm buồng trứngUng thư tử cungBệnh lây truyền qua đường tình dụcPhụ nữ mang thai mắc bệnh phụ khoa, hệ lụy là sinh khó, dễxảythai, ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển của thai nhi, nặng nề nhất cóthểdẫn tới tử vong.Ung thư cổ tử cung thường tấn công vào phụ nữ 35 - 40 tuổitrởđi. Đây là một trong những bệnh ung thư phụ khoa rất phổ biếnvàgây tử vong cao hàng đầu ở phụ nữ hiện nay.Các bệnh phụ khoa như viêm nhiễm, u nang buồng trứng, u xơtửcung… ảnh hưởng rất nhiều tới sức khỏe và chất lượng cuộcsống.Có 3 nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến mắc bệnh phụ khoa.Vệ sinh kém. không giữ gìn vệ sinh cơ quan sinh dục thật tốtsẽkhiến cho vi khuẩn, nấm phát triển nhanh và mạnh tấn công vàgâynhiễm khuẩn âm hộ - âm đạo. Hoặc do vệ sinh quá sạch sẽ, nhiềulầntrong ngày, vệ sinh quá sâu bên trong, dẫn đến mất cân bằngmôitrường, vi khuẩn có nhiều cơ hội tấn công.Lây nhiễm qua sinh hoạt tình dục. Nam giới có thể lây cho nữgiớiqua quan hệ tình dục. Các loại nấm, vi khuẩn, virut lây truyềnquađường tình dục như Chlamydia, Trichomonas, trùng roi, lậucầukhuẩn, trực khuẩn, xoắn khuẩn, các vi khuẩn kị khí, virutherpessinh dục… xâm nhập vào tử cung gây phá hủy sự cân bằng hệ visinhvật, giảm chức năng tuyến phòng thủ của âm đạo.Các nguyên nhân khác như: stress (do stress đã làm suy yếu hệmiễndịch), thay đổi môi trường đột ngột, các thủ thuật phụ khoakhôngan toàn (dụng cụ đặt tránh thai, nạo hút thai…), phụ nữ ở tuổimãnkinh…Hãy truy cập để tra cứu Tin tứcyhọc và dịch vụ y tế hữu ích dành cho cộng đồng bệnh phụ khoa.Gọicho chúng tôi theo số 0981.119.115 để sử dụng các dịch vụ vàtiệních sức khỏe.Kết nối với chúng tôi:Hoang Chu Duc., PhDFounderZinMed Vietnam JSCMobile: +84913060581Email: [email protected]/Gtalk/Skype: hoang.chuducGynecological disease isageneral way about the diseases related to the female genitalorgans,including infections of genital organs under (vulva,vagina, cervix)and genitalia on ( uterus, fallopian tubes andovaries) ...The common gynecological diseases, including:Menstrual DisordersInflammation of the vulvaVaginitisCervicitisMetritisInflammation of the ovariesUterine cancerSexually transmitted infectionPregnant women suffering from gynecological diseases,theimplications are born hard, easy miscarriage, affectingthedevelopment of the fetus, worst can lead to death.Cervical cancer usually attacks on women 35-40 years ofageonwards. This is one of the gynecological cancer is very commonanda leading cause high mortality in women today.Gynecological diseases such as inflammation, ovariancysts,uterine fibroids ... so much influence on the health andquality oflife.There are 3 main reasons leading to gynecological diseases.Poor hygiene. no hygiene genital well will cause bacteria,fungigrow fast and strong attacks and infections vulva - vagina.Orclean toilet too many times during the day, too deep insidethetoilet, leading to environmental imbalances, bacteria havemanyopportunities to attack.Infection through sexual activity. Men can pass through thefemalesex. The fungus, bacteria, virus through sexual transmissionasChlamydia, Trichomoniasis, trichomonas, gonorrheabacteria,bacilli, spirochetes, anaerobic bacteria, genital herpesvirus ...entering the uterus to cause a clearance cancel themicrobialbalance, reduced function of the vaginal defenses.Other causes such as stress (stress have weakened immunesystems),sudden environmental changes, gynecological proceduresinsecure(instruments placed contraception, abortion ...), womenmenopause...Visit to lookupmedicineNews and medical services useful for gynecologicalcommunity. Callus at 0981.119.115 to use the service and healthfacilities.Connect with us:Chu Hoang Duc., PhDFounderZinMed Vietnam JSCMobile: +84913060581Email: [email protected] / Gtalk / Skype: hoang.chuduc
Condom Québec 1.1
Allows you to geolocate organizations that distribute condomsforFREE
My Contractions Tracker 4.10
A tracker allowing mommies to track their contractions duringlabor.
طرق تضييق المهبل 1.0
Genius M
طرق عديدة لتضييق المهبل. إليكMany ways tonarrowthevagina. Here
Vaginitis Herbal Recipes 1.0
Vaginitis is an inflammation of thevaginawhichcan result in itching, pain and vaginal discharge. Thereasonisusually because there is a change in the normal balanceofbacteriain the vagina or infection. Vaginitis can also becausedby reducedestrogen levels after menopause.In this application have been summarized natural remedytoovercomevaginitis to facilitate you who have a problemwithvaginitis. Soyou can be helped ...So do not hesitate to download this app
Meditation & Relaxing Music 2.0.1
Brain Vault
Relax and release stress and anxiety with great meditationmusictracks
Pregnancy Exercises & Workouts 1.0
Videos of Exercise duringpregnancyareimportant, because it's the perfect path tofasterpostpartumweight loss and recovery. Pregnancy exercise Videosissobeneficial that the American College ofObstetriciansandGynecologists recommends that healthy womenwithuncomplicatedpregnancies exercise at moderate intensity foratleast 30 minutesa day on most or all days of the week.Keep up your normal daily physical activity or exerciselikeyoga,sport, running, dancing, or even walking to the shops andbackforas long as you feel comfortable. Exercise yoga is notdangerousforyour baby there is some evidence that energetic womenarelesslikely to experience problems in later pregnancyandlabour.Prenatal Workout so many easy categories likepregnancymagazines,exercise when pregnant, post pregnancy workout,prenatalworkout,post pregnancy exercise, best pregnancyworkouts,exercisepregnancy, exercise after pregnancy, fitpregnancy,PregnancyWorkouts, Best Pregnancy Workout at Home, SafeExerciseDuringPregnancy, pregnant teen, pregnant girl,pregnencecalendarpregnancy, baby week, info baby, early pregnancysymptoms,onlinepregnancy test, pregnancy diet, pregnancy quiz, 18weekspregnant,getting pregnant, fertility calendar,fertilitycalculator, 16weeks pregnant, 12 weeks pregnant, 17 weekspregnant,pregnancystages, 15 weeks pregnant, early pregnancy signs,14weekspregnant, pregnancy calculator, pregnancy symptoms,signsofpregnancy, early signs of pregnancy, pregnancy weekbyweeketcTo get the full benefits, you'll need to exercise learnvideosatleast three times a week, ideally more. Try to findsomethingthatyou enjoy videos, as you'll be more likely to stick toit inthelonger term. Avoid doing sports where there's a riskofhittingyour bump, or of slipping and falling, such asgymnastics,squash,rollerblading, horse riding and skiing.Having a fit healthy pregnancy doesn’t have to mean abigtimecommitment or fancy equipment. The followingpregnancyworkoutsVIDEOS are simple, can be done at HOME, and aresafe to doin eachtrimester:Category wise videos like Tailor Sitting, Full ForwardLunges,BirdDog Exercise, Heel Slides, Single Heel Drops,ForwardRolls,Side-lying Knee Lifts, Kneeling Pelvic Tilts,KegelExercise,Sitting Knee Lift, Step-ups, Side planks, Leglifts,Fitness ballSquats, Wall pushups, V-sits with balancetrainer, CatCow Pose, -Hamstring Pulses, Plie Squat Pulses, MermaidStretch,Child’s Posesome other Safe pregnancy exercises.symptoms of pregnancy and so many easy way to learnlikepregnancycalendar, exercise during pregnancy, exercise forpregnantwomen,pregnancy fitness, pregnancy workout videos,exercisewhilepregnant, pregnancy and exercise, pregnancyexercisevideo,pregnancy exercise plan, exercise for pregnantlady,pregnancyexercise program, best exercise for pregnancy,maternityexerciseetc.If you have several of the following symptoms, stopexercisingandcall your doctor right away like Dizziness,Contractions,Chestpain, Calf pain or swelling, Less movement by thebaby,Headache,Muscle weakness, Fluid leaking from the vagina,Vaginalbleeding,Notice an irregular or rapid heartbeat etcDISCLAIMER : All VIDEOS are available in YouTube and ourappjustprovides links and streams from YouTube only for thoseforwhichembedding is allowed by up loader.This App only provides a convenient access to YouTubeVIDEOS,thisApp does not own the ownership of any video hosted onYouTube.AllVIDEOS linked in this App are hosted by thepublicthird-partymedia service, YouTube. All trademarks andcopyrightsare belongingto the respective owners who upload videostoYouTube.Note: Send Email for any issueIf you like our app so RATE and REVIEW and SHARE our appinyourFRIENDS GROUP and FAMILIES THANK YOU
Tattoo Shop 1.1
Tattoo is a mark made by insertingpigmentintothe skin. In technical terms, tattoo is micropigmentimplantation.Tattoos can be made on the skin of humans oranimals.Tattoos onhumans are a form of body modification, whiletattoos onanimals arecommonly used as an identificationas we know, almost everyone in the world already use tattoosasapart of his life. In the past only men who dared totattooingherbody now many women were not afraid to decorate yourbodywithtattoos in conspicuous places such as the neck, stomach orarmsandeven some girls have a tattoo in their vagina.Tattoos can be a characteristic of a person. In tattoo, wecanseeillustrated personality, meaningful messages or art fortheowner ofthe body. If you have something different withothers,then thatperson will have its own satisfaction.There are types of tattoos. Abstraction Tattoos, It wasfromtheancient style tattoos, does not involve too many arts. Ithasbeendone in gray and classic black shades, the tattoo isusuallymadearound the navel, chest and legs, although the arms andupperbackare also emerging as a popular choice. Abstractiontattoosconsisttattoos style of Celtic, old english lettersandChinesesymbols.Naturalistic tattoos. When they want to describe a tattooinarealistic style, they tend to take a 'natural'form.Depiction,involves detailing, shading and perspective, theydidsuch a waythat instill realism tattoo design as muchaspossible.Dedication tattoos, commonly known as the 'promise',involvestheuse of design-based sailors, such as heart banners andnames,anchorwith the name of the ship, and the epitome of amilitaryregiment.Not too popular in recent times, tattoosdedication havecheapprices, mainly for the reason that they areoffered in thestandarddesign tattoo parlor.Complex tattoos, as their names, this tattoo involvesmuchmorecomplicated tattoo design than other tattoo styles.Complextattoois also known as a combination tattoo, they consistofanamalgamation of various tattoos, making them moreimpressivethanother type of tattoo design. Complex tattoo consistsof themostpopular traditional Japanese body suit and acombinationofunrelated image.
পরিবার পরিকল্পনা 0.0.1
ফাইনাল অ্যাপের পক্ষ থেকে সবাইকে স্বাগতম।পরিবারপরিকল্পনা নিয়ে বানানো আজকের এই অ্যাপ। এই অ্যাপের মাধ্যমেজানতেপারবেন বিভিন্ন জন্ম নিয়ন্ত্রণ পদ্ধতি সম্পর্কে। যে সব পদ্ধতিএখানেআলোচনা করা হয়েছে-- পরিবার পরিকল্পনার লাভ ও সুবিধা- খাবার বড়ি পদ্ধতি- কনডম ব্যবহার পদ্ধতি- ইনজেকশন পদ্ধতি- ইন্ট্রাইউটেরাইন কন্ট্রাসেপটিভ ডিভাইস- নরপ্লান্ট পদ্ধতি- ভ্যাসেকটমি পদ্ধতি- লাইগেশন পদ্ধতি- প্রাকৃতিক উপায়ে জণ্ম নিয়ন্ত্রণআশা করি এই অ্যাপটি আপনার অনেক কাজে লাগবে। আমাদের অ্যাপটিকেমনলাগল তা আমাদের মেইলের মাধ্যমে জানাতে পারেন। আমাদের মেইলকরুন[email protected]। আপনারভাললাগা মন্দ লাগা বিষয়গুলো আমাদের রিভিউর মাধ্যমে জানান। আর, ভাললাগলেতা বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করে দিন।
Doula Labour Coach | Pregnancy 2.0.0
The Doula Labour Coach app will help you deliver your baby.
Contracciones Cronometradas
It is a simple application that helps you keep trackofcontractions.
Midwife - Contractions Meter 1.3
With the collaboration of MidwivesandPregnantborn this application , to help control thecontractionsin latepregnancy. With Matrona you can measurecontractions andintervalsto see if you are in labor, see theevolution graphicofcontractions over time and even share all thisinformationwithyour friends by many applications and socialnetworks or evensendit to your doctor via email.Matron offers you a series of tips on how you can relaxintheprodrome, alerts you to the possibility that you are inlabor(Thispossibility is calculated by the extended standard bymosthealthentities 5-1-1, alleging that a woman has a highpercentageto bein labor if for more than an hour has painfulcontractionsabout 1minute in intervals of 5 minutes, this ad is anestimate,Matronacan not ensure accurate way you're in labor).The purpose of this application is to help, anyoption/upgradeorcomments, please get in touch with us.
Pré-Natal Digital 21.0
Esse aplicativo tem o objetivo deinformarafutura mamãe tudo sobre sua gravidez como odesenvolvimento dobebêe da mãe, tipos de exames realizados no prénatal, direitosdagestante, vacinas, tipos de parto,humanização,violênciaobstétrica, fotos reais, plano de parto,doula, entreoutros. É oapp mais completo sobre gestação comassuntos que nenhumoutro tem.Feito por profissionais de saúde.O que contém no app:- Direitos da gestante: Os direitos reservadosparaasgestantes- Crescimento do bebê: Todas as semanas de gestaçãoexplicandooque acontece com o bebê- Desenvolvimento da mãe: Como o corpo da mãe se modificacomagravidez- Exames: Os exames mais comuns realizados no pré-natal- Vacinas: As vacinas que precisam ser tomadas- Doenças: Os sintomas e doenças mais comuns na gravidez,comumalerta do Zika Vírus- Parto prematuro: Sinais e riscos de parto prematuro paraqueamamãe saiba identificar- Alimentação: Alimentação adequada e os tiposdevitaminasnecessários para uma gravidez saudável- Exercícios: Os exercícios mais indicados na gravidez- Sexo na gravidez: dúvidas sobre a sexualidade nessa faseeasmelhores posições- Moda e beleza: Dicas de moda e beleza- Enxoval do bebê: Para ajudar as mamães sobre o quecomprarparao enxoval do bebê- Plano de parto: Dicas do que solicitar que façam noseupartoseja ele normal ou cesárea- Doula: ensinando o que é, seu trabalho e benefíciosnoparto- Preparação para o parto: Ensinando massagemnoperíneo,identificar os primeiros sinais de trabalho de partoesuasfases- Alívio da dor no parto: Métodos paliativos paraajudaraamenizar a dor do parto- Posições para o parto: Ensinando várias outras posiçõesquenãosó aquela que conhecemos deitada na cama- Tipos de parto: Variações do parto vaginal além da cesárea- Violência obstétrica: Informações para que a gestantesaibaoque é e se previna desse tipo de ato- Mala da maternidade: Dicas do que levar paramaternidadetantopara o bebê quanto para a mamãe- Humanização: Para que a gestante entenda como humanizaroseuparto normal ou cesárea e descobrir se seu médicoécesarista- Mitos e verdades: Muitas crendices nós levamos conoscodesdeotempo de nossos avós e agora você vai ver se é verdadeoumito.Fora os mitos da gravidez sobre a necessidade departocesárea- Dicas: Dicas gerais, curiosidades- Fotos reais: Fotos reais de parto- Livros: Livros mais indicados para você se empoderarsobrepartonormal- YouTube: Alguns vídeos do YouTube- Mural da gestante: Nesse mural vocês poderão secomunicarentresi e trocar ideiasEnfim um aplicativo completo diferente de tudo quevocêjáviu.This applicationaimstoinform the expectant mother all about her pregnancyandthedevelopment of the baby and the mother, types ofexaminationsinprenatal, pregnant woman's rights, vaccines,deliverytypes,humanization, obstetric violence, actual photos,planchildbirth,doula, among others. It is the most complete appaboutpregnancywith issues that no one else has. Made byhealthprofessionals.What's in the app:- Pregnant women's rights: The copyright for pregnant women- Baby Growth: Every week of gestation explaining whathappenstothe baby- Mother Development: As the mother's bodychangeswithpregnancy- Investigations: The most common tests performed prenatally- Vaccines: Vaccines need to be taken- Diseases: The most common symptoms and diseasesinpregnancy,with a warning of Zika virus- Premature birth Signs and preterm birth risk that momknowhowto identify- Food: Adequate food and the types of vitamins neededforahealthy pregnancy- Exercises: The exercises most suitable in pregnancy- Sex in pregnancy: questions about sexuality at thisstageandthe best positions- Fashion and Beauty: fashion and beauty tips- Baby Layette: To help moms on what to buy forthebabylayette- Birth Plan: Tips than ask them to do in your birth beitnormalor caesarian- Doula: teaching is that their work andbenefitsinchildbirth- Preparation for childbirth: Teaching massagetheperineum,identify early labor signs and phases- Pain relief in labor: palliative methods to help easethepainof childbirth- Positions for delivery: Teaching several otherpositionsthatnot only that we know lying in bed- Delivery types: vaginal delivery variations beyondcesarean- Obstetric Violence: Information for the pregnant womanknowwhatit is and prevent this type of act- Maternity Bag: Tips of what to take for maternity bothforthebaby and for mom- Humanization: For the mother understands how tohumanizeyournormal delivery or cesarean section and find out ifyour doctorisCaesarist- Myths and Facts: Many beliefs we carry with us from thetimeofour grandparents and now you will see whether it is trueormyth.Outside the myths of pregnancy on the need forcesareansection- Tips: General tips, trivia- Real Photos: actual delivery Photos- Books: most suitable books for you to empoweraboutnormaldelivery- YouTube: Some YouTube videos- Wall of pregnant women: this wall you can communicatewitheachother and exchange ideasFinally a complete application unlike anythingyou'veeverseen.
Contractions Calculator 2.3.3
Specially designed to help women know theircontractionaredeveloping. Records the duration of your contractionsandthefrequency they appear. Check your evolution with agraph,thenumber of contractions per hour, the time of yourlastcontractionand the average contraction time.
Klinikführer Geburt von ELTERN 1.6.3
Finden Sie Ihre Geburtsklinik mitderKlinikführer App von ELTERN!Die Klinikführer App von ELTERN bietet eine umfassende SuchenachIhrer idealen Geburtsklinik:• Lassen Sie sich alle Geburtskliniken in der Näheanzeigen(Kliniken mit Galerien sind in derErgebnislistegekennzeichnet)• Geben Sie an, was Ihnen persönlich für die Geburt wichtig ist(z.B. Wassergeburt, PDA etc.) und sehen Sie, welche Klinik zuIhnenpasst• Auf den Detailseiten der Kliniken finden Sie alle wichtigenInfoszur Klinik wie zum Beispiel eine Bildergalerie, dieKontaktdaten,Angebote der Klinik vor und nach der Geburt sowieallesWissenswertes zum Klinikaufenthalt• Legen Sie sich eine Liste mit den passenden Kliniken an• Machen Sie sich Notizen zur Klinik und teilen Sie sie zusammenmitden Kontaktdaten mit Ihrem Partner• Checklisten helfen Ihnen bei Ihrer Organisation (z. B.: Wasmussin die Krankenhaustasche?)• Informieren Sie sich mit den redaktionellen Ratgeberartikelnrundum die Geburt• Bestellen Sie sich relevante Newsletter von ELTERNDie Klinikführer App sieht sich als Begleiter der letzten PhasederSchwangerschaft – von der Klinikfindung bis hin zurGeburt!Find yourmaternityhospital with the Clinic Guide App from PARENTS!The Clinic Guide app offers parents a comprehensive search foryourideal maternity hospital:• Get all the maternity hospitals in the vicinity (Show clinicswithgalleries in the list of results in)• Indicate what you care for the birth is personal (eg.,Waterbirth, PDA, etc.) and see which hospital suits you• On the detail pages of the clinics you find allimportantinformation about the clinic, such as a photo gallery,contactinformation, deals the hospital before and after the birthandeverything About Your hospital stay• Lie down on a list with the appropriate clinics• Take notes on the hospital and share them along with thecontactwith your partner• Checklists to help you with your organization (eg. B .: Whatneedsin the hospital bag?)• Inform yourself with the editorial counselor articlesaroundbirth• Receive relevant is news from PARENTSThe Clinic Guide app sees itself as a companion of the last stageofpregnancy - from the hospital identification to birth!
1069 Test Finder 2.0.4
Want to play safe and get high? Get a free condom near you! Wanttoknow your HIV status? Get a free HIV test near you! Want totellhim your HIV status, "Let Him Know" anonymous SMS can help you!
Grabcondom 1.2
GrabCondom là một cộng đồng tin cậy hỗ trợmọingười dễ dàng tìm kiếm, đánh giá, bình luận các cửa hàng cungcấpbao cao su, chất bôi trơn, các sản phẩm dự phòng HIV và sảnphẩmsức khỏe tình dục khác… tại Việt Nam. GrabCondom có 02 phiênbảnứng dụng online: Website – và ứng dụng trêndiđộng.GrabCondom is atrustedcommunity support people to easily find, evaluate, commentstoresprovide condoms, lubricants, products HIV prevention andsexualhealth products in different ... Vietnam. GrabCondom 02applicationversion online: Website - andmobileapplications.
gymnastics pregnant women 2.1
Pregnancy exercise itself wasagymnasticmovements adapted to the needs and condition ofpregnancythat iscertainly different from gymnastics movements arecommon,and thepurpose of pregnancy exercise is healthy pregnantwomen aswell asexpedite the delivery process by providing trainingon themusclesand body parts that will act in labor as an examplepelvicbones,muscles peru, and thigh muscles, so that later thepregnantwomenare expected to perform a normal delivery withlancar.Selaintrainthe muscles to prepare for childbirth, pregnancyexercisemovementsalso combines breathing exercises,relaxation,andflexibility.And following other advantages that pregnant women getbyfollowingpregnancy exercise- Avoids maternal obesity- Reduce back pain that usually disturb the gestation period- Make the body feel fitter, and- Improving the quality of sleep.menfaat other than that described above you can alsofindreferencesthat you get in these pregnant womengymnasticsapplication asfollows:gymnastics pregnant women, pregnant womenfitness,gymnasticmovements of pregnant women, pregnant womenfitness,yoga poses pregnant women, yoga, pelatiah pregnantwomen,pregnantwomen, fitness, gymnastics, pregnant latest, amyl2017,gymnasticsmom gymnastics mom collection of gymnasticspregnantwomen,gymnastics pregnant women 1 month, gymnasticspregnant twomonths,gymnastics pregnant woman 8 months , 9 monthpregnantwomengymnastics, gymnastics guide expectant mothers,Despite some movement in pregnancy exercise is quite easytolearnand do yourself at home, to get the benefits ofpregnancyexercisefor pregnant women to the fullest, it helps themother todo sowith the instruction and supervision of an expert, sothatanymovement is consistent with the needs and conditionofthebody.some pregnant women gymnastics excess applicationsareasfollows:- Pregnant women gymnastics application is very light- Pregnant women yoga applications offline, so you do notneedanInternet connection to open- Pregnant women's gymnastics app free just for you.criticism and suggestions that will membagun sanagatdiaharapkansothat future applications of pregnant women'sgymnasticscollectioncan be better and can certainly help you whoneed areference ofmovement of pregnant women fitnesstraining.
Кормление новорожденного 1.9
Для ищущих тему роды и беременностьздесьвынайдете это. Если вас интересует вопрос роды и схваткимыпредложимвам именно то что вам нужно. Так же приложениеокажетподдержку вобласти новорожденный ребенок. Новорожденный малышуходинформацияпо этому вопросу помимо этого есть в нашейпрограмме.Новорожденныеинформация по этой теме вдобавок может бытьнайдена вэтомприложении. Заодно данная программа будет хорошейподмогойнасчетвопроса уход за малышом. К тому же данная программадастхорошиенавыки касательно темы рождение ребенка.Беременностькалендарь этаинформация помимо этого есть в этойпрограмме.Беременность и родыинформация по этому вопросу заоднопредставленав этой программе. Втом случае, если вас заинтересовалатема Грудноекормлениеноворожденного это приложение не оставит васравнодушным.Если вамблизка тематика Грудное вскармливание питание вэтомприложении вынайдете то что вам нужно. Грудное вскармливаниедиетаэтаинформация заодно размещена в нашем приложении. Есливасинтересуетвопрос Кормление новорожденного это приложение неоставитвасравнодушным. Если вы ищете Кормим малыша здесь вы найдетеэто.ГВинформация по этому вопросу помимо этого размещенавэтойпрограмме. Ко всему прочему наша программа окажет поддержкунатемуГрудное вскармливание. Младенец новорожденный эта темапомимоэтогоможет быть найдена в нашей программе. Если вас волнуетвопроспотематике младенцы вы обратились по адресу. Дляинтересующихсятемоймама рожает это приложение не оставит васравнодушным. Вдобавок кэтому приложение даст хорошие навыки на темузачатиеребенка. Вдобавок к этому данная программа позволитосвоитьсянасчет вопросауход за младенцем.For those seekingthetopicchildbirth and pregnancy here you will find it. If youareinterestedin the question of birth and fight we will offeryouexactly what youneed. The same application will support inanewborn baby. Newbornbaby care information on this subjectbeyondthat we have in ourprogram. Newborn information on thistopic canbe found in additionin this app. At the same time, thisprogram isa good question abouta help care for the baby. Inaddition, thisprogram will give goodskills regarding childbirthtopics.Pregnancy calendar thisinformation in addition to thisthere is inthis program. Pregnancyand birth information on thissubject ispresented at the same timein this program. In that case,if youare interested in the topicBreast-feeding a newbornthisapplication does not leave youindifferent. If you closesubjectsBreastfeeding food in thisapplication, you will find whatyouneed. Breastfeeding diet at thesame time, this informationisavailable in our application. If youare interested in thequestionof feeding the newborn thisapplication does not leaveyouindifferent. If you are looking tofeed your baby is here youwillfind. GW information on this subjectbeyond that available inthisprogram. On top of our program willsupport onbreastfeeding.Newborn baby this topic beyond this can befound inour program. Ifyou are concerned about the issue on thesubject ofbabies, youcame to the right address. For thoseinterested in thetheme ofmother gives birth to this applicationdoes not leaveyouindifferent. In addition to this application willgive goodskillson conceiving a child. In addition to this, theprogram willallowto settle the question about baby care.
La Grossesse de A-Z 5.0
Discover the evolution stages of your pregnancy A-Z
Medication Reminder & Tracker 9.6
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المحجبات الانيقات 1.0
المحجبات الانيقات تطبيق المرأة العربية التي تطرح و تقدمقضايا،مواضيع ونصائح تهم المرأة في شتى المجالات كالصحة,التغذية,الأناقةوالجمال ومجالات أخرى , يقدم المحجبات الانيقات وصفاتالطبخ المغربيبالصور، و يقدم طريقة تحضير و طبخ شهيوات و حلوياتمغربية. كدلك فيموقع الطبخ المغربي , وصفات الطبخ المغربي ,اناقةمغربية , فساتينالعروس المغربية واكسسوارات ومجوهرات لالة مولاتيالحادكة المغربيةشدى الاسرة القفطان المغربي اسم على مسمى فالتطبيقيحتوي على كل يخصالمراة تطبيق متكامل للمرأة العربية يهتم بكافة شؤونالمرأة من موضةوجمال ، صحة ورشاقة ، موضة وأزياء ، وكافة ما يخصالعائلة والطفل ،المنزل والديكور وكل ما يخص المرأة العربية خلال جميعفترات حياتهاالتطبيق نسائي مئة في المئة تطبيق نسائي يهتم بالمرأة وأسرارها عالمحواء يناقش مواضيع الموضة و الأزياء و الصحة و الرجيم والاكسسوارات والعلاقات الزوجية و فساتين مكياج و طفل و ديكور و مسلمةو زواج لها ولكي دليل نساء فتاة و فتيات بنت و بنات طبخ جمال سيدة وسيدتي و ازياءأناقة و منزل. معلومات عن المهبل الجهاز التناسليالانثوي و غشاءالبكارة و ختان الاناث و العادة السرية عند المراهقاتإنقاص الوزن والدورة الشهرية و الافرازات و الالتهابات المهبلية شريكالحياة ومراحل الولادة الطبيعية و حساب ايام التبويض أورام الثدي وسيليولايتو وسائل منع الحمل و حبوب منع الحمل و الإعتناء بالبشرةوهالاتالعيون. كل مايخص المرأه فى المكياج والملابس والتجميل. سؤالوجواب عنكل مايخص المرأة العربية : واليكم اسفله بعض ما يحتوي عليهالتطبيق :- طريقة تبييض الوجه - تبييض الوجه في الصور - البشرةالدهنية - لتبيضالبشرة - وصفات طبيعية لتبييض الرجلين - تبيض الرجلين- وصفات لتبييضالمناطق الحساسة - وصفات تبييض المناطق الحساسة - خلطاتمغربية للبشرة- خلطات تبييض الوجه - تبيض اليدين - تبييض الوجه فيالصور - ماسكاتصحراوية - ماسكات للوجه - ماسكات طبيعية للبشرة -ماسكات لتبييض الوجه- ماسكات للجسم - ماسكات للبشرة الجافة - تبييضالاسنان - وصفاتلتبييض الاسنان - جمال المرأة المغربية - اناقة وجمالالمرأة المغربية- جمالك - وصفات جمالك بدون انترنيت بالنسبة للذينيبحتون على التطبيقبلغات اخرى, يمكن استعمال ما يلي : - khalatattabi3iya - khalatatmghribiya - wasafat al jamal - wasafat lwajh -wasafat tajmil -wasafat jamal s9ali - wasafat jamal skali -jamalouki