Top 7 Apps Similar to Mejora la Eyaculacíon Precoz

Durar Mas en la Cama 1.0.0
DURAR MAS EN LA CAMA"Durar Mas en la Cama" es una aplicación queteproporcionauna guía completa para evitar la Eyaculación PrecozyDurar mastiempo haciendo el amor.Si quieres saber como durar mas en la cama, tienesqueaprenderalgunas técnicas y trucos. Con esta aplicación tendrásunaguíacompleta de los mismos. Podrás llevarlos en tu móvilcontigoyaplicar los trucos cuando lo necesites.Qué hace la aplicación "Durar Mas en la Cama"?Esta aplicación cuenta con suficiente información paraquedurescomo mínimo 20 minutos haciendo el amorencualquiercircunstancia.Esa información se basa en una serie de técnicasytrucosaltamente efectivos, probados científicamente, pararetrasarlaeyaculación precoz y quedar muy bien con tu pareja.Además, "Durar Mas en la Cama"explicavariosejercicios para realizar, los cuales hacendesaparecerlaeyaculación precoz de raíz en el 99% de loshombres.Por otra parte, a través de su sección "RemediosCaseros",podrásaprender que sustancias naturales ayudan a durar masen lacamaretrasando la eyaculación.Por último, podrás descargar la guía "5 Secretos paraControlarlaEyaculación Precoz" en pdf de regalo.Descarga ahora en tu móvil "Durar Mas en la Cama" y sorprendeaatu pareja esta misma noche!LAST MORE IN BED"last longer in bed" is an application thatgivesyoua complete guide to prevent premature ejaculation andlastlongermaking love.If you want to know how to last longer in bed, youhavetolearn some techniques and tricks. With this applicationyouwillhave a complete guide them. You can take your mobile withyouandapply the tricks when needed.What does the application "lastlongerinbed"?This application has sufficient information so thatyoumayendure at least 20 minutes making loveinanycircumstances.This information is based on a series ofhighlyeffectivetechniques and tricks, scientifically proven todelayprematureejaculation and look good with yourpartner.In addition, "Last Longer in Bed"explainsvariousexercises to do, which make disappear prematureejaculationroot in99% of men.Moreover, through its section "Home Remedies",youwilllearn that natural substances help last longer inbeddelayingejaculation.Finally, you can download the guide "5 Secretstocontrolpremature ejaculation" in pdf gift.Download now on your mobile "last longer inbed"andsurprise your partner tonight!
Como Dejar De Ser Precoz 0.1
Con esta app aprenderás a durar más enlacamagracias a una mejora en el control eyaculatorio...Descargaahoramismo y descubre todo acerca sobre como corregirlaeyaculaciónprecoz.Mi nombre es Alex Reyes y al igual que tu hepadecidodeeyaculación prematura, por lo que se de primera mano porloqueestas pasando... Déjame decirte que este problema tienesoluciónyesta al alcance de todo el mundo.Por ejemplo existen sencillos ejercicios que dejancomoresultadograndes mejoras en el 99% de los hombres.Por ultimo comentarte que dentro de esta app,podrásdescargarteun pequeño reporte en donde a modo de resumencuentocomo he curadomi eyaculación prematura, llegando a durar másde 20minutos en lacama. Todo esto de forma completamentegratuita.With this appyouwilllearn to last longer in bed thanks to improvedejaculatorycontrol... Download now and discover all about how tocorrectprematureejaculation.My name is Alex Reyes and like you have sufferedfromprematureejaculation, so you firsthand what you are going ...Letme tellyou that this problem has a solution and is withinreachofeveryone.For example there are simple exercises that leave resultinlargeimprovements in 99% of men.Finally let you know that within this app, you candownloadasmall report where as a summary story as I curedmyprematureejaculation, reaching last more than 20 minutes inbed.All thiscompletely free.
Vibrate Plus 1.20
Do you have back problems or just need some relaxation?ThenuseVibrate plus for relaxing massages. You can choosebetweenasimple, constant vibrating mode. Please do not abusethecommentaryfunction of the play store for dating purposes!Justleave afriendly review. Caution: This is not an app formedicaluse!
Stop Premature Ejaculation Now 1.0
Want To Learn How To last longer In Bed?Wantto learn how to stop premature ejaculation once and forever?If you do - then join us and start using the “LongerAction”App.Stop reading books about it, and self help guides. They didnothelp in the past, nor will in the future. Start trainingandimproving yourselfThe only way what helps is to train yourself away fromprematureejaculation. Start really doing something againstprematureejaculation by training yourself.After many positive feedbacks from patients we decided to usethepossibilities the smartphones add to our lives, and use them togiveback the pleasure of having longer action in bed again.So now we came up with an algorithm againstprematureejaculation. All you have to do is to really be committedand stickwith the training.You decide how long the training will be, and you decide onthefeatures the training has. The best thing however is tobereasonable and honest with yourself and use all possibilitiestheapp offers.Recent research showed that that on average women need12-14minutes to reach an orgasm. Whereas the average duration a mancanlast in bed is only 5 Minutes. Most man will however statehigher(up to 45 Minutes!!!!) since the time perception isheavilydistorted while one is in a state of bliss, what mostly doeshappenwhen a man is in bed with a woman.Another research showed that premature ejaculators can becuredwithin an average of 15 weeks.How it works:Set up: Design your training:In the first step you state how long you currently can gofor(e.g. 30 Seconds), and in a second step you decide how longyouwould like to go (e.g. 12 Minutes), and after how manytrainingsessions you would like to reach that goal (e.g. 30).The app keeps track on your success and training. Itgraduallyincreases the time until you reach where you want to goto.You can also add breaks (10 seconds where you stop“havingaction” ) or sounds (math questions, unsolvable questions,riddlesetc.) , what will distract you and takes your mind ofcertainimages and thoughts what will be take place while youhaveaction.Practice:So when you want to start with 30 Seconds and you would liketobe able to go for 12 Minutes and you want to have 30Trainingsessions to reach that goal, then the first Session will be30Seconds long.The second time then will be 53 Seconds long and you need totryto be able to go as long as 53 Seconds and finish off at the endofthe training and the app tells you so. If you succeed you canmoveto the next level (what in this sample will be 1 Minute and13Seconds), if you did not succeed you have to try again withthesame time you did not succeed previously. The App will keeptrackon where you stand and helps you reaching your goal on everystageby pausing you at certain pre-calculated points, andplayingdistracting sounds during your training. So every time yourestartthe app it will try to improve your training.Depending on how intensive you train yourself, in thesampleabove after 30 Sessions you will be able to easily go for12Minutes. Sometimes people need 5 weeks for that , sometimes3Month, but no matter how long they need for that, they are allmorefulfilled afterwards.Suggestion on setting up the app:Based on theses research above our suggestion would be tosetupthe app the following:Start with the time what is right for you (be honestandreasonable), and as a goal set yourself 14 Minutes. Set the appto45 Training Sessions and spread them over 15 weeks. That is 3timesper week where you have to use the app. Other times you go forit,feel free to go as fast as you like. But of course do as youfeelbest, but stick with the plan the app tells you, and chancesthatyou cure premature ejaculation will be very very high.Be Fair, and give the App a chance: Please do not leaveanyfeedbacks until you really completed a full cycle ofatraining.48b7c02f72
Massage Machine 1.0
Massage Machine
Kegel Trainer - Exercises 9.2.18
Kegel exercise plan for an easy way to strengthen your pelvicfloormuscles!
Premature Ejaculation Help 1.0
Worried by premature ejaculation?Doesprematureejaculation blight your sex life?Do you want improvement as soon as TONIGHT?This app will help you to understand whatcausesprematureejaculation and the steps you can take to banish itforgood.PLUS, we give you 3 techniques you can use as soon astonighttohelp overcome your premature ejaculation problem.Stuffed full of the information you need, plus helpandguidanceto regain your confidence in bed and become the loveryoualwaysknew you could be.Premature ejaculation is a problem that millions of mentheworldover suffer from and find almost impossible to discuss -withtheirpartners, their doctors or even their friends. Use thisappand youwon't have to.