Zamora Apps

Financial Calculator Pro EF
EF solves your financial problems. It's an easy calculator foreveryone. Solves: Bonds - Bonds - Convert interest rate to discountrate. - Price Bonds. Personal Finance - Discount Calculator -Percentage Calculator - "Regla de tres" - Tip Calculator - CurrencyBasic - Interest rate - Present and Future Value, Simple Interest.- Compound Interest - Annuities - Net Present Value - IRR(Technical support Abraham Torres) - Amortization (threetypes)(Technical support Abraham Torres) Financial Ratios -Liquidity Measurement - Debt Ratios - Operating Performance Ratios- Profitability Indicator Ratios - Others Derivatives Markets -Options: buy a call, sell a call, buy a put and sell a put. You cangraph. - Black - Scholes Model (Dividend).
Financial Calculator Pro EF
EF solves your financial problems. It's an easy calculator foreveryone. DEMO VERSION with ads. Solves: Bonds - Bonds - Convertinterest rate to discount rate. - Price Bonds. Personal Finance -Discount Calculator - Percentage Calculator - "Regla de tres" - TipCalculator - Currency Basic - Interest rate - Present and FutureValue, Simple Interest. - Compound Interest - Annuities - NetPresent Value - IRR (Technical support Abraham Torres) -Amortization (three types)(Technical support Abraham Torres)Financial Ratios - Liquidity Measurement - Debt Ratios - OperatingPerformance Ratios - Profitability Indicator Ratios - OthersDerivatives Markets - Options: buy a call, sell a call, buy a putand sell a put. You can graph. - Black - Scholes Model (Dividend).