Top 11 Apps Similar to SUT e-Learning

E learning 1.0
Flower Apps
Awsome e learning and online coursesIf you don't have time to go to live courses. Or just busywithkids at home anddon't find any baby sitter from them. Or maybe the weather isnothelping. Well might have just found your solution. E learning YESonlinecourses. This onewill make it possible. Using online learning you can nowachieveyour goals and be the bestperson you dream to be. Online education or elearning will helpyoudevelop your careerand knowledgeFaitures:- Online Classes- Technology- Reading- Everyday life- all Topics- English: skills for learning- Succeed with maths- Forensic psychology- Introduction to bookkeeping and accounting- Managing my money- An introduction to information security- Starting with psychology- E-Learning for Kids- Science- Enviromental Skills- Computer Skills- Languages Arts
English Conversation Practice 4.99
English Speaking Practice. Learn English Listening andpracticeConversations.
Speak English 3.19
Learn spoken English - Improve English listening and speaking.
e-Learning mMentor 1.9
MobileComm introduces its mobilebasedapp“mMentor” that don’t bore people to tears, but insteadinspireandmotivate to learn in a more interactive manner.With mMentor set up the new plate, get passionate aboutyourworkcommit and eliminate the traditional ways of learning.“DOWNLOAD the APP NOW and View Our SpecializedTelecomLearningPrograms from Your Desk!!!”We recognize the uniqueness of your learning needs!!!For busy professional who need flexiblelearningoptions,MobileComm now offers a suite of InteractiveTechnicalandNon-Technical E-Learning Courses that helps you to stayonthecutting edge providing an ease of learning at your ownplaceandpace.Why mMentor App:-Convenient and Flexible Learning-Learn in a Digitized Way-Is the least expensive alternative-Intrinsically Engaging-Encourages pedagogically sound teaching and learning-Provides Open Source Platform to learn from across the web
Little Writer E-Learning App 1.0
Through this application, kids willdiscoverhow to draw letter.How To Use:1) The children use their fingers to trace the letters.On the home screen, there's a choice of allowing the applicationtoselect letters or selecting specific upper/lower-caselettersyourself.You can choose upper or lowercase letters to work on.If a kid selects an option of upper or lower case letterthanalphabets appears on the screen and kid traces it with the helpofhis finger, an alphabet will appear, path is highlightedwitharrows showing the route to follow, this helps a kid intracingalphabets.2) For learning point of view there is an option whichincludestypes of letters.As there are three types of letters in English language appliedtolowercase letters.They include root letters, grass letters and sky letters.-Root letters are those letters on which the lower part oftheletter reaches below the line the letter is written on. Thelettersto which this term applies are g, j, p, q, and y.-Grass letters are the letters simply 'sitting' on the line,withoutreaching below and not exceeding certain height. Thefollowingletters are consequently all grass letters: a, c, e, i,m, n, o, r,s, u, v, w, x, and z .-For the sky letters, one has to imagine a line going across thetopedge of the grass letters. All the letters which have an upperpartreaching above this imaginary line are called sky letters.This termis therefore applied to the letters b, d, f, h, k, l, andt.Another way to define sky letters would be to say that theirheightequals the height of capital letters. In this option a skywillappear having sky letters, grass having grass letters and rootwithroot letters. Kids will be tested on basis of this, a lowercaseletter will appear on the screen and a kid will have to decidethatwhether he should place it in sky, grass or root on the basisofits structure.-After this a smiley face appears as a result of kids attempt.Otheroption includes colouring shapes in which kid can fill givenbasicshapes with colours. By selecting it, basic shapes willappear onthe screen with their names which will help a kid to getintroducedby basic shapes.Kid can play anyone of it by just clicking on it.-Last option is quit through which application will be closed.Kidswill be graded by different emotions at the end of level justforfun and to raise competition among them.
Lecturio Online Kurse für Medi 21.1.2
Lecturio GmbH
etc. law, medicine, career, Soft Skills: Videos for studyandtraining.
My Friend Fluffy
Voazoa Inc.
Welcome to Voazoa Inc.- #1 gamifiedpicturebook app developer. Our book is designed to give anotherlevel oflearning experience to readers.Voazoa Inc’s app is proven to accelerate children’screativityand concentration by giving kids various activities, suchaspuzzles, laundering, and shopping.“My Friend Fluffy” is a “wordless” Story making appdevelopingcreativity in children while enjoying variousstory-relatedactivities. (5-12 years old)“My Friend Fluffy” Improves children’s- Creativity- Cognitive skills- Language proficiency- ConcentrationCollaborate with your kids with these 3 steps!- Ask your kids, “what is the story about?”- Listen to their thoughts.- Share you childhood memories(about your favorite toysandthings)."My Friend Fluffy" makes fun, warm and beautiful stories,withsubject matter of love and affection familiar tochildren.We all have things which we have emotional attachment to.This attachment helps lead children into a world of observationandimagination.Emotional attachment surprisingly stimulates realisticunderstandingand dream-like imagination.By introducing emotional attachment to people and things,childrencan understand reality, dream about the future, and form asense ofself.-Rury Lee, AuthorAbout the illustrator,Nozomi Takahashi was born in 1988 in Japan and studiedillustrationand packaging design.His first work was 'Hedgehog Egg' in France, and 'My FriendFluffy'was published as a paperback book by publisher'BookGoodCome' inKorea.About VoazoaVoazoa's team of designers and developers work together witharteducation experts to create apps that parents can trust.We strive to create apps that are fun, promote creativity,andfoster an environment where children can receive praiseandencouragement from, and share feelings with, their parents.
English Grammar Learning
English grammar, English writing, English reading, SpeakEnglishconfidently.
루미키즈 키즈동화영어퍼즐학습 대표앱 3.0
루미키즈 키즈유아 동화는 기존의 플레이 방식의 보기만 하는 동화가 아닌아이들이직접스토리 진행에 참여하도록 유도 하는 인터렉티브 동화 어플리케이션 입니다.다양한 터치 이벤트, 터치시 말하기, 장면전환, 진동 피드백, 터치시 변신, 구두신기기, 말 달리기, 그림 기억퍼즐게임등 다양한 기능을 담았습니다.(주)모겐토는 교육컨텐츠 및 이러닝 (E-learning)전문 업체로서 우리 아이들의 정서발달 및 지능발달에 도움이될수있는 교육적이고 좋은 컨텐츠를 만들어 내기 위해 관련 전문인력으로 연구개발팀을 구성 다양한 교육 컨텐츠를연구개발하고있습니다.유아 동화 어플리케이션 를 출시하게 되었습니다.현재 한국어 버젼으로 등록되었으나 영어 및 중국어 등 외국어 학습 요소를 추가한 업그레이드버젼을준비중입니다.그외 다른 많은 명작 동화 스토리를 개성있고 아기자기한 예쁜 그림 스타일로 담아내려고 준비 중에있으며,아이들이흥미를 갖게하는 학습게임 및 재미있는 기능들도 추가하려고 합니다.개선된 많은 신규 작품이 빨리 출시될 수 있도록 여러분의 많은 기대와 호응 부탁드립니다. *^^*사운드 소스 제공 : 에코노베이션----개발자 연락처 :+82234613934
Simplilearn: Online Learning 11.6.7
Transform Your Career with Data Analytics Bootcamps & CoursesinPython, SQl, AI
Medical E-Learning Platform 3.0
Medical E-Learning Platform - formedicalprofessionals, Read, Online test, Videos , Web cast, GetCertified,Be Updated