Top 15 Apps Similar to Apuk (Aplikasi Usia Kehamilan)

Kalender Kehamilan 1.0
Aplikasi Untuk Menghitung Hari PerkiraanLahirdan Usia JaninApplicationForCalculating Estimated Birth Day and Age Fetus
Masa Subur & Kehamilan Sehat 2.00
dr. Adi Sp.OG
Ovulation Calculator, Calendar pregnancy, ultrasound 3D development
Kalkulator Kehamilan 1.0.1
Kalkulator Kehamilan ini khusus untuk menghitung usiakehamilanmemberikan gambaran dari perhitungan standar dalammenentukan usiakehamilan. Kalkulator Kehamilan ini juga dilengkapidengan carapenggunaannya.Thisparticular Pregnancy Calculator to calculate gestational agegivesan overview of the standard calculation in determininggestationalage. Pregnancy calculator is also equipped with itsuse.
Panduan Kehamilan 1.3
Matoa Dev
Applications alloys pregnancy for the mothers
Music for Pregnancy Relaxation 1.4
Music for Pregnancy is a hand-picked collection of tracksforpregnant women.
Track Pregnancy week by week: 6.61
Pregnancy due date calculator, pregnancy calendar and much more!
Pregnancy Tracker Free
Pregnancy time is the most important timewhichwe should give extra care and safety. Better care to the bodywillgive a good and perfect health to child. Sometimes we are notableto give much care. Pregnancy care is a completely free appwhichhelps pregnant women's to know about their pregnancy progressandother changes that occur in the body.App Features1. Detailed pregnancy trimester calendar1.1 General pregnancy calendar1.2 Personalized pregnancy calendar2. Pregnancy weight gain calculator3. Conception Calculator4. Ovulation calculator5. Due date calculator(Considering last day of firstmenstrualperiod)6. Pregnancy workoutsThis free app will be the best companion for pregnancywomen.Pregnancy care includes pregnancy calendar, weight gaincalculator,conception calculator, due date calculator etc.The calendar integrated in the app helps women's to know aboutthebaby's growth, current baby's information, baby's health ,whatfood want to eat and what not to eat, tablets which helpsbaby'sgrowth etc. We have a wide information on each week. Theweight ofpregnant women should be different in each week. Everyoneis notaware about the weight gained in each week. So weightgaincalculator help pregnant women to know about the respectiveweightwhich should be gained. Due date calculator helps to knowabout thedelivery date. There are personalized and generalcalendar.Personified calendar helps to acquire the personalinformation andgeneral calendar helps to know about the generalinformation. Howmany days you're already pregnant, the currentapproximate size andweight of your baby and a few other importantbits of informationsuch as the date of the first prenatal visit,your body's weight,baby's weight etc . Pregnancy Guide is one ofthe best freepregnancy week by week guide. If you are a first timepregnant thenthis app will be your best personal trainer. This appguides youthrough pregnancy day-by-day and week-by-week. Based onyour duedate, you'll receive personalized information.Download the best pregnancy care : week by week app today !! Ababyis a god's gift and we should give a proper care from theinitialstage itself.
Mopeq - Mobile Pregnancy 1.4
Mopeq provides guidance for pregnant women and someone whocarethem.
4d Ultrasound, 3d and 2d 5.0.0
Ultrasound utility, benefits and usageHave you ever wondered about the usefulness, benefits orrisksofultrasound? If so, this app will find all theinformationavailableto it. An application that will help youunderstand yourutilitiesand applications in pregnancy and the risksthat mayexpose thefetus.La App tiene información sobre los distintos tiposdeecografía4d, 3d y 2d que indica las características decadauno.Obviously mostly directed to pregnant women and theirpartnerswhoare nervous about the state of your baby. But it isalso asuitableapplication for all those curious people who want toknowmore aboutthis world.What can make this application?- Knowledge: this app provides high knowledgeaboutprenataldiagnosis, but all explained in a fun andentertainingway.- Peace of mind: If you fear for the health of your babyorwhenperforming an ultrasound, this application will giveyoueveryreason to calm your concerns.- Fun: The way of explaining things is important, so in afunwayyou can interact and learn with the application.- Tips: It is normal doubts arise in pregnancy, sotheapplicationof great interest offers advice for pregnant womenandtheirpartners.Enjoy this beautiful path that has had to live withyourself,youhave to savor and enjoy. Fear not, you can immerseyourself inthiswonderful world with this application to 4dultrasound, 3dand2d.
Pregnancy Ultra Sound Prank 1.1
Are you looking for Pregnancy UltraSoundPrank? Trick your friends by this ultrasound scanner app byshowingthem that your phone has ultrasound scanning capability.This is acomplete fun gag free ultrasound app which will shock yourfriendsfor sure, the main thing is that you can trick yourgirlfriend thatshe is pregnant by showing her that your phone cando pregnancytest and you have ultrasound scanner installed in yourphone , doultrasound scanning in quick steps and show her that shegot apregnant ultrasound report!!Don’t show these ultrasound pranks in public you friends mightgetembarrassed. Let the fun begin with this ultrasound pregnancytest.count one more in your ultrasound app list with awesomepregnantscanner. Make an ultrasound with your mobile phone andwatch thebaby of your pregnant girlfriend! There is this app isjust a funapp, because it is technically not possible to ultrasoundwith aSmartphone.To use this just hold it to above their abdomen and movethisultrasound app over it and show them their kidneyultrasound,abdomen ultrasound etc , the main thing is that you cantrick yourgirlfriend that she is pregnant by showing her that yourphone cando pregnancy test and you have ultrasound scannerinstalled in yourphone , do ultrasound scanning in quick steps andshow her that shegot a pregnant ultrasound report !! Make anultrasound with yourmobile phone and watch the baby of yourpregnant girlfriend! Thereis this app is just a fun app, because itis technically notpossible to ultrasound with a Smartphone. Butthis didn’t know yourfriends, so you can trick them with this freeapp.How to use- Start the ultrasound app.- Select image for ultrasound result test or forultrasoundpranks.- Here comes the desired ultrasound scan test result.Disclaimer: This app is for fun and pranks only no Smartphonecando real ultrasound so please use this ultrasound app for funandprank only , no ultrasound scan image is real in this app!!
Pregnancy Disc
Pregnancy Disc, your journey begins here.Great baby tracker with when to expect date.The most extensive pregnancy tracker in the market.A pregnancy app for week by week baby tracking that allowsforcomprehensive tracking of your pregnancy. The applicationtracksimportant milestones in this wonderful journey you and yourpartnergo through. Information you can expect to have is when thebaby’sheart starts beating, when he or she will start sucking herthumb,and when she or he will start to turn in preparation forbirth.Also, great ultrasound 2D and 3D images allow you to impressthestages of your pregnancy.Unique features inside this application:* Pregnancy disc, also known as pregnancy wheel orgestationcalculator predicts the dates of your pregnancy, week byweek, thatway you'll know what the dates are in each pregnancy weekand viceversa. The disc enables you to plan accordingly yourmedicalappointments, flights, baby showers and so on.* 42 weeks information – the application provides a wealthofinformation about your pregnancy at your fingertips. Everythingyouneed to know prior to birth for you and your partner.* Great ultrasound 2D and 3D images.* Pregnancy glossary - An alphabetic list of basicpregnancyterms that are often used in doctor’s offices, patientleaflets andamong health care professionals.* Pregnancy Tips.* Baby Names.To use the pregnancy disc, simply provide one ofthefollowing:(i) The date of your last menstrual period,(ii) Your conception date(iii) The expected due date.For any question or app related issue, [email protected]
Kalkulator Kehamilan 2.1
Pregnancy calculator helps pregnant women
Proses Perkembangan Janin 1.0
Berikut ini akan kami ulastentangpertumbuhanjanin yang sehat selama kehamilan, dalam periodewaktu :Dalam periode waktu 1 - 40 Minggu.Masa kehamilan merupakan hal yang paling pentinguntukwanita,karena akan melahirkan keturunan keluarga yangmenjadidambaan.Untuk itu, diperlukan kesiapan baik fisik danmentaluntukmenghadapinya, termasuk mempersiapkanpengetahuantentangseluk-beluk kehamilan ini.Here we willdiscussabouthealthy fetal growth during pregnancy, in the timeperiod:In the period of 1-40 Sunday.The gestation period is the most important thingforwomen,because it will give birth to the family lineage isayearning.This requires both physical and mental readiness todealwith it,including preparing a knowledge of the intricaciesofthispregnancy.
Kalkulator Kehamilan 1.2
Aplikasi ini digunakan untukmelakukanperhitungan usia janin dan perkiraan persalinan menurutstandarmedis yang ada. Dilengkapi dengan informasi mengenaikehamilan dandi lengkapi dengan aplikasi notes untuk mencatatperkembangankehamilan andaThis application isusedto perform the calculation of the approximate age of the fetusandlabor according to medical standards exist. Equippedwithinformation about pregnancy and is equipped with applicationnotesto record the progress of your pregnancy
Menjaga Janin Saat Hamil Muda 1.0
ridwan media
Memiliki buah hati yang sehat dan aktif adalah impian semuamama.Saat hamil, Anda perlu melakukan upaya ekstra untukmenjagakesehatan. Sebab pada banyak kasus, penyakit yang dideritacalonmama mempengaruhi kondisi janin yang dikandungnya. Sediniapakomplikasi kehamilan dapat dideteksi? “Tergantungjeniskomplikasinya. Untuk blighted ovum misalnya, sudah dapatdideteksipada usiakehamilan 8 minggu. Jaga kebersihan diri,terutama didaerah vagina agar tidak terjadi keputihan. Selama inikeputihansering kali diabaikan. Padahal, keputihan dapat berlanjutpadainfeksi yang nantinya dapat menular kepada janin yangdikandung.“Maka kalau ada keputihan, sebaiknya cepat diobati. Cekprahamil.Sebelum hamil, usahakan untuk melakukan cek kesehatansepertiTORCH, gula darah, dan sebagainya. Hal ini untukmendeteksipenyakit atau kelainan yang mungkin diderita calon mamayangberisiko ditularkan kepada janinnya. Terapkan pola hidupsehat.Usahakan untuk mengatur pola makan dengan baik. Cukupinutrisi yangdibutuhkan oleh tubuh dan rutinlah berolahraga. Cekrutin saathamil. Jika sudah diketahui hamil, sedari awalperiksakankehamilanke dokter secara rutin sesuai jadwal. “ jangan‘belanja’ dokter”.Sering terjadi calon mama berpindah-pindah darisatu dokter kedokter yang lain. “Gunakan satu dokter saja. Jika‘belanja’ dokter,medical record tersebar. Dokter akhirnya tidakbisa tahu riwayatkehamilan pasien. Kesehatan ibu hamil MenjagaJanin Sehat SaatHamil Muda Menjaga Kehamilan