Top 6 Apps Similar to YMCA of Kokomo

Sobriety Counter - EasyQuit 2.3
sobriety counter app to help and motivate people to stopdrinkingalcohol
Stop Drinking Alcohol now 2
Stop Drinking Now - this app will helpYoutostop drinking alcohol. Get sober now and begin alifewithoutalcohol. Quit drinking and Your life will be mucheasier!Start asober life!Build Your personal alcohol diary and see the green daysinthecalendar that were the sober days without alcohol.Each day You will get a custom quote that will help YouonYourway against alcohol.Red days in the calendar are the bad days where You havebeenweakand drank alcohol. On these days You can make a note whyYouhad beenweak and put the reason for drinking alcohol as anote.You can alsoenter the amount of drinks that You had onweakdays.The app has a month calendar where You can mark the daysthatYouhad without drinking alcohol.How to use this app:This app will help You to stay sober for a long time andtostopdrinking alcohol.Each day You will get a special quote helping You toquitdrinkingalcohol.The app works as a diary for You alcohol consumption.USAGE of the app:Go to the day where You began to quit drinking alcoholandpresson it for a second.A menu will appear where You can enter how many drinks Youhadonthat day.If it was none, just press on "Save" and the day will begreeninthe calendar.All days that are green in the calendar show that Youhavebeensober.If You were weak and drank a drink one day, go on thatdaybypressing the day for a second, choose the number of drinksthatYougot and optionally Enter a text why You had a drink thatdayandhad been weak.This day will be red in the calendar then.The app will count the continous days that Yu have beensoberandshow You the amount of sober days. If You have a red day,theappwill start to count from zero again. So keep on andkeepsoberwithout alcohol and the days will count upwards!By using our Stop Drinking App You will get aperfectdiaryshowing You in an easy way, when You have been soberand whentherewere weak days (red in the calendar).You will recognize that the more You use this app thelessYouwill drink, because You will see that there are no goodreasonstoconsume alcohol. Just think about all the bad thingsthatalcoholcan do: destroy Your health (liver, heart and otherorgansin Yourbody and getting cancer), destroy Your family life,make Youlose alot of money and many more.So when stopping to drink alcohol You will:- Feel better- Look better- be more productive- have more fun in Your life- save money- have no more hangovers- have no more walk of shames- a better state of the liver (it will rejunevate) andYourotherorgans- a lower risk of cancer- all the pains and aches in Your body will slowly go awayInstead of drinking go and find a nice hobby andmakeniceactivities. This will help You.So go out and start Your sober life with this app andmakethefirst steps by making Your alcohol diary!Read the quotes each day - they will help You on Yourwayagainstalcohol.Download the free Stop Drinking now app immediately andstartYourpersonal alcohol diary in order to have a sober life fromnowon!
Stop Drinking Alkohol! Hypnose 26.0
+++NOT AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH++++++Bitte achten Sie darauf, die App nur mit einerWLAN-Verbindungzuinstallieren, es geht nicht über die Flatrateinnerhalb desGerätesselber+++Stop Drinking! Alkoholsucht und AlkoholproblemeüberwindenmitHypnose- Endlich nur noch wenig oder sogar keinen Alkoholmehrtrinkenkönnen- Jegliche Programmierungen bzgl. Alkoholtrinkenendlichloslassen- Wieder die volle Kontrolle über sich und seinLebenzurückbekommenSie wissen wahrscheinlich selbst, dass Sie zu vielAlkoholtrinkenund dass Ihnen das nicht gut tut? Oder Sie sindsogarschonalkoholabhängig? Auf jeden Fall möchten Sie gernaufhörenzutrinken, aber Sie schaffen es einfach nicht?DasklassischeHypnoseprogramm ""Stop Drinking! AlkoholsuchtundAlkoholproblemeüberwinden mit Hypnose"" unterstützt Sie dabei,IhreAlkoholsuchtin den Griff zu bekommen, in dem Sie IhreGefühlebesser wahrnehmenund anders deuten als bisher. Anhanddiesermentalen Unterstützungkann es Ihnen gelingen, Ihre Gedankenbzgl.Ihres Alkoholkonsums sozu verändern, dass Sie nur noch sovielAlkohol trinken, wie esIhnen körperlich, geistig undseelischguttut oder sogar ganz mitdem Alkoholkonsum aufzuhören. Sielernen,wieder selbst die volleKontrolle über Ihr Leben zu haben, sodassSie endlich das in IhremLeben erreichen, was Sie sich sosehrwünschen.WIRKUNG UND ANWENDUNG"Stop Drinking! Alkoholsucht und AlkoholproblemeüberwindenmitHypnose" ist ein Entspannungstraining, das wirksammitdenTechniken der klassischen Hypnose und desmentalenCoachingsarbeitet. Das 31-minütige Programm richtet sichanErwachsene undjunge Erwachsene, die ihren Alkoholkonsumreduzierenmöchten undMenschen mit einem echten Alkoholproblem, dievonihrerAlkoholabhängigkeit endlich loskommen möchten. UndauchAlkoholikerin Therapie finden durch die Hypnose mittelsderdirekten Ansprachedes Unterbewusstseins eine großementaleUnterstützung. KimFleckenstein hinterlässt mitdiesemAudio-Programm tiefe,unauslöschliche Eindrücke inIhremUnterbewusstsein, die Ihnenhelfen, den übermäßigenAlkoholkonsumendlich aufzugeben, wiederVerantwortung zu übernehmenund zuerkennen, was für Ihr Lebenwirklich wichtig ist.Um den bestmöglichen Effekt zu erzielen, sollten SiedasProgrammüber einen Zeitraum von mindestens 30 Tageneinmaltäglichhören.Das Programm wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. entwickelt.HIGHLIGHTS DER APP* Wirksames 30-minütiges Hypnoseprogramm -entwickeltundgesprochen von Hypnosetherapeutin Kim Fleckensteinnachdenneuesten Erkenntnissen der Hypnose!* Leichte, intuitive Bedienung und Anwendung – fürAnfängerunderfahrene Hypnoseanwender geeignet!* Höchste Qualität durch AufnahmeninprofessionellemTonstudio!* Hochwertige und auf das Programm abgestimmte MusikvondenProfimusikern von CSW Music!Dauer: ca. 31 MinutenBITTE BEACHTEN SIE:Bitte hören Sie dieses Programm nicht beim AutofahrenoderbeiTätigkeiten, die Ihre uneingeschränkteAufmerksamkeiterfordern.Das Programm ersetzt keinen Arztbesuch oderMedikamente,diekrankheitsbedingt benötigt werden.Hypnose ist prinzipiell für alle körperlich undgeistiggesundenMenschen geeignet. Sollten Sie intherapeutischerBehandlung sein,z.Bsp. aufgrund einer Depressionoder Psychose, und/ oderverschreibungspflichtige Medikamenteeinnehmen, halten Siebittevor Anwendung dieses ProgrammsRücksprache mit IhrembehandelndenArzt. Das Programm ersetzt keineBehandlung beikrankhaftenAngststörungen.Das Programm ersetzt keine BehandlungbeikrankhaftenAngststörungen sowie einennotwendigenAlkoholentzug!Wissenswertes über die Anwendung und WirkungsweisevonHypnose.Hörproben und weitere Angebote NOTAVAILABLEINENGLISH ++++++ Please make sure to install the app only withawirelessconnection, it does not go beyond the flat rate withinthedeviceitself +++Stop Drinking! Alcohol addiction and alcoholproblemsovercomewith hypnosis- Finally, very little or even can not drinkanymorealcohol-. Any programming regarding alcohol drinking finally let go- Again, get full control of himself and his life backYou probably know yourself that you drink too muchalcoholandthat you doing good? Or you are even addicted to alcohol?Inanycase you would like to stop drinking, but you do not makeiteasy?The classic hypnosis program "" Stop Drinking!Alcoholaddictionand alcohol problems overcome with hypnosis ""helps youget youralcohol addiction under control, in which you getyourfeelingsbetter and different point than before. On the basisofthesemental support can succeed you regarding yourthoughts.Youralcohol consumption to change so that you only drinksomuchalcohol as you physically, mentally and spiritually goodfororeven quit drinking. You learn, even to have you backfullcontrolof your life, so that you can finally achieve this inyourlife,what you will want so much.EFFECT AND APPLICATION"Stop Drinking! Alcoholism and alcohol problemsovercomewithhypnosis" is a relaxation exercise that workseffectively withthetechniques of classical hypnosis and mentalcoaching. The31-minuteprogram is designed for adults and youngadults wanting toreducetheir alcohol consumption and people with areal drinkingproblemwho want to get rid of their alcohol dependenceat last. Andalsoalcoholics in therapy find a great mental supportfrom thehypnosisby means of the direct address of thesubconscious.KimFleckenstein leaves with this audio programdeep,indelibleimpressions in the subconscious that will help youtofinallyabandon the excessive consumption of alcohol, againtotakeresponsibility and to recognize what is really importantinyourlife.To gain the maximum benefit, you should hear the programoveraperiod of at least 30 days once a day.The program was developed in collaboration with Herwig developed.HIGHLIGHTS OF THE APP* Effective 30-minute hypnosis program - developed and spokenbyahypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein according to the latestfindingsofhypnosis!* Easy, intuitive operation and application - forbeginnersandexperienced users hypnosis suitable!* Highest quality by recording in aprofessionalrecordingstudio!* High quality and adapted to the program music oftheprofessionalmusicians of CSW Music!Duration: about 31 minutesPlease note:Please do not listen to this program while drivingorduringactivities that require your full attention. The programdoesnotreplace a doctor's visit or drugs that are neededduetoillness.Hypnosis is basically suitable for all people physicallyandmentallyhealthy. If you are in therapeutic treatment, z.Bsp.duetodepression or psychosis, and / or taking anyprescriptionmedication,please keep this front application program,consultyour physician.The program does not replace any treatmentformorbid anxietydisorders.The program does not replace any treatment formorbidanxietydisorders as well as a necessary alcoholwithdrawal!Find out more about the application and effects ofhypnosis.Youcan find audio samples and other
Trinktagebuch 1.0.3
Document your alcohol consumption and find out if he's okay!
Quitzilla: Bad Habit Tracker 2.0.6
Sobriety & addiction counter to help with self-harm behaviororquit bad habits!
Deja el Alcohol en 9 Pasos 1.0
Is it hard too stop drinking? Do youwanttostop drinking and do not know how to quit? Would you liketobecomea healthier person and better habits?Then look no further and download Leave Alcohol in 9 Stepsinthisapp we offer diverse and very effective advice and tipstoletalcohol besides that we teach the great benefitsofquitting.So go ahead and download Leave Alcohol in 9 Steps andbeginstoenjoy a more full and healthy life.Do not forget to comment and rate, your opinions helpustoimprove and grow !!