Top 6 Apps Similar to Подтягивания: 30 повторений

Runtastic Pull-ups Workout PRO
You’ve made up your mind: You’re goingforstrong arms and a toned upper body. Good thing you foundRuntasticPull-Ups Workout PRO! Get the app and voilà, you’ll have aPERSONALPULL UPS TRAINER on your smartphone. Pull-ups are among themostfamous bodyweight strength moves ever, plus they requireminimalequipment. No bar at hand? You can do your pull-ups withrings, atree branch or bars at a park, get creative! Ascientificallydeveloped training plan makes the most of yourefforts whilekeeping you motivated on your way towards your goal.What else? Youdon’t have to count every repetition - let theaccelerometer ofyour Android device take over. And now, there’s onething left todo: Try it out. You can do this!PULL UPS APP FEATURES & BENEFITS:* Accurate count of completed pull-up repetitionsusingaccelerometer* Three levels based on scientifically developed training plantoreach 30 pull-ups* Automatic countdown timer for your rest betweenexercisesets* Voice Coach for constant feedback* Personal records & exercise statistics (i.e. monthly oryearlystats)* Leaderboard for personal records and overall repetitions:compareto others and see how you rank with your Runtasticfriends* Upload workout activities to* Integrate Runtastic activities to your MyFitnessPal account* Share your success on Google+, Facebook, Twitter orviaemail* Collect motivating badges for your performanceGET THRILLEDStats about your completed pull-up repetitions are not onlyhighlymotivating, but offer you a great and useful overview of allyoursessions. Make use of your personal records to boostyourmotivation even further and keep setting new PRs for thisclassicupper body strengthening move. Pull-ups are an ideal movetocomplement your push-up training.UNIQUEYour pull-ups are automatically recognized using theaccelerometerof your smartphone/tablet.Practical, interesting, informative: You can upload yourfitnessdata to, if you want. There you can access allyourstats anytime, as well as monitor your success thanks toyourpersonal training log. Remember, you can also shareyourachievements with your friends on, in socialnetworksor via email!Pull-ups mainly target your back, but are a great move tostrengthenyour arms and core as well. Not many exercises challengeyour upperbody as intensively as pull-ups. Can’t wait to tone yourmuscles andwatch them grow? Let’s go!Runtastic Pull-Ups: Pull your fitness to the next level!Runtastic is all about health & fitness apps! Check out moreofour apps to help you reach your fitness goalsat
Силовые элементы на турнике 1.91
Данное приложение содержит подробнуюинформацию, необходимую для выполнения различных силовых итехническийэлементов на турнике. Для каждого элемента подробнорасписано :необходимая база (кол-во подтягиваний, отжиманий набрусьях ,отжиманий на турники, время в уголке) , техникаисполнения ,подводящие упражнения и ссылка на видео - урок.Каталог элементовбудет постоянно пополняться, сейчас приложениесодержит толькоосновные силовые элементы. Кроме того , приложениесодержит описаниебазовых элементов в воркауте. Такие как :различные подтягивания ,отжимания и т.д.Элементы представленные в приложении на данный момент :1. Выход силой на одну руку.2. Выход силой на две руки.3. Офицерский выход силой.4. Склёпка.5. Подъем с переворотом.6. Выход Принца на одну руку7. Выход Принца на две руки.8. Полотенце.9. Царский выход.10. Флажок.11. Флаг Дракона.Разработчик выражает огромную благодарность :Михаилу Баратову и проекту "Школа Турника".РесурсуТеги : турник, выходы на турнике, выход силой , воркаут,воркаутэлементы , дворовая гимнастика , дворовая акробатика,Worout,турник, брусья, выходы на бруьсях, планш, вис,подтягивания,обучалки.This applicationprovidesdetailed information required to perform various securityandtechnical elements on the bar. For each element is paintedindetail: a necessary base (the number of pull-ups, dips, push-upsonthe bar, while in the corner), technique, exercise and lead-linktothe video - lesson. Catalog items will be constantly updated,theapp is now only contains the main load-bearing elements.Inaddition, the application contains a description of thebasicelements in the street workout. Such as: a variety ofpull-ups,push-ups, etc.The elements listed in the annex at the moment:1. The output power of one hand.2. The output power at the two arms.3. Officers output power.4. Sklёpka.5. The rise of a coup.6. Prince Entering the one hand7. Prince Yield on two hands.8. Towel.9. King's output.10. checkbox.11. The flag of the Dragon.The developer is very grateful:Michael Baratova and the project "School of thehorizontalbar."resource horizontal bar, horizontal bar on the outputs, outputpower,street workout, street workout items, yard gymnastics,acrobaticsyard, Worout, horizontal bar, parallel bars, yields onbrusyah,Planche, hanging, pull-ups, Tutorials.
Мега Турник 1.0.1
IT Doors
Курс подтягиваний - это Ваш личный тренерпоувеличению количества подтягиваний. Программа, благодаря которойвысможете развивать свое тело и дух.The course of pull-ups-this is your personal trainer to increase the number ofpull-ups.The program, through which you can develop your bodyandspirit.
Турник Суниалт 1.1
Та 10, 15, 20 бүр 25 турник суниалтхийжчаддагболмоор байна уу Турник Суниалт аппликейшн тандтуслахболно!Турник Суниалт аппийг та ѳѳрийхѳѳ хувийн дасгалжуулагчгэжбодожболох ба таны чадвараас хамааран 10, 15, 20 бүр 25турниксуниалтхийх хуваарь гаргаж таныг зорилгодоо хүрэхэд ньтуслахболно. Танычадвар ба бэлтгэл хийж буй байдлаас шалтгааланачааллыгтандтохируулах учир та ѳѳрийн хүссэн хурд, ачаллаарбэлтгэлээхийжболно!
Push-Up Counter 1.1
Now no need to carry a separatePush-Upcounterto your gym, Install this Application and the workwill bedone.Push-Up Counter uses the proximity sensor of the mobilephoneandcounts the push-up when you get lower to a sufficientheight.Beepsduring push-ups will let you know when yourcounterincremented,However Beeps can be turned off and on byclicking onthe speakerbutton.Horizontal bar at top will let you know when your proximitysensorisworking.Don't forget to " STOP " when you are not working with theapptoavoid your battery from draining.
Arms Routine for Teens 1.0
Body Program
Arms Workout for Teens and Adults for 30 Days