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Indian Medical Association IMA 3.0
Indian Medical Association is theonlyrepresentative voluntary organization of Doctors ofModernScientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interestofdoctors as well as the well being of the community at large.The Association was started in 1928 on the occasion of the5thall India Medical Conference at Calcutta with theavowedobjectives:a. Promotion and Advancement of Medical and allied sciencesinall their different branches.b. The improvement of public Health and Medical EducationinIndia.c. The maintenance of honour and dignity of medical profession.TODAY, I.M.A is a well established organization withisHeadquarters at Delhi and State/Terr. Branches in 23 States and9union Territories. It has over 78000 doctors as its membersthroughover 1274 local branches spread all over the country.