Top 16 Apps Similar to Panduan Lengkap Ibu Hamil

BukuBumil - Pregnancy Tracker 22.4.10
Indonesian Mom & Pregnancy Community
Senam Ibu Hamil 1.0
Free Gymnastics for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy Tracker Free
Pregnancy time is the most important timewhichwe should give extra care and safety. Better care to the bodywillgive a good and perfect health to child. Sometimes we are notableto give much care. Pregnancy care is a completely free appwhichhelps pregnant women's to know about their pregnancy progressandother changes that occur in the body.App Features1. Detailed pregnancy trimester calendar1.1 General pregnancy calendar1.2 Personalized pregnancy calendar2. Pregnancy weight gain calculator3. Conception Calculator4. Ovulation calculator5. Due date calculator(Considering last day of firstmenstrualperiod)6. Pregnancy workoutsThis free app will be the best companion for pregnancywomen.Pregnancy care includes pregnancy calendar, weight gaincalculator,conception calculator, due date calculator etc.The calendar integrated in the app helps women's to know aboutthebaby's growth, current baby's information, baby's health ,whatfood want to eat and what not to eat, tablets which helpsbaby'sgrowth etc. We have a wide information on each week. Theweight ofpregnant women should be different in each week. Everyoneis notaware about the weight gained in each week. So weightgaincalculator help pregnant women to know about the respectiveweightwhich should be gained. Due date calculator helps to knowabout thedelivery date. There are personalized and generalcalendar.Personified calendar helps to acquire the personalinformation andgeneral calendar helps to know about the generalinformation. Howmany days you're already pregnant, the currentapproximate size andweight of your baby and a few other importantbits of informationsuch as the date of the first prenatal visit,your body's weight,baby's weight etc . Pregnancy Guide is one ofthe best freepregnancy week by week guide. If you are a first timepregnant thenthis app will be your best personal trainer. This appguides youthrough pregnancy day-by-day and week-by-week. Based onyour duedate, you'll receive personalized information.Download the best pregnancy care : week by week app today !! Ababyis a god's gift and we should give a proper care from theinitialstage itself.
Penghitungan Kalori Ibu Hamil 1.0
Aplikasi Kehamilan Dan PenghitunganKaloriUntuk Ibu Hamil Berbasis Android adalah aplikasi androiduntukmembantu menghitung kebutuhan kalori untuk ibu hamilberdasarkantrimester, tinggi badan, dan berat badan ibu hamilmenggunakanMetode Perhitungan Broca.Selain itu, aplikasi ini akan membantu para ibu hamildalammencari informasi tentang kehamilan (tanda kehamilan,fasekehamilan, keluhan dan cara mengatasi, dan nutrisi ibuhamil),senam hamil (tujuan senam hamil, syarat melakukan senamsehat, danvideo), dan menampilkan menu makanan untuk ibu hamil.Developer : Nenden Siti SaadahEmail : [email protected] PregnancyAndCounting Calories For Pregnant Women Based Android is theAndroidapplication to help calculate calorie needs for pregnantwomen bytrimester, height, and body weight of pregnant women usingthemethod of calculation of Broca.In addition, this application will help the pregnant womeninseeking information about pregnancy (sign of pregnancy, stageofpregnancy, complaints and how to cope, and nutrition ofpregnantwomen), pregnancy exercise (goal pregnancy exercise, theterms dogymnastics healthy, and video), and displays a menu of foodforpregnant women.Developer: Nenden Siti SaadahEmail: [email protected]
Panduan Kehamilan 1.3
Matoa Dev
Applications alloys pregnancy for the mothers
Tips Sehat Ibu Hamil 1.0
Kumpulan tips kesehatan untuk Ibu hamil:# Aneka makanan sehat untuk ibu hamil# Jenis-jenis makanan yang harus dihindari oleh ibu hamil# Tips perawatan gigi untuk ibu hamil# Cara mengatasi kaki bengkak pada ibu hamil# Gerakan senam ibu hamil# Bahaya rokok untuk ibu hamil# Mencegah bayi prematur# Tip memelihara hewan ketika hamilSet of healthtipsforpregnant women:# Assorted healthy foods for pregnant women# The types of foods that should be avoided by pregnant women# Tips dental care for pregnant women# How to cope with leg swelling in pregnant women# Gymnastic movements of pregnant women# Danger smoking for pregnant women# Preventing preterm infants# Tip raising animals when pregnant
All About Pregnancy 1.1
Are you asking question about pregnancy?Learn all about pregnancy especially the stuff no one tellsyoufrom the most famous childbirth educator in theseapplicationvideos.In this application we will help you to learn step by step allaboutPregnancy:1- Sex during Pregnancy FAQs2- How to Eat When You are Pregnant3- How to Exercise While Pregnant4- Can You Take Medications While Pregnant?5- What Is Spotting during Pregnancy?6- How to Handle a History of Childhood Trauma or SexualAbuse7- Is It Safe to Drink a Little Alcohol While Pregnant?8- Belly Expansion Pregnancy FAQs9- How to Bond with Your Baby during Pregnancy10- Miscarriage FAQs11- Teen Pregnancy12- Being Pregnant at Age 35 or Older FAQs13- What Happens during Labor?14- What Does No One Tells You about Giving Birth?15- How to Create Your Birthing Plan While Pregnant16- Who Should You Have in the Delivery Room?17- Home Birth FAQs18- When Should You Go to the Hospital During Labor?19- How to Have a Natural Birth at a Hospital20- How to Have a Positive Cesarean Birth21- How to Find the Right Childbirth Class for You22- How to Know If You are in Labor23- What Is a Braxton Hicks Contraction?24- What Should You Do When Your Water BreaksduringPregnancy?25- When Should You Call Your Doctor or Midwife WhenPregnant?26- How to Induce Labor Medically27- How to Induce Labor Naturally28- How to Breathe during Labor29- Pros & Cons of Getting an Epidural during Labor30- What Is Group B Strep (GBS) & How Does ItAffectLabor?31- What Positions Help You Handle Labor Pain?32- Natural Birth Delivery FAQs33- 9 Labor & Delivery Pushing Tips34- How to Bond with Your Baby during Birth35- How to Support Your Partner during Labor36- What Should You Expect after a Vaginal or Cesarean Birth?37- Sex after Childbirth FAQsDownload it for free! and Learn more about pregnancy.**If you like it, please support us by rating it ★★★★★.
Panduan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil 1.0
Panduan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil adalahaplikasiyangberisi tips dan panduan rinci yang menjelaskantahapan-tahapanselamamasa kehamilan dari bulan pertama hinggabulan kesembilan.Tips ibuhamil ini memberikan kiat-kiat apa sajayang harus dantidak bolehdilakukan selama masa kehamilan.Panduan ibu hamil ini sangat penting untuk ibuhamilmudaterutama, karena mereka belum tahu benar danbelumberpengalamanmengalami kehamilan. ikuti cara dan tipsnyadenganbenar mudah -mudahan ini akan membantu menjaga agar kandunganandaakan sehatdan di saat melahirkan juga dapat dengan mudah.Aplikasi tips sehat ibu hamil ini dibuat sesimpelmungkindengantampilan yang bersih agar memudahkan para ibuhamilmembacaaplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini akan terus diupdate danditambahdengantips-tips dan panduan terbaru dari masa kesemasa.Selamat membaca, semoga bermanfaat, Jika andamerasakanaplikasiini membantu anda silakan tinggalkan komen danrate.Terima Kasih. :)Maternal Health Guideisanapplication that contains tips and a detailed manualthatexplainsthe stages during pregnancy from the first month untiltheninthmonth. Tips pregnant mother gives tips what should andshouldnot doduring pregnancy.Free pregnant women is very important for young pregnantwomeninparticular, because they do not know the trueandinexperiencedpregnancy. follow the right way and tips with easy- Ihope thiswill help keep your content will be healthy and atthetime ofdelivery can also easily.Application tips on healthy pregnant women is made assimpleaspossible with a clean look in order to make it easierforpregnantwomen reading this application. This applicationwillcontinue tobe updated and supplemented with tips and guidelinestoduring thelatest period.Happy reading, may be useful, if you feel this apphelpsyouplease leave comments and rate.Thanks. :)
Music for pregnant women 1.4
The womb, the baby begins to hear soundsfromthe sixteenth and twenty sixth week of meaning from the week.Musicto listen to baby in the womb, calms the baby and contributeto thespiritual development. It calms the baby before birth, afterbirthin infants listened to music played. This has been achievedandtested many times by her mother.
Pregnancy Symptoms 1.1
You Want making your pregnancy assuccessfulaspossible?Learn all about pregnancy especially the stuff no onetellsyoufrom the most famous childbirth educator intheseapplicationvideos.In this application we will help you to learn step by stepallaboutPregnancy:1- Sex during Pregnancy FAQs2- How to Eat When You are Pregnant3- How to Exercise While Pregnant4- Can You Take Medications While Pregnant?5- What Is Spotting during Pregnancy?6- How to Handle a History of Childhood Trauma or SexualAbuse7- Is It Safe to Drink a Little Alcohol While Pregnant?8- Belly Expansion Pregnancy FAQs9- How to Bond with Your Baby during Pregnancy10- Miscarriage FAQs11- Teen Pregnancy12- Being Pregnant at Age 35 or Older FAQs13- What Happens during Labor?14- What Does No One Tells You about Giving Birth?15- How to Create Your Birthing Plan While Pregnant16- Who Should You Have in the Delivery Room?17- Home Birth FAQs18- When Should You Go to the Hospital During Labor?19- How to Have a Natural Birth at a Hospital20- How to Have a Positive Cesarean Birth21- How to Find the Right Childbirth Class for You22- How to Know If You are in Labor23- What Is a Braxton Hicks Contraction?24- What Should You Do When Your Water BreaksduringPregnancy?25- When Should You Call Your Doctor or Midwife WhenPregnant?26- How to Induce Labor Medically27- How to Induce Labor Naturally28- How to Breathe during Labor29- Pros & Cons of Getting an Epidural during Labor30- What Is Group B Strep (GBS) & How Does ItAffectLabor?31- What Positions Help You Handle Labor Pain?32- Natural Birth Delivery FAQs33- 9 Labor & Delivery Pushing Tips34- How to Bond with Your Baby during Birth35- How to Support Your Partner during Labor36- What Should You Expect after a Vaginal or Cesarean Birth?37- Sex after Childbirth FAQsDownload it for free! and sharing your pregnancyskillswithothers.*** If you like it, please support us by rating it★★★★★***** Leave us comments and suggestions **
Tips agar cepat hamil 1.0
Sebelumnya saya ingin bertanya,apakahAndaingin segera hamil dan memiliki momongan? Sudahmencobatipsseputar hamil apa saja? Saya cukup tahu,bagaimanarasanyamemperjuangkan keinginan terbesar setelah syahmenjadi suamiistritersebut. Memang dalam membina bahtera rumahtangga, hartatakselamanya memegang peranan penting. "Apalah artihartajikakeluarga serasa belum lengkap tanpa hadirnyamomongan".Pernahmerasa seperti itu? Berarti bukan cuma Anda saja,dansayangnyabanyak pasangan tetap kekeh berusahademikeinginannya.Previously, I wantedtoaskif you want to get pregnant and have a baby? Already tryingtogetpregnant tips about what? I quite know what it's like tofightforthe greatest desire after the legally become husbandandwife.Indeed, in building the ark household, treasure notalwaysplay animportant role. "What is the meaning if a familytreasureseemed tohave been complete without the presence of ababy". Everfeel likeit? Means not just you alone, and unfortunatelymanycouples stillkekeh seeking the desires.
Mommychi for Mom and Child 1.1.8
Mommychi merupakan aplikasi mobile Ibu&Anak terlengkap yang praktis dan fungsional untuk para ibudancalon ibu. Mommychi menyediakan berbagai fitur edukatifdaninteraktif terbaik untuk menemani perjalanan seorang ibu dariawalkehamilan hingga masa tumbuh kembang anak, terutama selama1000Hari Pertama Kehidupan yang sangat penting bagi masa depansiKecil.Pemantauan Berat Badan ibu hamil dan janin maupun DeteksiTumbuhKembang anak dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dalam bentuk grafikdankuesioner interaktif.Pengingat imunisasi terhubung secara otomatis dengan kalenderdigadget sehingga tidak ada imunisasi yang terlewat.Fitur unggulan lain yang ada di Mommychi adalah JurnalKesehatan,Ensiklopedia yang berisi berbagai artikel dan tipsinformatif,Namerator Bayi, Direktori Fasilitas Kesehatan, Musik,Games edukatifdan Tanya Dokter.Tersedia pula Galeri Foto untuk menyimpan dan membagikanmomentistimewa sebagai orang tua.Mommychi, for Mom and Child.Mommychi amobileapplication Mother & Child complete practical andfunctionalfor mothers and expectant mothers. Mommychi provides avariety ofeducational and interactive features best to accompanythe journeyof a mother from the beginning of pregnancy until thechild'sgrowth, especially during the 1000 Day One life is veryimportantfor the future of the Small.Weight monitoring of pregnant women and fetuses andchildrenGrowth detection can be done easily in the form of graphsandinteractive questionnaires.Immunization reminders are connected automatically with thecalendarin the gadget so no missed immunizations.Another excellent feature is in Mommychi is the medicaljournal,The Encyclopedia of which contains various informativearticles andtips, Namerator Baby, Health Facilities Directory,Music, Gameseducative and Tanya doctor.There is also a Photo Gallery to store and share a specialmomentas a parent.Mommychi, for Mom and Child.
Siap Hamil 1.1
*Aplikasi SiapHamil*Aplikasi Spesial untuk mempersiapkan kehamilan meliputi :1. Kalkulator IMT :Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) yang Ideal merupakan salah satufaktorpenentu kesuburan.Ayo hitung dengan Kalkulator IMT dan dapatkan tips mengenaihasilanda.2. Kalkulator kesuburan :Mengetahui masa subur penting untuk merencanakan kapanharusberhubungan intim.Gunakan kalkulator kesuburan untuk memperkirakan periode suburAnda.Masa subur bisa ditambah langsung ke kalender Smartphone.3. Kamus Nama Bayi :Temukan ide nama bayi dari A-Z untuk diberikan ke buah hatianda.Database dilengkapi dengan asal nama dan artinya dan memakaifiturpencarian instan.Versi Free dibatasi beberapa fungsi, untuk mendapatkanKodesilahkan mendaftar menjadi member* Application SiapHamil *Special applications to prepare for pregnancy include:1. BMI Calculator:Body Mass Index (BMI) Ideal is one of the determinantsoffertility.Let's calculate the BMI calculator and get tips aboutyourresults.2. Fertility Calculator:Knowing the fertile period is important to plan when tohavesex.Use the fertility calculator to estimate your fertileperiod.Fertile period can be added directly to thecalendarSmartphone.3. Baby Names Dictionary:Find baby name ideas from AZ to be given to your baby. Thedatabaseis equipped with meaning and origin of the name and use theinstantsearch feature.Free version limited number of functions, to get the codetobecome a member please sign in Premium
Menstruation Ovulation Period 1.0.0
Menstruation Ovulation Periodisapplicationtracking the menstrual cycle that any girl shouldhavewhen yetstarted puberty. However, the husband or the boyshavegirlfriendsalso use the app to track menstrual calendar careaswell ashelping girls become pregnant or avoid pregnancy.With Menstrual Cycle Calendar As you will no longerworryaboutthe red light day or afraid of pregnancy duringsex.Withmenstruation cycle you know ovulation andpregnancycalculatedaccording to your wishes. Not only monitor theday ofmenstruation,it also helps track: ovulation, menstrualstatus,fertility,changes in body weight, blood pressure, heartrate...With reminder system events by day you will notforgetfertilityand conception calendar and calendar to keep trackof yourperiod.In addition to track menstrual calendar supportscalculatecaloriesburned chat volume during exercise. It deservesthe women'shealthhistory, menstrual excellent manuals,Feature fertility and ovulation tracker app:- Subscribe to a calendar for pregnant women- Said street menstruation, pregnancy can date ...- Chart your body temperature- Fertility diet to have a baby, fertility trackerforirregularwomen, first response ovulation calculator- Birth control pill and period tracker, calendar forwomensmenstrual cycle and ovulation, dot a periodandfertilitytracker- Best period and ovulation tracker app, 28 daysperiodtracker- Support backup and restore data.- Glow ovulation and fertility, menstrual cycleandovulationcalendar, menstruation and ovulation calendar,monthlymenstruationtracking cycle- Helps to calculate the menstrual cycle, menstrualcycletrack- As the menstrual cycle diaries great for women- Beautiful interface- My cycles period and ovulation, my days period andovulationfree,ovulation and pregnancy calendar, ovulation calendartopreventpregnancy, ovulation tracker get pregnant free- Notice whenever issues- Notes and easily schedule- FreeThe rating of 5 * if you love our app thathelpwithovulation.
Woman diary PRO 2.9.5
DSN Inc.
“Women's Calendar” is a very simple and easy to usecalendarformonitoring the status of your monthly period, aswellasdetermining the date of ovulation and the fertileperiod(thepossibility to become pregnant). Also, the program willbeusefulfor those who play sports. In the advanced settings youcankeepwhat you are interested in, i. e. weight in theevening,caloriesburned during exercise, weight of the favoritekitten ...:-) Thisprogram can not only keep track on menses butreplacemultipleapplications too. The application convenientlymonitorstheovulation, cycle and fertile period, as well as thechangeinweight, waist, breast, hips, pressure and heart rate,anddisplaysall the data in the chart. You will love your pet ataglance. Theprogram also has a daily reminder so that you donotforget toweigh in at the same time. Utilities : - monitoringofthemenstrual cycle and period - prediction of ovulationandthefertile period - chart of basal body temperature - databackupandrestore - pet - mood (79) - symptoms (57) - weight chart-waistchart - hip chart - breast chart - blood pressure - pulse-10themes at your choice - password protection (numeric ortextualatyour choice) - daily reminder to weigh in - possibility tosetanytime convenient for you - notification of the cyclebeginning-notification of the possibility to get pregnant -notificationofovulation - possibility to schedule the date and timeofthenotification - possibility to set the notification time-automaticweekly backup - body mass index - noteAdditionaladvantages: -very simple logic of data input - quick andeasy touse settings -compatible with HD graphics tablets - absolutespeedof your dataprocessing Additionally, in the PRO version: -mode «pregnancy » -widgets (3) - daily reminder to take pills -mood withchoice ofvariations - symptoms with choice of variations -pet (+3)-possibility to import the database from free version -choiceofinput parameters - possibility to set one’s photo onthebackground- possibility to add one’s new symptoms - possibilitytoadd one’snew mood - choice of symptoms to monitor - choice ofmoodtomonitor - possibility to monitor many users -3additionalparameters at your choice - no ads We are lookingforwardto yourcomments and suggestions.
Pregnancy Magazine 2.4.7
Pregnancy Magazine brings youcompletecoverageof your pregnancy in a digital format designedespeciallyfor youriPhone or iPad. Pregnancy Magazine has expertcoveringfertilitythrough breastfeeding to keeping yourself inshape.Pregnancy’sdigital editions are guides to the most relevanttopicsof newparenthood. Each issue will help you prepare for babywithknowledgeand insight, so you can enjoy this special timeandthrive as a newmother. Pregnancy is your tool kit for becomingaconfident mom. Our12 issues include:1. HEALTH & WELLNESS: Yoga for pregnancysymptoms;knowingyour risk for preeclampsia; a guide to a goodnight’srest;pregnancy’s most dangerous foods; safe ways to make itthroughcoldseason.2. THE BIG DAY: Do’s and don’ts for having thebestbirthpossible; what a doula can do for you; allaboutwater-birthing;delivery day jaw-droppers; what socialnetworkinghas done tobirthing; secrets of recovery; who’s yourbestbirthingpartner?3. FEEDING: Tyler Florence’s secrets to makingdeliciousbabyfood; guilt-free formula feeding know-how;breastfeedingbasics;greenest bottles; the right formula; secrets toensuringyour babyis a good eater.4. SLEEP: Sleep secrets for your every trimester; goodhabitsfora peaceful bedtime for baby; your crazy dreams explained;aguide towhy babies cry; use bedtime to increase your bond.5. NURSERY: How to live without a nursery; whatyourcolorselections say about you; feng shui for baby’s room;designsecretsof the pros; how to know if you’ve turned into anestingneurotic;nursery prep countdown.6. PREPPING FOR BABY: How to have a baby-proof marriage;yourhomesafety checklist; fine-tuning your mom-tuition; the realdealon cordblood; what you don’t need to buy for baby; 9 monthsofpre-babyprojects.7. THE FIRST TRIMESTER:Checkup Smarts; Keeping the secret from the family untiltherighttime; The Morning Sickness Diet; Perfect prenatalvitamins;9months of mocktails; Quitting bad habits.Includes Buyers Guide: Diaper Bags8. THE SECOND TRIMESTER: Naming advice; How to dealwithrudebehavior; Travel with a bump; Getting the best out ofyourOB;Leveraging daddy guilt; Pre-partum depression; Makingpeacewithgender results; Choosing partners for the deliveryroom.9. THE THIRD TRIMESTER:Naming wars; Preemie care; Tips for DeliveringNaturally;Preparingfor PPD; The Homestretch; C-section prep;C-sectionadvice;Understanding Braxton-Hicks; Remedies forpost-babyhealing;Considering a midwife?10. THE PREGNANT DAD:Edited and written exclusively by Dads: Five things daddoesbetter;Man enough to be a SAHD?; Low cost babymoons;FirstFather’s Day;Man Showers; Baby sleep positions; Say this, notthatguide for newdads; How to swaddle. Includes Buyers’ Guide:BabyMonitors11. Spring Buyer’s GuideFeaturing buyers’ guides for the newest and best incarseats,strollers, diaper bags, monitors, breast pumps,bottles,playyards, carriers, tubs, and cord blood storagesolutions. Bestapps.What to buy; what not to buy.12. Fall Buyer’s GuideSubscription options include downloading all issuesavailablenow,or buying just the issues important to you rightnow.Single Issue - $2.99 (no automatic renewal)Three month Subscription - $5.99 (get one issuefree);automaticallyrenews until cancelled1 Year Subscription - $12.99; automaticallyreneweduntilcancelledYour subscription will be charged to your iTunesaccountatconfirmation of purchase, and will automaticallyrenew(asspecified above) unless auto-renew is turned off atleast24-hoursbefore the end of the current period.Current subscriptions may not be cancelled duringtheactivesubscription period, however, you can manageyoursubscriptionand/or turn off auto-renewal by visiting youriTunesAccountSettings after purchase.Privacy Policy: