Top 17 Apps Similar to Aumentar Masa Muscular Rapido

Dieta Vitamenu - O que comer? 8.5.0
Control your daily calories. Food reeducation for healthanddisposition.
Dieta para ganar músculo 1.1
Diet to increase muscle mass super efeciciente
Macros - Calculate your Diet 1.10.3
Calculate your calorie needs and percentagesofmacronutrients according to your objectives, either tomaintainweight, lose weight or gain weight (muscle mass).Calculate your basal metabolism rate (MBR), that is what yourbodyuse just to live without an extra activity, such aswalking,sports, work or any other physical activity.Calculate your body fat percentage based on your BMI (BodyMassIndex) or your measures for a more accurate calculation.In addition, calculate your daily calorie requirement for yourlevelof activity and the necessary macronutrients(carbohydrates,proteins and fats) to meet your goals.Mifflin-St Jeor, Harris-Benedict and Katch-McArdle formulas areusedfor the basal metabolism rate (MBR) calculation.
Dieta para ganar peso 1.0
Quiere subir de peso rápidamente? Enestaappencontraras todos los consejos nutricionales para ganar pesoymasamuscular rapidamente. Conoce simples dietas que teayudaranalograr resultados sorprendentesYou want togainweightquickly? In this app you will find all the nutritionaladvicetogain weight and muscle mass quickly. Meet simple dietsthathelpyou achieve amazing results
Belly Legs Buttocks 1.23
Train your „problematic areas“ belly, legs, bottom, back andupperarms!
NutriFood - Saúde e Nutrição 2.0
Deseja fazer uma reeducação alimentar? adora frutas elegumes,masnãotem ideia dos seus benefícios, vitaminas enutrientes?desejaeliminar gorduras ou ganhar massa muscular,porémnão sabequaisalimentos podem te ajudar? Essa é a sua chance debaixar umdosaplicativos mais interessantes do gênero, não percamaistempo,garantimos que você não irá se decepcionar,umaplicativoindispensável para a sua vida, auxiliando na suanutriçãoe dieta.Com o NutriFood - Saúde e Nutrição, você vaipodervisualizar emdetalhes as características dos principaisalimentos esuainfluência na saúde, ideal para controle de dieta,consultadebenefícios e conheça tudo sobre: Frutas,Legumes,Leguminosas,Cereais, Frutos secos, Especiarias , IMC ,Pirâmidenutricional eainda uma lista de nutrientes com informaçõesdeingestão diáriarecomendada(IDR), para você adotarrefeiçõessaudáveis e aproveitarao máximo, cuidando da sua saúde edieta.baixe agora NutriFood -Saúde e Nutrição e aproveite,consumaalimentos de forma conscientefocado em sua nutrição e saúde.Nuncafoi tão fácil fazer a suadieta com saúde, proporcionemaisvitalidade ao seu corpo, idealpra quem pratica algum tipodeesporte e indicado para pessoas dequalquer idade. O NutriFood-Saúde e Nutrição dispõe de um acervode alimentos funcionaisenutracêuticos, para consulta decaracterísticas e benefíciosdealimentos relacionados a saúde.Vale ressaltar a importância deumaavaliação clínica perante aqualquer sintoma, somente médicospodemdiagnosticar doenças,indicar tratamentos e receitarmedicamentos,indica-se também aconsulta com um nutricionista para oconsumoconsciente dealimentos na sua dieta diária, devido a chancesdeocorreremcontraindicações ou um alto teor de substancias queaoseremconsumidas em excesso, podem debilitar a saúde. Deixandoclaroquenão é comprovado benefícios ou a cura de doenças sejaqualforatravés do uso destes alimentos aqui contidos, Asinformaçõesdoaplicativo possuem apenas caráter educativo,Osdesenvolvedoresestão isentos de quaisquer consequênciasdecorridaspelo uso dasinformações contidas neste aplicativo. ONutriFood -Saúde eNutrição é 100% gratuito e terá atualizaçõesconstantes,onde serãoinseridos mais alimentos saudáveis e maiscategorias,visando oaproveitamento máximo da sua dieta.
Dieta para engordar 1.0
Otro de los motivos para hacer unadietaparaengordar es la necesidad de adquirir más masamuscular.Los atletas y deportistas que quieran ganar músculonecesitaningerirsuficientes calorías y combinarlo con unentrenamientoadecuado paraasegurarse de que suben de peso en laspartes delcuerpocorrectas.Gavin Allinson, nutricionista deportivo, señala que losmejordietapara engordar y adquirir masa muscular son los ricosenproteínasmagras como el pollo y el pescado blanco.Another reason tomakeadiet to fatten is the need to gain more muscle mass.Athletes and athletes who want to gain muscle need toeatenoughcalories and combine it with proper training to ensuretheygainweight in the right parts of the body.Gavin Allinson, sports nutritionist, said that the best dietforfatand gain muscle mass are rich in lean protein likechickenandwhitefish.
Weight Gain 3.0.0
The secret to healthy weight gainisincreasingthe amount of calorie intake with the help ofhealthyfoods.Consuming extremely high-calorie foods that haveabsolutelynonutritional value does not health in healthy weightgain.Instead,it leads to poor fitness and increases fat mass inthebody insteadof lean muscle mass. Here are 16 potentialsuperfoodsthat will helpto gain weight in a healthy way.CONTENT:►List of Best Foods and Exercises to Gain Healthy Weight•16 Superfoods for Healthy Weight Gain•Dairy Products for Healthy Weight Gain•Vegetarian Foods for Healthy Weight Gain•Top 8 Exercises to Gain Weight Quickly►Good Nutritional Foods to Build Muscles – Healthy Diet Plan►Weight Gain in a Healthy Way – 5 Golden Rules to Follow
How To Gain Muscle 1.0
How to gain muscle mass is yourproblem?withHow To Gain Muscle app you will be able to achievegreatresults,within a brief period of time. This App gives you tobuildyour ownprogram that will fit your preferences and you willlearnhow togain muscle fast.Furthermore, Fitness & Bodybuilding can beancomprehensivedatabase of exercises for each and every muscle,Youwill get alldetails that help you know how to lose fat andgainmuscle.How to lose weight and gain muscle App providesworkoutsprogramsfor bodybuilding, fitness and powerlifting. Whypurchaseexpensiveteachers when it could be done by you yourself andyouwill neverask how long does it take to gain muscle?By choosing how to gain muscle weight app foryourworkoutroutines you will get:-A set of the very best workouts for each andeverymusclegroup;-Text training with pictures for every single exercise;-Exercise databases with new exercises addedaftereveryupdate;-Ability to save and track data about your weight and thenumberofrepetitions for every single performed exercise;-Exercises include illustrations of the trained muscles;-Interactive graphs for your workout routinesimprovementbyperformance, repetitions and weight;-Ability to save lots of the annals of performed exercises;-Built-in timer;-Built-in calendar that automatically represents yourworkouttimes;-Ability to produce personalized workout strategiesandaddimages;-Capacity to choose way of measuring models(kilogramsorpounds).You do not need gamma rays to get big and strong - simplyagoodhealth club, this work out plan and a need to smashandpracticesof how to gain muscle weight app materiels.So, we live super duper blessed to have around today oneofthevery most massive routines to load up serious muscles inonlythreemonths!Now, everyone guys are most likely dying to ask "howtogainweight and muscle fast?!". Well, wait around no more,folks,causetoday, you should understand the answer! The answer isinsidethisapp!This program was designed based after research intowhatbuildsmuscle and causes fat-loss actually. I've read andresearchedthethousand roughly pages that provide knowledge abouthow togainmuscle and lose fat within the last few years so youdon't needtoknow about how to gain lean muscle or how to gain leanmusclemass.I've condensed it whenever you can, but it should takesometime tolearn how to gain muscle quickly. If you don't haveenoughtime tolearn it, you probably don't have the time toaccomplishyourfitness and workout goals.How to gain muscle quickly and building muscle will takemorethanphysical fortitude. It requires a certain drive andattitudeto makeat the very top body.Even though you lift big, you will not get big unlessyoulearnhow to think big. That's your first lessons fromMuscleTrainer.You can not be one of the world's best bodybuildersunlessyou holdthe mental toughness to just work at it, day in anddaytrip.To build the body, you must master your brain andtuneoutdistractions.People think pro bodybuilders have top-secrettrainingprotocols.The truth is, most bodybuilders follow basictrainingandnourishment programs with extreme determination.Eat at least 3 to 4 foods before you struck theflatiron.Although that exact quantity of meals might not exactlyhelpyourschedule, it is critical to fuel your workouts. Youcan'tdesire to"train large" if you don't have energy. Rest iscriticalequally ifyou want to gain muscle mass quickly. If youplace it inworkingout time, ensure you put equal focus onrecovery.Download our How To Gain Muscle App, it's FREE!
AcaDroid VPro 1.3.3
G5 Developer
The wait is over! Came to Google Play StoretheAcaDroid VPro.With new design, the AcaDroid VPro brings a new experienceofinteraction with the user, but continues with itsinnovativeideology: being a guide to bodybuilding.And now inEnglish, Spanishand Portuguese.Using animations and images to teach the correct way to bedoingphysical exercises, the AcaDroid became successful, proven bymorethan 110,000 people from all over the world.Now, in version VPro, the AcaDroid has more exercisesandfacilities that will elevate your workouts and results atoptimallevels.With VPro AcaDroid you can create your weekly scheduleofworkouts in a personalized way, or use pre-definedschedules,created by specialized professionals, aiming to guidethose whowish to Gain Muscle Mass, Define Body or Lose Weight,containingspecific exercises for men and women. And follow theevolutionobtained with the training, helping to choose the correctworkoutto more satisfactory results.Moreover, with the AcaDroid VPro you can access calculatorsofBMI, Percentage of Body Fat and Heart Rate, which areimportantauxiliary for practicing exercises. And tips are providedto helpusers conquer your objectives in relation to the practiceofphysical activity, combined with each exercise.Buy now AcaDroid VPro and enjoy this amazing guide!!!Note: Before evaluating negatively to contact the developersfortheir problems or questions can be resolved.
Butt Challenge 25.1.4
Use the 1 Month Butt Challenge app to exercise your legs, buttandthighs!
30 Day Legs Workout Challenge 1.0.0Q
RFit Apps
Get great legs & effective lower body workouts by joining our30days challenge.
Fitness Femenino Guía 1.0
Fitness Femenino Guía es laaplicaciónquenecesitas como mujer para complementar tuentrenamiento ygananciasde forma sencilla cambiando una serie dehábitos en turutinadiaria.Descubre como acercarte a tus objetivos de manera fácilyrápido,esto se vuelve una tarea sencilla cuando tienesnuestraaplicaciónde tu parte con la información que te ayudará.¿Quieres tener un cuerpo saludable y desarrollado?Encontrastelaapp indicada para conseguir esa forma tan buscada.¡Consigue resultados serios!Con nuestra nueva aplicación Fitness Femenino Guíapodrásteneruna amplia base de datos para cumplir con tusobjetivosincluyendomas de 600 artículos.Detalles:- Gym y Mujeres Guía Básica- Mejora tu salud con el sexo- Principales Nutrientes para la Mujer- Incremento de Músculos en la Mujer- Tonifica los músculos- Subir de peso tips si eres Flaca- Las mujeres y el gimnasio 7 mitos- Ejercicios efectivos de gluteos- Consejos- Dietas- Rutinas- Técnicas¡Que esperas, comienza hoy!Female Fitness Guideistheapplication you need as a woman to complement yourtrainingandprofits simply by changing a number of habits inyourdailyroutine.Find out how to approach your goals quick and easy way,itbecomesa simple task when you have our application from youwithinformationthat will help.You want to have a healthy body and developed? Youfindtheindicated app to get that much sought form.Get serious results!With our new app Female Fitness Guide will haveacomprehensivedatabase to meet your objectives including morethan600 items.Details:- Gym and Women Basic Guide- Improve your health with sex- Key Nutrients for Women- Increase Muscle in Women- It tones the muscles- Gaining weight tips if you're skinny- Women and gym 7 Myths- Effective butt exercises- Tips- Diets- Routines- TechnicalLet you wait, start today!
Handy Weight Loss Tracker, BMI 1.10.5
Easy Creation
Your personal Weight Tracker with BMI calculator and reminder.
Zumos Naturales
Context Apps
Existen plantas, frutas y verduras que son sumamente curativasparael organismo y también hay plantas cuyas infusionesresultanadecuadas para mantener y recobrar la salud. En lamedicinanatural, existe una propuesta interesante; la combinacióndefrutas, verduras y plantas para lograr excelentes Zumos quesonnutritivos y a la vez, muy curativos.
Licuados Para Bajar De Peso 4.0.0
Iwori App
Adelgazar no es una tarea fácil y máscuandonos encanta la comida poco saludable y no nos gusta muchohacerejercicios, sin embargo, últimamente vemos como muchaspersonas hantomado conciencia de lo beneficioso que es para nuestrasalud,llevar hábitos de vida saludables, que además de ayudarnosamantener nuestro peso ideal, también nos haga lucir ese cuerpoquetanto deseamos.En este momento están muy de moda las bebidas naturales, tantojugosde frutas y verduras y también las infusiones, ya que muchosdeellos nos ayudan a limpiar nuestro organismo, a mejorarnuestrosistema digestivo y lo que es mejor a bajar de peso, juntocon unaalimentación sana y ejercicio regular, y, es por eso que eldía dehoy deseo darles las recetas de 10 licuados para bajar depesonaturalmente, que les encantarán y les serán de granayuda.Weight loss is not aneasytask especially when we love unhealthy food and do not likemuchexercise, however, lately we see how many people have becomeawareof how beneficial it is to our health, lead a healthylifestyle,which besides helping us maintain our ideal weight, alsomake uslook that body we so desire.At this time are very fashionable natural beverages, bothfruitjuices and vegetables and infusions, as many of them help uscleanour body, improve our digestive system and what is best toloseweight together with healthy eating and regular exercise, andthatis why today I want to give 10 recipes for smoothies loseweightnaturally, they will love and they will be helpful.
WOS : Workouts & Nutrition 3.0.3
A personal trainer in your pocket. Be yourbestversion with W/OS. We will help you to improve your lifewithworkouts and nutrition plans totally customized and fitted toyourneeds.Choose your goals and train everywhere: At Home, Outdoors orGym,it’s your choice.Lose weight, increase your strength and resistance, gainmusclemass…Whatever your goal, you will get it with W/OS.Cardiotraining, fitness and HIIT (High IntensityIntervalTraining).Learn to eating healthy with the best nutrition specialists. Wehavea lot of delicious recipes, you only need to choose yournutritiontype, standard or vegetarian nutrition. With W/OS is soeasy toimprove your lifestyle, we give you the tools you need todoit.In addition, your W/OS personal trainer learns from you andyourprogress, and modify your workouts and diets to yourgoals.Accept the challenge and become a member of theWellness-FitnessW/OS Community. Don’t train alone, you can shareyour progress andworkouts with the rest of the communitymember.