Top 34 Apps Similar to Bot List for Discord

Bot Designer For Discord 2.2.5
An application that allows you to create simple discord bots
JuniperBot - Dashboard (Unoffical) 2.55
JuniperBot - Discord Bot, this is the app for setting itup.Customize the commands prefix, the color of systemmessages,greetings for new members, ranking and much more! Createcustomcommands to add the your functionality, configure aliases totheusual JuniperBot commands, or set up commands that assign rolestomembers! A minimalistic and intuitive interface will helpyouconfigure the bot based on your desires. Subscribe to Patreonformore features! More details: Or addasubscription to your favorite YouTube channel, Twitch orVKcommunity! Documentation:
Eurofurence 3.3.0
Your one-stop Eurofurence app! Keep track of events, dealersandmore!
Browser Bot 1.6.2
A web browser tool that auto refreshes websites after afixedduration.
TeamSpeak 3
With a client rebuild from scratchtheprogrammers of TeamSpeak 3 close the gap and bring you theultimateTeamSpeak feeling to your Android device. Many client andadminfeatures have been implemented to give our users the bestTeamSpeakexperience ever on Android. The most important ones:-Server-, channel-, and private chats-Automated away status on incoming phone calls-Creating and managing channels-Administration of user features: moving, banning,kicking,complaining, blocking, etc.Please visit our forums for a more detailed list of features.Stay connected with your friends, team mates, family and getyourTeamSpeak3 client for Android now.
Japanese Emoticons - Kaomoji 1.3
Over 2,500 Japanese emoticons, a favorites menu, kaomojigeneratorand more!
Botmaker Platform 0.19.4
To use the app you must have access to the platform and aSuperAdmin profile.
StreamingYorkie - A Twitch Streamers Best Friend 2.3.8-a
Introduction Streaming Yorkie is a tool designed to helpTwitchStreamers to efficiently Follow & Unfollow otherStreamers Thetool tracks & offers a better overview ofFollowers, Following,Unfollowed & F4F After your stream any VOD(Video On Demand)can be seen & exported to Youtube in our VODsOverviewAutomatically Follow, Unfollow, F4F, Lurk & exportVideos toYoutube simply by installing and configuring StreamingYorkie Sharethat you are AutoFollowing to our Discord Community& gain morefollowers and viewers Helps build a biggercommunity,simplifies/automates communication to become an affiliateorpartner faster & free up more time to stream Watchmultiplestreams at once with Multi View and cast it to a TV Lurkyourfavourite streamers with minimum possible network data usage(audioonly & chat) & increase their viewer count Use ourDiscordto get others to to Follow or Lurk and gain more viewers.Use theF4F L4L H4H Channel Currently it is in an Alpha state Itcould bethat a Bug may appear or the app behaves in an unexpectedmannerPlease report any problems or suspicions to help improveStreamingYorkie for everyoneGuide The codeisOpen Source, contains no costs & no advertisements areinvolvedIt is a gift back to a great community who I will continuetosupport for free The option to support us and gain extrabenefitssuch as Follows or Lurks is available as in-app purchasesandsubscriptions Streaming Yorkie communicates exclusively withtheTwitch API, Twitch Website, Twitch Multi View & our DiscordAlogin is required to be able to utilize your Twitch dataPasswordsare not seen or saved, rather a unique Token given byTwitch isused after the login This ensures that your account is assafe ascan be All data is saved locally & only you have accessto itVOD exports are done by Twitch, they are not downloaded&uploaded to Youtube by Streaming Yorkie This ensures networkdatausage is kept to a minimum A PircBotX bot is used to send amessageto a lurked channel on demand or automatically StreamingYorkie isdeveloped with Android Studio in Java Lint &Sonarcloud is usedto acquire high quality standardized code whilelittle complexityThe code is documented with JavaDocs &comments to allow foreasier collaborations with other developersDRY (Don't RepeatYourself) & KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)principles areenforced as much as possible Variable namingconventions are alsoin place The variable name must explain what itis or what it does,clearly, for any developer to understandHopefully this can be usedas an example for good coding as well ashow to develop an AndroidApp in Java Any collaborations arewelcome, so feel free to fork& ask for merge requests Seesomething inefficient? Let meknow. I'm always trying to improve mycoding & learn new thingsOpen Source Code The followingtasks and features are currently on theRoadmap & some of whichare likely to be within the nextrelease • Stream Info/Event tracker(views, hosts, followers,chats, markers) • See GitHub for more...Contact Discord For anyissues, questions or change requests, feelfree to ask. I will getback to you as soon as I can GitHub Formore ways of getting incontact with me, see the GitHubpage TwitchCome& say 'Hi'
DankChat 3.6.30
Felix Schmid
A simple app to chat on
Booru Nav
-Browse and search images in different boorus. -Download oneormorepictures at once to your device. -Filter images bytagseasily.-Optional history for tags browsed.
Rune: Games and Voice Chat! 3.73.0
Rune AI Inc.
Hang out, game, and win together! Play on voice chat withyourteammates!
Remote Bot 2.2.4
Remote Bot is a compact application with wide capabilitiesforremote management of your Android devices via Telegram andViberbots. With Remote Bot you can forward notifications andmediacontent from WhatsApp, Viber and other apps to Telegram andViber.The app shows a persistent notification, and when you runsomecommands, there is a sound notification to prevent hidden use.Thisapplication is not intended for parental control. It isstronglyforbidden to use the app for spying Usage examples: 1. Youneed toreceive notifications from your device Remote Bot can notifyyouabout notifications from your device with ability to answer. 2.Usethe old phone as a car or home alarm. Remote bot can trackmotionusing a motion sensor and send photos if motion was detected,andalso record video and audio. 3. Remote Bot can control thestandardAndroid and Google Play music player, change the volumesettings.4. You are actively using Tasker, Macrodroid Remote Botcan performTasker tasks, and also has a plugin that allows you tosendmessages from Tasker / Macrodroid. Summary: The bot starts onyourdevice, data is sent only to Telegram/Viber servers and arenotstored anywhere else. ★ The application does not consumethebattery, because the push notification is used to wake upthedevice. ★ Telegram bot is created automatically, only you needtolog in to Telegram, specifying your phone number and thecodereceived via SMS or Telegram. ★ The bot can be attached to oneormore users that will have access to your bot. ⚠ For proper usageofthe app, Google services are required Remote Bot forTelegramfeatures: What the bot can do: * Forward notifications toTelegramand Viber from status bar for selected applications *Forward newfiles in selected directories to Telegram *Automatically send USSDmessages and notify about missed calls. *Making calls * Viewcontact list * Call Tasker tasks and sendmessages from Tasker /Macrodroid to Telegram via plug-in for Tasker* Search devicelocation * Detect motion using a computer visionsystem * TranslateText to Speech (TTS) * Search device by sending aloud signal *Download files to / from device * Install applications(requiresroot) * Play a recorded voice or media file on remotedevice *Display battery information * Save the text to theclipboard orread from it * Control volume and call mode * Viewphotos from thegallery * Manage your music player * Runapplications bypackagename * Close running applications * Takephotos from thefront / back camera * Record video from the front /back camera *Record sound * Record video from the screen and takescreenshots *Turn on / off the flashlight * Show device information* Reboot,disconnect the device (requires root) * Make screenscreenshots(requires root) * Run commands periodically by timer *Run scripts(details: * Execute shellcommands(requires root) Remote Bot website: 0.9.38
A business messaging platform that integrates withdifferentchannels.
RoboVox Voice Changer Pro 1.8.8
RoboVox - Transform your voice!
Flexbooru 3.2.2.c1361
A booru client for Android with Material Design
DarkFox Labs
The Official Soundboard of LT.LICKME
Guilded - Chat, Stats, LFG 8.1.5
Guilded LLC
Chat for gaming communities
Mumla — Mumble VoIP 3.6.5
Voice chat on Mumble servers
Simple text widget 1.7
Multiple text widgets on home screen with cool fonts andmanyoptions to design
Oversec 1.5.15
Oversec transparently encrypts and decrypts any text in any appYoucan use it to exchange private encrypted and covert chat- oremailmessages or store your own encrypted notes on your phone. Seeourdemo videos:Introduction:[]EncryptingEmails:[]EncryptingImages:[]Oversecis completely agnostic of the subjacent app, it workswithWhatsapp™, Line™, Snapchat™, Instagram™ or any other chat app.Italso supports sending and receiving PGP encrypted messages withtheGmail™ or any other Email app. End-to-End Encryption wasyesterday.Oversec introduces "Eye-to-Eye" encryption. Encrypteddata is onlydecrypted while it is shown on the screen! No cleartext is everpersisted and thus cannot be extracted from the filesystem oraccidentally be backed up into the cloud. We alsocarefullydesigned Oversec so that it doesn't require internetaccess.Because of that, you can rest assured that no decryptedinformationcan ever leave your device. How it works: Oversecconstantlymonitors the text on your screen. When it finds anencrypted text,it tries to decrypt it and then shows the decryptedtext as anoverlay in place of the encrypted text. Conversely, itcan readtext out of an input field, encrypt it, and then put theencryptedtext back into the input field. In order to encrypt atext, Oversecshows a button next to an active input field. Afterhaving enteredthe secret text, tapping that button makes Oversecread the text,encrypt it and put back the encrypted text into thefield. It isnow ready to be sent in the subjacent app as usual -the appdoesn't even know that it is sending encrypted data! Oversecalsofeatures a unique way of encoding the encrypted messages. Itstoresthe encrypted text in invisible (zero-width) characters andlet'syou add decoy text at the end. That way, a message will justshowe.g. "The sun is shining!" with no visible sign of anyencryption,whereas in reality it contains a hidden encryptedmessage. You mayalso encrypt and send photos through Oversec - itsunique cameramode even allows you to take and send an encryptedphoto withoutever storing the original photo on the device. Oversecencryptsyour data either using symmetric keys (using ChaCha20cipher +Poly1305 MAC ) or using asymmetric PGP encryption (makinguse ofthe OpenKeychainapp[]).Oversecis now open source and the code can be foundhere: This app usesAccessibilityservices.
True - Private Group Sharing 3.10.11
True Mobile
Social media shouldn’t be creepy and it doesn’t have to be. Truehasbeen designed to protect your privacy with privatethreaded,beautiful sharing. • Focused on people you really know,we’remaking social a safe, happy place again without personaldatamining • It’s the quality of relationships, not quantity, thatmakeus happier. We’re building new ways to tell your story,connectwith friends and strengthen your community • Nomanipulativealgorithms, genuine connections, original content fromreal people• We don’t spy on you, read your cookies or follow youaround theinternet. You own your data, forever, and we’ll neversell or shareit with anyone It’s time to try an honest solution.True is realfriends and real life without commercial interruption.The TrueStory True was founded in Mill Valley. It’s a lovelylittlemountain town in northern California filled with giantredwoods,beautiful valleys and neighbors who look after each other.It’sthis real-life Happy Valley that inspired us to build acompanythat gets back to things that matter. Real friends and reallifewithout commercial interruption. It’s the quality ofourrelationships, not the quantity, that make us happier. It’s thejoyof making new friends and connecting with old ones thatstrengthenour sense of community. Somehow, in a rush for growth andprofit,these feelings have been lost. Social today no longer feelslike aHappy Valley, it’s more like we’re all living in a bigcreepycommercial. Big social companies are in the middle ofourrelationships. They’re taking our best intentions and sellingthemto the highest bidder. Well, we’re just not going to dothatanymore. Why Should I Trust You Guys? There’s a lot of talkaboutprivacy. Every few weeks, another big company gets caught in anewscandal. But there is never anything really done about it and wegoon accepting the problem. The crazy thing is, this is nevergoingto stop. As long as these companies make money by sellingourpersonal information, they will find ever more devious waystocollect it. But we never signed up for this. We didn’t postourlives, families and personal relationships for sale. We didnotagree to let these companies make money from being in the middleofour friendships. We believe you should be free to share yourlifewithout big brands competing for your attention. You shouldownyour information and decide what you want to do with it.3rdparties should never have access to your data. You should notbethe product. We believe your privacy matters. We take itintoconsideration with every decision we make. You should believewerespect your privacy and trust we’ll do the right thing withyourinformation. What’s Different About It? We just don’t think youcanbe yourself in a world of perfect pictures awash in a seaofinfluencers. Old-school social is for blasting your life topeopleyou don’t really know, measured by standards you willneverachieve. So we’ve built a new kind of threaded sharing thatisprivate by default. Until now, no one has tried this before.Itgives you control over things you want to share and who you wanttoshare them with. By combining beautiful, edge-to-edgestorytellingwith private messaging, it’s the best of both worlds.What do weall love? Updates from real friends. But originalthoughts andstories have gone missing in big social. Sadly, mostcontent todayis created by companies with an agenda. We share anendless streamof news and ideas pushed by these companies and nolonger share ourreal lives. So we built a platform that only allowsoriginalcontent. There are no outside links or political argumentshere.You come to True to see real updates from friends. Contenttheycreated themselves, not clickbait designed to hold yourattentionand manipulate opinion. True lets you… be you. Realsharing fromreal friends, we’re making social a safe, happy placeagain.
Qapla GG 4.7.1
Qapla GG
Send memes on Twitch like you would on a messaging app
Larix Broadcaster 1.3.6
Larix Broadcaster streams live SRT, WebRTC, RTMP, NDI, RTSP, RIST
Courses & Coaching for Gamers
Generator X Pro - All in One N 1.6
Izayoi Sakura
NO ADS & Unlock All Features
GamerLink LFG: Teams & Friends 5.0.30
Find teammates & meet game friends to play together. LFG -squadup, chat, play!
Plumble - Mumble VOIP 3.2.0
A powerful, slick, and easy to use Mumble client.
Magic Feed 1.16.1
Gather and share web feeds.
MHW Builder 2.7.3
Your best MHW in-depth advisor
Mumla — Mumble VoIP (Donation) 3.6.3
Voice chat on Mumble servers
TradeSanta: Crypto Trading Bot for Binance, Huobi 2.4.0
Your #1 destination for automated crypto bot tradingwithaprofitable strategy TradeSanta cloud softwareautomateswell-knowntrading strategies on major crypto exchangesincluding ➡️Binanceexchange, Binance US, Binance futures trading,HitBTC, Okex,Huobiand UpBit. Set up a crypto bot and save your timebyautomating thecrypto trading routine with TradeSanta.ConnectTradeSantaautomated crypto trading platform to your exchangeandmanage yourbots right from the smartphone. Santa botsexecuteuser-specifiedalgorithms and place new orders 24/7. Selectatrading pair,customize bots’ settings and you will never miss onatrade. Set upa Binance trading bot and HitBTC bot, and managethebalances onyour exchanges in one interface. ✅ EASY SETUP •Connectto asupported exchange via API • Choose a long/shorttemplate orcreatea trading bot from scratch • Select a pair •Fine-tune cryptobot’sparameters ✅ SPECIAL FEATURES • Choose betweenGrid andDCAcryptocurrency trading strategies, the bestknowntradingalgorithms. • Select number of Extra orders accordingtoyourcrypto trading strategy • Choose from Bollinger bands, RSIandMACDsignals or use them all at once • Additional toolsincludeTrailingTake Profit, Stop Loss and trailing Stop Loss. •Riskhedging withsimultaneous long and short strategies bots •Bitcoinchartsanalysis providing volatility, dynamics and other keyinfogivingyou a picture of a crypto market state ✅ NO TRADE LIMITS•Notrading volume limitations • Choose among all thepairsavailableon your exchange • TradeSanta doesn’t chargeanycommission ✅ SETUP A TRADING BOT FOR ANY CRYPTOCURRENCY ➡️BTC,ETH, XRP, LTC, EOS,XLM, DOGE and other popular altcoins 📌Forbeginners: Smoothintroduction to crypto trading. Focus onessentialdetails andstrategy building while cryptocurrency robotsare takingcare oftechnical aspects. TradeSanta has even preparedpre-filledtradingbot templates so that you don’t get overwhelmedwith somanyoptions. 📌 For pros: Routine automation. Let the robotsdo yourjoband take care of the execution of your tradingstrategy.Customizebots’ parameters according to your style oftrading.Manage yourbots easily and monitor deals’ progress. Evenwithmultiple botsset you won’t get confused. 📍 Cryptocurrencybotsbecome very easyto manage when you can get all theinformationneeded in one click.With TradeSanta you will besurprised how easyit is to keep an eyeon your cryptocurrencyportfolio with a cryptomanager in yourpocket. 📱 Are you setting upyour bots from thephone for the firsttime?📱 No worries. Just linkyour cryptocurrencyexchange to thetrading bot, eg Binance platform,and proceed to thescreen withall the settings needed. TradeSanta isthe best BTCtrading app outthere, and it will guide you into thesetting ofyour first tradingbot. ➡️ Set up your first bot forBitcoin,Ethereum, Ripple,Litecoin, Dogecoin, Monero, EOS and allthe majorcryptocurrencies🔔 Help us make crypto trading better! Wehighlyvalue ourcustomers' opinions. Download our app, earn coins&tokens andfeel free to leave your ❤️ feedback. If you haveanyquestions orcomments, please contact us: ✓Support:[email protected] ✓Offical Website: ✓Twitter:✓Instagram:✓Telegram: ✓OurBlog:✓Youtube:
Pionex: Free Trading Bots for Bitcoin, Dogecoin 2.1.11
Welcome to the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange withFREETrading Bots! Pionex provides 16 trading bots like Grid TradingBotwhich allows you to securely and automatically tradecurrencieslike Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and so on. Here’s alittle tasteof what our app does: ✔ 16 Free Trading Bots GridTrading Bot,Infinity Grid Bot, and Spot-Futures Arbitrage Bot,Smart Trade bot,DCA bot, let them work for you to achieve your owncrypto strategy.✔ How to Buy Crypto & Set Up Your Bot Buycryptocurrency onyour trusted exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, andso on, thentransfer to your Pionex account. Set up one of thetrading bots weprovide to trade your cryptocurrency automatically.✔ FEE Only0.05% trading fee on Pionex. ✔ Supported AssetsBitcoin(BTC),Ethereum(ETH), Litecoin(LTC), Dogecoin(DOGE),Uinswap(UNI), andmore than 250 coins are available on Pionex.✔️Good LiquidityPionex aggregates the liquidity from Binance andHuobi near theticker price. Pionex is one of the biggest brokers ofBinance, andone of the biggest market makers of Huobi in the world.✔ LicensedPionex has acquired MSB(Money Services Business) licenseby FinCEN.✔️Safety First Your cryptocurrency in your Pionex walletissecurely stored in Binance and Huobi Global, which has theworld'sclass security level. And your account is also secured withemailverification, Google Authenticator verification, apersonalpasscode, and the withdrawal white list. ✔️Reported byBloomberg& Pionex is a rising star, providing 13tradingtools and acquiring lots of users in 2020, and getting viralin2021 with 5 billion trading volume per month. ✔️Beginner toExpert,You're Not Alone. Whether you just get started your cryptojourneyor an experienced expert, you all can find the tradingstrategiesyou need to trade your crypto on Pionex. Take the firststeptowards blockchain, Pionex is always by your side. ✔ Need MoreHelpEmail: [email protected] Online Support: www.pionex.comOfficialTelegram: ✔ Communities Ourblog: Twitter:
IRC for Android ™ 2.1.60
IRC for Android ™ - Internet Relay Chat