LethalMaus Apps

StreamingYorkie - A Twitch Streamers Best Friend 2.3.8-a
Introduction Streaming Yorkie is a tool designed to help TwitchStreamers to efficiently Follow & Unfollow other Streamers Thetool tracks & offers a better overview of Followers, Following,Unfollowed & F4F After your stream any VOD (Video On Demand)can be seen & exported to Youtube in our VODs OverviewAutomatically Follow, Unfollow, F4F, Lurk & export Videos toYoutube simply by installing and configuring Streaming Yorkie Sharethat you are AutoFollowing to our Discord Community & gain morefollowers and viewers Helps build a bigger community,simplifies/automates communication to become an affiliate orpartner faster & free up more time to stream Watch multiplestreams at once with Multi View and cast it to a TV Lurk yourfavourite streamers with minimum possible network data usage (audioonly & chat) & increase their viewer count Use our Discordto get others to to Follow or Lurk and gain more viewers. Use theF4F L4L H4H Channel Currently it is in an Alpha state It could bethat a Bug may appear or the app behaves in an unexpected mannerPlease report any problems or suspicions to help improve StreamingYorkie for everyone Guidehttps://github.com/LethalMaus/StreamingYorkie#guide The code isOpen Source, contains no costs & no advertisements are involvedIt is a gift back to a great community who I will continue tosupport for free The option to support us and gain extra benefitssuch as Follows or Lurks is available as in-app purchases andsubscriptions Streaming Yorkie communicates exclusively with theTwitch API, Twitch Website, Twitch Multi View & our Discord Alogin is required to be able to utilize your Twitch data Passwordsare not seen or saved, rather a unique Token given by Twitch isused after the login This ensures that your account is as safe ascan be All data is saved locally & only you have access to itVOD exports are done by Twitch, they are not downloaded &uploaded to Youtube by Streaming Yorkie This ensures network datausage is kept to a minimum A PircBotX bot is used to send a messageto a lurked channel on demand or automatically Streaming Yorkie isdeveloped with Android Studio in Java Lint & Sonarcloud is usedto acquire high quality standardized code while little complexityThe code is documented with JavaDocs & comments to allow foreasier collaborations with other developers DRY (Don't RepeatYourself) & KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principles areenforced as much as possible Variable naming conventions are alsoin place The variable name must explain what it is or what it does,clearly, for any developer to understand Hopefully this can be usedas an example for good coding as well as how to develop an AndroidApp in Java Any collaborations are welcome, so feel free to fork& ask for merge requests See something inefficient? Let meknow. I'm always trying to improve my coding & learn new thingsOpen Source Code https://github.com/LethalMaus/StreamingYorkieRoadmap The following tasks and features are currently on theRoadmap & some of which are likely to be within the nextrelease • Stream Info/Event tracker (views, hosts, followers,chats, markers) • See GitHub for more... Contact Discord For anyissues, questions or change requests, feel free to ask. I will getback to you as soon as I can https://discord.gg/vkCHjVm GitHub Formore ways of getting in contact with me, see the GitHub pagehttps://github.com/LethalMaus/StreamingYorkie#contact Twitch Come& say 'Hi' https://www.twitch.tv/lethalmaus
Lazy Developer Shortcut 1.0-developer
Have you ever been so lazy, that you couldn't be botherednavigatingthe settings to find and change a specific part of itsuch as Wi-Fior Languages? Especially with a new phone, or whenthe phone is in adifferent language? Then fret no more! These lazyapps (yes morethan one) will each navigate to your phone settingsas defined.They're so lazy, that the app contains only 3 lines ofcode! The appwill open, tell the phone 'Hey! open this setting forme will ya!'and then close again. It does nothing else, literally.Noadvertising, no extra presses, no views to be seen, literallyjustopens, sends the intent and closes. Don't believe me? Take alook atthe code! It's open source and foundherehttps://github.com/LethalMaus/LazyShortcuts 'But why createandrelease this app if this is all what it does?' I work as anappdeveloper in the IoT field and I test quite a few apps andIoTdevices. These tests are ran on multiple phones withdifferentlanguages and need to be constantly adjusted (changing theWi-Finetwork or the system language for example). Time is crucialand soare my nerves so if I find a way to make the process more'lazy'then I will. I looked first to see if other apps wereavailableonly to find that the majority require opening the app andthenpressing a button (just to show some advertising). I'm not afan ofthat and I get a kick out doing something like this so itsawin-win for me (and possibly you) Contact Discord For anyissues,questions or further lazy apps, feel free to ask. I will getbackto you as soon as I can https://discord.gg/Q59afsq GitHub Formoreways of getting in contact with me, see the GitHubpagehttps://github.com/LethalMaus/LazyShortcuts#contact