Top 16 Apps Similar to BrailleApp Free

Mario Ugedo
The best way to learn is by practicing.
Braille Helper 2.2.1
Simple utility for people who want tolearnenglish braille. The interface has been carefully designedtoensure accessibility for users who might not be familiarwithAndroid and who may also have some vision loss.- User-interface follows Action for Blind Peopleguidelines- Interactive tool helps you explore braille dots ortranslateexisting grade 1 braille- Translate words to braille (grade 1, uncontracted)- Includes TTS (text to speech)- Uncontracted (grade 1), SEB and UEB reference- Exercise/game: see how quickly you can translate 10 grade 1wordsrandomly selected from a dictionary of 5000- List of characters, contractions, punctuation, and theirbrailledotsDedicated to Syd Smith and Chris Fisher, more infohere:
Braille Alphabet 1.10
Learn the Braille alphabet with this application. If youhavesomeone visually impaired or with other visual dysfuntion inthefamily and want to learn the Braille alphabet now you can withthisapplication. Obviously you can not practice with mobile, it isnotpossible, but you will learn all the theoretical Braillelanguage.Our selected lessons and classes will help you understandthebraille with ease, and it is free. This application,BrailleAlphabet, is a beta pilot of the "Learn For Free" seriesversion,which include applications for learning languages ​​likeEnglish,Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Arabic andChinese,among others.
Traductor Braille 1.0
Con esta aplicación podrástraducircualquiertexto al lenguaje Braille.Además podrás ver el alfabeto Braille al completoWith thisapplicationyoucan translate any text to Braille language.Also you will see the full Braille alphabet
BraiLearn 1.8.1
Pablo Sarango
Aplicación que facilita elaprendizajedelBraile. Destinada a personas videntes como novidentes.Interfazsencilla y limpia que te permitirá introducir unapalabramedianteescritura o voz, para posteriormente serrepresentadaenbraile.Applicationthatfacilitates learning Braille. Destined to sightedpeople andblind.simple and clean interface that lets you enter aword by deedorword, then are displayed in Braille.
Braille Converter 1.0
Finds its counterpart in the desired expression of braille.
Braille Dictionary 1.0
Braille Dictionary onAndroidApplication(Eng-Thai)• To develop android application for blind who want tosearchthemeaning of vocabulary.• Can translate English braille letter to Thai meaning.• Can use Voice search.• To used our application as education tool for the blind.• Our application can increase knowledge and newsthataroundthemselves.• To use our application to be develop English skilloftheblind.BrailleDictionaryonAndroid Application (Eng-Thai).• To develop android application for blind who want tosearchthemeaning of vocabulary.• Can translate English braille letter to Thai meaning.• Can use Voice search.• To used our application as education tool for the blind.• Our application can increase knowledge and newsthataroundthemselves.• To use our application to be develop English skilloftheblind.
Greek Braille Code 1.0
A handy tool for learning greek Braille.
Braille Español 1.1
Consulta y aprende los símbolos del Brailledeseis puntos conocido como "integral" para el idiomaEspañol,incluye además vibracón morse en los puntos activos.
훈맹정음 점자학습 1.0.4
점자 학습용 어플리케이션 입니다. 기본적인 점자 설명과 점자표 그리고 점자 연습으로 구성되어있습니다. ※ 이어플리케이션은개인 포트폴리오 용도로 제작했습니다. ※ 2015.06.15 안드로이드 롤리팝에서 점자 연습시 점자가안찍히던 문제수정했습니다.
Teach`n Braille 1.3.4
Those on different modes in additiontotheBraillealphabeth, the special characters, the figuresalsotheshorthand in a very short time to learn. The followingmodesareavailable:Learning Mode:You can here display the relevant character withthecorrespondingBraille code.Training mode:In Random methods are proposed depending on selectionofletters,numbers, special characters and also shorthand. Onemustthen typethe corresponding Braille characters. In this mode,thelearning isparticularly effective. Faulty be typed stored inalist. This canbe specially trained if desired.Teach Mode:This feature allows to expand the existing in-app mark. Hereyoucanmark a grooming, enter the corresponding Braille dotsandthuscreate its own list, which can then be accessed inthelearningmodes and training modes.The characters are German, English and Spanish inthetrainablelanguages. The shorthand is available in GermanandEnglish writingin large numbers and trainable (or twoBraillefields). Asdescribed, it is possible to create your ownlists foralllanguages. The menu and the auxiliary file are German,EnglishandSpanish in the set languages.The free version has limited use.
The Android Braille Slate 1.0
THE QUESTION THAT ARISES IS “HOW CANAVISUALLYIMPAIRED PERSON USE A TOUCH PHONE?Modern Smartphones are now equipped with systems that canbeusedto create an environment in which visually impairedpeoplecanefficiently navigate and use a touch phone.‣This Android Braille Slate system makes use oftheTACTILEFEEDBACK AKA VIBRATION and the AUDIO FEEDBACK A.K.A SOUNDtocreatea user interface that requires no visual involvementtonavigatethrough and use efficiently.‣In the Braille slate the screen has 6 EVENLY SPACEDDOTSwhichrepresent the 6 dots of an actual Braille cell.‣The raised dots in the Braille cell are displayed assolidwhitecircles which vibrate when touched and inform the user ofthedotnumber through sound.Thereby simulating a real lifeexperienceoftouching a raised Braille dot‣Dots which are not needed in a particular Brailleletterarerepresented as circular outlines which simply inform theuseraboutthe cell number (through sound) when touched.These dotsdonotvibrate therefore indicating that they are not requiredintheparticular Braille formation.WORKING OF THE APPLICATION -‣ON LAUNCH – The User Will Be apprised of the instructionsonhowto navigate through the application through sound.A two Fingered swipe towards the left will start theapplicationanddisplay the first letter AThe application will then speak out the letter and a fewwordsthatbegin with that letter‣WORKING OF THE VIBRATING BRAILLE SYSTEM – When a Braillecelldotthat is required in the formation of the particular letteristouchedthe phone will vibrate and notify the user the Cellnumberthroughsound.The user figure out which letter is beingdisplayedby dragginghis finger to feel which dots are vibratingonthetouch-screen.If a dot that is not required in the formation is touchedtheuserwill just be notified of the dot number by sound andNOVIBRATIONwill occur.‣NAVIGATION THROUGH THE APP – A two finger swipe towardstheleftwill then show the next letterA two finger swipe towards the right will take the usertotheprevious letter.A two finger swipe from the top of the screen willreplaytheinstructions for the application.A one finger swipe from the top of the screen will replay thenameofthe letter and a few words that begin with that letterCREDITS -We Acknowledge the work of Professor Richard Ladner andhisteamat The University of Washington inVibratingBrailleTechnology.
점을찍자(Braille) 1.1
시각 장애인들의 보호자를 위한 기초 점자 교육 어플리케이션 입니다. 한글자음,한글모음, 약어, 특수문자, 숫자, 영어의 점자를 간단하게 볼 수 있습니다.Braille educationisthebasis for the application of Blind Guardian.Hangulconsonants,Hangul vowels, abbreviations, specialcharacters,numbers, and youwill see a simple Braille inEnglish.
Spanish Braille Alphabet 8.0.0
Learn the spanish tactile writing system used by people whoareblind
Μάθε Braille 6.1
To serious game που δημιουργήσαμε είναι ένα καινοτόμο λογισμικόγιατην εκμάθηση του ελληνικού και του αγγλικού κώδικα Braille.Hκαινοτομία του έγκειται στο ότι δίνει τη δυνατότητα στουςχρήστεςνα διδαχθούν, να κάνουν εξάσκηση αλλά και να εξακριβώσουντιςγνώσεις τους στον κώδικα Braille παίζοντας ένα παιχνίδι. Όπωςέχουνδείξει σχετικές έρευνες, σημαντικός παράγοντας για τηνποιότηταζωής των individuals with visual impairments είναι η γνώσητούκώδικα Braille. Για το λόγο αυτό, είναι σημαντικό τόσοτοοικογενειακό τους περιβάλλον όσο και οι εκπαιδευτές τους ναείναικαλοί γνώστες του συγκεκριμένου κώδικα. Σκοπός του λογισμικούείναινα τους διευκολύνει να αποκτήσουν αλλά και να διατηρήσουντιςγνώσεις τους στον κώδικα Braille. Το serious game πουαναπτύξαμεείναι application τύπου mobile learning και τρέχει σεmobile phonesand other portable devices με λειτουργικό android. Ηεφαρμογή "ΜάθεBraille" δημιουργήθηκε με την υποστήριξη τουΠανελληνίου ΣυνδέσμουΤυφλών - Περιφερειακή Ένωση ΚεντρικήςΜακεδονίας κατά τη διάρκειατων μαθημάτων πιστοποίησης στη γραφή καιανάγνωση του κώδικαBraille το φθινόπωρο του 2015. Θα θέλαμε ναευχαριστήσουμε τοσωματείο για την εποικοδομητική συνεργασία πουείχαμε κατά τηνεκπόνηση της έρευνας αξιολόγησης του λογισμικού.Paul D.Hatzigiannakoglou Maria T. Kampouraki Department ofEducational andSocial Policy School of Social Sciences, Humanitiesand ArtsUniversity of Macedonia Thessaloniki, Greece