Top 5 Apps Similar to Day Trading Bolsa N.W.

📈 Curso de Bolsa de Valores - Curso de Trading 1.9
Para las personas apasionadas e interesadas en el tema de laBolsade Valores, hemos creado este curso básico e introductorio almundode las inversiones y de la Bolsa de Valores. Con nuestrocursoBolsa de Valores, podrás aprender los conocimientos básicosque tepermitan invertir en la Bolsa de Valores de Estados Unidos.Duranteeste curso de Bolsa de Valores para principiantes,adquirirás lasherramientas que te permitirán construir unportafolio de activosfinancieros y estarás en condiciones demanejarte con solturadentro de la plataforma de operacionesfinancieras de ThinkorSwim(broker de la Bolsa de Valores de USA)desde donde realizarásoperaciones de compra y venta de acciones deempresas, o bien,compra o venta de Fondos de Inversión que cotizanen la Bolsadenominados ETF como por ejemplo fondos en oro, plataetc. Tododesde la comodidad de tu casa. Además, estarás encondiciones depracticar todo lo aprendido en forma virtual (con unaplataformademo), con el fin de no arriesgar dinero real hasta queadquierasla confianza suficiente. Sabrás, además, analizartécnicamente lasacciones con el fin de determinar las tendenciascomo así tambiénvas a aprender a identificar los soportes,resistencias y aconfigurar las medias móviles con el objetivo deadoptar una mejordecisión a la hora de invertir. Por último, vas aaprender aanalizar, monitorear los resultados de tus operaciones yaconfigurar alarmas de precios. Nuestro curso Bolsa de Valores essumejor opción, sobre aburridos manuales o libros queutilizanlenguaje técnico difícil de entender. En este curso debolsa devalores aprenderás los conocimientos necesarios paradesenvolvertecomo inversionista en el mercado de valores. Seproporcionan alalumno todos los conocimientos y conceptosnecesarios que lepermita tomar decisiones acertadas y diseñarestrategias deinversión inteligentes, siempre bajo cuenta DEMO paraque dichoestudiante aprenda, sin arriesgar su dinero. Lo queaprenderás: -Vas a aprender a comprar acciones en la Bolsa de USA -A manejartecon soltura con la plataforma para realizar tusoperaciones. - Vasa aprender análisis técnico para definir lastendencias, soportes yresistencias. - Vas a aprender a utilizar lasmedias moviles. - Vasa aprender tres estrategias completas paracomprar acciones. - Vasa aprender a definir tus targets de salida.- Vas a aprender aconfigurar tus stop-loss. - A setear alarmas deprecios. Instala yanuestra aplicación de curso Bolsa de Valorespara principiantes ydescubras al inversionista que hay en ti.ACLARACIÓN IMPORTANTE: 🚫Este no es un consejo de inversión y debescomprender que tucapital puede estar en riesgo, por lo que terecomendamos quepractiques con tu cuenta GRATIS de un broker que tuelijas yoperares sin arriesgar tu dinero. 🚫 Advertencia de RiesgoGeneral:Este tipo de inversiones conllevan un alto nivel de riesgoy puedenresultar en la pérdida de todos tus fondos. Siempre utilizatucuenta demo antes de operar con dinero real. 🚫 Developer Desingnobrinda consejos de inversión, nos limitamos simplemente aenseñarsobre el trading y el mercado de valores, por lo que nosomosresponsables si tu pierdes tu dinero probando en la bolsadevalores. No damos consejos de inversión, no estamos asociadosaningún broker y esta app es un curso de trading únicamente,nosolicitamos donaciones ni simulamos el comportamiento de labolsade valores. ESTA ES UNA APLICACIÓN NETAMENTE DIDACTICA
Trading Course and Forex 1.5
Free forex signals and trading course from scratch. Would youliketo learn how to trade, how to invest in the stock market andmakewinning trades? Would you like to know everything about thestockmarket, digital economy (Forex, Japanese candles,bitcoin,cryptocurrencies, blockchain, stocks, etc.) and delve intotheworld of trading? Then welcome to our application "FreeTradingCourse in Spanish", which we have designed expressly foryou. Inthis trading course from scratch you can learn tradingsignals andtrade forex. These are some of the most popular brokers(Metatrader4, IQ option, Ninjatrader, Metatrader 5 and binaryoptions). Wewill teach you the fundamental concepts of trading,stock market,currency quotation, how to invest in the stock market,Japanesecandles, trends and technical analysis to trade in theforeignexchange market (FOREX). You will learn how to dominate themarket,charts, risks, chart analysis and winning strategies fortrading.In this course you will learn smart investment strategiesin theForex market, bitcoin, stocks, cryptocurrencies, among manymoreand analyze trends where we will learn to limit losses andmultiplyprofits. In the free trading course we will teach you touse theindicators such as: templates, Japanese candles, binaryoptions,stock market, scripts and robots to obtain fundamentalmarket dataand thus have a good analysis and Japanese investmentstrategieswith the reading of candles when trading with a realaccount.Features of our application: - Complete course on tradingwhere youcan apply it to brokers like (metatrader 4, IQ option,ninjatrader,binary options, Etoro, metatrader 5 and many more). -News sectionof the stock market, how to invest in the stock marketand thefinancial market. - Currency quotes in real time. This is afreetrading course in Spanish you will learn the essential conceptsoftrading signals such as: - Risk / Benefit. - Types of Charts.-Charts with Japanese candles. - Use of metatrader 4 MT4. -Basicconcepts. - Investing in the stock market course. -Traidingcourse, forex course and bitcoin course. - Nomenclature. -Courseof bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. - Swap / Spread. - Freeforexorders and signals types. - What are the Forex, blockchain,stocks,btc, cryptocurrency markets, etc. What you will learn -Master youremotions so that they do not influence your tradingplan. -Forecast future price trends by analyzing charts and stockmarket.- Manage your capital correctly. - Create your own tradingsystemand operate with forex. - The basics of the financialmarket,binary options, iq option, use of Metatrader 4, metatrader 5andNinjatrader. Are there requirements to start the course? None,youcan start the trading course without having any tradingknowledge.Who is this free forex course for? Beginners in thefinancialmarket. Traders who want to expand their knowledge.IMPORTANTCLARIFICATION: This is not an investment advice and youshouldunderstand that your capital may be at risk, so we recommendthatyou practice with your FREE account of a broker of your choiceandoperate without risking your money. General Risk Warning:Thesetypes of investments carry a high level of risk and can resultinthe loss of all your funds. Always use your demo accountbeforetrading real money. Codecell does not give investment advice,itsimply gives guidance on trading and smart investment strategiessowe are not responsible if you lose your money. Download theFREEtrading course in Spanish and get to know the wonderful worldofthe currency market and the stock market.
Stocks, Forex, Bitcoin, Portfolio & News: fraktal5 1.0.75
Fraktal5: The ultimate tool to monitor your investments instockexchange, forex and cryptocurrencies. #Full coverage US,EUROPE andLATAM markets# With fraktal5 you can consult all types ofstockmarket, commodities, forex and cryptocurrency quotes. Knowandshare your opinions with other users, monitor yourportfoliosimulator, be informed in real time through your newschannel, setup a personalized portfolio with your favorite values​​... andmuch more! Discussion forums and channels: Share youropinion withother users of the Fraktal5 community. Thanks todiscussion forumsand individual value channels you can share youropinions, haveaccess to other points of view, read marketanalysis,recommendations, meet other users interested in financialmarkets,etc. All this in an easy way And simple. Join thefraktal5community! Quotes: You can check the quotes of all thesecuritiesbelonging to the main world markets (IBEX 35, CAC 40,DAX, FTSE100, EURO STOXX 50, NASDAQ, NYSE, DOW JONES, S & P500, NIKKEI225, MIBTEL, BOVESPA, MERVAL , LIMA, IPSA, IPC MEXICO,IGBC, COL20,HANG SENG etc ...). Cryptocurrencies: Manage yourinvestments andfollow in real time the evolution of the maincryptocurrencies ofthe moment: BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, RIPPLE, CARDANO,STELLAR, LITECOIN,DASH, MONEY, LISK, ETHEREUM CLASSIC, BITCOINCASH, TRON, NEO, EOS,NEM , IOTA, KOMODO and a long etc ...Technical sheets: Completeinformation of each value: Percentagevariations, negotiatedvolume, maximum and minimum of the session,maximum and minimum ofthe year, previous closing etc ... In futureversions a completequotation history will be added. Main View:Consult in a singleview the main stock indices and all thesecurities / indices and /or currencies that you considerappropriate. Ideal to be able torealize a complete pursuit of themarket within the reach of soonly a pulsation. Portfolio(simulator): Functionality designed tobe able to fully monitor yourinvestments. Controls at the momentwhat is the performance of eachof them. You can configure manyparameters associated with eachstrategy. News Channel: Withfraktal5 you will be informed in realtime. You can read the latestnews and suggestions on business,finance, markets, technology,companies, small businesses, personalfinance, savings andinvestment, spending and borrowing, credit,real estate, insurance,taxes, retirement, work and training, bettervalues, budgets andmore ... All of them sorted by order ofpublication and priority.Currencies: Consult in real time the mainexchange rates ofcurrencies Track currency exchange rates: EUR /USD, EUR / GBP, EUR/ JPY, EUR / CHF, EUR / CAD, EUR / AUD, EUR /MXN, EUR / BRL, EUR /RUB, EUR / CNY , EUR / INR, EUR / AUD, USD /EUR, USD / GBP, USD /JPY, USD / CHF, USD / CAD, USD / AUD, USD /MXN, USD / BRL, USD /RUB, USD / CNY USD / INR, USD / AUD, GBP /USD, GBP / EUR, GBP /JPY, GBP / AUD, JPY / EUR, JPY / USD, JPY /GBP, JPY / AUDCommodities: Manage your investments and follow inreal time theprice of the main world commodities: GOLD, SILVER,PLATINUM,COPPER, Crude BRENT, Crude OIL, NATURAL GAS, CORN, OAT,RICE,SUGAR, COFFEE, COTTON, COCOA, etc ... Fraktal 5: Thedefinitivetool to control your investments in stock exchange, forexandcryptocurrencies wherever you are.
Financial Calculator Pro EF
EF solves your financial problems. It's an easy calculatorforeveryone. Solves: Bonds - Bonds - Convert interest rate todiscountrate. - Price Bonds. Personal Finance - Discount Calculator-Percentage Calculator - "Regla de tres" - Tip Calculator -CurrencyBasic - Interest rate - Present and Future Value, SimpleInterest.- Compound Interest - Annuities - Net Present Value -IRR(Technical support Abraham Torres) - Amortization(threetypes)(Technical support Abraham Torres) Financial Ratios-Liquidity Measurement - Debt Ratios - Operating PerformanceRatios- Profitability Indicator Ratios - Others Derivatives Markets-Options: buy a call, sell a call, buy a put and sell a put. Youcangraph. - Black - Scholes Model (Dividend).
ADVFN Realtime Stocks & Crypto 2.1.0002
Stock and crypto prices from ADVFN, the world's largeststockmarketsite. * Streaming Quotes * Charts * Level 2 *Discussionforums *Monitor * Portfolio * Much more Dozens of marketsfromaround theworld, including: * NYSE (New York StockExchange),NASDAQ, AMEX *US Small Caps (OTCMarkets, Pink Sheets,OTCQB,OTCQX) * LSE (LondonStock Exchange) * Canada (Toronto,Venture,CSE) * Cryptocurrencyexchanges * Markets in France,Germany,Italy, Canada, Brazil,Australia, and many more. Live pricesandLevel 2 data available formany markets with subscription.Dozensof instruments: * Stocks& shares * Indices *Cryptocurrencies* Futures * Options *Forex * Much moreAutomatically syncs withyour ADVFN account,allowing you to viewyour Monitor, get liveprices, post on thebulletin boards and checkLevel 2 wherever youare.