AurumLinux Apps

WordFind 0.8
Play infinite wordsearches with WordFind. Two game modes available:- Normal: Set up your own word puzzle choosing the number of rowsand columns, and the number of words to find. Each puzzle will bedifferent! - Challenge: Find all words in letter soup before thetime runs out! Three difficulty levels available.
Luiscoba (La Escoba) 1.16
Luiscoba is the typical La Escoba de 15 game scheduled to Android.Play against the phone up to 15 points without cheating. Luiscobais scheduled to run quickly and smoothly. Free deck of cardsspecially designed for the application. Play Luiscoba!
Tute a Cuatro
Tute a Cuatro to play on Android.
Memory Game KIDS 0.3
Memory Game KIDS es un juego de memoria fotográficacreadoespecialmente para niños. Con Memory Game KIDS los niñosagudizanla memoria visual al tiempo que aprenden nuevas palabras.ConMemory Game KIDS es posible aprender las mismas palabrasendiferentes idiomas cambiando el idioma predeterminado en elmenúopciones.