Top 23 Games Similar to Oxizen: Stop, Breathe & Think

The Mindfulness App 5.28.7
Meditation for you. Sleep better, relax & become more present.
Mindfulness Appen 1.60
SVERIGES MEST SÅLDA MINDFULNESS APP!!MER ÄN 500 000 ANVÄNDAREVill du hitta mer närvaro i vardagens stressigatillvaromentyckeratt meditation verkar svårt? Då kanske MindfulnessAppenärnågotför dig.Mindfulness Appen är ett verktyg för att blimernärvarandeilivet. Den hjälper dig med det som ärallrasvårastimindfulnessutövandet - nämligen att kommaihågattvaramindful.______________________________________KOMMENTARER FRÅN ANVÄNDARE:"Jag har gått kurs i Mindfulness och jag harprovatmångaguidningarpå tex CD. Det här är Klockrent! Braröst,brafunktioner och detverkligen funkar som Mindfulnessärtänkt.Använder den nästandagligen.""Enkel, tydlig, snygg, behaglig röst och flexibel.Dethärkanverkligen bli det som hjälper migattmediteraregelbundet!""Fin design, enkel o behaglig. Fantastiskt verktygförbådenybörjareoch redan praktiserande. Den här borde alla haisinficka. Enriktigt bra present""Snygg design, behagfull app och så rätt i tiden!""Äntligen en bra meditations App på svenska!"______________________________________KORTFATTAT OM APPEN:Genom att ställa in påminnelser på de tider och dagar duvillkandufå meddelande om när det är dags att meditera(ungefärsomSkalmansmat- och sovklocka).• Du kan välja om du vill sitta enkortareellerlängrestund.• Du kan bli guidad med röst eller bara sitta itystnadmedklockorsom slår vid olika intervaller.• Du kan även ställa in en anpassad meditation precis sålångsomduönskar.• Slutligen går det att ställa in ”MindfulnessNotiser”vidvaldatidpunkter som kan hjälpa dig att öka dinnärvaroistundenGenom Mindfulness Appen kan du helt enkelt ”ringa upp”digsjälvdåoch då för att kolla om du verkligen är hemma.Förutom de förinställda påminnelserna går detgivetvisattsättaigång en meditation genom att helt enkelt startaappen,ochväljaden meditation du vill lyssna på - tex om du har enstundöverpåbussen, på arbetet, i en kö eller bara vill sittanerenstund.Alla utförda meditationer sparas i statistikdelen såattduharmöjlighet att följa hur dinmeditationsutövningutvecklasövertid.Mindfulness Appen innehåller:4 Guidade meditationer: 3, 5, 15 och 30 minuter4 Tysta meditationer med klockor: 3, 5, 15 och 30 minuter1 Guidad kroppsscanningMöjlighet att ställa in en anpassad meditation medellerutanguidadbörjanMindfulness notiserPåminnelsefunktion baserad på tidStatistikMindfulness Appen är till för alla som vill blimernärvarandeilivet, både nybörjare och mer erfarna utövare. Vihoppasattdenkommer att förgylla din vardag och göra dittlivmeraintressantatt leva!SWEDEN'SBESTSELLERSMINDFULNESS APP!MORE THAN 500,000 USERSWant to find more presence in the everyday stresses oflifebutfindthat meditation seems difficult? Mindfulness App is foryou.Mindfulness App is a tool to become more present inlife.Ithelpsyou with the most difficult of mindfulness practice-namelytoremember to be mindful.______________________________________COMMENTS FROM USERS:"I have taken a course in Mindfulness and I have triedmanytoursforexample on CD. This is right on! Good voice, goodfeaturesanditreally works as Mindfulness is intended. Useitalmostdaily.""Simple, clear, neat, pleasant voice, and flexible.Thiscouldreallybe the one that helps me to meditate onaregularbasis!""Nice design, easy o pleasant. Fantastic tool forbothbeginnersandthose already practicing. Everybody should have inhispocket.Areally great gift""Great design, graceful app and so timely!""Finally a good yet simple in Swedish!"______________________________________BRIEF ABOUT THE APPBy setting reminders at the times and days you wishyoucanbenotified when it is time to meditate (much likeShell'sfoodandsovklocka).• You can choose whether you want to sit ashortorlongwhile.• You may be guided by voice or just sit in silencewithbellsthatstrikes at various intervals.• You can also set a custom meditation just as longasyouwish.• Finally, it is possible to set the "MindfulnessNotices"atselectedtimes that can help you increase your presenceinthemomentThe Mindfulness App, you can simply "call" yourselfeverynowandthen to see if you really are at home.In addition to the preset reminders can of coursesetoffameditation by simply start the app, and choosethemeditationtolisten to - for example if you have a spare momentonthe bus,atwork, in a queue or just want to sit down foramoment.All the meditations are stored in the statisticssectionsothatyou are able to follow how your meditationpracticedevelopsovertime.  Mindfulness App includes:4 Tour meditation: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes4 Quiet meditation with clocks: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes1 Guided body scannersAbility to set a custom meditation with or withoutguidedearlyMindfulness NoticesReminder function based on timeStatisticsMindfulness App is for anyone who wants to becomemorepresentintheir lives, both beginners and moreexperiencedpractitioners.Wehope it will brighten your day and makeyourlifemoreinteresting!
Mindfulness Appen II 1.39
UPPFÖLJAREN TILL SVERIGES MESTNEDLADDADEMINDFULNESS-APP!!!Vill du hitta mer närvaro i vardagens stressiga tillvaromentycker att meditation verkar svårt? Då kanske Mindfulness AppenIIär något för dig.I Google Play finner du nu två olika Mindfulness Appar:Mindfulness Appen (den blå)Mindfulness Appen II (den gröna)Mindfulness Appen II och Mindfulness Appen är verktyg för attblimer närvarande i livet. Dem hjälper dig med det som är allrasvårasti mindfulnessutövandet - nämligen att komma ihåg attvaramindful.Mindfulness Appen II är både för dig som provatmindfulnesstidigare och redan har Mindfulness Appen (den blå) ochvill fåtillgång till fler övningar. Men den passar också perfektför digsom aldrig tidigare provat mindfulness.Ett enkelt sätt att börja med mindfulness är att ladda nereneller båda apparna och följa de röstguidade instruktionerna!Lycka till!MINDFULNESS APPEN II INNEHÅLLER:6 nya röstguidade meditationer på en sammanlagd längd av80min:BergsmeditationSjömeditationKärleksfull vänlighetsmeditationKroppsscanningStående meditationGående meditation4 tysta meditationer med klockor: 10, 20, 40 och 60 minuter.Möjlighet att bli påmind när du ankommer eller lämnar enplats.Självklart går det också att bli påmind på ettklockslag.40 nya Mindfulnessnotiser som hjälper dig att öka din närvaroistunden.Alla utförda meditationer sparas i statistikdelen så att duharmöjlighet att följa hur din meditationsutövning utvecklasövertid.______________________________________KOMMENTARER FRÅN ANVÄNDARE AV MINDFULNESS APPEN:"En kanonapp som får mig att slappna av och samla kraft.""Är lycklig över att ha hittat denna fantastiska App somhjälpermig att andas rätt och vara i nuet!!""Mitt bästa appköp någonsin. Bra upplägg, snyggtochlätthanterligt gränssnitt med superbra funktionalitet. Riktigtbrainnehåll framförallt!""Jag har fruktansvärt svårt att varva ner men det blirbetydligtlättare med den här appen! En stor fördel är det att mankan”bygga” sin meditation som man vill, guidad ellerinte,tidsintervall, med eller utan klocka, kroppsscanning,intro.Absolut värd sina ynka 15 kr :)"The sequel toSweden'smost downloaded MINDFULNESS APP !!!Are you looking for more presence in the everyday stressesoflife but think that meditation seems difficult? Try theMindfulnessApp II is for you.Google Play, you will find now two differentMindfulnessApps:Mindfulness App (blue)Mindfulness App II (green)Mindfulness App II and Mindfulness App is a tool to bemorepresent in life. They will help you with that which ismostdifficult aspect of Mindfulness practice - namely to rememberto bemindful.Mindfulness App II is both for those who triedmindfulnessearlier and has already Mindfulness App (blue) and wantto getaccess to more exercises. But it is also perfectly suitablefor youwho have never tried mindfulness.An easy way to begin with mindfulness is to download one orbothapps and follow the voice guided instructions!Good luck!Mindfulness App II CONTAINS:6 new voice guided meditations at a total length of80minutes:Berg meditationSjömeditationLoving kindness meditationBody ScanStanding MeditationWalking meditation4 quiet meditation with clocks 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes.Ability to be reminded when arriving or leaving alocation.Obviously, it is also to be reminded of a time.40 new Mindfulness Notices that helps you to increase yourpresencein the moment.All the meditations saved in the statistics section so that youareable to follow how your meditation practice developsovertime.______________________________________COMMENTS BY USERS OF Mindfulness App:"A kanonapp that allowed me to relax and gather strength.""Happy to have found this great app that helps me tobreatheproperly and be in the moment !!""My best appköp ever. Good approach, neat andconvenientinterface with super functionality. Really great contentaboveall!""I've been terribly hard to unwind but it will be mucheasierwith this app! A big advantage is that you can" build"theirmeditation as you want, guided or not, time intervals, withorwithout a clock, body scan, intro. Absolutely hosted its measly15SEK :) "
Mindfulness Appen NOR 1.60
SKANDINAVIAS MEST SOLGTE MINDFULNESSAPP!Mer enn 500 000 brukereØnsker du å finne ro midt i din hektiske hverdag, men synesatmeditasjon er vanskelig å få til på egen hånd? Da erkanskjeMindfulness Appen noe for deg.Mindfulness Appen er et verktøy for å øke din evne tilbevissttilstedeværelse i livet. Appen hjelper deg med denvanskeligstebiten ved mindfulness treningen, nemlig å treneregelmessig.______________________________________TILBAKEMELDINGER:"Jeg har gått kurs i Mindfulness og har prøvd mangeforskjelligeveiledninger på CD. Og det her er Supert! Bra stemme,brafunksjoner og jeg kjenner det virker slik Mindfulness skal.Jegbruker den nesten hver dag.""Enkel, tydelig, fin, behagelig stemme og fleksibel. Det herkanvirkelig bli det som får meg til å meditere regelmessig!""Fin design, enkel og behagelig. Et fantastisk verktøy bådefornybegynnere og erfarne. Den her burde alle ha i lomma. Enskikkeligbra gave.""Flott design, behagelig app og så tidsmessig riktig!""Endelig en bra meditasjons App på norsk!"______________________________________KORT OM APPEN:Gjennom å stille inn påminnelser på de dagene og tidspunkteneduønsker, mottar du en melding når det er tid for å meditere.Du kan velge om du vil sitte en lang eller kort stund.• Du kan bli veiledet av en stemme eller bare sitte i stillhetmedklokker som ringer underveis.• Du kan tilpasse meditasjonen til å bli nøyaktig så lang somduønsker.• Du kan også bruke Appen til å motta Mindfulnessnotisertilselvvalgte tidspunkter som kan hjelpe deg til å finne ro derogda.Gjennom Mindfulness Appen kan du nå og da enkelt ”sjekke inn”meddeg selv om du virkelig er hjemme.I tillegg til de forhåndsinnstilte påminnelsene, kanduselvfølgelig starte en meditasjon når som helst kun ved å trykkepåAppen og velge den meditasjonen du ønsker å lytte til –foreksempel hvis du har tid på bussen, på jobben, eller når dukunønsker å sitte en stund.Alle meditasjonene du har gjort lagres i AppensStatistikkdel,slik at du hele tiden har oversikt over hvor mye oghvor lenge duhar trent. Mindfulness Appen inneholder:4 Veiledede meditasjoner på: 3, 5, 15 og 30 minutter4 Stille meditasjoner med klokker: 3, 5, 15 og 30 minutter1 Veiledet kroppsskanningMulighet til å stille inn en tilpasset meditasjon med eller utenenveiledet start.MindfulnessnotiserPåminnelsesfunksjon basert på tidStatistikkMindfulness Appen er laget for alle som ønsker å væremernærværende i livet, og er like aktuell både for nybegynnereogerfarne utøvere. Vi håper den vil forbedre hverdagen din ogbidratil å gjøre hvert øyeblikk levende.SCANDINAVIA MOSTSOLDMindfulness APP!More than 500,000 usersWant to find calm in the midst of your hectic life, but findthatmeditation is difficult to achieve on your own? ThenmaybeMindfulness app for you.Mindfulness app is a tool to increase your ability toconsciouslypresence in life. The app helps you with the hardestpart about themindfulness training, which is to exerciseregularly.______________________________________FEEDBACK:"I have attended courses in mindfulness and have triedmanydifferent tutorials on CD. And here is super! Good voice,goodfeatures and I know it seems like mindfulness should. I useitalmost every day.""Simple, clear, nice, pleasant voice and flexible. It herecanreally be what gets me to meditate regularly!""Nice design, easy and comfortable. A great tool for bothbeginnersand experienced. The everyone should have in their pocket.A reallygood gift.""Great design, comfortable app and so timely!""Finally a good meditation App on Norwegian!"______________________________________BRIEF APP:By setting reminders on the days and times you wish, you receiveamessage when it's time to meditate.You can choose to sit a long or short time.• You can be guided by a voice or just sit in silence withbellsringing along the way.• You can customize meditation to be accurate as long asyouwant.• You can also use the app to receive Mindfulnessnotisertoself-selected times that can help you to find peace thereandthen.Through Mindfulness app you can now and then simply "checkin"with yourself if you really are at home.In addition to the preset reminders, you can of course startameditation anytime just by pressing the app and choosethemeditation you want to listen to - for example, if you have timeonthe bus, at work, or when you just want to sit a while.All meditations you have made is stored in theapp'sStatistikkdel so that you always have an overview of how muchandhow long you have been trained.Mindfulness app includes:4 Guided meditations on 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes4 Setting meditations with bells: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes1 Guided Body ScanAbility to set a custom meditation with or without asupervisedstart.MindfulnessnotiserReminder function based on timeStatisticsMindfulness app is designed for anyone who wants to bemorepresent in their lives and is equally relevant for bothbeginnersand experienced practitioners. We hope it will improveyour lifeand help make every moment come alive.
The Mindfulness App II 1.39
Featuring 6 brand-new guidedmindfulnessexercises as well as new functionality, The MindfulnessApp II isideal both for those who have used The Mindfulness Appbefore andfor people just beginning a mindfulness practice for thefirsttime.THE MINDFULNESS APP II CONTAINS:6 brand-new guided meditations totalling 80 min:Mountain MeditationLake MeditationLovingkindness MeditationBody ScanStanding MeditationWalking Meditation4 silent meditations with bells: 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes.Possibility to be reminded when you come to, or leave aspecificlocation. You can of course also be reminded on aspecifictime.40 new Mindfulness Notices that helps you to increase yourpresencein the moment.All the meditations that you have done are stored in thestatisticssection so that you have a possibility to follow howyourmeditation practice is developing over time.COMMENTS FROM USERS OF THE MINDFULNESS APP:"Extremely effective. This App helps calm a busy day.""Excellent app for inspiring a regular meditation practice.""I began using this app as a supplement to a courseonmindfulness and meditation. It has been excellent! Themeditationsboth silent and guided are great, particularly beingable to createyour own meditations. It has really helped me developmypractice.""Great app. Very useful for busy, stressful lifestyle. I useitdaily. Helps in so many aspects of work, home andsociallife.!"The Mindfulness App II is a great tool for everyone who wantstobecome more present in their life, both beginners andexperiencedpractitioners. We hope that it will enhcance your dayand make yourlife richer and more interesting!
Mindfulness 1.0.2
Neocogita srl
Aumenta il tuo benessere mentale praticandolamindfulness del respiro. La pratica della mindfulness del respiroèuna forma di meditazione che stimola uno stato mentale diaperturaverso il momento presente, non discorsivo e diattenzionefocalizzata verso il respiro.RICERCA SCIENTIFICALe ricerca scientifica mostra come la pratica quotidianadellamindfulness del respiro porti ad uno stabile aumento delbenesserementale a qualsiasi età. Neocogita ha definito dellesessioniguidate utilizzando istruzioni di base, in uno stile“laico”, comenei protocolli utilizzati in sperimentazioniscientifiche, e adattoanche per principianti. Non ci sono quindinelle istruzionielementi culturali o tradizionali (ad esempio newage o religiosi),spesso associati a pratiche di meditazione.PROTOCOLLO CONSIGLIATOIn questa applicazione trovi introduzioni e sessioni guidateperimparare tutto ciò che c’è da sapere sui livelli di basedellamindfulness del respiro su tutto il corpo. La metodologia èmoltosemplice, e dunque è adatta a principianti che non sappianonulladella teoria e della pratica della meditazione.In due lezioni audio d’introduzione trovi tutte ledescrizioninecessarie su come e quando effettuare le sedute dimindfulness. Inquattro lezioni guidate (livello da principiante adesperto) trovile istruzioni di mindfulness del respiro su tutto ilcorpo, daascoltare durante le sedute vere e proprie. La durata diogniseduta qui proposta è di venti minuti.Quando desideri fare un a seduta di mindfulness senza leistruzioniguidate, nell’applicazioni trovi un cronometro che condei suoni tiindicherà solo l’inizio e la fine della seduta, per ladurata chetu decidi, e per il resto in totale silenzio.Nell’applicazione trovi inoltre un test per verificare iltuolivello di mindfulness, e cioè la tua capacità diauto-regolarel’attenzione sull'esperienza immediata e di essereconsapevole deituoi contenuti mentali nel momento presente.Consigliamo dieffettuare il test non troppo frequentemente, conscadenze almenomensili. Con questo test puoi verificare l’efficaciadella tuapratica della mindfulness.BENEFICI ATTESIGli effetti positivi della mindfulness del respiro possonoessereavvertiti già dalle prime sedute, ma è solo con una praticalunga(almeno alcune settimane) che gli effetti diventano piùstabili.Alcuni dei benefici osservati sono:• maggiore attenzione al presente, e diminuzione della tendenzaalladistrazione;• maggiore consapevolezza delle proprie emozioni ereazionipsicofisiche;• maggiore capacità di mantenere i propri obiettivi;• diminuzione del rimuginio sul passato o delle preoccupazioniperil futuro;• diminuzione dell’ansia;• aumento dell’empatia e della capacità di capire gli altri;• aumento della resilienza e della resistenza allo stress.LINKSVisita il sito di Neocogita: su Facebook: con White Papers di Neocogita: yourmentalwell-being by practicing mindfulness of breathing. Thepractice ofmindfulness of breathing is a form of meditation thatstimulates amental state of openness to the present moment, notdiscursive andfocused attention to the breath. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHThe scientific research shows how the daily practice ofmindfulnessof breathing leads to a steady increase in mentalwell-being at anyage. Neocogita has defined a guided sessions usingbasicinstructions, in a style "secular", as in the protocols usedinscientific experiments, and also suitable for beginners. Thereareso elements in the instructions cultural or traditional(forexample, new age or religious), often associated withmeditationpractices. RECOMMENDED PROTOCOLIn this application you will find introductions and guidedsessionsto learn everything there is to know about the basic levelsofmindfulness of the breath throughout the body. The methodologyisvery simple, and therefore is suitable for beginners whoknownothing of the theory and practice of meditation.In two lessons audio input are all descriptions needed on howandwhen to make the sessions of mindfulness. In four-steplessons(from beginner to expert level) you can find instructionsonmindfulness of the breath throughout the body, to listen toduringthe sessions themselves. The duration of each sessionproposed hereis twenty minutes.When you want to do a session of mindfulness withoutinstructionstours, nell'applicazioni has a stopwatch with soundwill indicateonly the beginning and the end of the session, for aslong as youdecide, and the rest in total silence.In the application you can find a test to check your levelofmindfulness, that is, your ability to self-adjust the focus ontheimmediate and be aware of your mental content in thepresentmoment. We suggest making the test not too frequently,withmaturities of at least monthly. With this test you can testtheeffectiveness of your practice of mindfulness. EXPECTED BENEFITSThe positive effects of mindfulness of the breath can be feltfromthe very first sessions, but it is only with a practice long(atleast a few weeks) that the effects become more stable. Some ofthebenefits observed are:• greater attention to the present, and decreased tendencytodistraction;• greater awareness of their own emotions andpsychophysicalreactions;• Increased ability to maintain its objectives;• decreased brooding about the past or worries aboutthefuture;• decreased anxiety;• increase in empathy and the ability to understand others;• increase the resilience and resistance to stress. LINKSVisit the Neocogita: Follow us on Facebook: Learn with White Papers of Neocogita:
Mindfulness - Lugn och lycklig 1.7.0
Packed with exercises for the presence, peace, joy and ease inlife.
El Mindfulness App 1.60
¡La aplicación de Mindfulness más usadaenEscandinavia!Con más de 300.000 ususarios!# La App de Salud Nº 1 en ventas en Suecia# La App de Salud Nº 1 en ventas en Dinamarca# La App de Salud Nº 1 en ventas en Países Bajos# La App de Salud Nº 1 en ventas en Noruega# La App de Salud Nº 2 en ventas en Reino Unido# La App de Salud Nº 2 en ventas en Alemania¿Le gustaría poder encontrar más equilibrio en su vida, auncuandola realidad de la existencia se torna cada vez más complejayestresante? ¿Ha oído hablar de la meditación y cómopodríaayudarle?¿Le resulta difícil o complicado practicarla? PruebeconEl Mindfulness App.El Mindfulness App es una herramienta útil para incrementarlaatención consciente en la vida. Le ayudará con uno de losaspectosmás difíciles de la práctica del Mindfulness- es decir, elrecordarestar presente.______________________________________COMENTARIOS DE LOS USUSARIOS:”He completado un curso de Mindfulness y he utilizadovariasmeditaciones guiadas en CDs. ¡Esta herramienta es ideal! Unavozagradable, útiles funciones, todo con el enfoque delMindfulnessoriginal. Lo uso a diario.””Simple, claro, bello, una voz agradable y flexible. Estopodríaser lo que me ayude a meditar de manera regular.””Un buen diseño, simple y agradable. Una herramientafantásticapara los principiantes y aquellos que ya estamospracticando. Todosdeberías tenerlo en su blosillo. Un regaloestupendo.””¡Una aplicación genial! Completa y fácil de usar. Con unmontónde funciones y a la vez sencilla”.______________________________________RESUMEN DE LA APLICACIÓN:Configurando recordatorios a las horas y días que elija, recibiráunmensaje cuando sea el momento de meditar.Puede elegir el periodo de tiempo durante el quedeseemeditar.Puede ser guiado por una voz o simplemente sentarse ensilenciocon las campanillas que sonarán a distintos momentos paraayudarlea estar más presente.También puede diseñar su propia meditación con la duraciónqueusted elija.Por último, puede configurar Notas de Mindfulness que leayudarána incrementar su presencia en los momentos que elija.Utilizando El Mindfulness App usted puede simplemente”hacerseuna llamada” de vez en cuando para comprobar si realmenteestáahí.Y es por supuesto posible comenzar a meditar simplementeabriendola aplicación y eligiendo la meditación que deseeescuchar, porejemplo cuando use el transporte público, en momentosde espera o sisimplemente decide sentarse un momento ameditar.Todas las meditaciones que haya realizado se almacenan enlasección de estadísticas, de manera que tiene la posibilidaddehacer un seguimiento de cómo va progresando su prácticameditativaa lo largo del tiempo.El Mindfulness App contiene:4 Meditaciones Guiadas: de 3, 5, 15, y 30 minutos4 Meditaciones en silencio con campanillas: de 3, 5, 15, y30minutos1 Escáner Corporal GuiadoLa posibilidad de diseñar una meditación a su gusto con o sinlaintroducciónNotas de MindfulnessFunción de RecordatoriosEstadísticasEl Mindfulness App es una herramienta genial para cualquieraquedesee estar más presente en su vida, tanto para principiantescomopara practicantes más experimentados. ¡Estamos convencidos dequeEl Mindfulness App le ayudará a mejorar su día a día y hará suvidamás rica e interesante!Applying Mindfulnessmostused in Scandinavia!With more than 300,000 ususarios!# The Health App No. 1 in sales in Sweden# The Health App No. 1 in sales in Denmark# The Health App No. 1 in sales in Netherlands# The Health App No. 1 in sales in Norway# The Health App No. 2 in sales in the UK# The Health App No. 2 in sales in GermanyWould you like to find more balance in your life, even ifthereality of existence becomes increasingly complex andstressful?Have you ever heard of meditation and how it might help?Is it hardor complicated practice? Try Mindfulness AppThe Mindfulness App is a tool to increase mindfulness in life.Itwill help with one of the most difficult aspects ofmindfulnesspractice-namely to remember to be present.______________________________________COMMENTS Users are recommended:"I have completed a course of Mindfulness and have usedseveralguided meditations on CDs. This tool is great! A pleasantvoice,useful features, all with the focus of the originalMindfulness. Iuse it daily. ""Simple, clear, beautiful, nice and flexible voice. This couldbewhat helps me to meditate on a regular basis. ""Good design, simple and enjoyable. A fantastic toolforbeginners and those who are already practicing. All should haveitin their blosillo. A wonderful gift. ""A great app! Complete and easy to use. With plenty offeaturesyet simple ".______________________________________SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: Setting reminders to the hours and days that you choose, youwillreceive a message when it's time to meditate.You can choose the time period you want to meditate.Can be guided by a voice or just sit in silence with thebellswill ring at different times to help you be more present.You can also design your own meditation with the lengthyouchoose.Finally, you can set Notes Mindfulness to help you increaseyourpresence in the moments you choose.Using Mindfulness App you can simply "get a call" from timetotime to see if it really is there.And it is of course possible to begin to meditate simplyopeningthe application and choosing meditation you want to hear,forexample when using public transport, waiting times, orsimplydecide to sit a moment to meditate.All meditations you have made are stored in thestatisticssection, so it has the ability to keep track of howmeditativepractice progresses over time.The Mindfulness App contains:Guided Meditations 4: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes4 Meditations in silence with bells: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes1 Guided Body ScanThe possibility of designing a meditation to taste with orwithoutthe introductionMindfulness NotesReminders functionStatisticsThe Mindfulness App is a great tool for anyone wanting to bemorepresent in your life, both for beginners and moreexperiencedpractitioners. We believe that The Mindfulness App willhelp youimprove your day to day and make your life more richandinteresting!
The Mindfulness App UK 1.37
THE MOST SOLD MINDFULNESS APPINSCANDINAVIA!MORE THAN 500 000 USERS!!Do you want to find more balance in today’sincreasinglystressful existence? Do you think that meditation seemsdifficult?Try the Mindfulness App UK.The Mindfulness App is a tool for increasing your awareness inlife.It helps you with the most difficult aspect of Mindfulnesspractice- namely to remember to be mindful.______________________________________COMMENTS FROM USERS:”I have completed a Mindfulness course and tried manyguidedmeditations for example on CD. This is right on! Pleasantvoice,useful functions and it really works as Mindfulness issupposed to.I use it almost daily.””Simple, clear, beautiful, pleasant voice and flexible. Thiscouldreally be what helps me meditate regularly””Nice design, simple and pleasant. Fantastic tool for beginnersandthose already practicing. Everybody should have it in theirpocket.A really good gift.””What a nice app! Thorough and user friendly. A lot of functionsbutyet simple.”______________________________________BRIEF ABOUT THE APP:By setting reminders at times and days of your choice you can getamessage when it’s time to meditateYou can choose if you want to sit for a shorter orlongerperiodYou can be guided by a voice or just sit in silence withbellsringing at different timesYou can also design your own meditation for as long as youwantit to lastFinally, you can set Mindfulness Notices at chosen times thatcanhelp you to increase your presence in the momentThrough the Mindfulness App you can simply ‘call yourselfup’from time to time to check whether you really are there.It is of course possible to start a meditation just bystartingthe Mindfulness App and choose which meditation you want tolistento - for example if you have some time in the subway, bus, inaqueue or if you just want to sit for a while.All the meditations that you have done are stored inthestatistics section so that you have a possibility to followhowyour meditation practice is developing over time.The Mindfulness App contains:4 Guided meditations: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes4 Silent meditations with bells: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes1 Guided Body ScanPossibility of designing a modified meditation with ourwithoutguided introMindfulness NoticesReminder functionStatisticsThe Mindfulness app is a great tool for everyone who wantstobecome more present in their life, both beginners andmoreexperienced practitioners. We are confident that it willenhanceyour day and make your life richer and more interesting!
buddhify - mindfulness meditat 4.4.16
Guided meditations for sleep, stress, travelling, work and more
iMindfulness Mindfulness 1.8.2
iMindfulness in English for Android
Mindfulness 1.1.2
Detta är appen för dig som vill träna Mindfulness på ett enkeltsättmed professionell vägledning. Med sin djupa kunskap ochmångårigaerfarenhet har leg specialistsjukgymnast HelenaLöwen-Åberg härsamlat sina bästa Mindfulness-övningar för dig!"Appen Mindfulnessav Helena Löwen-Åberg har bra guidning. Lätt attanvända även om duär nybörjare." - Göteborgs-Posten, Teknik &Trender, 21 feb 2014Innehåll Appen ger dig möjlighet att övamindfulness med hjälp avguidning eller ledd tystnad. Förutomövningar innehåller appen ävenkorta fakta om mindfulness ocheffekter av meditationsträningen. Duhittar även råd vid träningsamt tips om sitt- och liggställningen,som är särskilt viktiga atttänka på. Utöver detta finns en praktiskövningsdel och enbeskrivande text till varje övning. ÖvningarÖvningsdelen består avföljande guidade meditationer: 1. Närvarandei kroppen10 min 2.Närvarande i andning 8 min 3.1 Kortmindfulnessmeditation 16 min3.2 Lång mindfulnessmeditation 21 min4. Kroppskanning 24 min 5.Tyst andningsmeditation 15-45 min 6.Tystnad med klockor valfrilängd Det finns olika inställningar somDu kan välja bland. •Du kanvälja klockor före och eftermeditationsövningen •Vill du bli väcktefter övningen kan du ställain detta •Du kan välja att sitta uppeller ligga ner •I övning 5finns det stödord, som påminnelseord,som hjälper dig att hålla digvaken under tystnad •Övning 6 ärTystnad med enbart klockor •Duväljer själv intervall på stödordenoch klockorna i övning 5 och 6samt hur länge du vill sittaBakgrund Mindfulness eller medvetennärvaro kan beskrivas som etttillstånd där vi har vår uppmärksamhetoch vårt medvetande riktatjust i den situation vi befinner oss iför ögonblicket. Det är ettförhållningssätt till livet.Buddhistmunken Thich Nhat Hanh skriveratt vi kan lära oss attförnimma friden som finns runt omkring ossoch inom oss genommeditationsträning. ”Det är inte en fråga om troutan om övning.” Dubör inte lyssna på övningarna när du kör bileller när du behövervara alert. Appen Mindfulness är framtagen avSpecialistsjukgymnastHelena Löwen-Åberg tillsammans med DevelantTechnologies AB. Helenabedriver egen mottagning i Göteborg och harlång erfarenhet avkliniskt arbete med patienter som harstressrelaterade besvär,tinnitus, oro, ångest, långvarig smärta,yrsel och sömnsvårigheter.Förutom appen Mindfulness finns ävenappen Tinnitushjälp somsärskild hjälp för dig med Tinnitus-besvär.Behörighets Info: Allabehörighetskrav används enbart förnedladdning av övningar (I defall där den inte lyckats ladda nedövningarna vid köp) ochlicenskontroll på Google Play. TeamHelenaLöwen-Åberg:Övningsproducent, manus, röstJohanSanneblad:Projektledning teknik och grafik,iPhone-utvecklingPontus Backlund:Android-utveckling FredrikLöf:Projektstyrning
Stop Breathe & Think: Meditate
The Stop, Breathe & Think app is afreemindfulness, meditation and compassion-building lifestyle toolthatis simple, fun and easy to use.Take a break from the stress and anxiety of daily life to relaxwithmeditations for the body and mind. Self healing begins with aquickcheck-in. Tune in to how you are thinking and feeling, andselectemotions that guide you to recommended meditations. Emotionslikehappiness, stress and anxiety can be tracked pre andpostmeditation, and you can even share your favorite calmingexerciseswith friends!At Stop, Breathe & Think, we believe that taking a fewminuteseach day to feel the calm is as important as regularexercise. Ifwe can help more of you regularly find peace of mind,we’re doingour part to help make the world a better place.Stop Breathe & Think is a favorite mindfulness andmeditationapp** Winner of the 2015 Webby People’s Voice Award for Health&Fitness **** Over 2,000,000 downloads and counting! **+++++++++++Stop Breathe & Think Meditation Features:Meditation made easy with:+ Meditation guide including check-in and tailoredmeditations+ Self-meditation timer+ Meditations to start and end your day+ Tracker for your emotions pre and post meditation+ Sharing for friendsGuided meditation exercises designed to help with:+ Self healing+ Self motivation+ Anxiety & stress+ Depression+ Compassion+ Falling asleep+ And much more!Tracker for mood & meditation progress:+ Check-in to record today’s meditation progress+ Track daily streaks, top emotions, top meditations, totaltimemeditated and more+ Mood tracker plots out your mood on an intuitive chart+++++++++++Scientific evidence shows that you can develop kindnessandcompassion by focusing on self healing through the practiceofmindfulness and meditation. By using the app, you will learn howtomeditate regularly and develop skills that help you relax,supportacademic and professional achievement, in addition to morepositiveinteractions and relationships, by learning to:- Deepen your awareness of your thoughts and emotions andrecognizethose feelings in others- Manage emotions like stress and anxiety, settle yourself downmoreproactively- Feel compassion and kindness when approaching people andeverydaysituations+++++++++++Download Stop, Breathe & Think to relax, manage emotionsanddeepen your awareness through guided meditation.Praise for Stop, Breathe & Think:“You can change your whole frame of mind with just a few minutesofmeditation.” -Fast Company"Here, the killer feature is the app asking you to checkyourselfbefore you start. It asks you how you're feelingmentally,physically and emotionally before you begin. It thenoffers...meditations customized for your current state ofmind."-Lifehacker“When people think of monitoring health, they often focusoncalorie-counting, step-tracking, and other physical fitnessgoals,but often forget about their mental well-being. Usemeditation appStop, Breathe & Think for the daily zen tune upyou might noteven realize you needed.“There are many meditation services out there, but Breathestandsout with its customization tools: it analyzes your currentmoodthrough a short survey, then leads you through guidedmeditationsbased on the results." -CosmopolitanThe Stop, Breathe & Think app requires an online connection.Ifyou have any comments, or spot a bug, please tap FEEDBACK inthemenu, or email us at [email protected].**If you are running into issues loading meditations**Some users have reported an issue starting 1/7/17 that preventsthemfrom loading meditations. If you are experiencing this issue,weadvise that you update to the latest Android System Webviewhere:, which should fix it. You can email [email protected] if you have anyadditionalquestions.
Smiling Mind: Meditation App 4.17.2
Smiling Mind
Mental wellbeing to support sleep, meditation and mindfulnessandreduce stress
Stop Panic & Anxiety Self-Help 5.4.1
Excel At Life
Feeling anxious? All audios, tests, & CBT toolsavailablewithout paid upgrade.
Potential Project 3.0
Train your brain with mindfulness! Increaseyoueffectiveness and ability to focus as well as yourwell-being.Perform well without getting stressed or emotionallydrained.The app contains simple but powerful mindfulness exercisestoincrease presence and ability to focus. There are alsoinstructionsto cultivate more joy, acceptance, kindness andopenness in dailylife.The Potential Project has developed a program formindfulnesstraining together with leading authorities in the fieldsofneuroscience, mind training and business. It isspecificallydesigned to help people integrate mindfulness traininginto a busyand active work life.Mindfulness training has been scientifically proven inthousandsof research projects to lead to improved physical health,lessstress, anger and emotional imbalance, increased empathyandkindness, and higher degrees of subjective happinessandwell-being. To name just a few of the positive effects.With the application you can:* Listen to mindfulness practices on your phone.* Create reminders to help you remember your mindfulnesstrainingduring the day.* Keep a log of all the practices you do.* Create practices of custom length with silence andmindfulnessbells.
Mindfulness Appen DK 1.60
SKANDINAVIENS MEST SOLGTE MINDFULNESS APP,NUPÅ DANSK MED BJARNE NYBOMERE END 500 000 BRUGERE!!Ønsker du mere nærvær i din hverdag og mindre stress i ditliv,men finder meditation svært tilgængeligt? Så er MindfulnessAppenlige noget for dig. Mindfulness Appen er et værktøj til atblivemere nærværende i hverdagen. Den hjælper dig med det, dererallersværest ved mindfulness, nemlig det at huske atværemindful.______________________________________KOMMENTARER FRA BRUGERE”Jeg har gået på kursus i Mindfulness og jeg har prøvetmangeguidede øvelser fra CD’er. Denne her app er super! En godstemme oggode funktioner. Jeg bruger den næsten hver dag.””Enkel, forståelig, smart, behagelig stemme og fleksibel. Denkanvirkelig være det, der hjælper mig med meditereregelmæssigt.””Smart, enkel og behagelig. Fantastisk værktøj tilbådenybegyndere og mere erfarne. Den skulle alle ha’ i lommen.Enrigtig god gave.””Smart design, behagelig app og så oppe i tiden.””Endelig en brugbar meditations app på dansk!”______________________________________KORT OM APPEN* Ved at indstille påmindelser til tider og dage, som duselvvælger, vil du få en meddelelse, når det er tidenatmeditere.* Du kan vælge at blive guided af en stemme eller blot at siddeistilhed med beroligende klokker, der ringer medforskelligeintervaller* Du kan vælge om du vil meditere i kort tid eller lang tid* Du kan også vælge at indstille tiden til præcis den længde, duharbehov for* Endelig kan du indstille ”mindfulness meddelelser”, som popperoppå valgte tidspunkter og hjælper dig til øget nærvær i nuet.Med Mindfulness Appen kan du ”ringe dig selv op” påudvalgtetidspunkter og sikre, at du er nærværende og til stede.Ud over de forudindstillede påmindelser, kan du naturligvisogsåbegynde en meditation, ved at starte appen og vælge denmeditation,du ønsker at lytte til, f.eks. hvis du har tid i bussen,på jobbet,i en kø eller bare ønsker at sidde og slappe af etøjeblik.Alle gennemførte meditationer gemmes i statistikdelen, så duharmulighed for at følge med i hvordan din meditationspraksisudviklersig over tid.Mindfulness Appen indeholder:
* 4 guidede meditationer på 3, 5, 15 og 30 minutter* 
4 stille meditationer med klokker på 3, 5, 15 og30minutter
* 1 guided bodyscan
* Mulighed for at indstille en personlig meditation, med ellerudenindledning
* Mindfulness meddelelser
* Påmindelsesfunktion baseret på tid* StatistikMindfulness Appen er for alle, der ønsker at blivemerenærværende i livet, både nybegyndere og mere erfarne brugereafmeditation. Vi håber, at den vil berige din hverdag og hjælpedigtil mere nærvær, opmærksomhed og energi.SCANDINAVIA'S BESTSELLINGMINDFULNESS APP NOW ON DANISH WITH BJARNE NYBOMORE THAN 500 000 USERS!Do you want more intimacy in your life and less stress inyourlife, but find meditation difficult to access? Then Mindfulnessappis for you. Mindfulness app is a tool to be more presentineveryday life. It helps you what is hardest of mindfulness,namelyto remember to be mindful.______________________________________COMMENTS BY USERS"I have done a course in Mindfulness and I've tried manyguidedexercises from CDs. This one app is super! A good voice andgoodfeatures. I use it almost every day. ""Simple, understandable, smart, pleasant voice and flexible.Itcan really be what helps me meditate regularly. ""Smart, simple and comfortable. Great tool for both beginnersandmore experienced. It was all ha 'in your pocket. A great gift.""Smart design, comfortable app and then in vogue.""Finally, a useful meditation app in Danish!"______________________________________BRIEF app* By setting reminders at times and days that you choose,youwill get a message when it's time to meditate.* You can choose to be guided by a voice or just sit in silencewithsoothing bells that ring at different intervals* You can choose if you want to meditate for a short time or alongtime* You can also choose to set the time to exactly the lengthyouneed* Finally, you can set "mindfulness messages" that pops upatselected times and helps you to increase presence inthemoment.With Mindfulness app you can "dial yourself up" at selectedtimesand ensure that you are present and absent.In addition to the preset reminders, you can of course alsobegina meditation by starting the app and choose the meditation,you wantto listen to, for example. If you have time on the bus, atwork, ina traffic jam or just want to sit and relax for amoment.All completed meditations are stored in the statisticssection,allowing you to keep track of how your meditation practiceevolvesover time.Mindfulness app includes:* 4 meditations of 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes* 
 4 quiet meditation with bells of 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes* 1 guided body scan* Ability to set a personal meditation, with orwithoutopening* Mindfulness messages
 * Reminder function based on time* StatisticsMindfulness app is for anyone who wants to be more presentinlife, both beginners and more experienced users of meditation.Wehope it will enrich your life and help you to morepresence,attention and energy.
La Pleine Conscience 1.60
MAINTENANT EN FRANÇAIS!L'App de Pleine Conscience la plus écoutée en Scandinavie, plusde300 000 utilisateurs.Souhaitez-vous arriver à plus d’équilibre dans une vie de plusenplus stressante? Pensez-vous que méditer soit difficile?Alors,essayez l'Application Pleine Conscience!L'Application Pleine Conscience est un outil qui vous donneunplus de conscience dans la vie. Elle vous aide à faire faceàl'aspect le plus difficile de lapratique de la Pleine Conscience, à savoir, se rappeler d'êtreenPleine Conscience.________________________________________CE QU'EN PENSENT LES UTILISATEURS” Je viens de terminer un cours de Pleine Conscience etj’aiessayé de nombreuses méditations guidées sur CD. Celles-cisontjuste ce qu’il faut! La voix est agréable, des fonctionsutiles. Jel’utilise presque tous les jours”"Beau, simple, clair; grande souplesse d'utilisation;voixagréable. Voilà qui devrait vraiment m'aider àmediterrégulierement.""Bien conçu, simple et agreable. Un outil fantastique pourlesdébutants et ceux qui pratiquent déjà. Tout le mondedevraitl'avoir dans sa poche. Le cadeau parfait.""Formidable application! Complète et facile à utiliser. Destasde fonctions et pourtant simple à mettre en oeuvre."BREVE DESCRIPTION DE L'APPLICATION:En fixant des rappels aux heures et jours de votre choixvousrecevrez un message qui vous dit que le moment de méditerestarrivé.Vous pouvez choisir la duréee de la méditation.Vous pouvez être guidé par une voix ou simplement méditerensilence avec le son de clochettes à intervalles différentsVous pouvez aussi créer votre propre méditation pour la duréedetemps que vous aurez choisi.Enfin, vous pouvez programmer à des moments que vousaurezchoisi, des annonces de Pleine Conscience qui vous aident àêtredans le moment présent.Avec l'Application Pleine Conscience, vous pouvez simplementvous"appelez" de temps à autre pour vous assurer que vous êtesbienlà.Il est aussi biensûr possible de méditer simplement enouvrantl'Application Pleine Conscience et en choisissant laméditation quevous voulez écouter - par exemple, si vous avez dutemps dans lemétro, le bus, dans une queue ou que vous desiriezseulement vousasseoir un moment.Toutes les méditations que vous aurez faites sontenregistréesdans le journal afin que vous puissiez suivre vosprogés au fil dutemps. L'Application Pleine Conscience comprend:Quatre méditations guidées de 3, 5, 15 et 30 minutesQuatre méditations silencieuses avec clochettes de 3, 5, 15 et30minutes,Un scan corporel guidéLa possibilité de créer une méditation modifiée avec ousansintroduction guidéeDes annonces de Pleine Conscience;Fonction rappel;Journal/Statistiques L'Application Pleince Conscience est un outil formidable aussibienpour débutants ou pratiquants expérimentés souhaitant devenirplusprésent dans sa vieNous sommes convaincus qu'elle donnera une nouvelle dimensionàvotre vie quotidienne et la rendra plus riche etplusintéressante!NOW IN FRENCH!The Mindfulness App most listened Scandinavia, over300,000users.Would you like to get more balance in life more stressful? Doyouthink that is difficult? So, try the Application Mindfulness!The Mindfulness App is a tool that gives you more awarenessinlife. It helps you cope with the most difficult aspect ofthepractice of mindfulness, namely to remember to beMindfulness.________________________________________THINK THIS USERS"I just finished a course of Mindfulness and tried manyguidedmeditations on CD. These are just what you need! The voiceispleasant, useful functions. I use it almost every day ""Beautiful, simple, clear, flexible use, pleasant voiceThatshould really help me meditate regularly..""Well designed, simple and pleasant. A fantastic toolforbeginners and those already practicing. Everyone should have itinhis pocket. The perfect gift.""Great app Comprehensive and easy to use. Lots of functions,yeteasy to implement."BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION:Setting reminders to hours and days of your choice youwillreceive a message telling you that the time has cometomeditate.You can choose duréee of meditation.You can be guided by a voice or simply meditate in silencewiththe sound of bells at different intervalsYou can also create your own meditation for the length oftimeyou choose.Finally, you can schedule at times that you have chosen,adsMindfulness to help you be in the present moment.Application with Mindfulness, you can simply "call" from timetotime to make sure you are there.It is of course also possible to meditate simply opening theFullApplication Awareness and choosing meditation you want to play- forexample, if you have time in the subway, the bus, in a queue,or ifyou desire, you just sit a moment.All the meditations that you make are recorded in the log sothatyou can track your progesterone over time.The Application Mindfulness includes:Four guided meditations 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutesFour silent meditations with bells 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes,A body scan guidedThe ability to create a modified guided meditation with orwithoutintroductionAnnouncements of Mindfulness;Callback function;Journal / StatisticsThe Application Pleince Conscience is a great tool forbothbeginners and experienced practitioners wishing to becomemorepresent in his lifeWe believe it will give a new dimension to your life and makeitricher and more interesting!
Soundness 1.0
Ida Leonhard
Never any silence in your mind? Areyoutroubled by inexplainable pain? With Soundness you will learnhowto relax your body and your mind, through a combinationofmindfulness, meditation and sound. Follow the voice of IdaLeonard,and experience how you can harmonize your inner self withatraining of 5 minutes a day.If you are out of balance your body and mind nolongercommunicate at the same level. As a result you will feelrestless.Soundness eases the mind and harmonizes the body. When youstartmaking sounds that resonate within yourself, your body willproducehappiness hormones. Stress will disappear and you will feelabenevolent peace of mind.Soundness is based on techniques used in meditationandmindfulness, but specifically uses the vibration of sound,likeNada Yoga. Those who suffer from chronic pains or tinnitus,willalso benefit from this method.Listen to a sample on the website.
MindfulnessApp 5.3.2
Saake Buwalda
Come into contact with the Stillness & Clarity within yourself
7 Techniques in Mindfulness 4
7 Techniques in Mindfulness TrainingBy M. Ron Eslinger, RN, CRNA, APN, MA, BCH, FNCHA great teaching tool for hypnotists, with livedemonstrationsshown by Ron Eslinger.Become a Certified Hypnotist. Visit formoreinformation.This Video features:• The Anti Stress Breath• How Emotions Affect Strength• Issue Solution Technique• Environmental Relaxation Technique• Harvard Stress Reducing Raisin• The Marble, Mindfulness Anti Stress• Mindfulness And Guessing The UnknownRon Eslinger is an Advanced Practice Nurse, aCertifiedRegistered Nurse Anesthetist, Board Certified Hypnotists,andCertified Mater Instructor with the National Guild ofHypnotists.Ron is also a Fellow National Council for HypnotherapyUnitedKingdom. He has published and lectured Internationally onmattersof hypnosis and anesthesia for both civilian andmilitaryorganizations. He served as Director, Knoxville Center forClinicalHypnosis for three years, President of Pro-Ed Seminars fortwoyears, and is a past President, Virginia Association ofNurseAnesthetists and President Elect TennesseeNursesAssociation.He is a Retired Navy Captain served as a Senior NurseAnesthetist,Senior Nurse Executive, and Senior Hospital Executivefor the Navy.The recipient of the 2003 National Guild of Hypnotistsresearchaward and 2004 presenter of the year. Ron is the owner andCEO ofHealthy Visions Wellness Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Ronservesas adjunct faculity Roane State College, Tennessee. Ron isthewinner of the Hallmark Award 2008 as Educator of the Year.MISSION, VISION and GUIDING PRINCIPLESMISSION To encourage and promote excellence in the use ofhypnosisand other complementary medicines by qualified individuals;toadvance scientific research, education and standards of practiceinhypnosis, and to advise others about the value, applicationandethical use of complementary therapies.VISION As a recognized leader in Complementary Medicine, we areourcommunity’s first choice.GUIDING PRINCIPLES We affirm the following principles as guidingourorganization:Hold our professional conduct to the highest standards of honorandcommitment.Recognize the worth of individuals by earning trust andtreatingeach person with honesty, dignity, and courtesy whilerespectingtheir privacy.Dedicate ourselves as a learning organization by educatingourclients, customers and staff in health, wellnessandprofessionalism.Maintain the receptive attitude through new ideas, thoughtsandpractices.Promote and train others in the benefits of complementaryandalternative medicine.Healthy Visions is actually divided into three separatedivisions.Our Wellness Center Division: The Wellness Center is abustlingclinic offering:Hypnosis for pain managementTreatment for FibromyalgiaHypnoBirthing® and Hypnosis for childbirthAnger management and court mandated anger managementPreparing for surgery and dental visitsStress managementSmoking cessationTest anxietyWeight managementPublic speakingWe have even helped people find rings and once a car. We havehelpedtwo women who could not open their eyes.Our Education and Training Division: Healthy Visions offers theonlyClinical Hypnosis Certification Program that targets nursesandother health care providers. Certification is through theNationalGuild of Hypnotists and is accepted by the American BoardofHypnotherapy. We are proud that the American Association ofNurseAnesthetists approves our courses for Continuing EducationCredits.We also offer many lecture CDs on Hypnosis and aHypnoAnesthesia forPain Management Home Study Course on DVD.Our Products Division The healthy Visions Wellness Center hasit’sown online store to augment classes and therapeuticsessions.Choose from our Seminars and Workshops series, our AudioCD’s ortake a look at our Book Nook containing the works of notedauthorsin the field of hypnosis.
Notifications of Mindfulness 1.1.0-b6
Notifications of Mindfulness (Nom)This application was inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh who, in PeaceisEvery Step, talks about bells of mindfulness:"In my tradition, we use temple bells to remind us to comebackto the present moment. Every time we hear the bell, westoptalking, stop our thinking, and return to ourselves, breathinginand out, and smiling. Whatever we are doing, we pause for amomentand just enjoy our breathing."With Nom, instead of a bell, you receive a notification inyourstatus bar. You add phrases to Nom which will motivate youorinspire you. You configure how many notifications you wanttoreceive during the day, the minimum / maximum gapbetweennotifications etc. Nom then picks one of your phrases atrandompoints and displays it as a notification.Nom allows you to configure the following:* The sort order of the messages you have added.* Whether or not you want the previous notification to beclearedwhen you open Nom.* The time window when you want to receive notifications.* The maximum number of notifications you want to receive inaday.* The strategy used to pick the message to display e.g. withtheBiased Random strategy, messages that have been displayedfewertimes have a higher probability of being chosen.You can also export all your phrases to the SD card, andimportfrom the same location.I have been using Nom for the last few months, and havefoundthat it has really helped to improve my mindfulness andmotivation.I've finally decided to publish it on Google Play in thehope thatothers will find it useful too. I hope you like it. If youhave anysuggestions or find any problems, please do not hesitate toemailme.Thanks.Neill
Dagliga Droppar Mindfulness 1.9.6
One of the best mindfulnessapparna according to the Free (2012)