Top 48 Apps Similar to Camera Heart Rate Variability

Biostrap 3.9.1
Wearable Health Analytics Platform
Cardiac diagnosis-heart rate 25
Cardiac Diagnosis measures heart rate, arrhythmia, tachycardia,andbradycardia.
Wattson Blue 2.9.07
Wattson Blue
Balanced stress & recovery for cyclists, runners &highperformance individuals
ithlete -Train.Recover.Perform 4.0
HRV Fit Ltd.
Know when to train, how hard to train, when to rest tooptimisefitness & health
HRV4Training 3.6.0
A.S.M.A. B.V.
HRV4Training helps you optimize goals and improve performance.Nosensors needed
VitaPulse - Heart Rate Monitor 2.3.5
VitaPulse: express diagnostics of the humanorganismstate«VitaPulse» — diagnostic mobile app that allows anypersonwithoutusing expensive medical equipment independentlycontrolhis/herfunctional health state, learn level ofhealthassessment,adaptability of organism, level of stress,balanceexpenditure /recovering energy, as well as improve thequality oflife andreduce the risk of unexpected health problems.Algorithmsapp andinterpretation of obtained results are based onnumerousscientificstudies and recommendations European SocietyofCardiology and theNorth American Society of PacingandElectrophysiology. Appsupports (full version only)Holtermonitoring - a method by whichdiurnal monitoring offunctioning ofheart. It uses wearable heartrate sensor (eg. PolarH7, Mio Link),which provides registrationand transfer ofinformation on the workof the heart in asmartphone. DemonstrationHoltersession: How does it work? Mobileapppulsediagnosis «Vita Pulse» real-time monitors changes inheartrhythm.This does not require any expensive special sensorsordevices,because the heart rate registration performed usingonlythebuilt-in camera of your smartphone (there issynchronizationmodewith the heart rate sensors). App with using thecamera readsbloodcirculation in finger, which gives necessaryinformation onwork ofheart. After pulse being detected, theregistration oftheinterpulse intervals and recording of thecardiointervalogramareconducted. The duration of each cardiac cyclediffers fromtheprevious and app is estimated with an accuracy ofonemillisecond.Sequential change durations cardiac cycles formsacomplex rhythmthat is analyzed by app. After finishingexaminationprogramautomatically generates health-physiologicalconclusionandcalculates parameters of functional state, based onheartratevariability (HRV) - a modern method for researchoffunctionaldiagnostics. Why the need «VitaPulse»? 1.Regularmonitoring of thehealth status of all family members. Allowsyou tostop waitingwhen the disease was coming suddenly, and respondinadvance.Typically, first clinical manifestation of diseaseandtreatment,respectively to the doctor preceded by a longincubationperiod,when the disease is hidden matures. «VitaPulse»revealsthebeginning of the disease process in a timely manner.Booked -isforearmed and can take action. 2. Stress control. Themainreasonfor most of the diseases of modern man - it's stress.«Alldiseasesof the nerves» - there is a narrow-minded view. And inmostcasesit is absolutely true. «VitaPulse» help control thecurrentlevelof stress and live a long life. Information about whatthestresslevel is dangerous, has been well studied by scientistsandisexpressed as a clear digital indicators. These scientificdatahavebeen developed and are now available to any user«VitaPulse».3.«VitaPulse» easily integrated into many methods oftreatmentandself-medication. Massage, wellness exercises,physiotherapy,herbalmedicine, yoga, fitness, medication, etc. - allthisrequiresmonitoring. Regular monitoring of the functionalstatusbefore andafter the procedures will evaluate theeffectiveness oftheselected method and, if necessary, correct it.4.«VitaPulse»applies in sports practice for early detectionofproblems organismadaptation to physical stress andovertrainingstate,implementation of immediate control over theprocess ofphysicaltraining with a view to optimization, which isaprerequisite forachieving high results. App is compatiblewithPolar H7, Mio Linkand other heart rate sensors BluetoothLowEnergy, and also abuilt-in heart rate sensor samsung.Visitofficial site or helpsection in app for moreinformation.Demonstration: Attention!App isintended forpersonal review only and is not intended toreplaceprofessionalmedical advice.
VitaEnergy - The Body Meridians 1.0.7
«VitaEnergy» is a mobile app for conductingpulsediagnostics.Electrical and mechanical phenomena occurring intheheart,simulate the external signs of a pulse wave. With thehelpofmathematical methods, "Vita Energy" analyzes the languageoftherhythm of the heart. This allows us to evaluate the workofbothindividual organs and systems of the body, and the state ofmanasa whole. How does it work? Mobile app pulsediagnosis«VitaEnergy»real-time monitors changes in heart rhythm.This doesnot requireany expensive special sensors or devices,because theheart rateregistration performed using only the built-incamera ofyoursmartphone (there is synchronization mode with theheartratesensors). App with using the camera reads bloodcirculationinfinger, which gives necessary information on work ofheart.Afterpulse being detected, the registration of theinterpulseintervalsand recording of the cardiointervalogram areconducted.Theduration of each cardiac cycle differs from theprevious and appisestimated with an accuracy of one millisecond.Sequentialchangedurations cardiac cycles forms a complex rhythmthat isanalyzed byapp. After the end of the survey, app assessesthefunctional stateof the energy meridians of the main bodysystemsbased on theanalysis of heart rate variability (HRV) andtheteachings ofeastern medicine. App is compatible with Polar H7,MioLink andother heart rate sensors Bluetooth Low Energy, and alsoabuilt-inheart rate sensor samsung.
ichoiceRelax 7.0.4
ichoiceRelax - Your heart rate guiding you into a stateofrelaxation and sleep.
CardioMez - Heart Rate Workout 1.2.3
Simple, effective heart rate monitoring for your workouts.
HeartRate+ Coherence PRO 3.3.0
SoftArea srl
Biofeedback system to achieve Cardiorespiratory Coherence
12-Lead ECG Challenge 2.1.1
12-Lead ECG Challenge is the ideal way to sharpenyourinterpretation skills.
PostureScreen Mobile 2.4
Posture evaluations and analysis for clinicians andfitnessprofessionals.
FibriCheck 2.2.1
Qompium nv
Do you ever experience palpitations? Or would you like tomonitoryour heart health? Then check your heart rhythm and heartrate withFibriCheck, the medically certified health app on yoursmartphone.Keep an eye on the health of your heart, detect cardiacarrhythmiasin good time, and avoid complications such as a stroke.Have youbeen diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia in the past? You canalsouse the app to monitor your arrhythmia. Measure your heartrhythmwith your smartphone > Quick and easy: Measuring yourheartrhythm and heart rate takes just 60 seconds. Place your fingeronthe camera of your smartphone, and put your mind at ease.> Noneed for another device: All you need to measure your heartrhythmand heart rate is your smartphone. > Measure whenever youwant:Are you experiencing symptoms, such as palpitations? Open theappand take a measurement immediately. > Regular measurements:WithFibriCheck, we recommend measuring your heart rhythm twicedaily orwhen you experience symptoms. This way any changes in yourheartrhythm will be detected more quickly. > Notifications: Setupreminders for your daily measurements. Request a review ofyourmeasurements > Reports: After measuring your heart rhythm,youwill receive a detailed report with clear advice. > Shareyourresults with your doctor: You can easily share the medicalreportwith your general practitioner or cardiologist. Please note:inAmerica, FibriCheck can only be used under the supervision ofalicensed healthcare practitioner. > Medical experts: Has ourappdetected an irregular measurement? Ask our team of medicalexpertsto review your results. Medically developed andapproved> Developed on the basis of PPG: PPG is a technologywith ECGquality that uses light to detect cardiac arrhythmias. Itmeasureschanges in the volume of your blood vessels by using theflash ofyour smartphone camera. These signals can be used todetermine yourheart rhythm and heart rate. > Developed togetherwith doctors:FibriCheck was developed in collaboration with areputable Belgianhospital and university. > Medically approved:FibriCheck istrusted by doctors and researchers worldwide thanks toits CEmarking and FDA and TGA approvals. Please note: inAmerica,FibriCheck can only be used under the supervision of alicensedhealthcare practitioner. > Approved by ORCHA: ORCHA, theworld'sleading health app evaluation & advisor organisation,gave us aquality score of 85%. Try the FibriCheck free 3 day trial.Afterthe end of the trial period, you can start monitoring yourheartrhythm from as little as € 6.99 per month. Or choose ayearlysubscription and save 40%. (Note that exact prices canvarydepending on your location, currency and exchange rates.)TheFibriCheck application has FDA and TGA approvals and isafully-fledged Class IIa medical device under the MedicalDevicesDirective (93/42/EEC). Its manufacturer, Qompium nv, isISO13485:2016 certified. The instructions for use are available intheapp and on our website:
HealAdvisor 1.11.7
HealAdvisor - Your personal guide for fitness, well-beingandhealth.
The Breathing App 1.0
The Breathing App is based on resonance breathing that bringsyouinto a calm.
HealthMetric v1.2.1
The only health & fitness app you need
Instant Heart Rate+ 6.2.9825
Measure & track your pulse and keep your heart healthy.
Canadian ACLS Mastery 6.31.5606
Master your ACLS. Review 250+ practice questions, quizzes &tipsanywhere
Fitstream: Body Tracking & Fitness Community
Transform your body with Fitstream - track measurements,progresspics & notes
Cardiac Device Challenge 2.0
Cardiac Device Challenge
Purchasing Power 6.3
Purchasing Power is a purchase program sponsored byparticipatingemployers.
BolusCalc 1.84
Designed for simple calculations of insulin doses in thehome/schoolsetting.
Progression Body & Weight Log 1.0
Zoltan Demant
Track and understand your body.
ECG Guide by QxMD 2.0.0
Succinct yet authoritative, ECG Guide is a critical companionforclinicians.
SaniQ Heart - Blood Pressure & Pulse 2.9.2-heart
Qurasoft GmbH
SaniQ Heart is your digital health diary withnumeroususefulfeatures. In the app you can quickly and easilydocumenteverythingimportant about your health: Medicalmeasurements,symptoms &much more. The SaniQ Heart app supportsyou withdaily challenges:It reliably reminds you to takemeasurements andtake medication.You can also manage your medicinein the app. SaniQHeart is amedical device developed, maintained andregistered inGermany.Features * Documentation of blood pressure,pulse, glucoseand bodyweight * Recording of medical measurementsvia Bluetoothusingcompatible measuring devices or by manual input *Graphical&list display of measured values * Creation of ahealth diary(PDF)that you can forward to your doctor for analysisandevaluation *Individual reminders of taking your medication*Management of yourmedicine stock * Compare your blood pressuretoWHO recommendations* Secure storage of therapy documents,findingsand emergency plansHow can SaniQ Heart help you? *Noticedeteriorations in theprocess earlier * Enable your doctors toplana sounder & moretargeted therapy * Analyse your measuredvaluesand adapt yourlifestyle in a targeted way * Improve yourtreatmentwith reliablemeasurements and drug revenue SaniQ Heart isfree ofadvertising!Compatible Bluetooth measuring devices * BeurerBF710scale withBluetooth (weight) * Beurer BM77 blood pressuremonitorwithBluetooth (Blood pressure & pulse) * Beurer BM54bloodpressuremonitor with Bluetooth (Blood pressure & pulse)*Beurer BM57blood pressure monitor with Bluetooth (Bloodpressure& pulse)* any measuring instrument without BluetoothconnectionThis app isregistered as a Class 1 medical deviceaccording to theGermanMedical Devices Act. SaniQ Heart thus fulfilstherequirements ofthe 93/42/EEC Directive of the EuropeanUnionCouncil on MedicalDevices. However, we expressly point outthat theuse of SaniQHeart does not replace a doctor's visit. If youhaveany commentsor tips on how to improve the app, simply send usanemail. TheSaniQ team is looking forward to hearing from you.Wewish you lotsof fun and always good health with SaniQ!
Systolic - blood pressure app 3.1.2
Supereasy blood pressure tracking, assessment andreportingapplication
Paced Breathing 2.3.3
Improve your breathing for yoga & meditation.
Bluelab Pulse
Measure nutrient (EC) and moisture directly in the root zone, fast
Professional Physical Therapy 4.7.0
Home exercise app for existing Professional PhysicalTherapypatients
Heart Coherence - breathing 4.3
Breathing exercises even with the screen off, with vibrator,soundand reminders
Hypoxic - Breathing Exercises 1.3.4
Do breathing exercises to improve your performance andadaptability.
bodyxq heart 2.3
Body XQ ( bxq ) BodyXQ – body excursion – is the world'sfirstinteractive education program that enables you to travelinside theorgans of the body and explore their functions. A DreamCome True:Did you ever dream of making a virtual journey throughyour heart –the body’s "motor" – and exploring it using the tips ofyourfingers? With BodyXQ you can. Did you ever dream of watchingtheheart operate from inside its own chambers? With BodyXQ youcan.Did you ever dream of looking at the billions of cells thatmake upthe heart and the arteries and exploring how their health,in turn,determines the health of the entire cardiovascular system?WithBodyXQ you can. Imagine: Taking a ride through a coronaryarteryand understanding for the first time why people get heartattacksbut not "nose attacks" or "ear attacks". With BodyXQ youcan.Interactively opening a pumping heart with your own fingers,justlike a surgeon, and your computer being the scalpel that opensitfor you – all in the comfort of your own home. With BodyXQ youcan.Exploring the billions of cells that make up the heart andthearteries, like a scientist, and your computer being themicroscopethat allows you to see every miniature detail – in theclass room.With BodyXQ you can. Interactively studying the effectsofmicronutrients – such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids andtraceelements – on the performance of cells and learning howcellularfunction determines our health and the development ofdisease. WithBodyXQ you can. Improving your own health with thisknowledge – andhelping your family and friends to do the same byintroducing themto this website. With BodyXQ you can. Surprisingyour biologyteacher with knowledge he could not have given to youhimself –because this information was not given to him at the timehe wastraining. With BodyXQ you can. Becoming so fascinated bythefunction of the human body, and by understanding the cellularbasisfor health and disease, that you become a nutritionalconsultant, ahealth professional or a volunteer educator in a newera of health.BodyXQ may trigger that. Looking back in a few yearswith pride andknowing you were part of a groundbreaking interactivehealthliteracy campaign that helped improve the lives of millionsofpeople around the world.
Kardia+ Deep Breathing Relaxat 4.3.1
Deep breathing exercise for stress relief, relaxation,yoga,meditation & sleep
Pranic Healing® Mobile
JMK Media Inc
Pranic Healing® Mobile is a quick reference guide to PranicHealing.
SleepOn 2.4.10
A professional Sleep Management APP which work with SLEEPONHSTdevice.
CardioSmart Heart Explorer
This app enhances clinician/patient relationships at the pointofcare.
ACLS Rhythms and Quiz 1.0.5
"Best ACLS App for the Android" - ACLS RHYTHMS AND QUIZ
Preventicus Heartbeats. ECG alike medical test. 1.6.15
With the digital medical product Preventicus Heartbeatsyoucaneasily check your heart rhythm with a smartphonecamera.Regularusage supports the identification of undetectedheartrhythmdiseases, especially atrial fibrillation, forstrokeprevention.Analysis and documentation of your measurementscan beperformed inECG-comparable quality. The high accuracy oftheapplication hasbeen confirmed in international clinicalstudies.With >10million performed analyses, PreventicusHeartbeats isone of themost successful German health apps.Regularself-measurement of theheart rhythm, especially"atrialfibrillation screening", isrecommended in the guidelines oftheEuropean Society of Cardiology(ESC) and the European HeartRhythmAssociation and is particularlysuitable for people withanincreasing risk of stroke: - generallyfrom the age of 65 - from55years of age in the presence of othercardiovascular riskfactors(e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes,after a stroke or heartattack,in case of felt palpitations) -according to doctor'srecommendationThe purpose of the app is todetect evidences(suspected ortentative diagnoses) of cardiacarrhythmias, inparticular -Extremely irregular pulse (absolutearrhythmia) withsuspectedatrial fibrillation - Suspected othercardiac arrhythmiaswithfrequent irregular heartbeats (e.g.ectopic heartbeats)-Determination of the heart rate withindications or suspicionofbradycardia (pulse too low) ortachycardia (pulse too high),withouttheir further diagnosticdifferentiation All results aresuspected(tentative) diagnoses ofa digital medical device, not anactualdiagnosis in the medicalsense. Suspected (tentative)diagnoses areunder no circumstances asubstitute for personalconsultation,diagnosis or treatment by aphysician. This app may notbe used tomake decisions in situationsthat are consideredlife-threatening. Amajor risk factor forstroke is untreated atrialfibrillation (AF).It is oftenunnoticeable and only occursoccasionally, making itdifficult todetect in a doctor's office.Therefore, guidelinesrecommendregular self-checking of the heartrhythm. After medicaldiagnosisof AF, a (mostly drug-based) therapycan almost normalizethe riskof stroke. Use the free basic versionto get to know themeasuringprocess, determine your heart rate andget first hints ifthe appdetects possible heart rhythmdisturbances. The full versionoffersyou additional features: - adetailed analysis andpresentation ofthe measurement results in ECGcomparable manner -saving andsharing measurements as anECG-comparable PDF document -a longer5-minute measurement option,especially if recommended by adoctor,in order to be able to recordless frequent arrhythmicevents moreprobably - optionally thepossibility for ECGtechnicians ofTelecare centers to perform anevaluation of themeasurements toexclude possible measurement errorsand to verifyrhythmdisturbances from a medical-technical point ofview. Usethispossibility especially after a doctor'srecommendation, sinceamedical-technical pre-qualification of yourmeasurementscanconsiderably support the subsequent diagnostics ofyourdoctorLegal information: The Preventicus Heartbeats applicationisaclinically validated Class IIa medical device certified byTÜVNORDCERT GmbH and meets the basic requirements ofthe93/42/EECDirective or its national implementations. Thequalitymanagementsystem of Preventicus GmbH is certified accordingtoISO13485:2016. This standard formulates anddefinestheinternationally valid requirements for qualitymanagementsystems,especially for medical device manufacturers.
CardioExpert II 2.3.341
Tools for cardiologists.
Orientate 1.1
Orientate: The Laterality Recognition Program
ESPORTA FITNESS, premium fitness clubs open 24 hours.
mySASY mobile 1.80.27
mySASY is a web-based application that allows you to easily andveryaccurately evaluate the activity of the basic system in thehumanbody = the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) using a mobilephone and aHRV monitor. Autonomic nervous system controls the mostimportantprocesses and the condition of the human body. Thanks tothismeasurement it is possible to monitor the long-term andcurrentreactions of the organism to the selected trainingprocesses/regimeand significantly increase the efficiency of thetraining. ThemySASY mobile application is used formeasurement/monitoring and isintended for all mySASY users withindividual account and activeprogram FREE, BASIC +, SPORT or SPORT+. The analysis results aredisplayed in the web interface. Theyare available automaticallyafter sending the measured data or fromthe menu of the mobileapplication by selecting "my results". Atany time, you can log into your account directly at, from anyInternet browser and fromany device (mobile phone, tablet, PC). Tocreate an individualaccount, it is necessary to registerat After registering (=creatingpersonal login) you can start using mySASY. HRV monitor isrequiredfor measurement with mySASY. We offer our HRV monitorat But if you already haveanHRV monitor you can use your own. For monitoring withmySASYsystem, the device must meet the following technicalrequirements:• It must be connectable via Bluetooth. • It must beable tomeasure the RR interval (pulse) accurate to one-thousandthof asecond (0,001). . (Even though monitors from othermanufacturersmeet these parameters, mySASY a.s. is not able toguarantee themeasurement accuracy of all third-party devices.)Controlling theapplication should be as intuitive as possible. Incase of anyproblems or questions, please contact:[email protected]
ECG Pro - Real World ECG / EKG 1.4
WMS, Inc
Sharpen ECG / EKG interpreting skills with over 2000 Real lifecasesand videos
Elite HRV: Wellness & Fitness 5.5.5
Elite HRV
Accurate Heart Rate Variability (HRV) for fitness, wellness,andcognition
Rehab Guru Pro 5.2.1
Professional exercise prescription for surgeons, therapists,coaches& athletes
Heart Rate Monitor 1.2.5
Heart rate monitor, innovative and smart in combination with aBLEchest strap
Addiction Recovery Care
Share updates, support others, & stay connected throughoutyourrecovery.