Tolan Apps

Einstein Challenge Full 2.7
Improve your brain and have a lot of fun byaccepting Einstein's Challenge!This is not a single game, but 5 different games in one app. Allcan be played in various difficulty setting and game modes, givingyou hours of good time. And best of all: time spent on this gamewill activate your brain, enhance your visual memory and improveyour concentration skills.Different games inside this app are designed to train your mindif different dimensions:* Memory Test is designed to train your short-term memory, visualmemory and concentration. Mastering these skills is crucial forlearning new things as well as in everyday life activity.* Perception Test is designed to train your skills in finding,detecting and spotting. These skills are very important in yourreal life choices, when you need to quickly find bestsolution.* Math Skills Test is designed to train your mastery with numbers.Einstein would never make his discoveries without these skills.These skills are also very handy whenever you want to invest money,take a loan or pay your taxes.* Color Skills Test is designed to improve your color memory andimage processing skills. This test is quite different than theothers and is suitable also for small kids that do not know thenumbers.This application will analyze how good you are in all aboveskills and present it as comparison to Albert Einstein's brain (orwhat would be expected of him, given his genius-levelintelligence). You can even beat the Einstein result, if you aregood enough.Constant brain training is essential both for kids minddevelopment and for keeping brain active and not aging for adults.This app is suitable for any gender, age and profession. You cantrain every day and observe your progress by unlocking subsequentachievements. There are many achievements to unlock, for differentgames and different difficulty levels. In time you will see thatyour brain performance gradually improves.Buying this app might be the best investment you have evermade!How to play:Einstein's Challenge consists of three tests, but you can also takeeach test separately. You might select one of three difficultylevels before each game. On easy difficulty, tests are usuallyeasier, but number of points is decreased. On high difficulty,there are additional obstacles that make it harder to pass thetest. Number of point is increased however.There are also special game modes:* Quick game mode: Play until first mistake. This is a mode forbest players that want to achieve highest scores. Time for eachstage is shortened in this mode. You can get much more score inthis mode.* Training mode: Play without time limit. You can decide byyourself how much time do you need for each stage, but you are notawarded any score for playing this mode.== Additional notes ===* This application does not need any permission to run.* No ads, no internet access, no meddling with your device or yourpersonal data.* Tons of achievements to unlock.* If you like this app, please give us 5 stars!
Free Mind Game 3.0
Play Free Mind Game and quickly improve yourbrain capabilities!This simple app is based on exercise designed to increasechildren IQ, but it works also on adults. It activates new parts ofyour brain and sharpens your memory. It does not require any skillsand everyone can play it easily. This app is suitable for anygender, age and profession.After each play you will see evaluation result of your mentalcapabilities. You can discard these result or save it for futurecomparison. You can compete with your friends and family, who isable to get better result. You can also see your progress in timeand unlock many challenging achievements during the game.How to play:Free Mind Game is played in rounds. In each round the game willbriefly show you several circles with different colors. After abouta second the circles will disappear and you will be asked how manycircles with selected color there were. If you answer correctly,you will advance to next round with more circles. If you make amistake, next time the number of circles remain the same or will bedecreased. You will have 3 attempts. After third mistake game willfinish and your result will be presented.There are 3 difficulty levels in this game: easy (one color),medium (two colors) and hard (3 colors). Higher difficulty levelsgive you higher score. There are also three game modes: normal,quick and training mode. In quick mode, you play until firstmistake, and circles are shown for a shorter time. This mode givesyou highest scores. In training mode the circles are shown as longas you want, so you can test how many of them you can remember.There are no scores given in this mode.==== CALLER ID ====Caller ID helps you identify numbers real-time while the call ishappening - even the ones not in your phonebook. No more numberguessing or avoiding unknown callers – Caller ID prepares you forthe call. If your local pizza vendor doesn’t pick up the phone whenyou’re calling, Caller ID will suggest alternative nearby places.You can always adjust your caller ID settings in the settingsmenu.==== Additional notes:* In order to unlock "Savant" mode, you have to have wholescoreboard filled with results over 100.* There are hidden achievements in the game. You need to discoverhow to unlock them.* In progress chart, scores worse than half of best previous scoreare not displayed.* If you want more tests, more achievements and more fun, we inviteyou to try Einstein's Challenge Full game(* Menu icons for this game were provided by VisualPharm ( ). Check out theirawesome work!
Brain Drop - Unlock the Potential of your IQ 0.0.1
Do you wonder how smart are you? Can you improve your IQ ormakeyour brain more agile? You may already know that yourintelligenceor mental skills are not a fixed IQ number, but ratheran abilitythat may vary from day to day. There are some momentswhen you areat your peak performance and flow and other when youexperience adrop of your cognitive skills or a creative block. Thekey tosuccess is to understand what factors may influenceyourconcentration. Can you escape your own weakness? I’d like toofferyou a puzzle that can help you understand different ways yourbrainworks, in what circumstances you can achieve the flow and whenitis better to take it easy. Your mental agility, focus andreactionspeed can depend on many factors like the quality of yoursleep,distractions or even your blood sugar level. With this braingameyou can test your attention span, better understand yourselfand beable to train your cognitive skills in a smarter way. How toplay:You will see a simple question - for example “Is it truethat1+1=2?”. Your goal is to push the “true” button if the sentenceofthe screen is right - or “false” otherwise. The challenge isthatyou will start with only 2 seconds for every answer andthattimespan will drop gradually until the task becomes impossible.Youcan try to beat your own record everyday and see how yourreactionspeed improves. This game will challenge your brain onseveralways: - endurance - how long can you stay focused on fairlysimpletask with one bit of information to hold on your memory -deepfocus - how long you can keep your brain sharp if your taskswillbe a bit harder and requiers to keep two bits of information atthesame time - simultaneous interpretation training - that isthehardest quiz that makes you keep several bits of informationinyour short memory while making some additional calculations onthemat the same time. You can read more on this type of experimentsinfamous book “Thinking Fast and Slow”. I recommend you to trythispuzzle game in a three ways: As a cognitive skill test. Try tobeatyour record in different moments of your day and in varietyofcircumstances. Record as many information on what couldinfluenceyour score - for example if you are tired, hungry or understress.See if you achieve better results in the morning or maybelate atnight. Try to see the pattern when you achieve the bestresults andthen improve with use of that knowledge. As a writingblockbreaker. It is proven that playing games that requiredmaximumattention improves the blood flow and oxygen delivery tothefrontal cortex area of your brain. This kind of challengeworkslike a short sprint that creates an impulse to action. If youfeelthat you stuck on certain problem or you cannot move forwardagreat novel you are writing - playing this game can push youtoaction. As a regular training. Playing regularly works likefitnessfor your brain. It will help you prevent cognitiveperformance dropdue to aging, elevate your sharpness and ability tolearn and evencan unblock your hidden potential in with seeminglyunrelatedskills like self control or stress management. Oneadditional use:You can play it just for fun. You can approach thisapp in moresimple ways - as a way to make prank or trick yourfriends thatthis is a moron test. It can be fun to bring yourfriends a feverwhen at some point they will fail to answer thesimplest questions.Remember though that from trying to be brilliantmuch moreimportant is to make best of what you already have.