
IAP Immunization 18.0
IAP Immunization Schedule, IAP AdvisoryCommittee on Vaccines & Immunization Practices (ACVIP)
Indian Medical Association IMA 3.0
Indian Medical Association is the onlyrepresentative voluntary organization of Doctors of ModernScientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interest ofdoctors as well as the well being of the community at large.The Association was started in 1928 on the occasion of the 5thall India Medical Conference at Calcutta with the avowedobjectives:a. Promotion and Advancement of Medical and allied sciences inall their different branches.b. The improvement of public Health and Medical Education inIndia.c. The maintenance of honour and dignity of medical profession.TODAY, I.M.A is a well established organization with isHeadquarters at Delhi and State/Terr. Branches in 23 States and 9union Territories. It has over 78000 doctors as its members throughover 1274 local branches spread all over the country.
Medical E-Learning Platform 3.0
Medical E-Learning Platform - for medicalprofessionals, Read, Online test, Videos , Web cast, Get Certified,Be Updated
IDsurv 19.0
Infectious Disease Surveillance (IDsurv)Indian Academy of Pediatrics in collaboration with its Kutch branchhas started Infectious Disease Surveillance and AEFI (Adverse EventFollowing Immunization) reporting system for reporting seriousAEFI. The Objectives of the project are to develop an early warningsystem for pediatric infectious diseases in India, to generate dataon burden of infectious diseases in India and to generate data onserious AEFI. The standard case definitions for all the diseasescovered under this project are provided on the APP. All the casesreported through various methods are collected in a single databasein real time and reports are sent to all users on weekly basis. Incase a disease outbreak is recorded on the system, email and SMSalert are sent to all users instantaneously.
RSSDI 2013 1.0
41st Annual Conference Of Research Societyforstudy of Diabetes in India RSSDI 2013November 8-10, 2013, India Expo Centre Greater Noida,NationalCapital Region of Delhi,India
Nivatel 1.0
Nivatel - World of Calling Cards. We are oneofTHE largest online wholesalers and master distributors ofPrepaidCalling Cards in the USA.
ReTrain Books - RTI Facts 5.0
The Respiratory Tract infections-GroupEducation Module (RTI GEM), developed in 2006, is asuccessfulacademic endeavor of IAP and aimed to bring inrationality &uniformity in management of respiratory TractInfections.As a part of IAP ICMR call for action to tackleantimicrobialresistance, the scientifically updated RTI GEM isbeing re-launched on e-platform so as to reach as many as possible.Theworkshop will be conducted in 2 sessions as webinars from hubandwill have a pre-test and post-test for self-assessment followedbycertification.
Indian Medical Association - IMA 8.0
The founding fathers wayback in 1928, while struggling forliberation of the Motherland from British rule simultaneously feltthe need of a national organisation of the medical profession.Before that, some members of the profession- a selected few - weremembers of the British Medical Association, which had openedbranches in India to cater to the local needs. These stalwarts,ultimately succeeded in formation of Indian Medical Association andreached an agreement with the British Medical Association that theywill have no branch in India, and got mutually affiliated, whichrelationship continues till today.
IMA - Membership Update Your Profile 2.0
Indian Medical Association. Membership Update Your Profile, Thisappis designed exclusively for IMA members. This app can be usedtokeep Your IMA Profile and Contact details up-to-date inIMADatabase.