Top 15 Apps Similar to Armenian Phrasebook

Армянский разговорник беспл.
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Armenian phrasebook, Russian-Armenian Phrasebook
Армянско-русский словарь Free 2.0
Надоело таскать с собой большие итяжелыесловари? Теперь всё необходимое будет у вас всмартфоне!Армянско-русский и русско-армянский оффлайн-словари будутвсегда свами, где бы вы ни были - на учебе, в путешествиях илизанимаясьармянским в домашней обстановке. Словарь содержит в себеоколо 49тысяч общеупотребительных и специализированных слов!При первом запуске словаря будет загружен архив, размером в 1Мбс базой данных - 4 Мб.Функции и особенности словаря:1. Русско-армянский разговорник.2. Контекстный поиск слов.3. Приведено множество значений и примеров искомого слова4. Избранное - любое слово можно добавить в списокизбранныхслов.5. История - любое слово, которое вы когда-либо просматривали-сохраняется в списке истории словаря.6. Настройки.7. Установка базы данных на карту памяти.Это приложение содержит рекламу.Tired carry a largeandheavy dictionary? Now all you need is in yoursmartphone!Armenian-Russian and Russian-Armenian dictionariesoffline willalways be with you, wherever you are - at school,traveling orengaging in Armenian at home. The dictionary containsabout 49thousand of common and specialized words!When you first start the dictionary is loaded archive size of1MB database - 4MB.Functions and features of the dictionary:   1. Russian-Armenian phrase book.   2. Contextual search words.   3. Powered by a set of values ​​and examples ofasearch word   4. Favorites - you can add any word in the listoffavorite words.   5. History - every word you ever viewed - savedinthe history of the dictionary.   6. Settings.   7. Install a database on a memory card.This app contains advertising.
Русско-армянский разговорник 2.9.0
Русско-армянский разговорник.Предположим,выприехали в другую страну и совершенно не владеетеместнымязыком.Для того, чтобы проще общаться за рубежом ичувствовать себякакдома, предлагаем пролистать перед поездкойразговорник. Вданномразговорнике вы найдете общие фразы и фразы натемыгостиница,магазин (покупки), транспорт, экстренныеслучаи,ресторан.Russian-Armenianphrasebook. Suppose you come to another country anddid not speakthelocal language. To make it easier to communicateabroad and feelathome, we suggest a trip to scroll phrasebook. Thisphrasebookyouwill find common phrases and phrases on the themeshotel,shop(shopping), transport, emergencies, restaurant.
The kings of Armenia 80.91.30
Directory of the Armenian kings
Աստուածաշունչ Armenian Bible 2.4
Get Armenian Bible, Աստուածաշունչ for your android devices.
HAYQ - Armenian Application 2.0.4
The application «HAYQ - ARMENIAN APPLICATION» is createdfortheArmenians all over the world, and it aims to bringtogethertheArmenian people to its historical roots and traditions,as wellasfor everyone interested in the Armenians toobtaininitialinformation. The application is created in Armenian,EnglishandRussian languages and includes the followingsections:~interactive Armenian alphabet, ~ sights of Armenia,~Lord’sprayer, ~ remind-me calendar (significant dates andevents),~prominent Armenians, ~ chronology of Armenian history,~Armeniangenocide of 1915, ~ Diaspora, ~ Armenian music (750andmore), ~i-Shop, ~ Today, ~ Cuisine. Open access resourcesandmaterialshave been used for the creation of this application.Theauthorswould like to express their sincere appreciation toallArmeniansproviding the necessary information and supportingthisi-productpromotion.
Armenian Russian Translate 1.0.6
yang tuyan
Free translate app between Armenian and Russian
Emirati Arabic Phrasebook 1.3
Ahlan wa sahlan! Welcome to our EmiratiArabicphrasebook. Take your first step with us in discoveringthelanguage of the United Arab Emirates, famous for itsmegastructuresand bustling souks.Learn Emirati Arabic in easy and simple ways that will helpyouconverse in every day practical situations. The app is ahands-ontool that teaches language phrases and basic sentences. Wealsoprovide a compact dictionary for reference and audiopronunciationsby a native speaker to help you learn quickly.This app provides you an enjoyable learning process. DownloadtheEmirati Arabic phrasebook and speak the language instantly!What you get:· Over 1000 essential words and phrases· Learn to pronounce correctly with our audio feature· Practical and conversational· Easy reference dictionary included· No complex jargon or grammar
Korean Phrasebook 1.2
An-nyong Ha-se-yo! Welcome to ourKoreanphrasebook. Take your first step with us in discoveringthelanguage of the 'land of morning calm.'Learn Korean in easy and simple ways that will help youconversein every day practical situations. The app is a hands-ontool thatteaches language phrases and basic sentences. We alsoprovide acompact dictionary for reference and audio pronunciationsby anative speaker to help you learn quickly.What you get:· Over 1000 essential words and phrases· Transliteration and pronunciation guide· Practical and conversational· Easy reference dictionary included· No complex jargon or grammar
Arabic Phrasebook 1.6
Ahlan wa sahlan! Welcome to ourArabicphrasebook. Take your first step with us in discovering therichArab culture through the Arabic language.Learn Arabic in easy and simple ways that will help youconversein every day practical situations. The app is a hands-ontool thatteaches language phrases and basic sentences. We alsoprovide acompact dictionary for reference and audio pronunciationsby anative speaker to help you learn quickly.This app provides you an enjoyable learning process. DownloadtheArabic phrasebook and speak the language instantly!What you get:· Over 1000 essential words and phrases· Learn to pronounce correctly with our audio feature· Practical and conversational· Easy reference dictionary included· No complex jargon or grammar
Wounds of Armenia 1.0
Wounds of Armenia (Armenian: Վերք Հայաստանի Verk Hayastani) isan1841 historical novel by Khachatur Abovian. Written intheAraratian (Yerevan) dialect, Wounds of Armenia isconsideredAbovian's chef d'œuvre. It is Abovian's debut novel, thefirstArmenian novel and the first modern Eastern Armenian literarywork.Thanks to Wounds of Armenia, Khachatur Abovian is acknowledgedasthe founder of the modern Eastern Armenian language. It wasfirstpublished in 1858 in Tiflis, which was the cultural centerofRussian Armenians before the Russian Civil War, ten yearsafterAbovian disappeared.
Lebanese Arabic Phrasebook 1.2
Marhaba! Welcome to our Lebanesephrasebook.Take your first step with us in discovering the languageof theland, home to home to five designated UNESCO World HeritageSites.Learn Lebanese in easy and simple ways that will helpyouconverse in every day practical situations. The app is ahands-ontool that teaches language phrases and basic sentences. Wealsoprovide a compact dictionary for reference and audiopronunciationsby a native speaker to help you learn quickly.What you get:· Over 1000 essential words and phrases· Learn to pronounce correctly with our audio feature· Practical and conversational· Easy reference dictionary included· No complex jargon or grammar
Brazilian Portuguese 1.6
Olá! Welcome to our BrazilianPortuguesephrasebook. Take your first step with us in discoveringthelanguage of the land of carnivals, the Amazon forest and soccer.Learn Brazilian Portuguese in easy and simple ways that willhelpyou converse in every day practical situations. The app isahands-on tool that teaches language phrases and basic sentences.Wealso provide a compact dictionary for reference andaudiopronunciations by a native speaker to help you learnquickly.This app provides you an enjoyable learning process. DownloadtheBrazilian Portuguese phrasebook and speak thelanguageinstantly!What you get:· Over 1000 essential words and phrases· Learn to pronounce correctly with our audio feature· Practical and conversational· Easy reference dictionary included· No complex jargon or grammar
Onboard Emirati Arabic 1.0
Onboard is the perfect solutionforanytraveller looking to get around fluently and with easewhileonvacation. You can now start learning a language before youlandinyour holiday destination.Onboard is a free downloadable companion that willhaveyoufamiliarized with your language of choice before youland.Learnthe alphabet and pronunciation as well as useful phrasesin8categories, such as greetings, basics,questions,traveling,emergencies, time and directions. Download,read andenjoy yourvacation like never before.Learn a language before you land!- Easy to follow; perfect for beginners- Essential words and phrases to help you get aroundcomfortablyonvacation- Practical and conversational- Practice with audio clips- No complex jargon or grammar
English Armenian dictionary
English - Armenian and Armenian - English dictionary