Top 4 Apps Similar to Gestion Indoor

Gestion stock
Gestion stock est une application facilitantlagestion d'un réfrigérateur ou d'un placard.Vous avez toujours rêvé de gérer votre réfrigérateur ouvotreplacard? Cette application est faite pour vous. Elle peutvousaider au quotidien à gérer votre réfrigérateur ouvotreplacard.Bonne gestion!!Stock management isanapplication facilitating the management of a refrigeratororcupboard.Have you always dreamed of managing your refrigeratororcupboard? This application is for you. It can help you managedailyyour refrigerator or cupboard.Good management !!
Ploutos – Gestion de budget 1.2
Ploutos (anciennement GestionCarteRestauration) est une application de gestion de budget dontlemaître mot est « simplicité ». Elle vous permetd'enregistrerrapidement et simplement vos dépenses et de garder unœil sur lesolde courant, sans prise de tête.Quelques fonctionnalités en vrac :- Enregistrez vos dépenses en un clin d'œil- Supprimer une dépense erronée en la maintenantsimplementappuyée- Prédéfinissez vos dépenses habituelles pour aller encoreplusvite- Soyez notifié(e) lorsque votre solde passe en-dessous d'unseuilque vous pouvez déterminerListe des permissions demandées :- S'exécuter au démarrage : vous notifie dèsledémarrage de votre appareil si vous avez atteint le seuilprévudans les paramètres.Plutus (formerlyFoodManagement Card) is a budget management application whose wordis"simplicity". It allows you to quickly and easily recordyourexpenses and keep an eye on the current account, without thefuss.Some features in bulk:- Record your expenses in a snap- Delete incorrect expenditure now simply supported- Pre-define your usual expenses to go even faster- Be notified (e) when your balance drops below a threshold youcandeterminelist of the required permissions:- run at startup: notifies you when starting up yourdeviceif you have reached the threshold provided inthesettings.
MTC gestión 3.0.697
Application management and communication between technical teamsandcities
Stress Management 1.2
This application is developed by EmpoweredLifesessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaThis application contains tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress.Whenyou're feeling anxious or stressed, these strategies will helpyoucope. We also cover Stress management techniques and howtorecognize and reduce stress, solutions to make life morepositiveand productive.Stress is the most common cause of ill health,probablyunderlying as many as 70% of all visits to family doctors.The goodnews is that you can learn ways to manage it. Becomingproficientin stress management is essential for developingself-security andthe ability to effectively deal with thepressures.Learn better ways to manage your time. You may get more donewithless stress if you make a schedule.Sample:1) Lie face down on the floor and begin breathing deeply andslowly,with your hands resting under your face. Do this forfiveminutes.3) Make a list of the important things you need to handle eachday.Try to follow the list so you feel organized and on top ofthings.Put together a coping plan step by step so you have a senseofmastery.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: Dr. Nivedita