Top 7 Games Similar to Chipper's Challenge

JezzBall Classic Lite
This is the 'lite' version of JezzBallClassic.If you like it please consider getting the full version.:)--JezzBall Classic was created to be just like how theoriginalJezzBall was 25 years ago! The graphics, the sound, thescoring,the physics, the tempo... they are all the same as theywere in theoriginal. Of course there are improvements as well; forexamplethere's a much higher frame rate and fixed glitches. Plus alot ofbonus stuff, such as new game modes!Gameplay:In JezzBall there are a number of Jezz atoms that bouncesaround.Your task is to build walls that contain them in as smallspace aspossible. When over 75% of the playarea is built upon thecurrentlevel is completed and you move on to the next where anotherJezzatom is added into play.Press down to place the origin of the wall, move to determinetheorientation of the wall and release to actually start buildingit.The wall is constructed in two directions from the center, ifawall-half is hit by a Jezz atom before it has reached analreadyexisting wall it is destroyed and you lose a life.Features:+ The original JezzBall experience! Into the very last detail;ifyou came looking for the JezzBall you remember you will notbedisappointed!+ Four profiles (one reserved for guests) with theirconfigurationsstored separately.+ 700 beautiful background images (real life photos). Go tothe"Graphics" config screen to enable it. Will place a randomimageinto the black walls each level.+ 8 music tracks of classic MIDI tunes you'll probably remember!Allrecorded using SoundBlaster 16. You can set up to 24 musicaudioevents if you want to.+ 60 fully customizable SFX audio events - change which sample(s)toplay or change individual volumes. A pool of 300 soundsareavailable from various old games.+ Automatic saving of all games in progress. Stop andcontinuewhenever you want to!+ Local high score lists. In the Hall of Fame your name willlastforever and on the three other lists you will see the daily,weeklyand monthly high scores.+ Level records. All your best statistics are saved on eachandevery level you complete. Profile records are comparable.+ Smart and very customizable controls. If you have atouchscreenyou can play using your fingers.+ 83 mods that once activated changes how the game is played!Usenone or pick one/several at the same time in any order. Highscoresand level records are stored separately for each combination.Somemods will just change the amount of time/lives you have whileotherwill drastically change gameplay (allow you to use twowallbuildersat the same time for example).+ 22 preset mod-combinations are provided in addition totheoriginal JezzBall experience to give you variation.+ 100 rooms that will stimulate your intellect as well asyourability to time your deployments! Can you solve them?+ There are also missions available to inspire you to breakyourpersonal bests. Completing them all is an achievement!JezzBall may not be near as well-known as the biggest arcadepuzzlegames but it stands its ground as one of the most addictingonesand I promise you will find JezzBall Classic both challengingandenjoyable.+ Do you wish to try the game before you buy it? There is aliteversion available!+ The game is also available for PC on if you'dliketo play with a mouse.Good luck containing those Jezz atoms!(About the Internet permission: JezzBall Classic does notactuallyuse Internet at all, the permission is only there becauseit'srequired when using the Adobe AIR engine.)
Chuck's Challenge 3D Ultra2016
As featured in TegraZone and enriched fortheNVIDIA SHIELD.-- Minimum Specification --At least 1Gb RAM & 175Mb of storage is required to playthishigh-end Android game.From the design veteran behind the classic game Chip'sChallenge,comes Chuck’s Challenge 3D, a fiendishly addictivepuzzler that’spacked with features that will tease the brain andchallenge thefingers. It also comes with a level editor that letsyou upload andshare your levels for everyone to play and rate, allfrom withinthe game.Chuck’s Challenge 3D includes four different game modes:• PLAY – through 150 levels, with your best timespublishedonline• CREATE – your own levels with over 85+ Game Elements &sharethem with the world• SEARCH – download levels created by other players• WEEKLY PUZZLE – play the best user created level of theweekMeet Woop, just your everyday puzzle lovin’ purple alien capableofaltering time and space. Woop has summoned all-round puzzlegamelegend Chuck Sommerville for one purpose - to create a universeofpuzzles for him to work his way out of. Take control of Woopandhelp him navigate his way through level after level ofobstaclesand challenges that stand between him and reaching theexit portal.Shift blocks, find keys, flip switches, wade throughwater,hot-foot it through lava and do everything it takes to makeit outin one piece and evade an army of hungry creatures who wantnothingmore than to turn our purple hero into a nice ‘n tastyWoopSandwich.CONTROLLER SUPPORTChuck's Challenge 3D supports TV remotes, touchscreen and HID,PS3& XBox 360 controllers.For optimal performance, we recommend re-booting your deviceafterdownloading & playing Chuck's Challenge 3D for the firsttimeand that your device has at least 1Gb of RAM.Designed for NVIDIA SHIELD.
Excit 1.13
Escape the spreadsheet chaos! Versatile puzzler with great levels.
Einstein Challenge Full 2.7
Improve your brain and have a lot of funbyaccepting Einstein's Challenge!This is not a single game, but 5 different games in one app.Allcan be played in various difficulty setting and game modes,givingyou hours of good time. And best of all: time spent on thisgamewill activate your brain, enhance your visual memory andimproveyour concentration skills.Different games inside this app are designed to train yourmindif different dimensions:* Memory Test is designed to train your short-term memory,visualmemory and concentration. Mastering these skills is crucialforlearning new things as well as in everyday life activity.* Perception Test is designed to train your skills infinding,detecting and spotting. These skills are very important inyourreal life choices, when you need to quickly findbestsolution.* Math Skills Test is designed to train your mastery withnumbers.Einstein would never make his discoveries without theseskills.These skills are also very handy whenever you want to investmoney,take a loan or pay your taxes.* Color Skills Test is designed to improve your color memoryandimage processing skills. This test is quite different thantheothers and is suitable also for small kids that do not knowthenumbers.This application will analyze how good you are in allaboveskills and present it as comparison to Albert Einstein's brain(orwhat would be expected of him, given hisgenius-levelintelligence). You can even beat the Einstein result,if you aregood enough.Constant brain training is essential both for kidsminddevelopment and for keeping brain active and not aging foradults.This app is suitable for any gender, age and profession. Youcantrain every day and observe your progress by unlockingsubsequentachievements. There are many achievements to unlock, fordifferentgames and different difficulty levels. In time you willsee thatyour brain performance gradually improves.Buying this app might be the best investment you haveevermade!How to play:Einstein's Challenge consists of three tests, but you can alsotakeeach test separately. You might select one of threedifficultylevels before each game. On easy difficulty, tests areusuallyeasier, but number of points is decreased. On highdifficulty,there are additional obstacles that make it harder topass thetest. Number of point is increased however.There are also special game modes:* Quick game mode: Play until first mistake. This is a mode forbestplayers that want to achieve highest scores. Time for eachstage isshortened in this mode. You can get much more score inthismode.* Training mode: Play without time limit. You can decide byyourselfhow much time do you need for each stage, but you are notawardedany score for playing this mode.== Additional notes ===* This application does not need any permission to run.* No ads, no internet access, no meddling with your device oryourpersonal data.* Tons of achievements to unlock.* If you like this app, please give us 5 stars!
Chip Chain
"fun and addictive" "entertaining""wellcrafted, simple and fun" "love it, addicting" "Highlyenjoyable" "Ican't stop playing" "fantastic" "blend strategy,thinking fast, andplanning ahead" "Highly recommended!"We are very proud to be a Google Editor's Choice game for 2013and2014!Place and match 3 or more identical poker chips to earn amorevaluable chip, then chain together matches for huge bonuses!Playpower-up cards to make combos, extend chains, and maximizeyourscore. The dealer tosses chips to get in your way, but if youplaysmart and think ahead, you can turn the tables and use them toyouradvantage. Earn gems to spend on better chips, more powerfulcards,bigger hands, gem multipliers, and more!Chip Chain is FREE and features beautiful HD graphics! Each day,2of 4 unique modes will be featured for FREE! Earn or buy gemswhileplaying to unlock them all, FOREVER!TIMED - Time is running out: quickly place your chips beforeit’stoo late.SHORT – Do your best with 40 chips: place them with care andtakeyour time!LONG - Unlimited chips, but be careful not to stack yourself intoacorner.DAILY - Compete against friends to see who can rack up themostpoints using the same chips. A new board every day!Like us and Follow us!
Talking Joe Ostrich 230329
Talking Ostrich and a lot of great games
Challenging Timestable 2.3
Insanely addictive timestable game!