Top 22 Games Similar to Party Escoba

Scopa 15
A variant of the Italian card game Scopa. You need to sum 15pointsto capture.
Escoba / Broom cards game
Quarzo Apps
★ La Escoba del 15 ★NEW: Now with Achievements!The traditional spanish cards game now available for your phone/tablet.GENERAL FEATURES✔ HD graphics. Ready for new tablets and phones.✔ Three image decks: poker deck, spanish deck (spanish cards)anditalian napoletane cards.✔ Playable tutorial to learn how to play.✔ Many settings to customize (Themes, reverse of cards, cardssize,...)✔ Awesome animations and effects.✔ Possible to move to SD card.✔ Two players bluetooth game✔ Fully located: spanish and english.✔ Simple and clean interface.✔ Reallistic Sounds✔ Statistics & Achievements✔ You can play against two, three or four robots (IA), adjustingtheIA strength.ENJOY IT!LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Italian and Turkish-----------------------Legal noticeThis application complies with the policies of GooglePlaycontent.This app is created just for the purpose of entertainment, itsfreeand supported only by advertising.Any suggestion or bug report is welcome. Please, before writingabad review contact us by email at: [email protected] required :- INTERNET : To show the advertising banners (Google AdMobandChartboost)- BLUETOOTH : For two player games.
Escoba del 15 3.1.11
Try one of the best games of Broom 15 for mobile devices!
Typical spanish cards game
Luiscoba (La Escoba) 1.16
Luiscoba is the typical La Escoba de 15 game scheduled toAndroid.Play against the phone up to 15 points without cheating.Luiscobais scheduled to run quickly and smoothly. Free deck ofcardsspecially designed for the application. Play Luiscoba!
EsCoBa 3.2.1
The card game for Android and iOS Escoba! online and free!
La Escoba HD 2.5.1
Juegos + Ids
El juego de la Escoba del 15, ahoraenMultijugador y Gratis.OBJETIVO DEL JUEGOLa Escoba es un juego en el que puedes jugar contra uno otrescontrincantes manejados por el móvil.El objetivo del juego es conseguir combinar una de tus cartasconlas cartas de la mesa de forma que sumen 15. Se sumanpuntosdependiendo de las cartas recogidas o si se limpia la mesadecartas.El primer jugador o pareja que consigue 20 puntos ganalapartida.Las figuras tiene un valor especial: la sota vale 8, el caballo9y el rey 10. El resto de cartas tienen su propio valor.COMO JUGAR A LA ESCOBAAl principio de la partida el jugador 1 empezará a jugarcomo“mano”. El jugador situado a su izquierda es el que repartelascartas y es llamado “pie”, repartirá 3 cartas por jugador,ysituará 4 cartas boca arriba sobre el tapete.En su turno, cada jugador intentará sumar 15 con una desuscartas y con las del tapete. Si no puede debe descartar unacartaque se situará en el tapete .Si se consigue sumar 15 con TODAS las cartas del tapete,seconsigue una “escoba” (se indica en el cuadro de cadajugador).El jugador que reparte puede anotar 1 o 2 escobas si lascartasque deposita sobre el tapete suman 15 en uno o dos gruposdecartas, respectivamente. A esta escoba se le denomina "ESCOBADEMANO".Cuando los jugadores se quedan sin cartas, se reparten 3cartasde nuevo hasta que se agota el mazo. Cuando esto sucede,lasúltimas cartas que quedan sobre el tapete las recoge el jugadorquehaya hecho la última baza.Se hace recuento de puntos y se vuelve a barajar paraempezarotro juego. Esta vez, el jugador que inicia el juego es elsituadoa la derecha del anterior.La partida termina cuando un jugador alcanza o supera los20puntos. Si más de un jugador supera este límite, ganará elquetenga más puntos.Al término de cada juego, se realizará recuento de puntossegúnlas cartas que haya recogido y las escobas que ha conseguidocadajugador.•Por cada escoba: 1 punto.•Por tener la mayoría de los oros: 1 pto. Si hay empate se reparte1pto a cada uno.•Por tener el 7 de oros: 1 pto.•Por tener la mayoría de los sietes: 1 pto. Si hay empate sereparte1 pto a cada uno.•Por tener la mayoría de las cartas: 1 pto. Si hay empate sereparte1 pto a cada uno.CONTROLESPulsa sobre una carta para seleccionarla o anular laselección,tanto del tapete como de las tuyas. Únicamente esposibleseleccionar una de tus cartas. Una vez realizada laselección pulsael boton JUGAR. Si no puedes sumar 15, seleccionauna de tus cartasy pulsa JUGAR para depositar esa carta sobre eltapete.MUY IMPORTANTE: Si tiras una carta sin seleccionar ningunacartadel tapete, y con ésta se puede sumar 15, las ganará elJugadorsituado a tu derecha, llamándose "RENUNCIO".The game Broom 15, nowinMultiplayer and free.OBJECTIVE OF THE GAMEBroom is a game where you can play against one or threeopponentshandled by the mobile.The goal is to combine one of your cards with the cards onthetable so totaling 15 points are added depending on thecollectedletters or if the chart table is clean.The first player or pair who gets 20 points wins the game.Figures has a special value: the jack is worth 8, 9 and thehorseKing 10. The remaining cards have their own value.HOW TO PLAY A BROOMAt the beginning of the game player 1 start playing as"hand".The player to his left is the one who deals the cards and iscalled"foot", he will divide the 3 cards per player, and placed 4cardsface up on the table.In his turn, each player will try to add 15 with one ofhisletters and with the mat. If it can not be ruled out a letterthatwill be placed on the mat.If successful add 15 to all cards from the table, a 'broom"isachieved (indicated in the table for each player).The player who deals can score 1 or 2 brooms if the cards onthetable that deposits totaling 15 in one or twoletters,respectively. At this broom it is called "BROOM BAG".When players run out of cards, 3 cards are dealt again untilthedeck is exhausted. When this happens, the last remaining cardsonthe table collects the player who made the last count is made and reshuffle to start another game. Thistime,the player who starts the game is on the right side oftheformer.The game ends when a player reaches or exceeds 20 points. Ifmorethan one player exceeds this limit will win the mostpoints.At the end of each game, scoring round will be held accordingtothe cards you have collected and brooms that each playerhasachieved.• For each broom: 1 point.• To have the most gold medals: 1 pt. If there is a tie 1 pointisdealt to each.• To have 7 gold medals: 1 pt.• By having most sevens: 1pt. If there is a tie 1 point is dealttoeach.• By having the most letters: 1pt. If there is a tie 1 pointisdealt to each.CONTROLSClick on a letter to select or deselect both the mat as yours.Youcan only select one of your cards. After the selection pressthePLAY button. If you can not add 15, select one of your lettersandpress PLAY to deposit the letter on the table.VERY IMPORTANT: If you pull a card without selecting aletterfrom the table, and it can add 15, the win the player toyourright, calling himself "QUIT".
Briscola Online HD - La Brisca 1.8.6
Quarzo Apps
★ Briscola (La Brisca) ★FULL ONLINE & OFFLINE & BLUETOOTH GAME !!!The Briscola Game with Hi Res graphics!♥ NOW 50% OFF in Premium No Ads. ♥ (limited time)LATEST NEWS: Online Server now working perfecty. Many newOnlinefeatures!. Now user avatars !★★★★★ NEW milestone: We finally reached 2 million downloads inPlayMarket! I'll just say two words: INFINITE THANKS!. Now for5M!Thanks you everyone for the feedback!GENERAL FEATURES✔ HD graphics. Ready for new tablets and phones.✔ Three image decks: poker deck, spanish deck (spanish cards)anditalian napoletane cards.✔ Many settings to customize (Themes, reverse of cards,...)✔ Awesome animations and effects.✔ Possible to move to SD.✔ Two players bluetooth game✔ Fully located: spanish, english, italian and catalan.✔ Simple and clean interface.✔ Reallistic SoundsONLINE FEATURES (Internet Games)✔ Customizable games (time per move, win options, ...)✔ In-game Chat (can be disabled)✔ World ranking scores. Many filters (country, month, day, year,%win)✔ My online stats✔ User avatars✔ My Friends (up to 100). Play private matchesagainstfriends.✔ Now you can block players✔ Supports wifi and 3gENJOY IT!OTHER NAMES OF THIS GAME: bixkla, brìscul, brìšcula,brišc,briškula, Skembeel, bisca, briškolaLANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Italian, Catalan(Help needed to improve transalations)Bug reports and suggestions: [email protected] . Thank you.
Escoba HD 3.2.6
Fabware GmbH
Play the very popular traditional card game Escoba.
Chinchón Blyts 5.0.210
Play the best Chinchón game for mobile devices!
Descarte 2.4.2
Descarte, also known as 150, is a funny cards game.
Chinchón 3.5
The famous spanish card game Chinchon!
Escoba/Desescoba 1.1.1
Álvaro Monje
"La Escoba" is a game played with a Spanish deck of 40 cards.
Carta Scoba 15 2.0.6
Carta Quinza 15 (Scoba) is a famous and amazing card'sgame,usingMoroccan / Spanish 40 cards. You can play online withfriendsandother players over the world, or try to win our offlinerobotMr.BOTTO. Enjoy several Jokers to improve your experience!Let'senjoy together !! Rules: You have to accumulate maximumofpointsto win. You must collect 15 points to get cards. You canonlyget 2or 3 cards at once. A gold card amounts its number ofpoints.1Goldamounts 10 points. The other cards amount 1 pt percard. Let'sseehow best you do !
La Scopa - Classic Card Games 4.10
You are just one touch away from aspectacularItalian card game! Have HOURS OF FUN and challenge. Withthe onlinemultiplayer. And... IT'S FREE!!!! Try it now and discoverhowentertaining a card game can be! Collect the cards from thetableand, if you grab the last one, shout “Scopa!”, nice andloud!Get it now free!WHAT YOU GET with La Scopa - Classic Card Games:- 3 difficulty levels against the computer (A.I.artificialintelligence) for your single player mode- Online multiplayer: play with friends and other players alloverthe world- Choose your deck: La Scopa got all the original Italianregionaldecks (Napoletane, Siciliane, Piacentine, Piemontesi,Triestine andmore), in high resolution that will look astonishingon your phoneand tablet. Or you can play with the classic Pokercards- Play with different rules and options (Settebello, Rebello andsoon)- Enjoy the fun challenges and badges to collect onGooglePlay- Be part of the Global High-Score (Leaderboard): there’s oneforeach difficulty level plus the leaderboard foronlineplayers.Get it now for free!And do not miss on our La Briscola and Tressette to have acompleteclassic card game suit on your phone and tablet!FOLLOW USFacebook/outofthebitTwitter @outofthebit
The traditional Italian “Scopa” card game with italian, frenchandspanish cards
Scopa 1.6.3
Scopa: a fun, brand new card game for everybody!
Escoba Robot 1.0
"Escoba Robot" lets you play thepopularcardgame "Escoba 15" with a Robot (AI) or with anotherperson in aeasyand funny way.It is ideal as personal entertainment or play with a friend.You can check how the Robot decides his play, alsosuggestthecorrect play you should do.Choose the level of difficulty for the Robot (AI).Allows you to save the game to continue later. It hasarankingwith the high scores.Fully configurable: 7 sets of cards, shuffles back ofstyleofcanvas, card size, sounds, animations, avatars, etc.This is NOT a Multiplayer game to play on line, so pleasedonotbother sending negative comments. This versiononlyplayswith:     Robot vs Human     Human vs. HumanImportant note:******************The game was developed specifically to never cheat, this iswhyweallow the user to show the Robot cards fully discoveredandusercards cover, In this way you may see what decisions doestheRobotwith his cards in sight. No need to cheat, we just needtoplaybetter than you!But you. If it could trap the Robot getting help at everyturnandthe robot will advise the best move for you, butthat'sanotherthing.We will be improving and updating the version based ontheanswergiven by the users.Thank you very much!
Jokes and configurable closure options
Chinchon 2.6
Victor Casas
The popular card game
Buraco Jogatina: Card Games 5.9.1
The classic card game now on your phone. Play BuracoCanastawherever you want!