Top 3 Apps Similar to HMY Halo

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X-halo Home 2.11
X-halo is a revolution in home asthma management.
Halo Sport 2.2.37
The Halo Sport app controls the Halo Sport headset, which isawearable neurostimulator that accelerates improvements inskill,power, and endurance when paired with training. Halo Sportworks bystimulating the motor cortex of the brain duringtraining,resulting in stronger, more optimized signaling betweenthe brainand muscles. Every day, thousands of athletes, musicians,gamers,military professionals, and others train with Halo Sport tomorerapidly develop muscle memory. Learn more about Halo Sportbelow orvisit WHAT IS NEUROPRIMING With the HaloSport app,users can choose from three different Neuroprimingsessions: (1)Legs, Core, & Arms, (2) Hand & Fingers - RightEmphasis,and (3) Hand & Fingers - Left Emphasis. According totheselected session, Halo Sport’s foam Primers electricallystimulatespecific areas of the motor cortex to induce a temporarystate ofhyperplasticity. Pairing the resulting hyperplastic brainstatewith training reps leads to more more precise, coordinated,andexplosive movement — whichever is the focus of the user’straining.You can read more about WHO IS USING HALO SPORTInprofessional sports, teams and athletes from the NBA, NFL, NHL,MLBand Olympics are all using Halo Sport to improve athleticism.Forexample, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with theU.S.Olympic Ski Team found that ski jumpers who trained with HaloSportincreased propulsive force by an additional 13% and jumpsmoothnessby an additional 11% over the control group after tenconsecutivetraining days. You can see more examples of athletes andmusicianstraining with Halo Sport THESCIENCE BEHIND HALO SPORT Theunderlying science behind Halo Sportis called transcranial directcurrent stimulation (“tDCS”). tDCS isbacked by more than a decadeof neuroscience research—3,000peer-reviewed articles covering over105,000 sessions speak to thetechnology’s safety and efficacy. Inaddition, Halo Neuroscience’steam of doctors, scientists, andengineers built Halo Sportaccording to medical-gradespecifications, and successfully testedthe device on more than1,400 volunteers. Read more about thescience of tDCS HOW TO USE HALO SPORT Forbest results, useHalo Sport during a 20-minute warm-up prior tofocused,movement-based training. Simply saturate the Primers withwater, puton Halo Sport like any other pair of headphones, and usethe HaloSport app to initiate a 20-minute Neuropriming session.After the20-minute session ends, take off the headset (or leave iton tolisten to music) and continue training. Your brain remains inahyperplastic state for 60 minutes—use this time toperformhigh-quality, high-intensity reps.