Top 17 Apps Similar to 好孕

*”怀孕期妈妈必备“是三文鱼工作室为准爸爸、准妈妈们倾心开发的一款孕期实用工具软件,现已隆重推出育儿功能...*”怀孕期妈妈必备“的主要功能:【孕育知识】轻松切换孕期/育儿状态,按日、周提供的孕期、育儿知识,丰富的孕育专家讲座,为了成为靠谱爸妈,学无止境...【问答中心】准爸妈们、新爸妈们互帮互组、交流心得的好地方。怀孕育儿那些事儿,有疑问?提出来吧...【智能推荐】根据爸妈们的提问、浏览记录智能推荐关键词,想爸妈们所想,急爸妈们所急...【妈妈故事】每个孕妈都有自己的故事,每个幸福家庭都有宝宝的故事...【孕育工具】微记、日程管理、体型记录、胎动分析、宝宝星座、疫苗计划等多种孕育小工具...【营养食谱】孕早期、孕中期、分娩前、坐月子、产后恢复等阶段食谱;控制血糖、预防便秘、预防贫血等孕妈应对各种情况的功能食谱。【胎教提示】音乐胎教、臆想胎教等多种胎教提示,每天一个胎教小故事,让胎教不再是难事。*三文鱼工作室由三位软件工程师爸爸创建,孕期、宝宝出生时希望、喜悦、担忧、无助、期待......种种情绪,你们经历的,我们都懂得。*三文鱼工作室的宣言:如果我们做不出好软件,我们就到碗里去!!* "Pregnant mothermusthave" salmon studio prevail father, a pregnant momsutilitysoftware developed cordial, has launched a grand parentingfunction...* "Pregnant mother must have" main functions:[Knowledge] to switch easily bred pregnancy / parentalstatus,daily, pregnancy week provided parental knowledge, richbreedingexpert lectures, in order to become a tricky parents,life-longlearning ...[Q & A] center prospective parents who help each other tonewparents who set a good place for the exchange of ideas.PregnancyParenting those things, have questions? Come raise...[Recommended] based on intelligent parents' questions,intelligentrecommendation keyword browsing history, want parentswho arethinking, anxious parents who are worried about ...[Story] every pregnant mother mom has its own story, and eachstoryof a happy family has a baby ...[Tools] bred emblems, schedule management, record size,fetalmovement analysis, a variety of baby sign, vaccineprogramsconceived gadgets ...[Recipe] early pregnancy nutrition, second trimester,beforedelivery, postpartum, postpartum recovery phase recipes;controlblood sugar, prevent constipation, prevent anemia pregnantmothercope with various situations functions recipes.[Note] music prenatal prenatal care, prenatal care andotherprenatal prompted conjecture, a daily prenatal little story,soprenatal care is no longer difficult.* Salmon studio created by three software engineersfather,pregnancy, when the baby is born hope, joy, worry,helplessness,looking ...... all sorts of emotions that you gothrough, and weall know.* Declaration of salmon studio: If we can not make good software,wewent to a bowl to go! !
雲端好孕守 0.2.4
孕期提醒 - 怀孕必备 6.1.4
全面跟踪孕期的每一天,根据孕期的不同时间段,提供相应的知识。孕妈妈每天都可以通过本应用了解到胎儿的变化、孕妇的生理变化、注意事项、小提醒等等。此外软件还提供怀孕期间所需要准备的物品清单和待产包列表,帮助你更好的做好怀孕、生产的各项准备,另外还有孕期小知识、孕期日记和孕期社区的功能。Comprehensivetrackingpregnancy every day, according to the different timeperiods ofpregnancy, provided the appropriate knowledge.Pregnant mother every day you can learn through thisapplicationchanges the fetus, pregnant women, physiologicalchanges,precautions, a small reminder and so on. In addition thesoftwarealso provides needed during pregnancy to prepare a list ofitems tobe produced and the list of packages to help you do abetterpregnancy, all the preparations, in addition to littleknowledge ofpregnancy, pregnancy diaries and pregnancycommunityfeatures.
孕味食足 1.3.1
专业的孕妈和宝宝饮食指导,对备孕,怀孕,孕期,月子,育儿期间的妈妈来说什么食物该吃什么食物不该吃,这里面可以清晰的查到。Professionalpregnantmother and baby dietary guidance, to prepare pregnant,pregnantmother during pregnancy, confinement, during childcare forwhatfood to eat what food should not eat, and there can clearlybefound.
MommyBook Free 2.4.2
Introduction: "MommyBook" developedbyHopeFoundry and provided Pregnant Women who pay attention tothenumber of weeks and weeks of pregnancy precautions.Limitation:Currently, only provide Chinese descriptioninsideApp.Keyword:Pregnancy, Mommy , Baby , Mother
Period Tracker, My Calendar 1.713.216.GP
The ★highest rated (4.8)★periodcalendar!Top 1 in Health & Fitness Over 43 Countries.Top 5 in Health & Fitness Over 63 Countries.Over 70,000,000 Android Users love Period Calendar.Keep track of your menstrual cycles with Period Calendar. Ittracksyour periods, cycles, ovulation and the chance ofconception.Period tracker helps both women looking toconceive andthose trying to birth control.Period Tracker is useful, whether you have irregularperiodsor regular periods. It can track your chance ofpregnancyevery day. You can also record your cervical mucus,BMI, sexualactivity, weight, temperature, symptoms or moods. Thinkof it asyour personal period diary. It will help you get in shape,loseweight, and stay healthy.PILL REMINDER & PERIOD REMINDER:- Customize the notification text to make it discreet, toavoidnever being embarrassed in public.- Notifications for period, fertility and ovulation tracker- Contraceptive pills reminder (includes pills, ring,patch& injections)PERIOD & FERTILITY TRACKER:- Helps predict menstruation, cycles and ovulation- Ovulation calculator and tracker- Period calculator, fertility calculator and spotonpredictionTRYING TO GET PREGNANT & BIRTH CONTROL APP:- Fertile symptoms tracker, like cervical firmness, cervicalmucus,cervical opening- Check your odds of conceiving each day for betterfamilyplanning- It is the birth control app, spot on tracking the period&fertile daysLOSE WEIGHT, TRACK SYMPTOMS & MOODS:- Intimacy tracker- Body temperature chart helps you determine ovulation date- Predict your ovulation date according to the ovulationtestresultNEVER LOSE DATA:- Utilizes Google account data backup and Restoration- Backup and restore your period data to phone or emailMULTI ACCOUNT & SECURITY:- Multi accounts to track & security protections- View or search all notes through your timelineCOMMUNITY- To communicate and exchange ideas with each other aboutanytopics** Check our community ** is the reliable ovulation app for ovulation and periodtracker,you can check your ovulation calendar, period calendar, itwill bemore accurate for your usage.
Peekaboo Moments
Bithouse Inc.
Join the 👶super lovely Baby Book loved by over 10 million users!👍👍👍
信誼奇蜜好孕生活館 1.0
ママへ -妊娠・出産〜産後までママに必要な情報を毎日お届け-
Plusr Inc.
これからママになるあなたに寄り添って妊娠から出産まで毎日安心をお届けします**赤ちゃんのようすが一目でわかる!*毎日かわる!悩みや不安が和らぐ先輩ママの体験談!*役立つ!時期に応じたピックアップ記事!*カレンダーで検診・日記も管理できる!*夫婦でつかえる・つながる!パパモードも!*プレママとつながるコミュニティ【ママ友ひろば】*情報はすべて無料で安心!~~お知らせ~~レビューに問題を書いていただいても、状況の把握が難しく個別の問題に対応することができません。アプリ内での不具合や問題が発生した場合はアプリの設定からの問合せ、または、[email protected]まで ご連絡いただければ幸いです。精一杯対応させていただきます。お手数をお掛けいたしますが、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。***妊娠おめでとうございます***【mamae】は多くのママたちにご愛用いただいている妊婦さんサポートアプリです。「妊娠中体調の変化があったんだけど大丈夫・・・?」「初めての出産でちょっと不安・・・」「妊娠期間中の思い出を残したい」「おなかの赤ちゃんがどう成長するか知りたい」「出産までに準備するものやみんなの出産のエピソードを知りたい」「妊娠中のママや赤ちゃんのようすをパパと共有できたら・・・」このような悩みや思いを全て解決・実現できるのは【mamae】だけです。■mamaeにはこんな機能があります◎ 今日の赤ちゃんイラスト・ 赤ちゃんの成長が一目でわかる・ ママの妊娠週数にあわせて赤ちゃんが成長・ 月数ごとにかわる赤ちゃんからママへのひとこと◎ 出産までの日にちがわかる・ 妊娠週数&日数の表示・ 出産予定日までの日数の表示◎ カレンダー表示・ 月数の表示・ 安産祈願に最適な戌の日表示・ 検診予定日&日記を書いた日の表示◎ 日記を書く・ 写真付きで思い出を残せる・ 妊娠月数ごとの日記一覧表示・ 写真日記をもとにしたスライドショー作成◎ 検診予定日入力・ 検診予定時間&メモも残せる・ 夫婦で共有可能・ 検診予定アラートで検診日をお知らせ◎ プレママとつながるコミュニティ【ひろば】・ 妊娠中の不安や悩みの相談・ 妊娠中や出産・育児の情報交換・ 同じ週数のプレママ・先輩ママとの交流◎ 週数ごとにかわるおすすめ記事【プレママ知識】・ 妊娠&出産に関する疑問や不安を解消する記事やアドバイスを掲載◎ 感動!みんなのエコー画像が見られる【みんなの週別エコー】・ エコー画像の投稿&閲覧◎ 週数ごとにかわる貴重な【体験談】・ 妊娠&出産に役立つ先輩ママ&パパからのアドバイスや情報を掲載・ 妊娠中の様々な悩み・不安を和らげる解決策も掲載◎ 夫婦でつかえる!【パパとつなぐ】機能・ ママの体調や赤ちゃんのようす・健診記録をパパと共有・ パパに知っておいてもらいたい妊娠期間の情報を掲載・ ママの気持ちがわかる!今日の声かけ・ パパが選んだメッセージがママに届く!メッセージ機能■mamae(妊娠なう)はこんなメディアで紹介されました** Pre-mo(プレモ)でご紹介いただきました **** たまごクラブでご紹介いただきました **** 赤すぐでご紹介いただきました **** AppBankに掲載していただきました **** smapliにてご紹介いただきました **■ユーザーのみなさんの声【3年前にも使っていましたが、その時よりたくさんの機能が増えているので凄く楽しくなっています。】【便利!!生まれてくるのがより一層楽しみになる!】【妊娠中の身体の変化をいち早く確認出来て、ほかの人の経過も参考になった】■これからママになるみなさんへ ~運営スタッフより~  妊娠おめでとうございます!!妊娠中の貴重で大切な時間を出来るだけ快適に、楽しく穏やかに過ごしてもらいたい!という思いを胸に【mamae】を日々運営しております。妊娠中は普段よりも様々なことに気を使ったり、慣れないことが多い中で不安になったり悩んだりすることが多いと思います。そんな不安や悩みを持つママと家族を支え、少しでも笑顔になっていただけるように・・・。今しかない特別な毎日をこの【mamae】アプリとともにお過ごしいただければと思います。アプリをご利用頂きましたら是非皆様のご感想をお聞かせください。
孕妇孕期必备——怀孕妈妈首选 5.8.8
备孕、怀孕、分娩、育儿,每一步都有[孕妇孕期必备]陪伴。官方网站更名为"妈咪多",全新网址""已上线。新网站信息更直观更丰富,和数百万宝妈在一起谈天论友,晒晒生活中的困扰和点滴!相信你也可以:做最^安心^的宝妈!生最^健康^的宝宝!做最^称职^的宝妈!生最^快乐^的宝宝!"百科"版块——海量权威信息备孕、怀孕、胎教、育儿、早教、时尚、购物、瘦身、美食、家庭、心理。孕期注意事项、孕期突发事件、孕期菜谱,各方面知识应有尽有。- 孕妇睡眠不好怎么办?- 孕期腿抽筋有哪些缓解办法?- 孕期怎样过性生活?- 孕期每周胎儿发育状况?- 怀孕需要买些什么用品呢?- 老婆有了得给她做些什么菜呢?……"用品"版块——孕期商品大全轻松挑选孕产期必需品:商品分类紧跟孕期节奏,精心组织挑选。看看别的宝妈怎么选择:每天都有热心宝妈们晒单,秀出心仪的商品!"交流"版块——宝妈携手前行如果你是一位新新宝妈,正处在懵懂又惴惴然的阶段,你需要来向宝妈们说说话吐吐槽!如果你是一位"过来人"宝妈,这里有成千上万的宝妈正需要你的经验和帮助!来[孕妇孕期必备]交流区和宝妈们在线讨论吧!"工具"版块——实用工具汇总预产期计算器、生男生女预测、孕妇行为手册胎儿体重计算、产检数据孕妇饮食禁忌、产妇饮食禁忌、宝宝饮食禁忌宝宝星座……"用户"版块——个人经历珍藏记录整个怀孕及生育过程的一点一滴,每一次发言、每一位挚友、每一次帮助,都是生命中的感恩。-----------------------------------------------------------宝妈的心事只有宝妈们最懂!来和最活跃的宝妈们一起畅享孕期吧!-----------------------------------------------------------Preparepregnant,pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, every step [essentialduringpregnancy] companionship.The official website renamed "Mommy more", the new website"" has been on the line.The new website is more intuitive and richer information,andmillions of Baoma together to talk on Friends, sun dryingandtroubled life bit by bit!I believe you can also:^ ^ Peace of mind to make the most of Baoma! Born healthy most ^^baby!^ ^ Competent to make the most of Baoma! Students most ^ ^happybaby!"Encyclopedia" section - Massive authoritative informationPrepare pregnant, pregnancy, prenatal care, child care,earlyeducation, fashion, shopping, weight loss, food,family,psychology.Precautions during pregnancy, pregnancy emergencies,pregnancyrecipes, knowledge of all aspects of everything.- Pregnant women sleep well how to do?- What are leg cramps during pregnancy mitigation options?- How to have sex during pregnancy?- Weekly fetal development during pregnancy situation?- Pregnant what supplies need to buy it?- With his wife must give her what food do it ......?"Supplies" section - pregnancy merchandise EncyclopediaEasy selection of maternity essentials: Categories followedbypregnancy-paced, well-organized selection.Look at other Baoma how options: sun every day enthusiasticBaomaare single, show favorite products!"Communication" section - to join the line before BaomaIf you are a new new Baoma, is at the stage of ignorant andanxiousHowever, you need to talk to Baoma who spit tucao!If you are a "come" Baoma, where there are thousands of Baoma isinneed of your experience and help!To [essential during pregnancy] Baoma their online exchange areaanddiscuss it!"Tools" section - Utility SummaryExpected date calculator, boy or girl prediction, pregnantbehaviormanualFetal body weight, prenatal dataFood taboos for pregnant women, maternal dietary taboos, babyfoodtaboosBaby constellation ......"Users' Forum - personal experience collectionRecorded bit by bit throughout the pregnancy and birthprocess,every speech, every friend, every help, arelife'sThanksgiving.-------------------------------------------------- ---------Only Baoma Baoma thoughts are most know! Come and most activeduringpregnancy Baoma who together enjoy it!-------------------------------------------------- ---------
Woman's DIARY period・diet・cal 4.13.4
This app is useful for tracking your period cycle and givesavariety of info.
ママリ 妊娠・出産や育児などママのお悩みや情報を共有 7.48.0
Ask your senior mom about maternity and fertility Q &A!Maternity worries such as pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirthandlabor pains are solved! Health management for pregnant womenandchildcare is also known.
母子健康手帳 3.1.0
*アカウント登録手順*1.新規登録後、登録したメールアドレス宛にメールが届きます。(※受信設定をされている場合「[email protected]」が受け取れるように設定をお願いいたします。)2.メールアドレスにかかれているURLをクリックし登録完了。3.アプリにてメールにかかれていたID、設定したパスワードでログインしてください。メールが届かない場合には、登録時のアカウントを記載し、お問合せいただきますようお願いいたします。市区町村で配布されている母子健康手帳がスマホアプリになりました!母子手帳の機能に加え、学校保健手帳の機能も追加いたしました。=======当 母子健康手帳・学校保健手帳(アプリ)は厚生労働省の定める省令部をスマートフォン用に電子化したものです。各自治体の発行する母子手帳(冊子)と併せてご利用ください。【後援】全国知事会日本医師会日本産婦人科医会日本歯科医師会日本看護協会=======・母子手帳をいつでも見たい!・いざという時でも手元に母子手帳が欲しい!・複数の子供をまとめて管理したい!・母子手帳の内容をデータとして保存したい!そんな悩みをお持ちの方におススメしたい母子手帳アプリです。<母子健康手帳アプリの機能>*市区町村からの最新のお知らせをpush通知でお知らせ*複数のお子さんの情報をまとめて管理*妊娠中と出産後のメニューをタブで簡単切り替え*WEB連携でパソコンからの閲覧・編集、機種変更にも対応【市区町村のお知らせをpushで通知】母親学級などの市区町村からのお知らせをpushで通知。HPなどを見忘れていても安心です。【省令準拠で母子手帳の項目を全て網羅】妊娠中から6歳時の健診までの項目を全て網羅!妊婦、お子さんの記録をしっかり細かく記録します。【子供登録画面で簡単登録】妊娠中の赤ちゃんも、すでにいらっしゃるお子さんも管理画面でまとめて記録!切り替えて子供別に管理ができます。【メニュー画面で使いやすい!】紙だとどのページだっけ?という悩みもメニュー画面から項目を選択していくだけ!見たいページにすぐ行けます。【医師によるWebでの入力】母子健康手帳に会員登録している医師によるWebでの入力機能。医師IDを登録していただくことでご利用いただけます。【子供の成長を自動でグラフ化】健診の入力記録を元に身長、体重、頭囲を自動でグラフ化。最長6歳までの記録ができます。【WEBでの連携管理】アカウント登録、ログインしていただくことでパソコンからの閲覧、編集が可能に。機種変更後も同一のアカウントでご利用いただけます。<学校保健手帳アプリの機能>【学校保健手帳の項目を網羅】就学前から高校以降までの記録管理、健康診断、歯科検診、予防接種など、お子さんの健康に関する数値の記録ができます。不具合については調査を行いますので、以下のメールアドレスまでお問合せいただきますようお願いいたします。[email protected]バージョン(4.2.2など)、登録アカウントの情報、端末の動作詳細、他(スクリーンショットなどがあれば添付お願いいたします)*アカウント登録手順*1.新規登録後、登録したメールアドレス宛にメールが届きます。(※受信設定をされている場合「[email protected]」が受け取れるように設定をお願いいたします。)2.メールアドレスにかかれているURLをクリックし登録完了。3.アプリにてメールにかかれていたID、設定したパスワードでログインしてください。メールが届かない場合には、登録時のアカウントを記載し、お問合せいただきますようお願いいたします。
Pregnancy apps. Week by week 9.00007
MicroLabs App
1 trimester2 trimester3 trimesterExpecting baby apps, information about pregnancyPrenant appsPregnancy week by weekPregnancy HealthNewbornBaby HealthParentingPregnancy week by week pregnancy guide.Photo embryo.Prenatal developmentTotal birth order and period of gestationContent:Fetal development in week 1-40Deciding to have a babyPreparing for pregnancyPregnant or trying to get pregnantGetting pregnant (conception)Confirming you are pregnantCommon questionsFinding your most fertile timeWhy it might take longer to get pregnantFolic acid supplementsChoosing not to have sexBaby ColicBlocked Nose in Babies ('Snuffles')Breast-feedingCervical SutureCroupErythema Toxicum NeonatorumFetal Alcohol SyndromeMastitisMaternity BenefitsNappy RashNeonatal JaundiceNewborn Baby Screening TestsObstetric CholestasisOral Thrush in BabiesPostpartum PsychosisPregnancy - AbortionChickenpox Contact and PregnancyCommon Problems in PregnancyDiet and Lifestyle during PregnancyDyspepsia in PregnancyEarly Pregnancy Signs and SymptomsEctopic PregnancyPregnancy - LabourMorning Sickness in PregnancyMultiple Pregnancy (eg, Twins/Triplets)Planning to Become PregnantScreening TestsUrine Infection in PregnancyPregnancy and DiabetesPregnancy and High Blood PressurePregnancy and HIVPregnancy and Physical ActivityRubellaParents pregnancy and baby guidePremature LabourSeborrhoeic Dermatitis in Babies (Cradle Cap)Tear Duct Blockage in BabiesTeethingZika VirusAcute Diarrhoea in ChildrenAdrenarcheAmblyopiaAnthelmintics - Medicines for WormsAntifungal MedicinesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAutistic Spectrum DisordersBaby ColicBalanitisReward Systems for BedwettingBedwetting (Nocturnal Enuresis)Bedwetting AlarmsBehavioural Problems and Conduct DisorderBlocked Nose in Babies ('Snuffles')Breast-feedingBronchiolitisCerebral PalsyChest InfectionChickenpox in Children under 12Child Attachment DisorderChildhood Gastro-oesophageal RefluxChildhood LeukaemiasChildren's CancersCleft Lip and PalateClub Foot (Congenital Talipes Equinovarus)Cold SoresCongenital Cystic Adenomatoid MalformationConstipation in ChildrenCough MedicinesCoughs and Colds in ChildrenCow's Milk Protein AllergyCri du Chat SyndromeCroupCystic FibrosisDealing with TantrumsDesmopressin for BedwettingDevelopmental Dysplasia of the HipDomestic ViolenceDTaP/Polio/Hib ImmunisationDyspraxia (Developmental Co-ordination Disorder)Ear Infection (Otitis Media)EpiglottitisErythema Toxicum NeonatorumFebrile Seizure (Febrile Convulsion)Fetal Alcohol SyndromeFever/High Temperature in ChildrenFood Poisoning in ChildrenGastroenteritis in ChildrenGlue Ear - Picture SummaryGlycogen Storage DisordersGrowing PainsHand Foot and Mouth DiseaseHydrocele in ChildrenHypospadiasImpetigoJuvenile Idiopathic ArthritisKawasaki DiseaseLactose IntoleranceLiving with a Long-term ConditionMeaslesMeningitisMeningococcal ImmunisationMeningococcal InfectionMesenteric AdenitisMMR ImmunisationMumpsNappy RashNeuroblastomaObesity and Overweight in ChildrenOperations for Glue EarOral Thrush in BabiesPerthes' DiseasePneumococcal ImmunisationPolio ImmunisationPrimary Cold Sore InfectionPyloric StenosisReducing the Risk of Cot DeathRetinoblastomaRoseolaRotavirusSafeguarding ChildrenScarlet FeverSeborrhoeic Dermatitis in Babies (Cradle Cap)Sepsis (Septicaemia)Slipped Capital Femoral EpiphysisSquint (Strabismus) in ChildrenStammer/StutterSweat TestTear Duct Blockage in BabiesTeethingThalassaemiaThreadwormsTorsion of the TestisUndescended TestesUrine Infection in ChildrenViral RashesWhooping CoughWhy Wasn't I Prescribed Antibiotics?Wilms' TumourAutism and Related ProblemsBullyingChild Attachment DisorderDealing with TantrumsDepression in Young People - Helping Children to CopeEating Disorders in Young PeopleWhen you're pregnant, you want to shout to the whole world that Iampregnant
Period Tracker / Calendar 3.8
Period Tracker / Calendar for Grown-upwomen.It is unbelievably clear and easy to use.USER REVIEW:- The Best Must Have App !- A real womanlog !- So far so good Love the theme of the app and ease of use.Ilike how the theme is sleek and modern unlike most other appswherethey over do the pick cutesy theme.- First off thank you for designing an app that doesn't looklikeit was made for and by a 12 year old girl, it's so frustratingthatalmost all the period/ ovulation tracking apps on the marketarebright pink and covered in flowers. I love the simplicity ofthedesign and the cycle wheel and colour coding as a home page areawelcome change from the normal cluttered calender view (althoughIam happy there is the option to view the calender for amoredetailed analysis). The app itself performs wonderfully,it'sattractive, streamlined and runs very smoothly however I woldliketo see a few other features added to really bring it up to(andsurpass) other apps of this type of the market. I would suggestthefollowing additions/ revisions: - The ability to add datafromprevious cycles would be advantageous. - The signs andsymptomsview could be spruced up, perhaps with the option tocustomize andadd for people who want to track different things. - Amedicationsand illness section, many people TTC are taking someform ofmedication, from vitamins to Clomid, this app could helpkeep atrack of this. This app is wonderful, with enormouspotential. Keepup the good work!- Galaxy S4 Great period calendar, no cheesy rubbish just whatIwas looking for.- Great period tracker... makes tracking my cycle somucheasier.- “Best period tracker. Tried several. This one is the bestsofar. Features, ease of use, & for women not teenagegirls.”- "Love it! Most classy period app and cute to beat! Niceforthis 25 y/o wife and mother! :)"- "Most amazing period app. It looks sophisticated andit'sabsolutely easy to use. Can keep track of every singlething.Definitely worth it.”- "Love it! Simple thoughtful period tracker with everythingIneed to be on top of my cycle without the kittens andpinkflowers.Thanks!"- "Best period tracker Absolutely love it, the layout isveryfunctional and the app gives you little reminders as yourcyclegoes through"- "Perfect!! My husband and I are trying to get pregnant.ThisApp has made life so much easier!! I can set my goal to"pregnancy"and it tells me the best time for us to conceive. I canrecord allthe things my Dr will ask and be able to give exactdates(menstrual days, boating, cramping ect.) It also notifies mewithnew things and reminders. I would recommend this toallgirls/women!"- "Perfect! love it easy to keep track and use especiallyforthis moment in my life that I'm premenopausal and have mymenstrual...."- "Good period calendar. Nice app. Easy can see mymenstruationcycle."Features in ONE DISPLAY:✓ Length of menstrual cycle, period, and fertile window✓ Easily view the number of days until fertile window, regulardays,and expected period✓ Know when you are fertile with arrow pointing atyellowcirclesDELUXE FUNCTIONS:✓ Period notification✓ Fertile notification✓ Automatic and accurate prediction of your period,ovulation,fertility (excellent for activity planning)✓ Fine tune your period calendar automatically along the way✓ Detection of iPhone time changeMETHODOLOGYPeriod Calendar / Tracker for Grownup adopts an improvedStandardDays Method, which has a method failure rate of < 5%peryear.The symptoms-based methods has a method failure rate of 2%peryear. But users need to track basal body temperatures andcervicalmucus everyday at particular hour. And since irregularsleep caninterfere with the accuracy of basal body temperatures,women whosleep late at night may not be able to use thosemethods.
Music for Pregnancy Relaxation 1.4
Music for Pregnancy is a hand-picked collection of tracksforpregnant women.
Pregnancy App & Baby Tracker 4.34.0
Track baby’s development & growth week by week withBabyCenter’spregnancy app!