Top 4 Apps Similar to Deutschland im Advent

Advent Wreath 1.10.0
triomis GmbH
The Advent app brings bring you back from the noisy everyday life
MyAdvent 1.7.0
Easy & personal online advent calendars for 2022!
2016 Advent Devotions 1.1
Fresno Pacific University andBiblicalSeminaryfaculty, staff and students have writtenAdventdevotionals for youto use and enjoy this Christmas season. Itisour hope that you willbe inspired in your relationship withGodthrough the celebration ofJesus’ coming to earth at Christmasandthe anticipation of hiscoming again.Blessings to you and Merry Christmas!=== Welcome from the 2016 Advent Devotions Booklet ===Calling All Peace-Builders“They shall beat their swords into plowshares, andtheirspearsinto pruning hooks.” —Isaiah 2:4In my estimation Christians these days tend to speakmoreaboutthe emotional and relational aspects of our faith thandidpreviousgenerations. I can scarcely recall a time, forexample,when mygrandparents or people in their age bracket readbooks aboutlovelanguages or naming your deepest feelings. For themfollowingJesusinvolved, first and foremost, a profound commitmenttodiscipleshipand tangible Christian service. As one elderlymanstated it to meseveral years ago, “We read the Bible anddoit.”I must quickly add, however, that I am all for thisrecentswellof interest in the inner life—just not at the expenseoffaithfuland courageous action. In reality the Gospel ofJesusinvolves boththe hope of inner peace as well as a call toradicalpeacemaking.We should not, and need not, choose one overtheother.As president of Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, Iamdelightedonce again to give you this Advent devotional.Mycolleagues and Ihave prepared it as a way of praising God forhisunfailinggoodness and thanking you for your encouragementandsupport. Asyou read the texts and reflect on ourassociatedcomments, we praythat you will be both renewed in spiritandstirred to action. Ifyou are, please pray for us as well!We thank you, O Lord, for the promise of peace thatpassesallunderstanding. Give us the courage—the will!—topromotelastingpeace in our war-torn and violent world.Terry L. Brensinger, Ph.D.,President of Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary and VicePresidentofFresno Pacific University
Advent Calendar 2019 3.2
You love Christmas period, especially for itsdecorations?Hangingthese decorations on your Christmas tree is aunique momentforyou? This application will delight you bydisplaying aChristmastree embellished with festive decorationsthroughoutDecember. Suchan advent calendar, a new decorativeelement is addedevery dayuntil the celebration of December 25th.Customize your ownXmaxtree: you can now place each decoration itemwhere you want ontheChristmas tree. And to make the most of yournew Christmas tree,donot hesitate to install the widget on yourscreen! In fact,thisapplication provides you with a widget, sized2x2, that willfiteasily on your desktop.