Top 6 Apps Similar to Red Cross J&K

Emergency First Aid/Treatment 5.5
Our best guide yet! Topics includeeverythingyou need from a complete mobile First Aid & Treatmentguide tohelp you act quickly and effectively. Also included arenotes forprofessional healthcare providers, international emergencynumbers,our CPR Clock™ to correctly pace CPR, videos, and lotsmore!¤¤ Offline Access ¤¤No signal bars? No Internet? No problem, this app will alwaysbeready when you need it. Our guide runs local on your phone, soyouwill always have a super fast local reference to DOZENS ofmedicalemergencies to help you handle almost ANY emergencyquickly,correctly and safely - whenever and wherever you needit.¤¤ Trusted ¤¤With in-house medical staff, close cooperation with AmericanHeartAssociation and Red Cross and millions of hard-copy guidesinprint, we've been delivering concise, accurate and effectiveFirstAid content for over 30 years! This guide is now alsorecommendedby American CPR Training™ & also!¤¤ Only the Content You Need ¤¤Unlike other guides that are incomplete, hard to read, runonlythrough a web site or, just plain overload us with far toomuchinformation on obscure injuries and ailments, this guideisfocussed on one thing only: ensuring you can deal withcommonemergencies quickly, safely and effectively.¤¤ Emergency Medical Services ¤¤This guide is not meant to replace EMS personnel but willcertainlyenable you to help victims until professional help arriveson thescene.Topics include:• Emergencies: What to Do• Fear and Panic• Choking - Adult• Choking - Child• Choking - Infant• CPR - Unresponsive Adult• CPR - Unresponsive Child• CPR - Unresponsive Infant• Airway / Breathing / Rescue breaths• Defibrillators / AED• CPR Summary• Bleeding, Bruises, Internal Bleeding• Nosebleeds• Heart Attack / Stroke• Asthma Attack• Burns – First, Second & Third Degree• Burns – Electrical• Burns – Chemical• Shock – Anaphylactic (Allergies)• Shock• Fractures & Sprains• Splinting• Back/Neck Injuries• Head Injuries / Concussion• Achilles Tendinitis / Ruptures• Poisoning• Calling Poison Control• Eyes Injuries• Convulsions / Seizures• Diabetic Emergencies• Fainting• Heat Cramp• Heat Exhaustion / Stroke• Cold Emergencies• Frostbite• Bites & Stings - Insects / Bees• Bites & Stings - Spider / Marine• Bites & Stings - Snake / Animal• Fever / Body Temperatures / Chart• Dental Injuries• Drowning• Emergency Births• Emergency Births - What to Do• Emergency Births - Delivery• Emergency Births - After Birth• Crash Scene Procedures• Crush Injuiries• Knife Wounds• Gunshot Wounds• First Aid Kit - Essential Items• International Emergency Dialler• Making Emergency Calls Overseas• Overseas Travel Tips• CPR Clock• Buy Medical Products at a Discount• Safety Video ChannelLike all our 'phoneflips', this lightweight reference guide hasNOAdverts, NO In-App Purchases, never needs an internetconnectionand won't take up much space on your iPhone or iPad.Portrait &Landscape mode supported.¤¤ Warranty ¤¤This app requests certain permissions to install. Please notethisapp WILL NEVER access private data, make a phone call, sendamessage or access any internet site without first askingyourpermission to do so.¤¤ SD Card Support ¤¤ Copy your app to your SD Card with App2SD¤¤ License ¤¤This app is licensed to run only on one device. Googlelicensingwill always complain if you try to run the app on morethan 1device. Google will verify your licence the first time yourun theapp. Google licensing happens once-off only.
Advanced First Responder 6.1.2
The Redi-Videos Advanced First Responder app isacompleteaudio/video first aid training course in English,French,German,Spanish and Chinese, instructed and demonstratedbycertified RedCross instructors and displayed on your mobiledevice.The coursecontains all material from standard certifiedfirst aidcourses,plus advanced techniques including: • TractionSplints •K.E.D •HAINES Roll • Helmet Removal • Standing Take DownTheAdvancedFirst responder application is divided into two section:3.TheComplete Training Course 4. The Perform First Aidsectionthatallows you to access the techniques quickly in caseofemergency.As a first aid professional or trainer, thisapplicationoffers youinstant access to the techniques required foryourtraining. Italso has the following benefits: • Can be replayedasmany times asnecessary for you to understand the contentinpreparation fortaking a certified course. • As regulationsandtechniques change,this application will be updated and you willbeemailed so you candownload the new content free of charge. •Lesserneed to carryaround bulky manuals or training material, orrememberwhere theyare stored. • Your phone offers a built in lightsource,so you canreference the information in the dark or poorlylitareas. Aboutus: RediVideos began as C.M.S Industries in1987,manufacturing alltypes of emergency products for the NorthAmericanmarket. About 10years ago we began filming emergencytrainingprocedures andprovided access to the content for customersthat hadpurchased oneor more of our products. The purpose was toallow themto learn,utilizing both written instructions as wellasvisualization.Visualization reinforces cognition of the topic inaway thatsimply reading isn’t able to accomplish. The videoaccessprovidedwith our kits was a success and as demand formobileprograms begangrowing we moved on to tablet andsmartphoneplatforms, as well aspc and laptops. Redivideos alsoofferscomplete WHIMIS andWatercraft safety applications. Please seeourother apps in theApp Store.
Ελληνικός Ερυθρός Σταυρός v2.0.3
Η Εφαρμογή Πρώτων Βοηθειών τουΤομέαΣαμαρειτών, Διασωστών και Ναυαγοσωστών του ΕλληνικούΕρυθρούΣταυρού, σου παρέχει άμεσα οπτικοακουστικές οδηγίες ώστεναδιαχειριστείς με ασφάλεια και αποτελεσματικά τα πιο κοινάεπείγονταπεριστατικά, σύμφωνα με τις διεθνείς κατευθυντήριεςοδηγίες πρώτωνβοηθειών και αναζωογόνησης της Διεθνούς ΟμοσπονδίαςΕρυθρού Σταυρούκαι Ερυθράς Ημισελήνου(IFRC).■ Απλές οπτικοακουστικές οδηγίες, βήμα προς βήμα, σεκαθοδηγούννα μάθεις και να αντιμετωπίζεις με ασφάλεια καθημερινάεπείγονταπεριστατικά.■ Πλήρως συμβατή εφαρμογή με τον Ευρωπαϊκό Αριθμό ΈκτακτηςΑνάγκης112, αλλά και με τους 3ψήφιους αριθμούς της ΕλληνικήςΑστυνομίας,της Πυροσβεστικής Υπηρεσίας, του Εθνικού Κέντρου ΆμεσηςΒοήθειας(ΕΚΑΒ) και του Λιμενικού Σώματος ώστε να μπορείς νακαλέσεις σεβοήθεια ανά πάσα στιγμή και χωρίς να εγκαταλείψειςτηνεφαρμογή.■ Βίντεο και κινούμενα σχέδια κάνουν τη μάθηση των πρώτωνβοηθειώνδιασκεδαστική, εύκολη και κατανοητή.■ Συμβουλέψου την εφαρμογή και προετοιμάσου αποτελεσματικά,σχεδόν,για κάθε περίπτωση ατυχήματος ή έκτακτης ανάγκης. Ακραίακαιρικάφαινόμενα, τροχαίο ατύχημα, σεισμό, ασφάλεια τροφίμων,ασφάλειακατοικίδιων, ασφάλεια στο νερό κ.α.■ Με προ-εγκατεστημένο περιεχόμενο στη συσκευή σου μπορείς ναέχειςάμεση πρόσβαση σε όλες τις πληροφορίες, ανά πάσα στιγμή, ακόμηκαιχωρίς σύνδεση στο Internet.■ Διαδραστικά τεστ σου επιτρέπουν να δοκιμάσεις τις γνώσεις σαςστιςπρώτες βοήθειες, να ξεκλειδώσεις τα ειδικά σήματα καινακοινοποιήσεις στους φίλους σου.■ Λειτουργία Cross Border - Παροχή χρήσιμων πληροφοριών καιάμεσηπρόσβαση στους εθνικούς τηλεφωνικούς αριθμούς έκτακτης ανάγκηςενώταξιδεύεις στο εξωτερικό.■ Μέσω της εφαρμογής μπορείς επίσης:να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί μας, να δηλώσεις συμμετοχή σε ένα απόταπιστοποιημένα σεμινάρια πρώτων βοηθειών του ΕλληνικούΕρυθρούΣταυρού, να υποστηρίξεις το έργο μας, αλλά και να μαςστείλεις τηδική σου ιστορία!The Application FirstAidSector Samaritans, Rescuers and Lifeguards of the Greek RedCross,provides you direct audiovisual instructions to manage safelyandefficiently the most common emergencies, in accordancewithinternational guidelines for first aid and resuscitation oftheInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentSocieties(IFRC).■ Simple audiovisual instructions, step by step, to guide andtolearn to face with daily safety emergencies.■ Fully compatible application with the European emergencynumber112, and the 3-digit numbers of the Greek Police, FireService, theNational Centre for Emergency (Ambulance) and the CoastGuard sothat you can call for help at any time and without toabandon theapplication.■ Videos and animations make learning first aid fun, easyandunderstandable.■ Consult the application and get ready efficiently almostanyaccident or emergency. Extreme weather, trafficaccident,earthquake, food safety, pet safety, water safetyetc.■ With pre-installed content on your device you can haveimmediateaccess to all information at all times, even without anInternetconnection.■ Interactive tests allow you to test your knowledge in firstaid,can unlock the specific signals and notifications toyourfriends.■ Operation Cross Border - Providing useful information anddirectaccess to the national emergency telephone numbers whiletravelingabroad.■ Through the application you can also:To contact us, to register in one of the certified first aidcoursesof Greek Red Cross can support our work, and to send usyour ownstory!
First Aid Singapore Red Cross v2.0.3
Simple. Free. It can save a life. TheofficialSingapore Red Cross First Aid app gives you instant accessto theinformation you need to know to handle the most common firstaidemergencies. With videos, interactive quizzes andsimplestep-by-step advice it's never been easier to know firstaid.
Croiz-Rouge Togolaise v2.0.3
Simple. Gratuit. Peut sauver unevie.L’application officielle de Premiers Soins de la Croix Rougevousdonne un accès instantané aux informations dont vous avezbesoinpour gérer au mieux les situations d’urgences les pluscourantes.Cette application inclue des infos pour se prémunir etréagircontre le virus Ebola. Avec des vidéos, des jeux interactifset desconseils qui vous guident pas-à-pas, il n’a jamais été aussifaciled’apprendre les techniques de Premiers Secours.• Des instructions faciles vous guident pas-à-pas au traversdesituations courantes de premiers secours.• Apprenez à vous prémunir et réagir face aux urgences et auvirusEbola.• Des vidéos et des animations permettent un apprentissageamusantet facile des techniques de premiers soins• Des conseils de sécurités vous aident à vous préparer pourtoutesituation d’urgence, des tempêtes de neiges en passant parlesouragans, les tremblements de terre et les tornades.• Le contenu déjà programmé vous permet d’accéder immédiatementàtoutes les infos d’urgences, même sans connections ouréceptioninternet• Des tests interactifs vous permettent d’accumuler des badgesquevous pouvez partager avec vos amis leur montrant vosconnaissancesdes techniques de soins d’urgence.Simple. Free. Can savealife. The official application of the Red Cross First Caregivesyou instant access to the information you need to best managethemost common emergency situations. This applicationincludesinformation and react to guard against Ebola. Withvideos,interactive games and tips that step-by-step guide you, it'sneverbeen easier to learn First Aid techniques.• Easy step-by-step guide you through common firstaidsituations.• Learn how to protect yourself and respond to emergencies andtheEbola virus.• Videos and animations allow a fun and easy learning firstaidtechniques• The safety tips to help you prepare for any emergency, snowstormsthrough hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes.• The already programmed content gives you access immediately toallemergency information, even without Internet connectionsorreceive• Interactive tests allow you to earn badges that you can sharewithyour friends showing them your knowledge of emergencycaretechniques.
First Aid Training 3.0
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