Top 28 Apps Similar to Drukpa Lunar Calendar

Lunar Calendar 4.8.0
Lunar Calendar
Lunar Calendar
Fann Software
Chinese lunar calendar
Chinese Calendar 1.7
Kendy Chen
Chinese Calendar: Lunar Calendar Converter, Auspicious Days
萬年曆-日曆農民曆老黃曆吉曆擇吉行事歷節假日 3.7
吉曆日曆萬年曆是一款集合傳統曆法,周易民俗的新型日曆,不僅可以簡單方便地查詢萬年曆,瞭解傳統日曆的種種含義,還可以根據生辰不同擇日擇吉,告訴你什麼時辰(幾點)做事更吉利,讓你趨利避害,事事順利!能定位到城鎮的天氣預報功能更是為生活提供了便捷,日曆中還有完善的備忘提醒功能,讓你在忙碌的時間中,也能記住重要的事。【吉曆萬年曆讓時間更有傳統特色】★每日運勢:每日運勢結合個人生辰八字資訊,打造專屬個人的綜合運勢、財運、事業運、桃花運等,運勢結合八字更適合,更準確。★黃曆:吉曆萬年曆擁有市場上較為完整老黃曆資訊,詳細羅列出農曆節氣變化、每日宜忌、吉神凶神、黃黑道日、生肖沖煞、胎神方位、時辰凶吉、建除十二神、天干地支、納音五行、吉神方位,是居家常備日曆。★萬年曆:可以快速翻閱每個月的節日調休,陽曆與農曆的對照一目了然,還可以定制內容管理或者顯示天干地支,選擇出自己感興趣的日曆資訊。★日程提醒:吉曆萬年曆擁有完善的提醒功能,操作簡單快捷,包含備忘錄、日程提醒、生日紀念,可以方便的管理生活的大小事,隨時隨地提醒重要事項。★八字擇日:吉曆萬年曆依據周易命理和民俗習慣,依據參與人的生辰八字,嚴謹地選擇出合適參與人八字的黃道吉日,並且進行評分解析,讓參與人知道什麼時辰(幾點)做事更吉利。★節日信息:吉曆萬年曆中包含了完整的節日資訊,動態針對國內放假日期進行調整,還有國際節日、國內節日、傳統節日、佛教節日、道教節日、二十四節氣等,讓你不再錯過任何有意義的節日。★天氣預報:可以定位到城鎮的天氣預報功能擁有24小時天氣、一周天氣情況、生活指數、空氣品質、風向風力、日落日出等資訊,一站就能看全吉曆萬年曆,全新的日曆功能,期待你的體驗!Kyrgyzstancalendarcalendar calendar calendar is a collection of traditional,folkBook new calendar, not only easy to check calendar, tounderstandthe meaning of various traditional calendar, you can alsopick anauspicious day according to choose different birthday, tellsyouwhat hour (few) things more auspicious, so youavoidingdisadvantages like success! Can be positioned to weatherforecastfor towns function is to provide a convenient life, as wellasimproved calendar reminder memo feature that lets you busytime,but also remember the important things.    [Kat calendar calendar so that timemoretraditional features]    ★ Daily Horoscope: DailyHoroscopebirthdates combination of personal information, to createexclusivepersonal fortune comprehensive, wealth, businessoperation, peach,etc., combined fortune character is more suitableand moreaccurate.    ★ almanac: Kat calendar calendar have onthemarket LaoHuangLi more complete information, set out in detailthelunar solar terms change daily Taboo, guitar god Xiong Shen,Huangunderworld Day, Lunar New Year red evil, God fetal position,Luckhour, apart from a dozen built the gods, attribution,inclusive tonefive elements, guitar god orientation, is the homestandingcalendar.    ★ Calendar: You can quickly scrollholidaydays off each month, the solar calendar and lunar controlglance,you can also customize the display content managementorattribution, choose their own interest tocalendarinformation.    ★ calendar reminder: Kyrgyzstan hasaperfect calendar calendar reminders, simple and quickoperation,including memos, schedule reminders, birthdaycommemoration, caneasily manage life size thing, anywhere to remindimportantmatters.    ★ character selection day: Katcalendarcalendar based on the Book of Changes numerology andcustoms and,according to the participant's date of birth, rigorousselection ofthe appropriate person to participate in the auspiciouscharacter,and scoring analysis, let participants know what hour ofthe (few)things more auspicious.    ★ festival information: Katcalendarcalendar contains the complete festival information, thedynamicfor the domestic holiday date adjustment, as well asinternationalfestivals, national festivals, traditional festivals,Buddhistfestivals, Taoist festival twenty-four solar terms, so thatyou nolonger miss any meaningful holiday.    ★ weather forecast: Weatherforecastfunction can be targeted to the town 24 hour weather weekweatherconditions, cost of living, air quality, wind, sunrise andsunsetand other information, a station will be able to seethewhole    Kyrgyzstan calendar calendar, thenewcalendar features, look forward to your experience!
Lunar Calendar with daily suggestion
Chinese Calendar - 万年历 1.1.1
MDJ Studio
A special calendar that allows you see both the lunar andsolarcalendar.
Lunar Calendar Widget
Qiang Liu
A Small Lunar Calendar Widget
LineageOS Changelog
Vasudev B
LineageOS Changelog helpsyouview changes for your device and download nightlies with the tapofa button. It was designed with the Material Design principlesandguidelines in mind to make it a pleasure to use.Let's go over some of the features that makeLineageOSChangelog stand out, shall we?Changelog Information : Get detailed information foraspecific change such as the contributors and the files thatweremodified.Notifications : Get notifications whenever a changeismerged or a new build is out. You can also select the devicesthatyou'd like to be notified about. Isn't that amazing?Themes : Light, Dark and Black themes to suityourmood.Device/Kernel Changes : Use colors todifferentiatebetween device/kernel specific changes for adeviceLocalized : Thanks to all you guys,LineageOSChangelog is translated into over 15 languages.No-Ads : There will never ever be ads.NOTE :This app only shows the changes for devices thatLineageOSofficially supports. It does not install LineageOS onyourdevice.This is an unofficial app. So please don't askfordevices to be added to LineageOS.If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.
Lineage ROMs 2.2
The latest LineageOs ROMs for your device
Year Animals in lunar calendar 1.0
Please use the seeds of talking when youmeetwith friends.Please try to ask to Friends of Asian,"Which animals year are you born?".It is happy things that you are interested in about theirowncountry.And all of the Japanese know their animals birth year, It is easytoanswer.If you also know your animal of the year, They will be surpriseandalso will be a little happy mind.In this App, you will be able to know your zodiac animal oftheyear.In the wake of communication with people of Asian, please knowyourzodiac.Advertisement is displayed in this App.
Pixel Launcher 7.1.1-3862848
Google LLC
The home screen experience for the Pixel and Pixel XL phonesbyGoogle.
Tile Extension 7.0
Add more tiles to the quick settings panel.
Cyanogen Update Tracker 1.8.0
Check if your Cyanogen OS device has the latest system version,andupdate it!
Font plugin for Multiling O Keyboard
最适合中国人的万年历,集日历、农历、记事、提醒于一身的生活助手。苹果商店同类应用下载量No.1,一亿用户的信赖,最受欢迎的日历,众多电子市场装机必备软件。【产品简介】①日历:黄历宜忌、节日节气、吉日查询、历史查询;② 提醒:会议、记事、待办、日程管理、生日提醒、日记本;③天气:天气动态、未来一周天气、PM2.5污染提示;④ 特色功能:星座运势、资讯卡片、周公解梦、观音灵签、财喜罗盘、安全期管理、人体节律、马年运程。【产品特点】①最全面的日历查看功能,随时掌握日期,您的时间管理专家!②界面简洁,不冗余,凸显中国风,做最优质准确的中国日历万年历!③更多实用功能,将时间与事件结合,高效生活!④完美继承和延续中国传统文化!
Daily Horoscope Lunar Calendar 2.8.29
Tibetan astrology for daily horoscope and lunar calendar 2022.Costar Faladdin!
Malaysia Calendar 2023 - HD 1.0.20
M-Mobi Studio
Calendar 2023 Malaysia : comprises of all the important datesforMalaysians
Type In Tibetan Keyboard 3.0
Type In Tibetan Keyboard is to write allthecharacters in Tibetan when you typing in any social app suchasgmail, whatsapp, or any other browsers.Tibetan Keyboard work as a default keyboard in your phonesortablets. Here you can having option for type in English whenyouwant to used just switch to other language.How to set Tibetan Keyboard and its Features :1. To Set Enable Tibetan Keyboard with single touch windows.2. After that go to Switch option of Tibetan Keyboard.3. Using Images option you can set your image or photoinkeyboard background when its open for type in Tibetan.4. Theme option used for select best keyboard themewhateveryou like, simple choose out of them.5. Font option used for set font style according toyourselection in font keyboard.6. Setting options used for apply setting in yourTibetankeyboard with various options.7. Help Provides you to guide how to write half characterinType in Tibetan Keyboard.Customize Themes :=> You can set Portrait and landscape setting usingcustomizetheme options.=> You can set keyboard transparency with 0 to 100 %scalingoptions using your phone size.=> You can set Background Color of your Tibetan Keyboardwithvarious keyboard color options.=> You can also set Font color of your Tibetan Keyboard fontwithvarious Font Color.=> You can see all the setting in preview mode with itschangesrelated to setting.Settings :=> General Setting apply with autocapitalizationfacility, Popup on Key press facility, VibrateFacility on keypress, Suggestion on key press facility.=> Display Setting apply for set Landscape Key Height,setPortrait Key Height, set Suggestion Text Size.=> Font setting apply for Key Text Color, PreviewTextColor.=> Sound Setting apply for sound on keypressfacility.Tibetan Keyboard is a free to used for type in Tibetan languageforTibetan understand people to make more used.To Enjoy Tibetan Keyboard with best features app and use smoothlytotype in Tibetan keyboard.
吉运万年历 3.0
万年历,一款日历该有的样子。小身材中的大智慧。精美简洁,让时间回归清新质朴的状态。告别各式各样的插件烦恼;告别繁琐复杂的操作困扰。一目了然的时光记忆,让时光在手心流转;独立直观的节日假期,给未来增添看得到的希冀;贴心人性的阴历提醒,每日宜忌提前知晓。节日节气标注清晰,微博微信同步分享!轻松转告亲朋好友运行流畅,内存占用率极小,小体积,完美适配各种分辨率。提供公历、农历、天气、日程、黄历、笔记,记事、生日、节日、等日历实用功能。Calendar, a calendarthatlooks like.Small stature of great wisdom.Beautifully simple, let time return to pristine condition.Farewell to a wide range of plug-in trouble;Goodbye to cumbersome and complex operations problems.Glance time and memory, so that the circulation time in the palmofthe hand;Independent intuitive holiday season, hope for the future toaddvisible;Close friends of the lunar calendar reminders, daily Taboo knowinadvance.Holiday Feasts clearly marked, microblogging sharing theletter!Easy to tell friends and familyRun smooth, minimal memory usage, small size, perfect fitvariousresolutions.Provide the Gregorian calendar, weather, calendar, almanac,notes,memos, birthdays, holidays, and other usefulfeaturescalendar.
Tibetan Keyboard 2.0
Tibetan Keyboard is an easy type methodofkeyboard in Tibetan language and make it simple for allTibetanuser who want too.Tibetan Keyboard having more facility for write Tibetanlanguageand to share your text also in Tibetan language. TibetanKeyboardis to implement in whole phone keyboard type to write inTibetanlanguage.Now you easy to write Tibetan language in your phone makeitsimple to read and write in Tibetan language. It is allaboutTibetan users to type in that fashion.1. Enable Tibetan Keyboard-> Set Tibetan Keyboard in language and input method inyourphone.2. Switch Tibetan Keyboard-> Choose Tibetan Keyboard as input method from set upinputmethod option.3. Themes-> Tibetan Keyboard having mainly 8 themes in keypads. SuchasMountain Sky, Sunset, Mountain Grass, Color Wave, Dark Stone,BlueValley, Color Flower. Choose according to user that want inkeyboardtype as background and font style whatever your want.4. Images-> Select photo from gallery or take photo from cameratochoose as background image in your keyboard type if you want tosetyour photo or family photo or child photo in your phonekeyboardyou can easily set as background which you like to settoo.5. Preview-> Preview give you best option to how your keyboard looksalike in your phone, if you want to change anything you caneasilychange via setting or themes whatever you like to change inpreviewof Tibetan keyboard. You can check preview anytime when youchangeanything from setting or else.6. Setting-> Setting facility is to user give more option forsetkeyboard according to user choice and make it more simpletowrite.-> Apply auto capitalization option to give user make easyforfirst word capital of each sentence.-> Popup on key press give to see what you write character atthetime of press a keypad.-> Vibrate on key press option apply for vibrate when youkeypadpress and phone get in vibration.-> Sound on key press give you sound when you press on keypadonTibetan keyboard.-> Suggestion on key press give you option for suggestiontowrite according to your character of type in and dictionaryorsaved word give suggestions.-> Sound Volume apply to set volume of sound when you pressonkeypad.-> Suggestion text size apply to set size of suggestion textofword.-> Key Text Color give you color option of keypad onTibetankeyboard.-> Preview Text Color also set as your choice.Tibetan Keyboard is to set via mainly two steps convertyourphone keyboard to Tibetan language keyboard.Tibetan Keyboard is for all the user of Tibetan user who wanttotype in Tibetan and share and send text in Tibetan language.
Update Phones 7.2
Update your android through the manufacturer or operator, easyandfast.
Charging LED 0.6.0
Hairy Robot
Important: On Android 8.0 (API level 26) or above, dueto"Backgroundexecution limits" introduced in Oreo to improvebatterylife, Androidno longer register broadcast receivers forimplicitbroadcasts in themanifest, this mean Charging LED may takeup to3-4 minutes beforereceiving the signal from Android thatitdetected USB plugged in forcharging. Note: This does notaffectany apps that detect"ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED" in a service,sinceCharging LED is designedspecifically to avoid a constantlyrunningservice, it is somethingthat can't be avoided. BatteryChargingLED is developed and testedfor the Galaxy Nexus, becausethe phonedon't provide any indicationduring charging. It may workson otherphones (NO GUARANTEE). Oncethe app is installed and setup,thephone's LED will blink indifferent colour during chargingwhenscreen off (Androidconstraint). Features: * Definable LEDblinkrate * Definable LEDcolour * Definable battery level interval*Charging statusnotification * Charging sound notification*Import/Export settings(Advanced users can edit the colour hexcodein ini file, and importsettings for more precise colour) ***Forusers wanting to enter HEXcolour code, follow below steps:(1)Export settings to storage (2)Edit the exportedChargingLED.inifile with required colour code (3)Import theChargingLED.ini backto the app *** Important *** Read theHelp andFAQ inside the app,it provide important information on howto setupthe app. *** Note*** If you do decide to rate this app,positive ornegative, pleaseinclude your device type and os version,as thiswould help otherusers. Thanks. Localization: * English *Chinese(繁體/简体) ***IMPORTANT *** - LED will only light up when thescreenis off. -Lollipop users should ensure "Settings >Sound&notification > Interruptions > When notificationarrive"isset to "Always interrupt", otherwise, LEDnotificationfromCharging LED may not be recognize. *** For Nexus 5XusersonAndroid 7 *** 1 - Goto "Settings > System UI Tuner>Other> Power Notification Controls" and turn it on. 2-Goto"Settings > Notifications > Charging LED" andchangethenotification level from Auto (tap on the 'A') to Level 4(onelevelhigher to the right). Note: The above options may alsoexistsondifferent devices, so take a look yourself. Thanks toanonymousforthe above info left in comment. *** For Samsung GalaxyNexus(4.2+)*** Comment dated 2012-12-29, report "Daydream" featuredoesnotconflict with the app, but as always the screen needs to beoffforthe LED to light up. Thanks you for the report. ***ForSamsungGalaxy S3 users *** The GS3 actually have a builtincharging LEDindicator option. The app maybe having conflictwiththis option,try disable this first. "Setting > LEDindicator> Charging".Again, as I don't own a GS3, appreciateanyone witha GS3 to testthis out and report finding. *** ForAndroid 7.1.1(Lineage OS) ***Try set notifications to be at leastlevel 4. Thismay also applyto all Android 7. So give it a check.The code isopen source andavailable ongithub:
Islamic Calendar - Muslim Apps 3.7
All-in-one Muslim App. Islamic Calendar features Prayer timeswithAzan, Qibla.
2017 Calendar Malaysia 16090706
2017 Malaysia Calendar 2017 Malaysia is a typical horsecalendarwhich is very informative. It included all the publicholidays,school holidays, jadual gaji and special events inMalaysia. This2017 Malaysia Calendar 2017 Malaysia is very easy andconvenient touse. It doesn't need any advance or complex steps toget startedwith this app. [Features] - 2017 Malaysia Calendar 2017Malaysia -Provided public holiday list in Malaysia - Providedschool holidaylist in Malaysia - Provided jadual gaji list inMalaysia -Zoom-able calendar with two fingers - Compatible withmost AndroidOS If you found any space to improve or suggestion,please do nothesitate to drop an email to me. I will take it as avaluableadvise and make improvement. [FAIR USE NOTICE] Thissoftware maycontain copyrighted material whose use has not beenspecificallyauthorized by the copyright owner. The DowAccountability Networkis making this article available in ourefforts to advance theunderstanding of corporate accountability,human rights, laborrights, social and environmental justice issues.We believe thatthis constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrightedmaterial asprovided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law.If you wishto use this copyrighted material for purposes of yourown that gobeyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from thecopyrightowner. [CONTENT DISCLAIMER] We does not warrant theaccuracy,timeliness or completeness of the information contained onourSoftware. If you have a particular complaint about somethingyou'vefound on this software, please contact us, We will removesuchcontent from our software as soon as possible after wereceiveknowledge of any respective legal violations or infringementofrights by said information. [TERM OF USE] This work islicensedunder a Creative Common Attribution 2.0 Generic License.[Keywords]Calendar 2017, 2017 Calendar 2017, Calendar Free,Calendar Horse,Calendar 2017 Malaysia, Malaysia Calendar, 2017Malaysia Calendar,Malaysia Lunar Calendar, 2017 Malaysia CalendarHorse, HorseCalendar 2017, Lunar Calendar, Lunar Calendar Chinese,LunarCalendar 2017, Horse Chinese Calendar, Chinese ShunCalendar,Kalendar Kuda, Calendar Islam, Calendar Islam 2017,Calendar Islam2017 Malaysia, Islam Calendar, Islam Calendar 2017,MalaysiaCalendar 2017, 2017 Calendar Malaysia Calendar 2017Malaysia
Lunar calendar 6.18
This calendar shows only the phases of the moon, but it doesitwell.
Calendar - Sun & Moon 2.8.54
Time of sunrise and sunset, twilight duration and lunar phases
正点日历-万年历、黄历、生日、天气、农历、星座 2.3.212
独特的多日历功能· 生活、工作、生日等分别管理,轻松高效主题图标记事,一键添加提醒· 嫌手机输入麻烦?选择一个日期,即可快速添加提醒或记事,如同在台历上画圈圈一样简单智能生日管家· 支持从人人网、Facebook及手机通讯录导入好友生日,不再错过每一个重要的日子正能量的启动封面· 每个重要的日子,正点日历都会为您准备一份温暖、贴心的启动封面,传递爱的正能量强大的日程管理功能· 完美同步手机日历、谷歌日历(Google Calendar),支持每日、每周、每月、每年等循环提醒完美的个性化支持· 想要换日历的主题颜色?不想要看农历?正点日历都能满足您。完美的个性化支持,打造只属于您独一无二的日历简约而不简单· 安装包大小仅3MB,下载仅需几秒· 多套透明等风格桌面日历小部件(Widget),能搭配各种风格的壁纸· 近10个日历小工具,秒杀其他万年历、黄历应用极速,流畅,无后台· 启动速度比传统日历应用快30%,内存占用<20MB· 无常驻后台进程或服务,省电、省流量、省内存· 月视图滑动切换采用独有Smart Scroll技术,老爷机也能享受极致流畅免费,安全,无广告· 正点科技(正点闹钟团队)荣誉出品,永久免费,无广告· Google Play官方认证,无手机隐私权限调用,保障您的隐私安全更多功能· 支持导入谷歌日历(Google Calendar)· 支持每日、每周、每月、每年等循环提醒· 大陆、香港、台湾多地节日和补班放假信息· 能翻页有声黄历,一键择吉· 女性经期助手,做您最好的闺蜜· 星座运势,预知每一天的精彩· 事件的列表视图新功能预告· 自定义提醒铃声· 从QQ空间导入好友生日提醒· 同步Outlook、Microsoft Exchange、雅虎日历(Yahoo Calendar)、QQ日历-通过安装此应用程序,您同意以下隐私政策:问题反馈及建议· QQ群:233753213· 微信号:ZDcalendar· 微博(正点日历)· 官方反馈邮箱:[email protected]· Live, work, birthdays and other managed separately, easyandefficientNotepad icon theme, a key to add a reminder· Enter the phone too troublesome? Choose a date, you canquicklyadd a reminder or note, as the calendar is as simple asdrawing acircleSmart butler birthdaySupport import contacts from Facebook friends' birthdays,Facebookand mobile phone, never miss an important day eachStart the cover of positive energy• Each important day, punctuality calendar will be prepared foryoua warm, intimate start cover, transfer the positive energyoflovePowerful scheduling capabilities· Perfect sync your phone calendar, Google Calendar(GoogleCalendar), support for daily, weekly, monthly, yearly andotherrecycling reminderPerfect personalized support· Want to change the calendar color theme? I do not want to seethelunar calendar? Punctuality can meet your calendar.Perfectpersonalized support, build only your unique calendarMinimal but not simplify· Installation package size is only 3MB, only a few secondstodownload· Sets transparency style desktop calendar widget (Widget), canbecoupled with a variety of style wallpaper· Nearly 10 calendar gadget spike other calendar,almanacapplicationFast, smooth, no background· Start 30% faster than traditional calendar applicationmemoryfootprint <20MB· No resident background process or service, power,provincialtraffic, the provincial memory· Month View slide switch with a unique Smart Scrolltechnology,master machine can also enjoy the ultimate smoothFree, safe, no ads· Punctuality Technology (punctuality alarm clock team)Produced,permanently free, no ads.· Google Play official certification, no permission to call amobilephone privacy, to protect your privacyMore features· Support for importing Google Calendar (Google Calendar)Support for daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and otherrecyclingreminder· China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and more festivals andholidayinformation up classes· We can flip sound almanac, a key to pick an auspicious· Female menstrual assistant, do your best girlfriends· Horoscope, predictable every day exciting· List View eventsNew Features Trailer· Custom alert tones· Import friends from QQ space birthday reminders· Synchronize Outlook, Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo Calendar(YahooCalendar), QQ calendar- By installing this application, you agree to the followingprivacypolicy: feedback and suggestions· QQ group: 233 753 213· Micro Signal: ZDcalendar· Weibo (punctual calendar):· Official feedback mailbox: [email protected]
Alarm Pro 4.9.608
Alarm clock, birthday reminder,timer,evernote... Easy to use, powerful, and free with noads.Calendar, Wake up, Birthday, Anniversary, Credit, Rotatingshifts,Medicine, Utilities, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly,Yearly,Custom, etc.ZDclock is a ringing evernote. With it,you don't have torememberwhat matters or check notes from time to time. ZDclock willremindyou at the right time.Life is too short to be in a hurry. Just make it easy:)Anyquestionplease feel free to contact us. Our supporting [email protected].★Calendar (Make days clear)★Wake up (Record your unique ringtones)★Birthday (My VIP list)★Anniversary (Special days in life)★Custom alarm (Just DIY)