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BHF PocketCPR 2.0
ZOLL Medical
The British Heart Foundation PocketCPRprovidesREAL-TIME feedback and instructions on Hands-only CPR thatempowersANYONE to learn and practice CPR, so that they can beREADY whenseconds really count!!! The technology is the same asthat used inthe ZOLL PocketCPR for actual rescue from suddencardiac arrest.This version teaches Hands-only CPR skills according tothelatest American Heart Association and EuropeanResuscitationCouncil CPR and ILCOR Guidelines as published onOctober 18,2010.The app includes an introduction video to show the proper useofthe app and Hands-only CPR skills, as well as excellentvoiceprompting throughout the app to improve the skill oftherescuer.BHF Pocket CPR is a must-have app for anyone who wants tolearnhow to perform CPR with accuracy. The PocketCPR app can beused inCPR training programs and for individual practice at home oratwork. It is a great tool for families to learn CPR in order tobeprepared if a loved one needs their help.PocketCPR:• Actively utilizes the accelerometer hardware in the phoneforreal-time coaching and actual feedback on CPR while youarelearning and practicing.• Measures the actual rate and depth of your compressions andletsyou know if you need to push faster or slower, and whetheryoushould push harder or softer.Other CPR prompting devices can provide instructions on CPRorencourage you on the steps and pace of CPR, but ONLYPocketCPRcan:1. Give instructions.2. Prompt on the steps for proper Hands-only CPR.3. AND give you REAL-TIME feedback on the chest compressionsyoudeliver.PocketCPR will remind you to Call for Help, toCheckResponsiveness, and to perform Hands-only CPR at the correctrateand depth. The device algorithms are in complete compliancewithAmerican Heart Association and International Liaison CommitteeonResuscitation (ILCOR) guidelines.Pocket CPR features include:• Clear visual and audio step-by-step instructions onHands-onlyCPR performance, including initial steps for the ChainofSurvival.• Precise metronome to pace chest compressions.• Accurate ability to detect rate of actual compressions andtostate visually and audibly whether to push faster or topushslower.• Industry-proven technology to detect the depth ofchestcompressions.• Audio and visual prompts to push harder or to push softer.• Feature to detect when chest compressions have stopped andtoprompt user to START CPR.• Complete Instructions for Use.• Ability to capture and email CPR compression dataandaccelerometer data allowing the user to record the quality oftheCPR chest compression training.