Top 17 Apps Similar to Ihsan - Prayer Times - Qibla

Azan MP3 1.2
Free Beautiful Best Azan App
Beautiful Azan Adhan download 2.2
If you want to enjoy the most beautifulandfascinating voices of muezzins in the islamic world, you havetodownload Adhan or Azan application of diverse places athanfrommecca (makkah ) or medina or al masjid al-haram, Adaan Saudi,ezanfrom Egypt, Al quds ( Jerusalem ) Athan.Adhan application is a simple and quick software that worksonAndroid’s phones and allows to its users to listen to thelatestmuazzins’s incredible voices and enjoy the beauty anddeepwordsEzan is a call for prayer (Salat) and by using this freeapplicationyou will never skip a prayer and you will practice thefive prayersat the right time and the right place.For over than 1400 Athan are called out by the muezzins inthemosque to all muslims to pray to Allah 5 times a day. And wearetrying to help you to achieve prayer discipline by collectingmorethan 30 different sounds of adhan mp3 which you can setasRingtones or SMS or wake up sound for Fajr and sobh Salat Alarmorreminder.By downloading this ADAN application, you will be allowedtoaccurate prayer times based on your location with multiplesettingsavailable and you will have the right to choose yourfavouritemuezzin and listen to whom you like .The prayer call in Arabic :.Allah'u Akbar .(twice)Allah'u Akbar.(twice)Ash'hado ana la illa ila Allah.(twice)Ash'hado ana Mohammad'n rasool Allah.(twice)Haiya al'a al salah.(twice)Haiya al'a al falah.(twice)Allah'u Akbar.(twice)Ash'hado ana la illa ila Allah.(once)Translation :God is Great (twice)God is Great (twice)I testify that there is none worthy of worship exceptGod.(twice)I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.(twice)Come to prayer!(twice)Come to success.(twice)God is Great.(twice)There is none worthy of worship except God.(once)The most known muezzins :Muazinines: al Ghamidi, abd el basset abd essamad, Ali ibn Ahmadalmala, issam Boukhari, Sheesha, Mahmoud al Khalil, et RashedMisharyAlafasy Ibrahim al Arkani mansoor Az Zahrani Hamad alDeghrerimajed hamathani nous fait en sorte de rassembler tousceuxmuadinine partir chaque coin de la Wold islamique:Arabie,algérienne, égyptienne, Sudani, irakienne, marocaine,yéménite,syrienne, Tunisiann somalienne, Émirats unis,Jamahiriya,jordaniens, palestiniens, mauitanian, Koweït, omanin,quatari,Bahreïn
Islamic Prayer(Time & Sura) 1.0.7
Muslim Prayer :Islamic Prayer Guide is an application from which you canlearnbasic guide line of Islamic prayer or Salat and associatedrules.From this application you will get--- Brief description of pillars of Islam--- 13 small Suras of Holly AL-QURAN--- English and Bengali translation of each Sura versebyverse---- Word by word meaning of every verse---- English and Bengali audio of Suras---- Pictured description of Salat steps---- All Tasbeeh, Dorud and Dua which are needed in Salat---- Each includes Arabic text, English transliterationandtranslation---- Generalized Salat time---- Rules of Wudhu (ablution)--- Some Dua mentioned in AL-QURAN.The application is designed with very lucrative UI.When you tap on play button, for first time audio willbedownloaded from server and stored in your sd card. Next timeaudiowill be played fro sd card. So for first time have patiencetodownload verse audio and translation audio. Keep enjoying theIslamand Salat is most attractive part of Islam. Learn and apply itwelland ensure your place in Jannah.
تعليم الأطفال الوضوء و الصلاة 10.2
An application for the child designed in the manner ofeducationwith gamification to learn how to perform ablution andprayer
Namaz 2.0
Kelime-i şehadet’den sonra,İslam’ın birinci ve en büyüktemelinamazdır.Namaz Müslümanlara has bir ibadettir.Diğeribadetlerinmakbuliyeti ve ihlası buna bağlıdır.Kişi farz olannamazı edaetmedikçe kulluğunda samimiyetten uzaktır.HayriBaba(r.a),ŞeyhiHacı Muhammed Baba(r.a) hazretlerine:“Bana namazıöğretirmisiniz?”demesi üzerine üzerine şu cevabıalır:“-Evlad!Evvelahakiki abdest al.Dışını su ile,içini tevbe iletemizle.Sonraseccadene var.Kabe’yi iki kaşınınarasında,Azrail(a.s)’ıarkanda,cenneti sağ yanında,cehennemi solyanında,sırat köprüsünüayağının altında diye düşün.Gönlünü heptenHakk’a ver ve hakkıbil.Azametle tekbir al.Korku ile otur.HeybetleKur’an oku.Tazarruile rüku eyle.Tevazu ile secde kıl.Zarılıklatahiyyata otur.Allah’ısevgiyle selamla ki,İnşallah namazın kabulolur.” Allahu Teala(c.c)buyuruyor ki:“Kitaptan sana vahyedilmişolanı tilavet et ve namazıdosdoğru kıl.Şüphe yok kinamaz,hayasızlıktan ve yaramaz şeylerdennehyeder.Ve elbetteki,Allah’ı zikir en büyüktür.Ve Allah ne yaparolduğunuzubilir.(Ankebut suresi-ayet 45).”Rasulullah(s.a.v)Efendimiz buyurduki:“Allah(c.c) beş vakit namazıfarz kıldı.Kim bunların abdestinigüzelce alırsa,onları vaktindekılarsa,rüku ve secdelerini eksiksizyapar ve tam manasıyla kalbininamaza verirse,Allah(c.c) onuaffedeceğine söz vermiştir.Bunlarıyapmayana ise Allah’ın verilmişbir sözü yoktur.İsterse onuaffeder,isterse azab eder.”Hz.Enes(r.a)anlatıyor:“Rasulullah(s.a.v) miraca çıktığı gece,ellivakit namazfarz kılındı.Sonra bu azaltılarak beşe indirildi.Sonrada şöylehitap edildi:“Ey Muhammed!Artık nezdimde(hükümkesinleşmiştir) busöz değiştirilmez.Bu beş vakit(Rabbinin bir lutfuolarak onmisliyle kabul edilerek)senin için elli vakitsayılacaktır.”
Step By Step Salah - Namaz 5.5
Quran Reading
Useful App to learn proper way of offering Step by step SalahwithAzan Audio.
Salaah: Muslim Prayer 1.1
Salaah: Muslim Prayer - This is an eyecatchingeducationalapplication suitable for all walks of life. Itis aneasy step bystep guide according to the Quraan (Koran) andSunnah(Teachings ofProphet Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him) which hasbeenverified byprominent Ulema (Scholars) from around the world.TheApp usessimple to read and easy to understand instructions,alongwithcolourful illustrations of the actions of Salaah(Prayer).Theapplication is aimed at Muslims, Reverts andNon-Muslims aliketoLEARN and CORRECT their Salaah (Muslim Prayer),which is one ofthePillars of Islam. For those that are Not Muslim,this app willgiveyou a better understanding about what is prayedwhen Muslimsprayfive times daily. You may be one of those peoplethat mayhaveforgotten how to pray Salaah and you may feel ashamedofaskingsomeone – Well this app is for you!!! Thisapplicationincludes theessential acts of: Adhaan (Azan) – TheMuslim Call toPrayer Salaah(Namaz - Prayer) Ghusl (Bath) Wudhu(Wuzu - Ablution)Janazah(Funeral) prayer Salaatul Tasbeeh P.S. ThisApp is accordingto theHanafi School of thought – If you have anyqueries, thenpleasecontact your local Ulema (Scholars) & www.XploreIslam.comFor moreinfoabout the APP, please email [email protected]
Cara Shalat Sesuai Sunnah Nabi 1.0
cGet Studio
Rasulullah Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم telah bersabda:صَلُّوا كَمَارَأَيْتُمُونِيْ أُصَلِّيْ"Shalatlah kalian sebagaimana kalian melihat aku shalat." (HR.AlBukhari [Muslim dan Ahmad])Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:إِنَّ الرَّجُلَ لَيَنْصَرِفُ وَمَا كُتِبَ لَهُ إِلَّاعُشْرُصَلَاتِهِ تُسْعُهَا ثُمْنُهَا سُبْعُهَا سُدْسُهَاخُمْسُهَارُبْعُهَا ثُلُثُهَا نِصْفُهَا“Sesungguhnya ada seseorang yang benar-benar mengerjakanshalat,namun pahala shalat yang tercatat baginya hanyalahsepersepuluh(dari) shalatnya, sepersembilan, seperdelapan,sepetujuh,seperenam, seperlima, seperempat, sepertiga, danseperduanyasaja.”(Hasan, Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud, an-Nasa’i dan IbnuHibbandalam Shahihnya dengan riwayat senada. HN. 537)Rasululloh shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:‎إِنَّ أَوَّلَ مَا يُحَاسَبُ بِهِ الْعَبْدُ يَوْمَالْقِيَامَةِمِنْ عَمَلِهِ صَلَاتُهُ فَإِنْ صَلُحَتْ فَقَدْ أَفْلَحَوَأَنْجَحَوَإِنْ فَسَدَتْ فَقَدْ خَابَ وَخَسِرَ فَإِنْ انْتَقَصَمِنْفَرِيضَتِهِ شَيْءٌ قَالَ الرَّبُّ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ انْظُرُواهَلْلِعَبْدِي مِنْ تَطَوُّعٍ فَيُكَمَّلَ بِهَا مَا انْتَقَصَمِنْالْفَرِيضَةِ ثُمَّ يَكُونُ سَائِرُ عَمَلِهِ عَلَى ذَلِكَ“Sungguh amalan hamba yang pertama kali dihisab dariseoranghamba adalah sholatnya. Apabila bagus maka ia telahberuntung dansukses dan bila rusak maka ia telah rugi dan menyesal.Apabilakurang sedikit dari sholat wajibnya , maka Rabb Azza waJallaberfirman, ‘Lihatlah apakah hambaKu itu memiliki sholattathawwu’(sholat Sunnah). Lalu disempurnakan dengannya yang kurangdarisholat wajibnya tersebut, kemudian seluruh amalannyadiberlakukandemikian(HR at-Tirmidziy dan lain-lain; kemudian ia berkata bahwahaditsini; “Hadits Hasan Gharib”)Dari Abu ad-Darda’ dari Nabi shallallahu ‘alayhi wasallambersabda,أول سيئ يرفع من هذه الأمة الخشوع ، حتى لاترى فيها خا شعا“Perkara pertama yang diangkat dari umat ini adalah kekhusyu‘ansehingga kamu tidak melihat seorang pun yang khusyu’didalamnya.”(Diriwayatkan oleh ath-Thabrani dengan sanad hasan;Diriwayatkanpula oleh Ibnu Hibban dalam Shahihnya di akhir haditssecara mauqufkepada Syaddad bin Aus.)Marilah kita senantiasa menegakan shalat 5 waktudanshalat-shalat sunnah lainnya sesuai dengan tata cara /petunjukNabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. semoga bermanfaat..Shalatlah sebelum dishalatiProphetMuhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم has said:صلوا كمارأيتموني أصلي: "Pray you as you see me pray." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari[Muslimand Ahmad])Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:إن الرجل لينصرف وما كتب له إلا عشر صلاته تسعها ثمنها سبعهاسدسهاخمسها ربعها ثلثها نصفها"Surely there is someone who truly pray, but the reward ofprayeris recorded for him is just a tenth (of) prayers, ninth,eighth,sepetujuh, sixth, fifth, a quarter, a third, and Halfofcourse."(Hasan, narrated by Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i and Ibn HibbaninShahihnya with history matching. HN. 537)Rasululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:إن أول ما يحاسب به العبد يوم القيامة من عمله صلاته فإن صلحتفقدأفلح وأنجح وإن فسدت فقد خاب وخسر فإن انتقص من فريضته شيء قالالربعز وجل انظروا هل لعبدي من تطوع فيكمل بها ما انتقص من الفريضةثميكون سائر عمله على ذلك"It's the first practice servant of a slave is judged prayer.Ifgood, then he has got lucky and successful and if broken thenithas been loss and regret. When lacking a bit of obligatoryprayers,the Lord Almighty says, 'See if My servant has a prayerthattathawwu' (Sunnah prayers). Then refined with less thantheobligatory prayer, then all such deeds enacted(Reported by at-Tirmidziy etc.; later he said that thishadith:"Hadith Hasan Gharib")Abu ad-Darda 'of the Prophet sallallaahu' alayhi wasallamsaid,أول سيئ يرفع من هذه الأمة الخشوع, حتى لاترى فيها خا شعا"The case first raised from this race is kekhusyu 'early sothatyou do not see anyone humility in it."(Narrated by ath-Thabrani with hasan isnaad; also narrated byIbnHibban in Shahihnya at the end of the hadith is mauquf toShaddadbin Aus.)Let us always pray 5 times uphold and other sunnah prayersinaccordance with the procedures / instructions theProphetsallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. may be useful ..Shalatlah before be prayed
Mumti Dua 1
Talking Slides and Quizzes to teach a collections ofDua(supplications) +extras
Намаз. Пошаговое руководство.
Education Muslim prayer. Text in Arabic, transcriptionandtranslation.
الصلاةُ 1
يتناول مسائل من فقه االصلاة، مقرونة بأدلتها من القران، والسنة،والاجماع
Quran tutor 2.9.24
Eqra Tech
Using Speech Recognition we will judge your quran recitationandpronunciation
Five Pillars of Islam 2020 1.3
Quran Reading
The Smartphone application of Five Pillars of Islam is a musthaveeducational mobile tool for all the Muslims as it consistsofnecessary information about all 5 Components of Islam,i.e.Shahadah (Completion of Faith), Salah (Daily Prayers),Zakat(Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (Pilgrimage). Features:Some ofthe most distinguished features of this mobile phone app aregivenbelow: • Nice display of the text as well as overalluserinterface. • Swiping option is present within eachDescriptionmaking it easy to scroll through all detaileffortlessly. •Complete detail about every Islamic Pillar leadingto user`scomprehensive know-how about them. • Share choice helps inlettingsothers get familiar with this highly useful app utilizingdifferentonline distribution platforms. Categories: The informationin thismobile app is divided into 5 groups which are actually the5Pillars of Islam: 1. Shahadah The very first Pillar is thatofaccomplishment of Religious Conviction which is explained inthissection. Components (Believing in One God and ProphetMuhammadPBUH) and Conditions (Certainty, Acceptance and Submissionetc.) ofShahadah are adequately described here. 2. SalahInformation likeTypes of Salah (Fard, Wajib and Sunnah etc.),Qibla,Pre-requisites, Makrooh Things, Doubts and Valid Doubts,DressRequirements and Requisites of offering Namaz are explained inthissegment. 3. Zakat Here, User comes to know about all thenecessarythings about Charity in Islam like Entitlement ofReceiving andGiving, Obligatory Requirements to be fulfilled andConcept ofNisab (Minimum amount to be paid). 4. Sawm In thissegment, the appconsumer is informed concerning essential mattersrelated toFasting such as its Types, Things invalidating it,Conditions ofnon observance, Exempted Individuals and Kaffarah ofmissed Sawm.5. Hajj The fifth and last Constituent of Islam, i.e.Hajj issufficiently described in this division in terms ofitsPrerequisites, Preparation, Fundamental and Compulsory Actstoaccomplish, and Components of Pilgrimage. Get this free anduserfriendly Smartphone application of Five Pillars of Islam inorderto increase your knowledge regarding successful achievementofchief Islamic Obligations.
تعليم الصلاة و الوضوء
Prayer and ablution with sound and animation
Learn to Pray 1.0
AMC Apps
Let's Learn how to Pray
Daily Dua and Azkar mp3 4.3
Fajr INC
Muslim Daily Dua and Azkar mp3 containmorethan 40 Dhikr of the most famous imams in the muslim worldlike:dua sudais mp3, dua al afasy nad many Adkar from quran andsunnah(without internet 100% free).we also choosed very important and essential islamicsupplicationslike Duua qunoot and Duaas for marriage and iftar inEnglish andArabic.With this Islamic application 2015 for android you will enjoyandlisten to Free mp3 douaa for every muslim (صوتية ادعية) so youcanbe prepared for Ramadan 2015 / 1436.We also made sur to add multiple Doua for differentsituation:Dua for parents : parents are very important in islam even incoranyou will find that god made sur to tell us to take care ofourmother and father.Du'aa for protection: from the evil things or the bad eye orrokiacharia made by soudaisinvocation for help : from allah in many hard situation inthelifeNamaz for depression: who of us was not depressed in his lifeformany situations in this case the only thing to do is to ask godforhelp.Dua forgiveness: humans commit a lot of wrong and sins but Allahismerciful and will always forgive us no matter what wedowrong.Dua for travelling : travel safe and be protected byalmightygodDouaa after salah : after you pray to allah you can make ad3a2mostajab inshallahDuua iftar : make that dhikr in RamadanDua for Breaking the Fast (Iftar): after a long day of ramadhanmakeyour (Fasting -Siyam) mostajab.do3a for Sighting the Crescent MoonDua for Laila tul Qadr : the night of power the most spiritualnightand the most important night for muslimsEnding The Fast- Iftaar : siyam makbool bidini allahAzkar for ending the quran (khatm ul quran) : most muslims readallquran by the end of Ramadan this dhikr is for those whoendedRamadaan.Night Prayers (Tahajjujd)Douaa end of ramadanistikharasome imams :Al Sudais, Maher El Maaiqli ,Ali Jaber, hani Ar Rifai, AhmedAlAjmi, Cheikh Jebril, Mahmood Hedjaz, Ismail Menk, Hamza Tzortzis.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Make any Audio :Phone RingtoneSMS RingtoneNotification for Salah or Alarm----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Compatibility:This App was tested on different Smaetphones such as SamsungGalaxyS6, S5, S4, and Note 3 also S3, Google Nexus 5 and HTC One X,LGG3,
دليل و أذكار الصلاة 1
MEMs Arts
أذكار الصلاة و الأذكار بعد السلاممنالصلاةطريقة الوضوء الصحيحة , مع الشرح بالصورطريقة الصلاة الصحيحة عن الرسول1 - دعاء الاستفتاح2 - دعاء الركوع3 - دعاء الرفع من الركوع4 - دعاء السجود5 - دعاء الجلسة بين السجدتين6 - دعاء سجود التلاوة7 - التشهد8 - الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد التشهد9 - الدعاء بعد التشهد الأخير وقبل السلامتنبيه:لتتمكن من استعراض محتوى التطبيق تحتاج للاتصال بالانترنتلتحميلالمعلومات المطلوبه. مع العلم بان التطبيق مصمم لإستهلاك محدودللحفاظعلى باقة المعلومات