Top 2 Apps Similar to Total Body Health & Fitness

BodyTruth Health Calculator 1.0
BodyTruth interactive healthcalculatorhelpsyou to determine the actual Truth of yourbody/health fitness,thisapp provides 16 components to determineyour health/bodystatuswith a few convenient measurements. This appis carefullydesignedto satisfy the accepted medical formulas oralgorithms.This appcan be use by both men and women of age 18-65years.-Body Mass Index. Body Mass Index helps to measureweightwhetherit is over-weight, under-weight or obese.-Body Fat Calculator. Body Fat calculator tells uspercentageofweight which made up of fat.-Carbohydrate Needs. Carbohydrate calculator indicatesamountofcarbohydrates require for body each day.-Protein Needs. Protein Needs calculator indicates amountofproteinsrequire for body each day.-Body Frame Size. Body Frame size can help you to determinetheframeof your body whether it is Large Frame, Small FrameorMediumFrame.-Target Heart Rate. The optimum heart rate at which youshoulddophysical activities.-Breath Rate Respiration. Breath Rate Respirationgivesanapproximate number of breath Count Since Date of Birth-Resting Metabolic Rate. Resting Metabolic Rate counts theamountsofenergy used by the human body in a relaxed state.-Blood Donation Eligibility. To ensure the safety ofblooddonationfor both donors and recipients, blood donors mustbeevaluated todetermine their eligibility to give blood.-Ovulation Estimator. Women can calculate the time ofovulationanddetermine the most fertile period.-Due Date Estimator. Women can calculate their baby'sestimatedduedate.-Smoking Cost. Real-time stats on your spending money todestroyyourhealth.-Body Surface Area. BSA is a better indicator of metabolicmassthanbody weight because it is less affected byabnormaladiposemass.and more components..Health/Body/Nutritional information is availablethroughhealthfeeds.Features »• Easy interactive calculators.• Can save records for future reference.• Informative.• Health feeds.• Health Tips.
Healthy Recipes: Lose Weight 1.2.2
Burn your belly fat now! The Mysterious Recipes to loseWeightwithout workout.